Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Fire Explained

Fire is a Skill Tag in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Read on to learn what skills and gems that have the Fire tag, the affixes, Uniques, and what Fire is!

What is Fire?

Fire In-Game Description

Fire damage is one of the five damage types. It is reduced by fire resistance. Fire hits have a chance to ignite based on how much fire damage is dealt.

Fire Uniques

Unique Gear with Fire

We're still checking out the Uniques that has this tag!

List of Unique Equipment

Fire Affixes

All Affixes with Fire

• X% to Fire Resistance
• Adds X Fire Damage
• Allies in your Presence deal X additional Attack Fire Damage
• X% increased Fire Damage
• Gain X% of Damage as Extra Fire Damage
• Adds X Fire Damage to Attacks
• X to Level of all Fire Spell Skills
• Damage Penetrates X% Fire Resistance
• X% to Maximum Fire Resistance
• Attacks Gain X% of Damage as Extra Fire Damage
• Fire Damage from Hits Contributes to Shock Chance instead of Ignite Chance and Magnitude
• Enemies in your Presence are Ignited as though dealt X Base Fire Damage
• X% of Fire Damage Converted to Cold Damage
• X% of Elemental Damage Converted to Fire Damage
• X% of Physical Damage taken as Fire Damage
• X% of Fire Damage from Hits taken as Physical Damage
• X% to Fire Resistance while on Low Life

Fire Skills

Fire in Ascendancy Skills

We're still checking out this skill tag. Please come back for more updates!

List of Ascendancy Skills

Fire in Passives

We're still checking out this skill tag. Please come back for more updates!

Passive Skill Tree Guide and List of Passives

Fire Gems

All Fire Skill Gems

Gem Effects
Artillery Ballista ImageArtillery Ballista Ballista:
・Totem duration is 16 seconds
・Limit 1 Totem
・Totem Base Attack Time is 2.5 seconds
・Totem uses its own weapon dealing 25 to 38 Base Physical Damage
・Converts 60% of Physical damage to Fire damage
・Bolt explosion radius is 0.5 metres.
Cast on Ignite ImageCast on Ignite ・Gains 20 Energy when you Ignite an enemy with a Hit from a Skills
・Once per Skill Use
・Triggers all Socketed Spells and loses all Energy on reaching Maximum Energy
・Has 10 maximum Energy per 0.12 seconds of base cast time of Socketed Spells
Cluster Grenade ImageCluster Grenade Primary Grenade:
・Converts 20% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・Explosion Radius is 2.5 metres
・Fuse duration is 2 seconds
Mini Grenades Convert 40% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage;Explosion Radius is 1.2 metres;Fuse Duration is 3 seconds;and Fire exactly 14 grenades in a Nova:
Detonate Dead ImageDetonate Dead ・Deals (6–169) to (9–254) Fire Damage
・Deals Physical damage equal to 20% of Corpse's maximum Life
・Explosion radius is 2.6 metres
Detonating Arrow ImageDetonating Arrow Arrow:
・Gain 120% of damage as extra Fire Damage per stage
・Max 4 stages
・Explosion radius is 1.8m
Ember Fusillade ImageEmber Fusillade ・Deals 13-19 Fire Damage
・Embers deal 5% more damage for each previous Ember fired in sequence
・Hover duration is 1.3 seconds
・Can Accumulate up to 6 embers
Explosive Grenade ImageExplosive Grenade ・Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・Explosion radius is 1.8 meters
・Fuse duration is 2.5 seconds
Explosive Shot ImageExplosive Shot Explosive Shot - Projectile:
・Converts 30% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・Knocks Back enemies
Explosive Shot - Explosion:
・Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・Knocks Back enemies
・Explosion Radius is 2.6 metres
・30% less reload speed
・1 bolt loaded per clip
Fireball ImageFireball ・Deals 46 to 68 Fire Damage
Firestorm ImageFirestorm ・Deals 26 to 39 Fire Damage
・Impact Radius is 1 Metre
・Storm Radius is 5.6 Metres
・Storm duration is 6 seconds
・One impact every .1 seconds
・Limit 1 Firestorm
Flame Wall ImageFlame Wall ・Wall duration is 4.5 Seconds
・Projectiles which pass through the wall deal 2 to 3 added Fire Damage
・Ignites as though dealing 13 to 20 Fire Damage
Flameblast ImageFlameblast ・Deals 28 to 43 Fire Damage
・30% more Cast Speed when tartgeting a Solar Orb
・200% more damage per stage
・10 maximum stages
・Explosion radius is 0.4 metres per stage
Flammability ImageFlammability ・Curse applies after 1.0 second delay
・Curse radius is 1.7 metres
・Cursed enemies have -32% to Fire resistance
・Curse duration is 6.4 seconds
Gas Arrow ImageGas Arrow Arrow:
・Impact Radius is 1.8 metres
Poison Cloud:
・Attack Damage: 180%
・Does not Hit, but Poisons enemies as though Hitting them
・Gains 50% more AoE per second up to 200%
・Cloud duration 4 seconds
・Cloud radius 1.8 metres
・Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
Gas Grenade ImageGas Grenade Impact:
・Impact radius is 1.5 meters
・Fuse duration is 2 seconds
Poison Cloud:
・Attack Damage: 128%
・Does not Hit, but Poisons enemies as though Hitting them
・Gains 20% more area of effect per second, up to a maximum of 160%
・Cloud radius is 1.5 meters
・Attack Damage: 342%
・Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
Incendiary Shot ImageIncendiary Shot Incendiary Shot:
・Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・Knock back enemies
・100% more chance to Ignite enemies
・Bolts shatter on impact dealing damage in a 1.9M cone
・Multiple fragments can hit the same target
・Multiple fragments that hit the same target will combine into a single hit
・Fires 10 Fragments per shot
・1 Bolt loaded per clip
Incinerate ImageIncinerate ・50% less ignite duration
・Cone length is 4.6 metres
・Deals 40% more damage per stage
・Inflicts stacking Fire exposure at maximum stages, reducing Fire Resistance by 4% per stack, up to a maximum of 50%
・8 maximum stages
・Ignites as though dealing 28 to 42 Fire Damage.
Molten Blast ImageMolten Blast Projectile:
・Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・While Dual Wielding, fire twice as many projectiles with 30% less attack speed
・Explosion radius is 1.6 metres
・Attack Damage: 114%
・Converts 100% Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・Fires 8 Projectiles
Oil Grenade ImageOil Grenade ・Covering enemies in Oil Slows their movement speed by 20%
・Covering enemies in Oil applies Fire Exposure, lowering total Fire Resistance by 20%
・Oil Ground slows enemy movement speed by 30%
・Oil Ground applies Fire Exposure to enemies, lower total Fire Resistance by 20%
・Oil spray radius is 2.2 metres
・Oil and Oil Ground duration is 5 seconds
・Fuse Duration is 1.6 seconds
Perfect Strike ImagePerfect Strike Normal Strikes:
・Converts 40% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・While Dual Wielding, both weapons hit with 30% less damage
Perfect Strike:
・Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・+14 to Melee Strike Range
・While Dual Wielding, both weapons hit with 30% less damage
・Always Ignites
・0-20% increased Magnitude of Ignite you inflict (from Quality)
Rapid Shot ImageRapid Shot Rapid Shot:
・Converts 60% of Physical to Fire Damage
・Knocks Back enemies
・Maximum 17 Heat
・Rapid Shots Gain 7% of Damage as extra Fire damage per Heat
・Charges for 800% of Attack Time before firing when you have no Heat
・Gain Heat 4x per second while firing
・Grenades Gain 6% extra Fire damage per Heat
・50% less reload speed
・50 bolts per clip
Siege Cascade ImageSiege Cascade Siege Cascade - Impact:
・Convert 80% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・fire bolts at every enemy within a 2.5-metre radius
・Bolt explosion radius is 0.5 meters
・200% more damage against immobilized enemies
Siege Cascade - Explosion:
・Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・Fires Bolts at every enemy within a 2.5 metre radius
・Bolt explosion radius is 1 metre
・200% more damage against immobilised enemies
・50% less reload speed
・1 Bolt loaded per clip
Skeletal Arsonist ImageSkeletal Arsonist ・Summons Bomb-Throwing
・Reviving Skeletal Arsonists
・Can detonate other Minions on Command
Skeletal Sniper ImageSkeletal Sniper Minion:
Command: Gas Arrow - Impact:
・Cooldown Time: 8.00s
・Attack Speed: 120% Base
・Attack Damage: 70%
Command: Gas Arrow - Poison Cloud:
・Does not hit, but Poisons enemies as though hitting them
・Gains 40% more area of effectper second, up to a maximum of 200%
・Cloud Duration is 8s
・Cloud Radius is 1.4 metres
Command: Gas Arrow - Explosion:
・Converts 100% of Physical damage to Fire Damage
Solar Orb ImageSolar Orb ・Deals 11 to 16 Fire Damage
・Pulses every 1.4 seconds
・Explosion radius is 2.5 metres
・Orb duration is 10 seconds
・Limit to 1 Solar Orb
Volcanic Fissure ImageVolcanic Fissure ・Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・While Dual Wielding both weapons hit with 30% less attack speed
・Fissure duration is 12 seconds

List of Skill Gems

All Fire Support Gems

Gem Effects
Armour Explosion ImageArmour Explosion Support:
・Supported skills trigger an explosion when they Fully Break an enemy's Armour
・Converts 100% of Physical damage to be Fire Damage
・Explosion radius is 1.4 metres
Burning Inscription ImageBurning Inscription Support:
Burning Inscription:
・Creates Ignited Ground dealing Fire damage equal to 20% of your maximum Mana
Elemental Discharge ImageElemental Discharge Support:
・Supported skills cannot inflict Freeze, Shock, or Ignite
・Supported skills consume Freeze, Shock, or Ignite on hit to trigger Elemental Discharge
Elemental Discharge:
・Cooldown time: 1,00s
・Cast Time:1.00s
・Critical Hit Chance: 10.00%
・Consuming Freeze deals 30%-50% of your INT as Cold Damage
・Consuming Ignite deals 35%-55% of your INT as Fire Damage
・Consuming Shock deals 1%-80% of your INT as Lightning Damage
Eternal Flame ImageEternal Flame ・Supported skills have 100% increased Ignite duration on enemies
・Supported skills have 25% less chance to Ignite
Fiery Death ImageFiery Death ・Killing Blows from Supported Strike Skills against Ignited enemies have a 60% chance to cause the enemy to explode
Fire Exposure ImageFire Exposure ・Supported skills inflict Fire Exposure for 8s on igniting an enemy
・Supported skills deal 25% less damage
Fire Infusion ImageFire Infusion ・Supported attacks gain 25% of damage as extra fire damage
・Supported attacks deal 50% less cold and lightning damage
Fire Mastery ImageFire Mastery ・1 to level of supported Fire skills
Fire Penetration ImageFire Penetration ・Supported skills penetrate 50% Fire Resistance
Frostfire ImageFrostfire ・100% more magnitude of Ignite inflicted on Frozen targets with supported skills
・Supported skills cannot cause Freeze buildup
・ Supported skills Consume Freeze from enemies they Ignite
Ignition ImageIgnition ・Supported skills have 100% more chance to ignite.
Immolate ImageImmolate ・Supported Skills cannot Ignite
・Supported Attacks Gain 30% of Damage as extra Fire Damage against Ignited enemies.
Infernal Legion ImageInfernal Legion ・Minions from supported skills take 20% of their Maximum Life as Fire damage per second
・Minions from supported skills Ignite enemies within a radius of 1.5M as though dealing base Fire damage equal to 20% of Minion's maximum Life.
Mana Flare ImageMana Flare Support:
・Supported skills trigger Mana Flare on Critical Hit
Mana Flare:
・Cooldown Time: 1.00s
・Cast Time: 1.00z
・Critical Hit Chance: 7.00%
・Consumes 20% of current Mana to deal that much Fire damage.
Minion Instability ImageMinion Instability ・Minions from upported skills explode when reduced to low life, dealing 15% of their maximum life as Fire damage to enemies.
Searing Flame ImageSearing Flame ・Supported skills deal 25% less damage with hits
・75% more Magnitude of Ignite inflicted with supported skills
Stormfire ImageStormfire ・Shocks supported from supported skills do not expire on Ignited enemies
Wildfire ImageWildfire ・Ignites inflicted by Supported Skills spread to other enemies that stay within 1.5 metres for 2 seconds

List of Support Gems

All Fire Spirit Gems

Gem Effects
Elemental Conflux ImageElemental Conflux ・8 second duration between element randomisations
・Buff grants 53% more damage with the affected element
Elemental Invocation ImageElemental Invocation ・Gains 12 energy per power of enemies you Freeze with hits
・Gain 3 Energy per power of enemies you ignite with hits, modified by the percentage of the Ailment Threshold the Ignite will deal
・ Gains 3 energy per power of enemies you Shock with hits
・ 21% increased energy gained
・ Maximum energy is 500
Herald of Ash ImageHerald of Ash ・Explosion Radius is 1 metre
・Ignite duration is 3 seconds
・Base Ignite damage is 17.67% Overkill Damage
Infernal Cry ImageInfernal Cry ・4% increased Warcry speed
・Empowers the next melee attack you perform, plus an additional attack per endurance charge consumed
・Empowered attacks gain 25% of damage as fire damage per 5 Power of enemies in range, up to 100%
・Warcry radius is 4 metres
・Destabilises enemies for 8 seconds
Magma Barrier ImageMagma Barrier ・Raising your shield infuses it with magma for 0.5 seconds
・Cannot perform a magma infused block for 0.75 seconds after magma dissipates
Raging Spirits ImageRaging Spirits ・Minions from this skill convert 70% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
・Limit 10 Summoned Raging Spirits
・Fire Area Spells summon a Spirit per 1.5 metres of radius
・Projectiles from Fire Spells summon a Spirit on hit
・Maximum 5 Spirits summoned per Spell cast
Shard Scavenger ImageShard Scavenger ・Instatly reloads your Crossbow upon consuming Freeze, Shock, Ignite, or Fully Broken Armour, no more than every 9.3s

List of Spirit Gems

Path of Exile 2 Related Guides

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Glossary

Glossary and Basic Game Mechanics

All Glossary Guides

Ailment Ammunition Ancestral Boost
AoE Buff Chaining
Channelling Chaos Chill
Cold Curse Detonator
Dexterity Duration Energy Shield
Evasion Fire Grenade
Herald Intelligence Life Leech
Lightning Mark Melee
Meta Nova Payoff
Persistent Physical Projectile
Slam Spirit Strength
Strike Sustained Tailwind
Totem Travel Trigger


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