Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Best Charms to Use

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) - Best Charms to Use

This is a list of all the best Charms to use in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). See what each Charm does and why they are the best Charms to use here!

Best Charms to Use

Best Charms for Different Situations

Best Charms for Crowd Control Ailments

※ These charms are arranged according to relevance.

Charm Effect and Explanation
Thawing Charm ImageThawing Charm Effect: Grants Immunity to Freeze
This charm is great as getting frozen in maps commonly brings players to the brink of death.
Stone Charm ImageStone Charm Effect: Cannot be Stunned
Like the Thawing Charm, this charm helps prevent players from dying from immobilization. It is especially beneficial for melee classes like the Warrior and Monk, as they are more prone to being stunned.

List of All Charms

Best Charms for Damaging Ailments

Charm Effect and Explanation
Antidote Charm ImageAntidote Charm Effect: Grants Immunity to Poison
This charm is useful as poison is one of the most prevalent status ailments players encounter in maps and becomes increasingly dangerous the more it is left untreated.
Grounding Charm ImageGrounding Charm Effect: Grants Immunity to Shock
This charm is useful as being shocked is extremely detrimental to players since it increases the damage they take upon getting hit, making them more prone to death.

Best Charms for Resistances

Charm Effect and Explanation
Topaz Charm ImageTopaz Charm Effect: 25% to Lightning Resistance
This charm is useful during the Jamanra boss fight in Act II, one of the hardest fights in the campaign , as most of his attacks are lighting-based.
Sapphire Charm ImageSapphire Charm Effect: 25% to Cold Resistance
This charm is extremely useful if players find the fight with Count Geonor, arguably the hardest boss in Act I, difficult.
Amethyst Charm ImageAmethyst Charm Effect: 18% to Chaos Resistance
This charm is beneficial, especially in the end game, as chaos damage becomes prevalent in the Atlas.

Best Charms for Quality of Life

Charm Effect and Explanation
Golden Charm ImageGolden Charm Effect: 20% increased Rarity of Items found
Players, especially in the end game, can constantly benefit from this charm while mapping, as it increases the rarity of loot drops upon killing Rare or Unique enemies.

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