Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Energy Shield Explained

Energy Shield is a Stats in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Read on to learn what skills and gems that have the Energy Shield tag, the affixes, Uniques, and what Energy Shield is!

What is Energy Shield?

Energy Shield In-Game Description

A defensive feature that acts as an additional health pool beyond the character's base health points. This is displayed as a blue light on your health orb.

Energy Shield Uniques

Unique Gear with Energy Shield

Name Type Implicit and Modifiers
Crest of Ardura Jingling Crest Shield ImageCrest of Ardura Jingling Crest Shield Shield Grants Skill:
・Raise Shield
Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Armour and Energy Shield
・X to Intelligence
・X% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
・X% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Alkem Eira Blazon Crest Shield ImageAlkem Eira Blazon Crest Shield Shield Grants Skill:
・Raise Shield
Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Block Chance
・X% increased Armour and Energy Shield
・X to Maximum Mana
・Damage Blocked is recouped as Mana
Candlemaker Sombre Gloves ImageCandlemaker Sombre Gloves Gloves Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Energy Shield
・X% to Fire Resistance
・X% reduced Cold Resistance
・Chance to Ignite is doubled
Apron of Emiran Hermit Garb ImageApron of Emiran Hermit Garb Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
・X to Dexterity
・X% reduced Bleeding Duration on you
・Bleeding you inflict is Aggravated
Husk of Dreams Shaman Mantle ImageHusk of Dreams Shaman Mantle Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X% Increased Armour and Energy Shield
・-X% to Fire Resistance
・X% to Chaos Resistance
・X% increased Flask Charges used
・X% chance for Flasks you use to not consume Charges
Necromantle Bone Raiment ImageNecromantle Bone Raiment Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X to maximum Life
・X to maximum Mana
・Minions gain X% of their Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield
・Minions Revive 50% faster
The Black Doubt HexerThe Black Doubt Hexer's Robe Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Energy Shield
・X to Intelligence
・Damage over Time bypasses your Energy Shield
・While not on Full Life, Sacrifice 10% of Mana per Second to Recover that much Life
The Black Doubt HexerThe Black Doubt Hexer's Robe Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Energy Shield
・X to Intelligence
・Damage over Time bypasses your Energy Shield
・While not on Full Life, Sacrifice 10% of Mana per Second to Recover that much Life
Prayers for Rain Keth Raiment ImagePrayers for Rain Keth Raiment Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Energy Shield
・X to Intelligence
・X% slower start of Energy Shield Recharge
・Energy Shield Recharge is not interrupted by Damage if Recharge began recently
Prayers for Rain Keth Raiment ImagePrayers for Rain Keth Raiment Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Energy Shield
・X to Intelligence
・X% slower start of Energy Shield Recharge
・Energy Shield Recharge is not interrupted by Damage if Recharge began recently
Prayers for Rain Keth Raiment ImagePrayers for Rain Keth Raiment Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Energy Shield
・X to Intelligence
・X% slower start of Energy Shield Recharge
・Energy Shield Recharge is not interrupted by Damage if Recharge began recently
Demon Stitcher Intricate Gloves ImageDemon Stitcher Intricate Gloves Gloves Fixed Modifiers:
・X to maximum Energy Shield
・X to maximum Life
・X% increased Cast Speed
・Sacrifice X% of Life to gain that much Energy Shield when you Cast a Spell
Demon Stitcher Intricate Gloves ImageDemon Stitcher Intricate Gloves Gloves Fixed Modifiers:
・X to maximum Energy Shield
・X to maximum Life
・X% increased Cast Speed
・Sacrifice X% of Life to gain that much Energy Shield when you Cast a Spell
Shackles of the Wretched Aged Cuffs ImageShackles of the Wretched Aged Cuffs Gloves Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Armour and Energy Shield
・You cannot be Chilled for 6 seconds after being Chilled
・You cannot be Frozen for 6 seconds after being Frozen
・You cannot be Ignited for 6 seconds after being Ignited
・You cannot be Shocked for 6 seconds after being Shocked
・Curses you inflict are reflected back to you
Killjoy Linen Wraps ImageKilljoy Linen Wraps Gloves Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
・X to maximum Life
・Life Flasks do not recover Life
・On-Kill Effects happen twice
KitokoKitoko's Current Jewelled Gloves Gloves Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Energy Shield
・X to Dexterity
・X% reduced Attack and Cast Speed
・Lightning damage from Hits Contributes to Electrocution Buildup
Luminous Pace Straw Sandals ImageLuminous Pace Straw Sandals Boots Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased movement Speed
・X to Intelligence
・X% reduced Energy Shield Recharge rate
・X% faster start of Energy Shield recharge
Luminous Pace Straw Sandals ImageLuminous Pace Straw Sandals Boots Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased movement Speed
・X to Intelligence
・X% reduced Energy Shield Recharge rate
・X% faster start of Energy Shield recharge
Wake of Destruction Secured Leggings ImageWake of Destruction Secured Leggings Boots Fixed Modifiers:
・X% Increased Armour and Energy Shield
・Adds X Lightning damage to attacks
・Drop Shocked Ground while moving, lasting 8 seconds
Wanderlust Wrapped Sandals ImageWanderlust Wrapped Sandals Boots Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased movement Speed
・X to maximum Energy Shield
・X to Dexterity
・Your speed is unaffected by slows
Bronzebeard Horned Crown ImageBronzebeard Horned Crown Helmet Fixed Modifiers:
・10% reduced Movement Speed
・X% increased Armour and Energy Shield
・X to maximum Life
・X% reduced Effect of Chill on you
・X% reduced effect of Ignite on you
・X% reduced effect of Shock on you
Crown of Thorns Twig Circlet ImageCrown of Thorns Twig Circlet Helmet Fixed Modifiers:
・X to maximum Energy Shield
・Lose 5 Life when you use a Skill
・X to Y Physical Thorns damage
・Pain Attunement
Forbidden Gaze Chain Tiara ImageForbidden Gaze Chain Tiara Helmet Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Energy Shield
・X% to Maximum Cold Resistance
・X% to Cold Resistance
・25% reduced Light Radius
Visage of Ayah Beaded Circlet ImageVisage of Ayah Beaded Circlet Helmet Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Energy Shield
・X% increased Rarity of Items found
・X% increased Critical Hit Chance
・Eldritch Battery
The Three Dragons Solid Mask ImageThe Three Dragons Solid Mask Helmet Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
・X% to all Elemental Resistances
・Fire Damage from Hits Contributes to Shock Chance instead of Ignite Chance and Magnitude
・Cold Damage from Hits Contributes to Ignite Chance and Magnitude instead of Chill Magnitude
・Lightning Damage from Hits Contributes to Freeze Buildup instead of Shock Chance
Crown of the Pale King Cultist Crown ImageCrown of the Pale King Cultist Crown Helmet Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Armour and Energy Shield
・X to maximum Life
・X% increased Rarity of Items found
・Thorns damage is triggered by all Hits
The Eternal Spark Crystal Focus ImageThe Eternal Spark Crystal Focus Focus Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Energy Shield
・X to maximum Lightning Resistance
・X% to Lightning Resistance
・X% increased Mana Regeneration Rate while stationary
Deathrattle Twig Focus ImageDeathrattle Twig Focus Focus Fixed Modifiers:
・X to maximum Energy Shield
・X% increased Spell Damage
・X to Intelligence
・X% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you Kill an enemy
Deathrattle Twig Focus ImageDeathrattle Twig Focus Focus Fixed Modifiers:
・X to maximum Energy Shield
・X% increased Spell Damage
・X to Intelligence
・X% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you Kill an enemy
Threaded Light Woven Focus ImageThreaded Light Woven Focus Focus Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Energy Shield
・X% increased Mana Regeneration
・X% increased Light Radius
・X% increased Spell Damage per 10 Spirit
Carrion Call Engraved Focus ImageCarrion Call Engraved Focus Focus Fixed Modifiers:
・X to maximum Energy Shield
・Minions have X% increased maximum Life
・X% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
・Minions' Resistances are equal to yours
Bitterbloom Feathered Robe ImageBitterbloom Feathered Robe Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X% to Cold Resistance
・X% increased Energy Shield
・X to Maximum Mana
・Energy Shield Recharge starts when you use a Mana Flask
Bitterbloom Feathered Robe ImageBitterbloom Feathered Robe Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X% to Cold Resistance
・X% increased Energy Shield
・X to Maximum Mana
・Energy Shield Recharge starts when you use a Mana Flask
Sierran Inheritance Marabout Garb ImageSierran Inheritance Marabout Garb Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
・X% to Lightning Resistance
・X% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
・The Effect of Chill on you is reversed
Sierran Inheritance Marabout Garb ImageSierran Inheritance Marabout Garb Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
・X% to Lightning Resistance
・X% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
・The Effect of Chill on you is reversed
Couture of Crimson Gilded Vestments ImageCouture of Crimson Gilded Vestments Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Armour and Energy Shield
・X% reduced maximum Life
・X% reduced Bleeding Duration on you
・Life Leech can Overflow Maximum Life
Ghostwrithe Tattered Robe ImageGhostwrithe Tattered Robe Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X to maximum Energy Shield
・X to Chaos Resistance
・X% of Maximum Life Converted to Energy Shield
Ghostwrithe Tattered Robe ImageGhostwrithe Tattered Robe Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X to maximum Energy Shield
・X to Chaos Resistance
・X% of Maximum Life Converted to Energy Shield
The Dancing Mirage Wayfarer Jacket ImageThe Dancing Mirage Wayfarer Jacket Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
・X% to Lightning Resistance
・X% less Damage taken if you have not been Hit Recently
・X% increased Evasion Rating if you have been Hit Recently
Gravebind Rope Cuffs ImageGravebind Rope Cuffs Gloves Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Armour and Energy Shield
・Gain X Life per Enemy Killed
・Gain X Mana per Enemy Killed
・Enemies killed by anyone in your Presence count as being killed by you instead
Plaguefinger Gauze Wraps ImagePlaguefinger Gauze Wraps Gloves Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
・X% increased Attack Speed
・X% chance to Poison on Hit
・All Damage from Hits Contributes to Poison Magnitude
The Devouring Diadem Wicker Tiara ImageThe Devouring Diadem Wicker Tiara Helmet Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Energy Shield
・X to Intelligence
・X% to Chaos Resistance
・Every 3 seconds, Consume a nearby Corpse to Recover 20% of Life
AtziriAtziri's Disdain Gold Circlet Helmet Fixed Modifiers:
・X to maximum Mana
・X% increased Rarity of Items found
・X% of Damage taken bypasses Energy Shield
・Gain X% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield
AtziriAtziri's Disdain Gold Circlet Helmet Fixed Modifiers:
・X to maximum Mana
・X% increased Rarity of Items found
・X% of Damage taken bypasses Energy Shield
・Gain X% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield
Mask of the Stitched Demon Feathered Tiara ImageMask of the Stitched Demon Feathered Tiara Helmet Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Energy Shield
・X% to Chaos Resistance
・Cannot have Energy Shield
・Regenerate X Life per second per Maximum Energy Shield
Mask of the Stitched Demon Feathered Tiara ImageMask of the Stitched Demon Feathered Tiara Helmet Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Energy Shield
・X% to Chaos Resistance
・Cannot have Energy Shield
・Regenerate X Life per second per Maximum Energy Shield
Mask of the Stitched Demon Feathered Tiara ImageMask of the Stitched Demon Feathered Tiara Helmet Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Energy Shield
・X% to Chaos Resistance
・Cannot have Energy Shield
・Regenerate X Life per second per Maximum Energy Shield
Bones of Ullr Lattice Sandals ImageBones of Ullr Lattice Sandals Boots Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Energy Shield
・X to maximum Life
・X to maximum Man
・Undead Minions have X% reduced Reservation
Windscream Feathered Sandals ImageWindscream Feathered Sandals Boots Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Movement Speed
・X% increased Energy Shield
・X to Intelligence
・Curses have no Activation Delay
Powertread Hunting Shoes ImagePowertread Hunting Shoes Boots Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Movement Speed
・X% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
・X to Intelligence
・X to Maximum Power Charges
Enfolding Dawn Pilgrim Vestments ImageEnfolding Dawn Pilgrim Vestments Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Armour and Energy Shield
・X to Spirit
・X% to all Elemental Resistances
・Intelligence provides no inherent bonus to Maximum Mana
Ghostmarch Threaded Shoes ImageGhostmarch Threaded Shoes Boots Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
・X to maximum Mana
・X% to Chaos Resistance
・Dodge Roll passes through Enemies
TetzlapokalTetzlapokal's Desire Votive Raiment Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Energy Shield
・X to Strength
・X% to Chaos Resistance
・Life Recharges
The Covenant Altar Robe ImageThe Covenant Altar Robe Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Energy Shield
・X to maximum Life
・X% of Spell Damage Leeched as Life
・Skills gain a Base Life Cost equal to 50% of Base Mana Cost
The Vertex Tribal Mask ImageThe Vertex Tribal Mask Helmet Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
・X% increased Critical Hit Chance
・X% to Chaos Resistance
・Equipment and Skill Gems have 50% reduced Attribute Requirements
Soul Tether Long Belt ImageSoul Tether Long Belt Belt Implicit: X% increased Charm Effect Duration
Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Charm Effect Duration
・X to maximum Energy Shield
・X to Intelligence
・You lose X% of Energy Shield per second
・Excess Life Recovery from Leech is applied to Energy Shield
Soul Tether Long Belt ImageSoul Tether Long Belt Belt Implicit: X% increased Charm Effect Duration
Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Charm Effect Duration
・X to maximum Energy Shield
・X to Intelligence
・You lose X% of Energy Shield per second
・Excess Life Recovery from Leech is applied to Energy Shield
Soul Tether Long Belt ImageSoul Tether Long Belt Belt Implicit: X% increased Charm Effect Duration
Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Charm Effect Duration
・X to maximum Energy Shield
・X to Intelligence
・You lose X% of Energy Shield per second
・Excess Life Recovery from Leech is applied to Energy Shield
Rondel of Fragility Lunar Amulet ImageRondel of Fragility Lunar Amulet Amulet Implicit: X to maximum Energy Shield
Fixed Modifiers:
・X to maximum Energy Shield
・X% increased Skill Speed
・X% increased Critical Hit Chance
・X% reduced to all Elemental Resistances
・X% increased Damage
Ligurium Talisman Lapis Amulet ImageLigurium Talisman Lapis Amulet Amulet Implicit: X to Intelligence
Fixed Modifiers:
・X to Intelligence
・X to maximum Energy Shield
・X to Spirit
・X to Intelligence
・Life Regeneration is applied to Energy Shield instead
Ligurium Talisman Lapis Amulet ImageLigurium Talisman Lapis Amulet Amulet Implicit: X to Intelligence
Fixed Modifiers:
・X to Intelligence
・X to maximum Energy Shield
・X to Spirit
・X to Intelligence
・Life Regeneration is applied to Energy Shield instead
The Everlasting Gaze Azure Amulet ImageThe Everlasting Gaze Azure Amulet Amulet Implicit: X% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
・X to maximum Mana
・50% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
・Gain X% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield
ShavronneShavronne's Satchel Fine Belt Belt Implicit: Flasks gain X charges per Second
Fixed Modifiers:
・Flasks gain X charges per Second
・X% reduced Flask Life Recovery rate
・X to Intelligence
・X% increased Flask Charges gained
・Life Recovery from Flasks also applies to Energy Shield
Ab Aeterno Grand Cuisses ImageAb Aeterno Grand Cuisses Boots Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Movement Speed
・X% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield
・Dodge Roll avoids all Hits
・X% less Movement and Skill Speed per Dodge Roll in the past 20 seconds
Blessed Bonds Linen Wraps ImageBlessed Bonds Linen Wraps Gloves Fixed Modifiers:
・X to Evasion Rating
・X to maximum Energy Shield
・Gain X Mana per Enemy Killed
・Inflict Cold Exposure on Igniting an Enemy
・Inflict Fire Exposure on Shocking an Enemy
・Inflict Lightning Exposure on Critical Hit
Keeper of the Arc Spiritbone Crown ImageKeeper of the Arc Spiritbone Crown Helmet Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Armour and Energy Shield
・X Life Regeneration per second
・X% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
・Alternating every 5 seconds: Take 30% less Damage from Hits or Take 30% less Damage over time
Morior Invictus Grand Regalia ImageMorior Invictus Grand Regalia Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield
・X% Increase to 2 random stat per Socketed Rune or Soul Core
Sandstorm Visage Chain Tiara ImageSandstorm Visage Chain Tiara Helmet Fixed Modifiers:
・X to maximum Energy Shield
・X to Dexterity
・Enemies in your Presence are Blinded
・Enemies in your Presence gain Critical Weakness every second
Sine Aequo Grand Manchettes ImageSine Aequo Grand Manchettes Gloves Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Skill Speed
・X% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield
・Immobilise enemies at X% buildup instead of 100%
・Enemies Immobilised by you take 25% less Damage
Beetlebite Velour Shoes ImageBeetlebite Velour Shoes Boots Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Movement Speed
・X% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
・Aggravate Bleeding on Enemies when they Enter your Presence
・100% increased Thorns damage
Skin of the Loyal Garment ImageSkin of the Loyal Garment Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X% to all Elemental Resistances
・Elemental Ailment Threshold is increased by Overcapped Chaos Resistance
・Armour is increased by Overcapped Fire Resistance
・Energy Shield is increased by Overcapped Cold Resistance
・Evasion Rating is increased by Overcapped Lightning Resistance
Skin of the Loyal Garment ImageSkin of the Loyal Garment Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X% to all Elemental Resistances
・Elemental Ailment Threshold is increased by Overcapped Chaos Resistance
・Armour is increased by Overcapped Fire Resistance
・Energy Shield is increased by Overcapped Cold Resistance
・Evasion Rating is increased by Overcapped Lightning Resistance
MahuxotlMahuxotl's Machination Omen Crest Shield Shield Grants Skill:
・Raise Shield
Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Armour and Energy Shield
・X% increased effect of Socketed Soul Cores
Oaksworn Sigil Crest Shield ImageOaksworn Sigil Crest Shield Shield Grants Skill:
・Raise Shield
Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Block chance
・X% increased Armour and Energy Shield
・X to Spirit
・X% to Chaos Resistance
VollVoll's Protector Ironclad Vestments Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X% increased Armour and Energy Shield
・25% reduced maximum Mana
・25% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Hit
Solus Ipse Grand Visage ImageSolus Ipse Grand Visage Helmet Fixed Modifiers:
・X to maximum Mana
・X% increased Light Radius
・X% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield
・Equipment and Skill Gems have X% increased Attribute Requirements
・You can use two copies of the same Support Gem in different Skills
Temporalis Silk Robe ImageTemporalis Silk Robe Body Armour Fixed Modifiers:
・X to maximum Energy Shield
・X% to all Elemental Resistances
・X% of Damage taken Recouped as Life
・X% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana
・Skills have -X seconds to Cooldown

List of Unique Equipment

Energy Shield Affixes

All Affixes with Energy Shield

• X% increased Armour and Energy Shield
• X% increased Maximum Energy Shield
• X to maximum Energy Shield
• X% increased Energy Shield
• X% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
• X% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
• Gain X% of maximum Energy Shield as additional Stun Threshold
• X% increased Energy Shield from Equipped Focus
• X% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
• X% of Maximum Life Converted to Energy Shield
• X% of Damage taken bypasses Energy Shield
• Gain X% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield
• Minions gain X% of their Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield
• X% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you Kill an Enemy
• Sacrifice X% of Life to gain that much Energy Shield when you Cast a Spell
• Gain X% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield
• Energy Shield Recharge is not interrupted by Damage if Recharge began Recently
• X% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield

Energy Shield Skills

Energy Shield in Ascendancy Skills

We're still checking out this skill tag. Please come back for more updates!

List of Ascendancy Skills

Energy Shield in Passives

We're still checking out this skill tag. Please come back for more updates!

Passive Skill Tree Guide and List of Passives

Energy Shield Gems

All Energy Shield Skill Gems

There aren't any gems that have this tag.

List of Skill Gems

All Energy Shield Support Gems

Gem Effects
Energy Barrier ImageEnergy Barrier ・Energy Shield recharge begins immediately and is not interrupted by Damage for 2 seconds when stunned while using supported skills
Shock Siphon ImageShock Siphon ・Recover 4% of Energy Shield when a supported skill deals a Killing Blow to a Shocked enemy

List of Support Gems

All Energy Shield Spirit Gems

Gem Effects
Barrier Invocation ImageBarrier Invocation ・When hit, gain 1 energy for each 5 Energy Shield lost to damage taken
・21% increased Energy gained
・Maximum Energy is 500
Ghost Dance ImageGhost Dance ・3.85 second duration between gaining Ghost Shrouds
・When Hit, Consume a Ghost Shroud to recover Energy Shield equal to 5% of your Evasion
Grim Feast ImageGrim Feast ・Grim Remnants recover 17 Energy Shield
・50% chance to spawn a Remnant when an enemy or Reviving Minion dies in your Presence

List of Spirit Gems

Path of Exile 2 Related Guides

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Glossary

Glossary and Basic Game Mechanics

All Glossary Guides

Ailment Ammunition Ancestral Boost
AoE Buff Chaining
Channelling Chaos Chill
Cold Curse Detonator
Dexterity Duration Energy Shield
Evasion Fire Grenade
Herald Intelligence Life Leech
Lightning Mark Melee
Meta Nova Payoff
Persistent Physical Projectile
Slam Spirit Strength
Strike Sustained Tailwind
Totem Travel Trigger


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