Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Trial of Chaos Guide

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Trial of Chaos Guide

The Trial of Chaos is one of the Ascension Trials in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Discover how to access the Trial of Chaos and follow a step-by-step guide to navigate the challenges it presents, a list of tribulations, bosses, and the rewards you can get by completing the Trial of Chaos!

All Trial of Chaos Tribulations

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List of All Tribulations Best Tribulations

List of All Tribulations

Tribulation Description
Blood Globules ImageBlood Globules Rank I:
Globules of blood manifest nearby, tracking you. When above you they will fall, dealing physical damage.
Rank II:
Globules of blood manifest nearby, tracking you. When above you they will fall, dealing Physical damage and creating damaging blood ground.
Burning Turrets ImageBurning Turrets Rank I:
Challenge area contains turrets that will periodically fire Fire Projectiles ahead
Chaotic Monsters ImageChaotic Monsters Rank I:
Monsters gain 20% of damage added as extra Chaos damage
Rank II:
Monsters gain 50% of damage added as extra Chaos damage
Damaged Defences ImageDamaged Defences Rank I:
40% less defences.
Rank II:
75% less Defences
Deadly Monsters ImageDeadly Monsters Rank I:
Monsters have 300% increased Critical Hit Chance
Rank II:
Monsters always deal critical hits
Drought ImageDrought Monsters grant no Flask or Charm Charges on death.
Enraged Bosses ImageEnraged Bosses Bosses deal more damage and take less damage
Entangling Monsters ImageEntangling Monsters Monsters inflict Grasping Vines on Hit
Escalating Damage Taken ImageEscalating Damage Taken In each encounter room, damage taken will slowly increase by 1% per second, up to 50%
Heart Tethers ImageHeart Tethers Rank I:
Bloody hearts appear that apply tethers, slowing you. Breaking the tether will stun you.
Rank II:
Bloody hearts appear that apply tethers, Slowing you. Breaking the tether will Stun you and cause you to become vulnerable to damage for a duration
Impending Doom ImageImpending Doom Rank I:
Rings of Doom appear on the ground which grow over time, exploding for physical damage once they reach a maximum area.
Rank II:
Rings and circles of Doom appear on the ground which grow over time, exploding for Physical damage once they reach a maximum area
Lessened Reach ImageLessened Reach 50% less Area of Effect and Projectile Speed
Lethal Rare Monsters ImageLethal Rare Monsters Rare Monsters have 2 additional Modifiers. 30% increased Rare Monsters
Monster Speed ImageMonster Speed Monsters gain 20% increased Skill Speed
Petrification Statues ImagePetrification Statues Rank I:
Challenge area contains several statues that petrify you if you stand within their gaze for a duration.
Pyramid Beams ImagePyramid Beams Rank I:
Pyramid objects appear, projecting four rotating lasers that inflict Corrupted Blood on Hit
Reduced Recovery ImageReduced Recovery Rank I:
40% reduced Life, Mana, and Energy Shield Recovery Rate
Rank II:
75% reduced Life, Mana, and Energy Shield Recovery Rate
Reduced Resistances ImageReduced Resistances Rank I:
-15% to Elemental Resistances and -10% to Maximum Elemental Resistances
Rank II:
-30% to Elemental Resistances and -20% to Maximum Elemental Resistances
Resistant Monsters ImageResistant Monsters Monsters have +40% to all resistances.
Shocking Turrets ImageShocking Turrets Rank I:
Challenge area contains turrets that will periodically fire Lightning Projectiles ahead
Stalking Shade ImageStalking Shade Rank I:
An invulnerable shade stalks you, inflicting Ruin with its Melee hits. Fail the Trials on reaching 7 Ruin
Stormcaller Runes ImageStormcaller Runes Rank I:
Runes will appear that will call deadly lightning storms if you remain in them.
Rank II:
Large runes will appear that will call deadly Lightning storms if you remain in them
Rank III:
Many large runes will appear that will call deadly Lightning storms if you remain in them
Time Paradox ImageTime Paradox Buffs expire three times faster and Debuffs expire three times slower.
Toxic Monsters ImageToxic Monsters Monster hits always inflict bleeding and poison.
Unstoppable Monsters ImageUnstoppable Monsters Monsters cannot be Slowed or Stunned
Vaal Omnitect ImageVaal Omnitect Rank I:
An ancient Vaal machination will deploy attacks against nearby intruders.
Volatile Fiends ImageVolatile Fiends Monsters release deadly volatiles on death. Rare monsters leave larger ones.

Best Tribulations to Pick

Best to Pick Avoid Picking
Reduced Resistances Icon Reduced Resistances
Time Paradox Icon Time Paradox
Vaal Omnitect Icon Vaal Omnitect
Burning Turrets Icon Burning Turrets
Shocking Turrets Icon Shocking Turrets
Chaotic Monsters Icon Chaotic Monsters
Lethal Rare Monsters Icon Lethal Rare Monsters
Toxic Monsters Icon Toxic Monsters
Petrification Statues Icon Petrification Statues
Heart Tethers Icon Heart Tethers
Enraged Bosses Icon Enraged Bosses
Entangling Monsters Icon Entangling Monsters
Monster Speed Icon Monster Speed
Reduced Recovery Icon Reduced Recovery
Stalking Shade Icon Stalking Shade
Unstoppable Monsters Icon Unstoppable Monsters
Pyramid Beams Icon Pyramid Beams
Consider Picking
Lessened Reach Icon Lessened Reach
This is a bad pick for classes that rely on Area of Effect and Projectile Speeds such as the Ranger and Mercenary.
Deadly Monsters Icon Deadly Monsters
Deadly Monsters I is somewhat tolerable even though they have 300% critical hit chance, but consider avoiding it's next rank, Deadly Monsters II. The second rank will always deal critical hits, which can hit hard.
Drought Icon Drought
Having great life and mana regeneration modifiers in your flasks can help you survive the trials even after picking this tribulation. In addition, there are wells you can use to replenish your flasks before entering boss rooms.
Damaged Defences Icon Damaged Defences
This tribulation is better suited for ranged characters where they can deal damage from afar, avoiding hits from enemies as much as they can. 40% less defence means nothing when you're constantly avoiding attacks.
Volatile Fiends Icon Volatile Fiends
Avoid this at all cost in the beginning since you'll be facing hordes of enemies, which will guarantee a volatile per enemy killed. These volatiles track you and are difficult to dodge, as well as deals damage, which could mean death if a number of them simultaneously explode.

You can consider picking this one when facing the final boss on the 10th floor, since you'll just have one volatile spawning after defeating the boss.
Stormcaller Runes Icon Stormcaller Runes
Stormcaller Runes are an okay pick during their first and second rank, but avoid pick it's third rank since it becomes more dangerous.
Impending Doom Icon Impending Doom
Impending Doom is another decent pick but only for its first rank, as there’s a safe spot in the middle of the explosion where you won’t take damage. Its second rank is somewhat unpredictable, as the safe spot may shift locations or may not exist at all.
Blood Globules Icon Blood Globules
Blood Globules I is okay to pick since you can easily dodge the falling blood. Avoid picking Blood Globules II though, since the dropped blood creates a pool of blood on the ground that acts like Bleed when walked on.
Resistant Monsters Icon Resistant Monsters
This can be troubling for classes focusing on pure magic due to the +40% to all resistances. However, if you're on pure physical, pick this tribulation.

The table above lists the best tribuilations to pick or avoid, and tribulations worth considering depending on the situation.

All Trial of Chaos Bosses

  1. Bahlak, the Sky Seer
  2. Uxmal, The Beastlord
  3. Chetza, The Feathered Plague

Bahlak, The Sky Seer

Boss Overview
Path of Exile 2 - Bahlak, the Sky Seer Act 3 BossBahlak, the Sky Seer Rewards: Trial of Chaos progression
Damage Types: Physical, Lightning
Resistances: Lightning
Weakness: Fire

Perhaps the harder moves to dodge and certainly ones that can hit pretty hard are Bahlak's two unblockable attacks. Learn to dodge these moves with our simple guide below:

Bahlak, the Sky Seer Boss Guide

Uxmal, The Beastlord

Boss Overview
Path of Exile 2 - Uxmal, the Beastlord Act 3 BossUxmal, the Beastlord Rewards: Trial of Chaos progression
Damage Types: Physical, Fire, Cold, Lightning, Chaos
Resistances: Fire, Cold, Lightning
Weakness: None

Uxmal has three special moves, each tied to one of the three levels of the arena. These moves leave distinct ground effects, so adapt your strategy and gameplay based on the section of the arena you’re in.

Uxmal, the Beastlord Boss Guide

Chetza, The Feathered Plague

Boss Overview
Path of Exile 2 - Chetza, the Feathered Plague Act 3 BossChetza, the Feathered Plague Rewards: Trial of Chaos progression
Damage Types: Physical
Resistances: Cold
Weakness: Fire

Chetza's deadliest attack occurs when it screeches and summons bird corpses to rain down on your location for approximately 5 seconds. Without sufficient movement speed, or if you've been slowed by the Maim debuff caused by its spiral spike attack, this move can deal massive and potentially lethal damage.

Chetza, the Feathered Plague Boss Guide

All Trial of Chaos Challenges

These are all of the challenges you'll be facing in the Trial of Chaos. The challenges you face per room are fixed:

・ Room 1 - Defeat All the Monsters
・ Room 2 - Survive Until the Timer Expires
・ Room 3 - Collect All the Soul Cores
・ Room 4 - Defeat the Boss
・ Room 5 - Defeat All the Monsters / Survive Until the Timer Expires
・ Room 6 - Sacrifice Monsters to the Altar / Collect All the Soul Cores
・ Room 7 - Defeat the Boss
・ Room 8 - Defeat All the Monsters / Survive Until the Timer Expires
・ Room 9 - Escort the Statue / Sacrifice Monsters to the Altars
・ Room 10 - Defeat the Boss

Defeat All the Monsters

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Defeat All Enemies

This challenge requires you to defeat all the enemies in the room. Take your time defeating a group before engaging another to avoid aggroing more enemies.

As tribulations stack, it might be more difficult to clear groups of mobs, so it's a good idea not to rush the challenge.

Survive Until the Timer Expires

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Survive Until the Timer Expires

Interact with the Corruption Dias to begin the timer, and waves of enemies will start spawning around you. Defeat each wave as quickly as possible to give yourself time to breathe before the next wave arrives.

Failing to defeat a wave before a new one spawns can restrict your movement, since the area is already small, and more enemies means less ground to traverse.

Escort the Statue

The statue will start moving once you get close to it. Stay near the statue until it reaches its destination. Don't hesitate to move away from the statue to avoid certain attacks that could result in your death, causing you to fail the trial.

You can also clear the path of enemies before escorting the statue for a smoother operation. However, enemies will still spawn from the descending pillars as the statue passes them.

Collect all the Soul Cores

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Collect All the Soul Cores

This challenge requires you to collect Vaal Soul Cores in the area. You'll need to interact with switches to open new paths leading to the Soul Cores.

Once you've collected a Soul Core, bring it immediately to the Stone Altar, since having one afflicts you with a damage over time (DOT) that increases the damage you take the longer you hold it.

Sacrifice Monsters to the Altar by slaying them in the Blood Circles

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Sacrifice Monsters to the Altar

Faint blood circles are placed at fixed locations in the area, and you'll need to lure and defeat mobs inside these circles to fill the altar with their blood.

After baiting enemies into the blood circles, you can move around the circles to maintain your mobility and avoid taking damage. Dealing AoE damage helps clear mobs faster and prevents groups from leaving the blood circle before you have a chance to kill them.

Defeat the Boss

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Defeat the Boss

The 4th, 7th, and 10th rooms are always boss rooms, where you'll simply need to defeat the current boss to proceed to the next room. The order of the bosses you face is randomized, so make sure you're prepared for anything.

Wells are present before entering boss rooms so you can replenish your life and mana flasks before fighting the boss.

▲ Trial of Chaos Bosses ▲

Trial of Chaos Walkthrough

Step-by-Step Guide

# The Trial of Chaos
Choose a Tribulation
Before beginning each chamber, you'll receive a reward and you'll have to pick one modifier that buffs the monsters or adds hazards until the end of the trial.
All Trial of Chaos Tribulations ▲
2 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Complete Challenges in Trial of Chaos
Complete Challenges
Each room in the Trial of Chaos have different challenges you'll have to overcome to proceed to the next room. After completing a room, make a choice to receive all rewards so far, or continue to the next room to get more rewards, but increases the difficulty by choosing another tribulation.
All Trial of Chaos Challenges ▲
3 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Scourge of the Skies Boss
Defeat the Boss After the Challenges
You'll encounter your first boss in the Trial of Chaos after completing three rooms. The order of the boss is random, but it cycles between Bahlak, Uxmal, or Chetza.

Once you have an Inscribed Ultimatum that allows you to reach the 10th room in the trial, you'll face bosses on the 4th, 7th, and 10th rooms.
All Trial of Chaos Bosses ▲
4 Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Choose your Ascendancy Class
Claim Rewards and Ascendancy
After defeating the boss, claim the rewards you've accumulated, as well as the Ascendancy class of your choosing.

Trial of Chaos Tips and Tricks

Follow a Build Guide for a Guaranteed Clear

Path of Exile 2 - Mercenary Builds Mercenary Path of Exile 2 - Ranger Builds Monk Path of Exile 2 - Ranger Builds Witch
Path of Exile 2 - Ranger Builds Sorceress Path of Exile 2 - Ranger Builds Warrior Path of Exile 2 - Ranger Builds Ranger

Following a build guide will help min-max your character to deal high damage and clear challenges in the Trial of Chaos faster. Build guides can ensure a smoother and easier run in a trial or elsewhere, since you'll have a reference for which passives to pick, which support gems to apply on your skill gems, and more!

PoE 2 Best Builds

Avoid Choosing Bad Tribulations

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Avoid Choosing Bad Tribulations

Tribulations that hinder your movement or apply Damage Over Time (DOT), such as Poison or Bleed, can make clearing rooms harder compared to picking other tribulations.

make sure to avoid choosing tribulations that apply crowd control debuffs, since you'll need to keep moving to avoid getting hit by enemies during the trial.

▲ Best Tribulations to Pick ▲

Don't Forget to Replenish at Wells

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Replenish at Wells

Wells that replenish flasks are available before entering boss rooms. You'll find wells after finishing floors 3, 6, and 9. With this information, you can consider picking the Drought tribulation, since you'll be able to replenish your flasks anyway. However, you'll have to survive the floors in between without relying too much on your Life and Mana flasks.

How to Refill Flasks

Farm Ultimatums with 10 Rooms

Farm the Trial of Chaos using Inscribed Ultimatums that have 10 rooms to clear. This is essential if you're planning on getting your last two ascendancy skill points, since you'll need to collect Fates, which can drop on the 10th room after defeating the last boss, in order to reach the Pinnacle Boss of the Trial of Chaos, the Trialmaster.

How to Access the Trial of Chaos

How to Access The Trial of Chaos

Defeat Xyclucian and Collect its Inscribed Ultimatum

Upon defeating Xyclucian during the Legacy of the Vaal quest, collect the Chimeral Inscribed Ultimatum it dropped to obtain a new objective where you're tasked to go to the Temple of Chaos to begin the trial.

Legacy of the Vaal Quest Walkthrough

Temple of Chaos is Located in the Chimeral Wastelands

The Temple of Chaos, although random, is usually found on the opposite side of where you fought Xyclucian in the Chimeral Wastelands.

Receive an Ultimatum from the Trialmaster

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Trial of Chaos Trialmaster

Entry to the Trial of Chaos requires a token from the Trialmaster. Afterwards, you'll have to make a choice between three tribulations that makes the challenges harder for the rest of the trial.

Trial of Chaos Rewards

  1. Ascendancy Points
  2. Soul Cores
  3. Fates
  4. Corrupted Equipment
  5. Vaal Orbs

Ascendancy Points


Completing the Trial of Chaos earns you Ascendancy Skill Points for character Ascension. These Ascendancy points are used to further improve your character class, giving them powerful specialization skills.

List of Classes and Ascendancies

Soul Cores

POE 2 - Soul Cores

Soul Cores are powerful socketable items with mods that cannot be obtained from regular runes. The mod that you can utilize from a Soul Core will depend on the item you slot it in.

List of Soul Cores


Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Collect 3 Fates

Deadly Fate Deadly Fate Cowardly Fate Cowardly Fate Victorious Fate Victorious Fate

Fates are dropped after defeating the last boss on the 10th room. There are three different Fates you'll need to collect in order to face the Trialmaster, the Pinnacle Boss of the Trial of Chaos.

Corrupted Equipment

The equipment you earn by completing a room are all corrupted, meaning that the stats and modifiers are permanent. These corrupted items can only be obtained at the end of the trial, after defeating the final boss. If you fail the run, all your accumulated rewards will be lost.

Corrupted Items Explained and How to Fix

Vaal Orbs

POE 2 - Vaal Orbs

Vaal Orbs can be used to corrupt items, causing that item to change its effects randomly to either provide new enchantments or reroll up to half of an item's modifiers, even adding more sockets to maxed out equipment! Do note that corruption will prevent an item from being modified further.

How to Get Vaal Orb

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5 Anonymous3 months

Great bit of info in here especially the advice on debuffs to avoid and considering others if you're ranged.

4 Anonymous3 months

Yes, as long you do not make a selection from the 3 bad debuffs, you can teleport out sell you stuff, come back and just enter again to continue


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