Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Rudja, Dread Engineer Boss Guide

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) - Rudja, Dread Engineer Boss Guide

Rudja, Dread Engineer is an Act 2 Main Boss in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). See the location, the drops or rewards, and tips on how to beat Rudja, Dread Engineer here.

How to Beat Rudja, Dread Engineer

Tips on Beating Rudja, Dread Engineer

Run From Rudja as She Starts Charging at You

Rudja's most devastating attack is when she starts charging at you while swinging her bomb-strapped weapon. Getting hit by this attack initiates an explosion that will most likely kill players in one hit.

Players should keep running or dodge rolling away from her and avoid attacking when she does this. Once the attack is over, players can use Rudja's recovery period to deal damage.

Mobility Tips

While it may seem that Rudja outspeeds you in base movement speed, you can outspeed her when you equip any boots with Additional Movement Speed as a modifier. If you do not have boots with this modifier, you can try slowing her down with Chill and Freeze!

List of Boots

Stay Away From Rudja's Fire Bombs

Rudja Fire Bombs

Aside from her charging attack, players should stay clear of Rudja's firebombs. These bombs detonate after a set duration, and getting caught in their cluster of explosions deals lethal damage to players.

Avoid Rudja's Flamethrower Attacks

Lastly, players should also avoid Rudja's flamethrower attacks, as getting caught in its line of fire can quickly drain the players' life pool. Players should try to get near Rudja's sides or behind and start circling her until the attack is over to avoid it.

Rudja, Dread Engineer Location

Mawdun Mine - Act 2

You will encounter Rudja, Dread Engineer, at the Munitions Bunker at the end of the Mawdun Mine as part of The Trail of Corruption Quest in Act 2.

Mawdun Mine Location, Quests, and Bosses

Mawdun Mine Layout

It is important to note that the areas are randomly generated and that the maps used are meant to serve as a general guide to the map layout.

Rudja, Dread Engineer Movesets

List of All Moves

Moves Details and Tips
"Slow down!"
Tar Grenade

Rudja throws a grenade that explodes and leaves behind tar. The pool is flammable, and can also slow you down.
How to Dodge: Stay away from the tar that gets left behind, as it leaves you vulnerable to taking damage.
Direct Stun Grenade

Throws a grenade at the player that stuns upon impact.
How to Dodge: Dodge to the side when you see Rudja wind up to throw a grenade.
"Deep breath!"
Gas Grenade

Throws a grenade that releases poisonous gas.
How to Dodge: Avoid staying in or passing through the green gas the grenade leaves behind.
Rudga uses her flamethrower and fires it at an arc
How to Dodge: Rudja swings the flamethrower very slowly. You may position yourself behind the boss to avoid taking damage and counterattack. You may also dash through the flames if you are caught in the middle of it.
Stun Grenade Toss
Throws 3 stun grenades that detonate after a short delay.
How to Dodge: The grenades emit a red light and grows brighter as they are about to detonate. Use the attack's short delay to move away from the grenades.
Dash Throw
Dashes a short distance away and throws a stun grenade.
How to Dodge: Once you see Rudja dash away, expect a stun grenade immediately after and dodge to the side.
"For the king!"
Grenade Charge

Activates a grenade and attaches it to her weapon before charging towards you. Rudja will constantly swing at you until it makes contact or until the grenade explodes.
How to Dodge: Keep moving and dodging away during the attack. If Rudja does not manage to hit you within the attack's duration, the grenade will explode and stun the boss instead. This gives you ample time to counterattack.
"Burn burn burn!"
AOE Fire Circle

Throws tar grenades all around the area before using the flamethrower in all directions.
How to Dodge: Circle around the boss as the flames follow you. You may also dash through the flames if the attack catches up to you.

Rudja, Dread Engineer Overview and Rewards

Basic Info

Path of Exile 2 - Rudja, Dread Engineer Act 2 Boss
Location Act 2
Mawdun Mine
Resistances ・ Fire
・ Physical
Weaknesses ・ Cold
Damage Types ・ Physical
・ Fire
Debuffs ・ Ignite
・ Burning Ground
・ Fire Exposure
・ Caustic Ground
・ Oiled Ground


・ The Trail of Corruption quest progress

Defeating Rudja, Dread Engineer grants these rewards, either as direct drops or as a quest completion bonus.

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1 Anonymous3 months

"just keep running away" she is faster than you that is not possible with all builds, i hate that they made bosses like this when there is no clear path to obtain what is needed to overcome the challenge. I'm not ABLE to kill it because I'm too slow and i have no idea how to fix that with my mage.


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