Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

The Arbiter of Ash Boss Guide

Path of Exile 2 - The Arbiter of Ash

The Arbiter of Ash is a Pinnacle Boss in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). See the location, the drops or rewards, and tips on how to beat The Arbiter of Ash here.

PoE 2 IconAttention! We are currently rushing out guides as quickly as possible. More details will be added to this page soon!

The Arbiter of Ash Location

Use the Crisis Fragments at the Burning Monolith's Sealed Passageway

Path of Exile 2 - The Arbiter of Ash Location

To face the Arbiter of Ash, you must use three different Crisis Fragments at the Sealed Passageway in the Burning Monolith. This will unlock the entrance to the pinnacle boss fight.

Obtain Crisis Fragments at the Atlas Citadels

Crisis Fragments and Locations
Path of Exile 2 - Ancient Crisis Fragment Ancient Crisis Fragment
(Iron Citadel)
Path of Exile 2 - Weathered Crisis Fragment Weathered Crisis Fragment
(Copper Citadel)
Path of Exile 2 - Faded Crisis Fragment Faded Crisis Fragment
(Stone Citadel)

Crisis Fragments are obtained by defeating the bosses found in the Citadels that randomly spawn in the Atlas. The Ancient Crisis Fragment can be acquired from the Iron Citadel, the Weathered Crisis Fragment from the Copper Citadel, and the Faded Crisis Fragment from the Stone Citadel.

Waystone Drop Chance Increases the Odds for More Crisis Fragments

Increases in “Waystone Drop Chance” improves the the number of Crisis Fragments that drop after defeating a Citadel boss. While each boss guarantees one fragment, this stat, available from the Waystone you use or the Atlas Passive Tree, raises the odds of extra Crisis Fragment drops. However, using Waystones with higher drop chances may come with more challenging map modifiers, so plan accordingly.

How to Beat The Arbiter of Ash

Stay Inside the Flame Bombs to Avoid a One-Shot Death

Path of Exile - Stay Inside the Flame Bombs.png

The Arbiter of Ash deploys flame bombs throughout the fight, creating a constant hazard that can instantly kill most characters. The only safe area is the small zone directly beneath each bomb. Position yourself carefully to remain inside these zones when the bombs detonate.

On the Second Phase, Wait for the Laser and the Dive Bomb First

During the second phase, the flame bomb mechanic becomes more complex. For the first bomb in this phase, a laser beam sweeps through the safe zone just before the bomb explodes. It is crucial to wait for the laser to end before moving under the bomb.

For the second bomb, the Arbiter of Ash performs a dive bomb attack aimed at the center of the flame bomb's safe spot. Wait for this dive bomb to finish before stepping into the safe area then immediately dodge away to avoid the vertical slash follow up with a vertical slash.

The Arbiter of Ash Overview and Rewards

Basic Info

Path of Exile 2 - The Arbiter of Ash Atlas Boss
Location Atlas
The Burning Monolith
Resistances ・ Physical
・ Fire
・ Cold
・ Lightning
Weaknesses ・ None
Damage Types ・ Physical
・ Fire
Debuffs ・ Ignite
・ Chill
・ Burning Ground


・ Arbiter Atlas Passive Point

Defeating The Arbiter of Ash grants these rewards, either as direct drops or as a quest completion bonus.

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Pinnacle Bosses

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