Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Jamanra, the Abomination Boss Guide

Path of Exile 2 - Jamanra the Abomination
Jamanra, the Abomination is the Act 2 Final Boss in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). See the location, the drops or rewards, tips on how to beat Jamanra, the Abomination, and a list of its moves and mechanics here.

Jamanra Boss Guides
Jamanra, the Risen King Jamanra, the Abomination

Jamanra, the Abomination Location

Dreadnought Vanguard - Act 2

You'll encounter Jamanra the second time at the end of Act 2 in the Dreadnought Vanguard as Jamanra, the Abomination. Defeating Jamanra, the Abomination completes the second act of the game.

Dreadnought Vanguard Location, Quests, and Bosses

Dreadnought Vanguard Layout

It is important to note that the areas are randomly generated and that the maps used are meant to serve as a general guide to the map layout.

Jamanra, the Abomination How to Beat

Tips on Beating Jamanra, the Abomination

Stay Behind Asala to Protect Yourself from the Sand Storm

Stay Behind Asala

During Phase 1, Jamanra can summon a sandstorm which deals a great amount of damage when exposed to. Stay behind Asala to get protected from the storm. Asala's storm protection extends all the way to the other end of the boss arena so there's a lot of space to move around to deal with the additional enemies.

Dodge Roll Through Stage Hazards

Path of Exile 2 - Dodge Roll Through Obstacles Against Jamanra

In Phase 2, the arena is filled with hazards like lightning fences and blade-shooting gates, making navigation tricky. You can Dodge Roll through these obstacles to avoid most damage. However, be cautious—you cannot Dodge Roll through the Tornados.

Get Different Sources of Life and Mana Recovery

Recommended Sources of
Life and Mana Recovery
・ % Life Regeneration from Passive Tree nodes
・ Flat Life Regeneration modifiers
・ Increased Mana Regeneration modifiers
・ “Gains X Charges per Second” Flask modifier

Jamanra’s fight can be lengthy and drain your resources over time. To endure, ensure multiple recovery options for Life and Mana. If Regeneration isn’t viable, use Life and Mana flasks with the “Gains X Charges per Second” modifier to maintain flask charges and boost your survival chances during long boss fights.

Mitigate Damage by Getting More Lightning Resistance

Path of Exile 2 - Get more Lightning Resistance Against Jamanra the Abomination

Many of Jamanra's attacks deal Lightning damage. Increasing your Lightning Resistance significantly reduces his damage, helping with surviving one-shots and reducing Life Flask usage. Rings and Charms are cheap and good ways to boost your Lightning Resistance.

Get the Permanent Lightning Resist Upgrade

The Sisters of Garukhan altar at the Spires of Deshar of Act 2 gives a permanent +10% to Lightning Resistance upgrade. Make sure to grab this before fighting Jamanra, the Abomination.

Sisters of Garukhan Guide

Jamanra, the Abomination Moveset and Mechanics

Moves and Mechanics by Phase
Phase 1 Phase 2

Phase 1 Moves and Mechanics

Move or Mechanic Details & How to Dodge
“We repay in kind!”
or “Justice!”
Pillar Slam

Calls forth pillars in front of him to do a Slam attack. This move is fairly slow but don't underestimate it's range. Try to get behind Jamanra to ensure you don't get hit by this attack.
“Vastiri vengeance!”
“By the sands!

Conjures a sandstorm that deals physical damage when exposed. Stay behind Asala's barrier to be protected from the storm and deal with the additional enemies that spawn.
“Desert justice!”
Arcing Pillars

These two pillars with lightning arcing between them are pretty fast and can deal a lot of damage when ignored. It's best to stop attacking here and focus on Dodge Rolling this attack when possible.
“For my People”
Roaming Pillars

Summons two pillars that arcs lightning between them and roams around the arena. You can use the Dodge Roll as they approach you to avoid damage.
Beam Lightning
Fires bolts of lightning in front of him which spreads out to his sides. Stay behind Jamanra to completely avoid all damage from this skill, or Dodge Roll through the bolts of lightning to escape.

Phase 2 Moves and Mechanics

Move or Mechanic Details & How to Dodge
“Our gift to you!”
“Forge of hate!”
“Take our hate!”

Prepares a sword and does an unblockable vertical slash after a short delay. This attack hits you slower than you would expect it. Wait for the delay and dodge accordingly.
“We will have blood!”
Lightning Fence

Summons two static pillars with lightning arcing between them which slows you when you get hit. You can Dodge Roll through the lightning to avoid damage and the Slow it applies.
“Winds, to me!”

Summons a tornado that roams around the stage and deals physical damage. Always be aware of the Tornado location in the arena and determine the safest spot to fight.
“The Maraketh will pay!”
Unblockable Horizontal Slash

Prepares a halberd and does an unblockable wide slash. Dodge Roll away at the right time to move out of this attack's range.
“We will blot out the sun!”
“Ten thousand spears!”
Projectile Barrage

Summons multiple blades to fire at you. Quickly move out of your position to avoid any of the projectiles as much as possible.
“You will be forgotten”
“I will erase you!”
“I will grind you to dust!”
Lightning Balls

Conjures multiple lightning balls that slowly creep out forward. Quickly plan your route to the opposite side of the stage and get there as soon as you can.
“Endless hate!”
Projectile Gates

Jamanra summons a gate that constantly shoots out projectiles. This skill denies a big portion of the stage but you can Dodge Roll through it to avoid damage.
Random Lightning Bolts
At the later stages of this phase, lightning bolts randomly hit the boss arena. Always look out for these orange vertical lines near you react accordingly to not get hit.

Jamanra, the Abomination Overview and Rewards

Basic Info

Path of Exile 2 - Jamanra, the Abomination Act 2 Boss
Location Act 2
Dreadnought Vanguard
Resistances ・ Physical
・ Lightning
・ Fire
Weaknesses ・ Cold
Damage Types ・ Physical
・ Lightning
Debuffs ・ Shock
・ Tornado
・ Slowed


・ The Trail of Corruption quest completion

Defeating Jamanra, the Abomination grants these rewards, either as direct drops or as a quest completion bonus.

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Related Guides

Path of Exile 2 - All Bosses Partial Banner
List of Bosses

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All Act 2 Bosses

Rathbreaker Rudja, Dread Engineer Balbala, The Traitor
L'im the Impaler Jamanra, the Risen King Kabala, Constrictor Queen
Zalmarath, the Colossus Tor Gul, the Defiler Ekbab, Ancient Steed
The Ninth Treasure of Keth Azarian, the Forsaken Son Watchful Twins
Jamanra, the Abomination Sisters of Garukhan -

All Act 3 Bosses

Rootdredge Mighty Silverfist Blackjaw, the Remnant
Xyclucian, the Chimera Zicoatl, Warden of the Core Ignagduk, the Bog Witch
Mektul, the Forgemaster Queen of Filth Ketzuli, High Priest of the Sun
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Bahlak, the Sky Seer Uxmal, the Beastlord Chetza, the Feathered Plague
Rattlecage, the Earthbreaker Terracota Sentinels Ashar, the Sand Mother

Pinnacle Bosses

Zarokh, the Temporal Xesht, We That Are One The Arbiter of Ash
The Trialmaster Kosis, the Revelation Omniphobia, Fear Manifest


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