Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

PoE 2 Minion Infernalist Witch Build

This is a Minion Infernalist Witch build for Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Check out the Minion Infernalist Witch build, including its gear, socketables, skills, and playstyle!

Minion Infernalist Witch Build Summary

Goblin Inc.'s Minion Infernalist Witch Build


This endgame build for Minion Infernalist Witch is crafted by RuseCruize, showcased in a detailed guide over at Goblin Inc. (Youtube).

The video breaks down the build step-by-step, covering everything from skills, gear, and passives to dominate the endgame!

You can also check out Rusecruize's Twitch channel for even more Path of Exile 2 content and detailed builds!

Minion Infernalist Witch Build

※ Switch tabs to view build progression: Early Game (Acts 1-2), Mid-Game (Act 3 to Cruel Mode), and two Endgame (Atlas) variations: Arsonist and Reaver.

Build Setup
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) - Infernalist PortraitMinion Summoner Infernalist (Endgame - Reaver)
Grim Feast Icon Skeletal Sniper Icon Pain Offering Icon Detonate Dead Icon Skeletal Reaver Icon Skeletal Cleric Icon
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Pro Good for Bossing and Fast Clears

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Pro Tanky

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Pro Minions take the heat off you

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Con Vulnerabile to Chaos Damage

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Con Melee minions block each other in tight spaces
Build Setup
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) - Infernalist PortraitMinion Summoner Infernalist (Endgame - Arsonist)
Flame Wall Icon Grim Feast Icon Skeletal Arsonist Icon Pain Offering Icon Detonate Dead Icon Skeletal Cleric Icon
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Pro High Damage

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Pro Tanky

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Pro Great for Bossing and Fast Clears

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Con Vulnerabile to Chaos Damage
Build Setup
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) - Infernalist PortraitMinion Summoner Infernalist
Flame Wall Icon Raging Spirits Icon Skeletal Arsonist Icon Pain Offering Icon Detonate Dead Icon Skeletal Brute Icon Skeletal Cleric Icon
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Pro Minions Take the Heat Off You

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Pro Fast Clear

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Pro Mana-Efficient

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Con Build is Reliant on Spirit
Build Setup
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) - Witch PortraitMinion Summoner Witch
Flame Wall Icon Raging Spirits Icon Skeletal Sniper Icon Raise Zombie Icon Bonestorm Icon Pain Offering Icon Detonate Dead Icon Skeletal Reaver Icon
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Pro Minions Take the Heat Off You

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Pro Excellent DoTs

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Pro Mana-Efficient

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Con Build is Reliant on Spirit

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Con Squishy

This Minion Infernalist Witch build harnesses Skeletal minions to dominate enemies, starting with Skeletal Snipers in the early game, transitioning to Skeletal Reavers during the mid-game, and culminating in a crit-focused army of either Skeletal Reavers or Skeletal Arsonists for the endgame. Along the way, Pain Offering boosts your army's offensive capabilities, while Vulnerability and Flammability weaken your foes.

This build excels at mob and boss clearing, with your minions doing the heavy lifting while you hang back, casting buffs and debuffs.

Date Changes
12-27-2024 This build has been further updating, highlighting Skeletal Reavers as a variation for Rusecruize's endgame Minion Infernalist Witch build at Goblin Inc. (Youtube).
12-16-2024 This build has been further updated, showcasing the endgame version of Rusecruize's minion Infernalist build at Goblin Inc. (Youtube).
12-11-2024 This build has been updated, showcasing Rusecruize's minion Infernalist build at Goblin Inc. (Youtube).
12-09-2024 This build has been further updated for faster clears in Act 2.
12-08-2024 Updated the Build for Act 2
12-08-2024 Swapped Skeletal Arsonist for Skeletal Sniper.

Minion Infernalist Witch Gear Setup

Equipment and Modifiers

※ Switch tabs to view build progression: Early Game (Acts 1-2), Mid-Game (Act 3 to Cruel Mode), and two Endgame (Atlas) variations: Arsonist and Reaver.

Gear Modifiers

・Energy Shield
・Increased Level of All Minion Skills
・Maximum Life
・Increased Armor and Energy Shield
・Fire, Lightning, Cold, and Chaos Resistances

・Energy Shield
・Fire, Lightning, and Cold Resistances
・Increased Energy Shield and Armor

・Energy Shield
・Fire, Lightning, Cold, and Chaos Resistances
・Maximum Life
・Increased Armor and Energy Shield

・Maximum Life
・Increased Armor
・Fire, Lightning, Cold, and Chaos Resistances

・Increased Movement Speed
・Energy Shield
・Strength or Intelligence
・Fire, Lightning, Cold, and Chaos Resistances

・Fire, Lightning, or Chaos Resistance
・Maximum Life
・Increased Armor

・Allocates Heatproofing
・Increased Level of All Minion Skills
・Fire, Lightning, Cold, and Chaos Resistances

・All Resistances
・Increased Level of All Minion Skills
・Maximum Life

Omen Scepter
・Grants Skill: Malice
・ Spirit.
・Allies in your presence deal additional accuracy rating.
・Allies in your presence have increased critical hit chance.
・Allies in your presence have increased critical damage bonus.

・Maximum Resistance
・Increased Block Chance
・Maximum Life
・Increased Armor and Energy Shield
Gear Modifiers

・Energy Shield
・Increased Level of All Minion Skills
・Maximum Life
・Increased Armor and Energy Shield
・Fire, Lightning, Cold, and Chaos Resistances

・Energy Shield
・Fire, Lightning, and Cold Resistances
・Increased Energy Shield and Armor

・Energy Shield
・Fire, Lightning, Cold, and Chaos Resistances
・Maximum Life
・Increased Armor and Energy Shield

・Maximum Life
・Increased Armor
・Fire, Lightning, Cold, and Chaos Resistances

・Increased Movement Speed
・Energy Shield
・Strength or Intelligence
・Fire, Lightning, Cold, and Chaos Resistances

・Fire, Lightning, or Chaos Resistance
・Maximum Life
・Increased Armor

・Allocates Heatproofing
・Increased Level of All Minion Skills
・Fire, Lightning, Cold, and Chaos Resistances

・All Resistances
・Increased Level of All Minion Skills
・Maximum Life

Omen Scepter
・Grants Skill: Malice
・ Spirit.
・Allies in your presence deal additional accuracy rating.
・Allies in your presence have increased critical hit chance.
・Allies in your presence have increased critical damage bonus.

・Maximum Resistance
・Increased Block Chance
・Maximum Life
・Increased Armor and Energy Shield
Gear Modifiers

・Energy Shield
・Increased Level of All Minion Skills
・Maximum Life
・Fire, Lightning, and Cold Resistances

・Energy Shield
・Maximum Life
・Fire, Lightning, and Cold Resistances

・Energy Shield
・Fire, Lightning, and Cold Resistances

・Increased Flask Charges
・Increased Charm Charges
・Increased Strength attribute

・Increased Movement Speed
・Increased Armor
・Maximum Life
・Fire, Lightning, and Chaos Resistances

・Fire, Lightning, or Chaos Resistance
・Maximum Life
・Increased Armor

・Maximum Life
・Increased Level of All Minion Skills
・Fire, Lightning, or Cold Resistances

・All Resistances
・Increased Level of All Minion Skills
・Maximum Life

Omen Scepter
・Grants Skill: Malice
・Increased Spirit.
・Allies in your presence deal additional accuracy rating.
・Allies in your presence have increased critical hit chance.
・Allies in your presence have increased critical damage bonus.

・Increased Maximum Life
・Increased Block Chance
・Energy Shield
・All Resistances
・Increased Strength
Gear Modifiers

・Energy Shield
・Increased Level of All Minion Skills
・Fire, Lightning, or Cold Resistances

・Energy Shield
・Increased Level of All Minion Skills
・Fire, Lightning, or Cold Resistances

・Maximum Life
・Energy Shield
・Increased Armor
・Fire, Lightning, or Cold Resistances

・Increased Flask Charges

・Increased Movement Speed
・Fire, Lightning, or Cold Resistances

・Fire, Lightning, or Cold Resistances
・Increased Level of All Minion Skills
・Increased Armor

・Maximum Life
・Increased Level of All Minion Skills
・Fire, Lightning, or Cold Resistances

・Fire, Lightning, or Cold Resistances
・Increased Level of All Minion Skills
・Increased Armor

・Allies in your presence deal additional attack physical damage.
・Increased Level of All Minion Skills

・Energy Shield

Grab a Scepter with Increased Minion Skill Levels, Maximum Spirit, and Double Crit—upgrade to the Omen Sceptre late-game for the Malice Crit Debuff. Equip Energy Armor and Energy Shield gear with Resistances, a headgear with Increased Minion Skill Level, a chest with Maximum Spirit, and a shield with Block Chance, Resists, and Max Life for durability.

As you progress through the Acts, prioritize Minion Skill Levels, Resistances, and Spirit. Adjust Charms based on the boss, focusing on elemental resistances and immunities to gain the upper hand.

Minion Infernalist Skills and Passive Tree

Active Skills

※ Switch tabs to view build progression: Early Game (Acts 1-2), Mid-Game (Act 3 to Cruel Mode), and two Endgame (Atlas) variations: Arsonist and Reaver.

In the early game, prioritize Skeletal Snipers for their strong single-target damage. Acquire Flame Wall and Raging Spirits early to add consistent fire damage and additional minion support. Use Bonestorm for extra single-target damage, and Raise Zombie to expand your minion army when an enemy falls.

In the mid-game, transition to Skeletal Reavers once Tier 9 skill gems become available, then upgrade to Skeletal Brutes with Tier 13 skill gems for enhanced melee power and powerful stuns. Slot Scattershot into your Skeletal Arsonists to turn their attacks into explosive fireworks. Support your minions with Pain Offering to boost their attack and cast speed, and apply Vulnerability to weaken enemy armor. Finally, once enemies go down, cast Detonate Corpse with Magnified Effect and Spell Echo to clean up the battlefield.

In the endgame, your build transitions to a crit-heavy focus, with two paths to explore. You can retain Skeletal Reavers and Snipers for their immense physical damage, or pivot to Skeletal Arsonists as your centerpiece, which are still viable despite the nerf. If you choose the Arsonists, Flammability replaces Vulnerability to maximize fire damage. Meanwhile, Skeletal Clerics ensure your minions stay in peak condition.

Passive Skill Tree

※ Switch tabs to view build progression: Early Game (Acts 1-2), Mid-Game (Act 3 to Cruel Mode), and two Endgame (Atlas) variations: Arsonist and Reaver.

Passive Nodes
Ascendancy Group Node
1. Raw Destruction 2. Vile Mending
3. Necrotic Touch 4. Deadly Swarm
5. Bringer of Order 6. Crystalline Flesh
Passive Nodes
Ascendancy Group Node
1. Raw Destruction 2. Vile Mending
3. Necrotic Touch 4. Deadly Swarm
5. Bringer of Order 6. Crystalline Flesh
Passive Nodes
Ascendancy Group Node
1. Raw Destruction 2. Power of the Dead
3. Spiral into Depression 4. Deadly Swarm
5. Vile Mending 6. Grip of Evil
7. Dependable Ward 8. Necrotic Touch
9. Lord of Horrors 10. -
Passive Nodes
1. Raw Destruction 2. Power of the Dead
3. Spiral into Depression 4. -

Full Tree Pathing

PoE 2 - Full Passive Infernalist Minion Witch Build
The endgame skill path is centered around increasing Minion Damage and Crit Chance, Armor, and Energy shield, using Strength and Intelligence to optimize your attributes. Start by grabbing Minion Damage early in the tree. Then, make a U-turn to pick up Pure Energy and Melding for additional Energy Shield bonuses.

Moving up the middle section of the Witch passives, the focus should be on minion buffs that enhance both their damage output and survivability. Aim for nodes like Lord of Horrors and Left Hand of Darkness to scale your minions' effectiveness further.

Afterward, return to the bottom of the tree, from Power of the Dead, head left to grab Spiral into Depression, then ascend to the Sentinels branch, where you'll find key nodes that enhance your minions. Finish by securing the remaining nodes that provide extra Armor, Energy Shield, and Minion Damage to balance offense and defense.

Minion Infernalist Playstyle and Skill Rotation

Skill Rotation

The Minion Infernalist playstyle revolves around letting your Skeletal minions dominate the battlefield you support them with spells and debuffs. The optimal rotation is as follows:

Mid-Game Skill Rotation

  1. Position yourself safely and let your Infernal Hound, Skeletal Brutes or Skeletal Reavers automatically engage enemies, casting Vulnerability on enemies to make them ignore armor.
  2. Cast Flame Wall to summon Raging Spirits and enhance your projectiles with fire damage.
  3. Activate Pain Offering, impaling a skeleton to send nearby minions into a frenzy, boosting their speed and damage output.
  4. Refresh Flame Wall as needed to summon Raging Spirits continuously.
  5. Finish with Detonate Dead, turning leftover corpses into explosions to obliterate any remaining enemies.
  6. Watch your Skeletal Arsonists scorch what's left of your enemies while your Skeletal Clerics heal and revive your undead army.

Endgame - Skeletal Arsonist Skill Rotation

  1. Start by casting Flame Wall; as your Skeletal Arsonists attack, their projectiles gain bonus fire damage by passing through the flames.
  2. Follow up with Pain Offering to boost your Arsonists’ attack speed, Clerics’ cast speed, and amplify all minion damage.
  3. Use Flammability to reduce enemy fire resistance, further increasing your Arsonists’ DPS.
  4. As enemies fall, cast Detonate Dead to turn their corpses into explosions, dealing massive area damage.
  5. Refresh Flame Wall periodically to maintain its effect on your minions' projectiles and damage output.

Endgame - Skeletal Reaver Skill Rotation

  1. Let your Skeletal Reavers lead the charge.
  2. Cast Pain Offering to frenzy your minions, increasing their speed and overall damage.
  3. Use Detonate Dead frequently to clear enemies and leverage fallen corpses for area damage.
  4. Deploy Skeletal Snipers' Gas Arrow to shred armor, especially on tough bosses.
  5. Stay near enemies to maintain the Malice aura debuff from your equipped Scepter.

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Witch Builds

Minion InfernalistMinion Infernalist
Flame Wall Icon Raging Spirits Icon Skeletal Arsonist Icon Pain Offering Icon Detonate Dead Icon Vulnerability Icon Skeletal Brute Icon Skeletal Cleric Icon

Focus: Minions, Crowd Control, DoT
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Bonestorm Icon Vulnerability Icon Bone Cage Icon Blasphemy Icon Life Remnants Icon

Focus: High Single Target Damage
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Arctic Armour Icon Ice Nova Icon Solar Orb Icon Flammability Icon Flameblast Icon Grim Feast Icon

Focus: Fast Clear, AoE
Detonate Dead Blood MageDetonate Dead Blood Mage
Frost Wall Icon Grim Feast Icon Detonate Dead Icon Vulnerability Icon Skeletal Brute Icon Skeletal Cleric Icon Soul Offering Icon Sacrifice Icon

Focus: High Damage, Fast Clear, Minions

Witch Class and Ascendancy Guides

Base Class
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Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) - InfernalistInfernalist Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) - Blood MageBlood Mage


28 Anonymous3 months

I hate the honor trials and this build is perfect for them, just gotta pay attention to see any enemy aoe or sneak attacks among all my minions and spells

27 Anonymous3 months

Fire infusion got removed from Detonate Dead in the early game build. This new Endgame build feels really safe and strong but I think I'm having more fun with brutes, archers and raging spirits


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