Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

List of All Gems

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This guide lists a complete overview of all the gem types available in Path of Exile 2 (POE 2). Read on to see the full list of the gem types, how do they work, and much more.

List of All Gems

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Skill Type Description
Ablation ImageAblation Support Supports Offering Skills. Supported Skills Sacrifice a portion of your life on use, but deal much more damage and have more powerful Buffs in return.
Acceleration ImageAcceleration Support Supports Projectile skills, making those projectiles travel faster.
Aftershock ImageAftershock Support Supports Slams you use yourself, giving them a chance to create an Aftershock.
AlchemistAlchemist's Boon Spirit While active, grants you Flask Charges passively and causes Life and Mana recovery from your Flasks to also apply to Allies in your presence.
Ambush ImageAmbush Support Supports skills that Hits enemies, making it more likely to Critically Hit enemies on full life.
Ammo Conservation ImageAmmo Conservation Support Supports Crossbow Ammunition Skills, granting a chance to not consume a Bolt when firing.
Ancestral Urgency ImageAncestral Urgency Support Supports skills which place Totems, causing those skills to place Totems much more quickly.
Ancestral Warrior Totem ImageAncestral Warrior Totem Meta Raises a Totem that uses socketed Mace skills.
Arc ImageArc Skill An arc of Lightning stretches from the caster to a targeted enemy and Chains on to other nearby enemies.
Arcane Surge ImageArcane Surge Support Supports spells you cast yourself, tracking the mana you spend to cast them. Spending enough mana grants a burst of Mana Regeneration and Cast Speed.
Arcane Tempo ImageArcane Tempo Support Supports spells, causing them to cast faster
Archmage ImageArchmage Spirit While Active, causes your Non-Channelling Spells to cost additional mana and deal extra lightning damage, both based on your maximum mana.
Arctic Armour ImageArctic Armour Spirit Conjures an icy barrier that gains stages overtime. While the barrier has stages, Melee Attacks that hit you will remove a stage to cause a burst of ice that deals Cold Spell damage to the attacker.
Armour Breaker ImageArmour Breaker Skill Attack with a forceful blow, knocking enemies back and weakening their Armour.
Armour Explosion ImageArmour Explosion Support Supports attacks, causing them to trigger a Fiery explosion when they Fully Break an enemy's Armour.
Armour Piercing Rounds ImageArmour Piercing Rounds Skill Load your Crossbow with a clip of bolts that can be fired rapidly and Break enemy Armour. Using this skill again reloads the clip.
Artillery Ballista ImageArtillery Ballista Skill Deploys a Ballista Totem that fires bolts skyward, to explode a short time after landing.
Astral Projection ImageAstral Projection Support Supports Nova skills, causing those skills to take place at a targeted location when used instead of around you.
Attrition ImageAttrition Spirit While active, causes you to deal more Hit damage to Rare and Unique enemies the longer you've been fighting them, and gain Culling Strike against them once you've been fighting them for long enough.
Auto Reload ImageAuto Reload Support Supports Crossbow Ammunition skills, causing them to automatically reload when they Heavy Stun an enemy.
Ball Lightning ImageBall Lightning Skill Fires a slow-moving projectile that repeatedly shoots bolts of lightning at nearby enemies.
Barrage ImageBarrage Skill Ready a volley of arrows, Empowering your next Bow Attack to repeat multiple times. Consumes your Frenzy Charges on use to add additional repeats.
Barrier Invocation ImageBarrier Invocation Meta While active, this invocation gains Energy when your Energy Shield is damaged by hits. Using the invocation once sufficient Energy is gathered will consume the Energy to trigger socketed spells, and can trigger them multiple times if it has enough energy.
Behead ImageBehead Support Supports Strike skills, causing them to steal modifiers from Rare monsters they kill.
Berserk ImageBerserk Spirit While active, strengthens your Rage and grants you Life Leech based on your Rage, but causes you to lose Life while Raging.
Bidding ImageBidding Support Supports Minion Skills. Supported Minions deal significantly more damage with the Command Skills.
Biting Frost ImageBiting Frost Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing them to deal more damage to frozen enemies but consume their Freeze. Cannot support skills that consume freeze.
Blasphemy ImageBlasphemy Meta Turns socketed Curse skills into vile Auras, applying their effects to all nearby enemies.
Blind ImageBlind Support Support any skill that Hits enemies, causing them to Blind on hit.
Blink ImageBlink Spirit Replaces your dodge roll with a short-cooldown Spell that allows you to tunnel through space, instantly reappearing a medium distance away.
Bloodlust ImageBloodlust Support Supports Melee Attacks, causing them to deal more damage against Bleeding enemies, but preventing them from inflicting bleeding.
Bludgeon ImageBludgeon Support Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to Knock Back enemies.
Bone Cage ImageBone Cage Skill Raises a ring of bone spikes around you. The spikes are destroyed when enemies touch them, damaging and Pinning those enemies.
Bone Offering ImageBone Offering Skill Impales a Skeleton on a bone spike to shield your Minions while the spike remains. The shield absorbs all damage from the next hit each Minion takes, then explodes. The bone spike itself is a Minion, and shields itself. If it dies, shields on your other Minions disappear.
Boneshatter ImageBoneshatter Skill Attacks enemies with a melee Strike. The Strike will cause a Heavy Stun on enemies that are Primed for Stun. Upon causing a Heavy Stun it will also create a Shockwave, dealing a large amount of damage in an area.
Bonestorm ImageBonestorm Skill Channel to conjure a swarm of bone spikes in the air, then release to fire at the enemies and explode.
Break Endurance ImageBreak Endurance Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, giving it a chance to gain an Endurance Charge when it fully breaks an enemy's armour.
Break Posture ImageBreak Posture Support Supports Attacks, causing them to Daze enemies when they fully Break Armour.
Brutality ImageBrutality Support Supports any skill that deals damage, boosting its physical damage at the expense of all other damage types.
Bullseye ImageBullseye Support Supports Attacks, causing them to gain Accuracy.
Burning Inscription ImageBurning Inscription Support Supports any skill which creates Runic Inscription when Cast, causing those Runic Inscriptions to trigger Burning Inscription when they expire. Burning Inscription is a Spell which creates Ignited Ground based off of your maximum Mana.
Bursting Plague ImageBursting Plague Support Supports skills that can Poison enemies, causing poisoned enemies to gain Plague over time and explode in a Plague Burst on death. Cannot support the skills of minions.
Cannibalism ImageCannibalism Support Supports Persistent Buff Skills, causing you to recover Life on kill while the skill is active.
Capacitor ImageCapacitor Support Supports skills which Trigger other skills. Supported skills have significantly higher Maximum Energy.
Cast on Critical ImageCast on Critical Meta While active, gains energy when you Critically Hit enemies and triggers socketed spells on reaching maximum energy.
Cast on Dodge ImageCast on Dodge Meta While active, gains energy when you Dodge Roll and triggers socketed spells on reaching maximum energy.
Cast on Freeze ImageCast on Freeze Meta While active, gains Energy when you Freeze enemies and triggers socketed spells on reaching maximum Energy.
Cast on Ignite ImageCast on Ignite Meta While active, gains Energy when you Ignite enemies and triggers socketed spells on reaching maximum Energy.
Cast on Minion Death ImageCast on Minion Death Meta While active, gains Energy when one of your Minions is killed and triggers socketed Spells upon reaching maximum Energy. Cannot socket Spells which create Minions.
Cast on Shock ImageCast on Shock Meta While active, gains Energy when you Shock enemies and triggers socketed spells on reaching maximum Energy.
Chain ImageChain Support Supports Projectile skills and any other skill that Chain, causing them to chain additional times.
Chaos Bolt ImageChaos Bolt Skill Fires a burst of chaos energy at the target.
Chaos Infusion ImageChaos Infusion Support Supports Attacks, causing them to Gain Chaos Damage but deal less Damage of other types.
Chaos Mastery ImageChaos Mastery Support Supports Chaos skills, granting them an additional level.
Chaotic Freeze ImageChaotic Freeze Support Supports Spells that deal non-Ailment Chaos damage over time. Enemies taking damage over time from Debuffs caused by supported skills will suffer Freeze build up from Chaos damage Hits from any source.
Charge Infusion ImageCharge Infusion Spirit While active, you gain powerful Buffs based on your active Charges. However, maintaining the Buff consumes Charges every few seconds.
Charged Staff ImageCharged Staff Skill Consume all Power Charges to infuse your Quarterstaff with electricity, adding Lightning damage and a Lightning shockwave to your Quarterstaff Attacks. Reusing this skill while the Buff is active adds to the Buff's duration and damage.
Clarity ImageClarity Support Supports Persistent Buff Skills, causing you to gain increased mana Regeneration while the skill is active.
Close Combat ImageClose Combat Support Supports Attacks, causing them to deal more damage to enemies based on how close they are to you.
Cluster Grenade ImageCluster Grenade Skill Fires a bouncing Grenade That explodes when it's fuse expires, throwing out a nova of mini Grenades that explode when they come to a stop.
Cold Exposure ImageCold Exposure Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing it to deal less damage but inflict Cold Exposure when it Critically Hits an enemy.
Cold Infusion ImageCold Infusion Support Supports attacks, causing them to gain Cold Damage but deal less Fire and Lightning Damage.
Cold Mastery ImageCold Mastery Support Supports Cold skills, granting then an additional level.
Cold Penetration ImageCold Penetration Support Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making those Hits Penetrate enemy Cold resistance.
Cold Snap ImageCold Snap Skill Shatters the frost on a Frozen enemy, Consuming the freese to deal a large amount of Cold Damage to enemies caught in the blast. Can also be cast on a Frostbolt to cause it to explode immediately. Any Frozen enemies hit by the Frostbolt's explosion will be dealt Cold Snap's damage and have their freeze consumed.
Combat Frenzy ImageCombat Frenzy Spirit While active, grants you a Frenzy Charge when you Freeze, Electrocute, or Pin an enemy. This can only occur once every few seconds.
Combo Finisher ImageCombo Finisher Support Supports melee attacks you use yourself. Supported skills cannot be used until enough combo has been built up, but deal massively more damage. Cannot support skills which already combo or triggered skills.
Comet ImageComet Skill Calls down a mass of ice from the sky, dealing high damage at the targeted location. Targeting close to you will cause you to jump back as you cast.
Comorbidity ImageComorbidity Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, allowing it to inflict an extra poison on enemies but shortening the duration of those poisons.
Concentrated Effect ImageConcentrated Effect Support Supports any skill with an area of effect, causing that area to be smaller but any area damage it deals to be higher.
Conduction ImageConduction Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, making it more likely to Shock.
Conductivity ImageConductivity Skill Curses all targets in an area after a short delay, lowering their Lightning Resistance.
Considered Casting ImageConsidered Casting Support Supports Spell skills that Hit Enemies, boosting Damage at the cost of Cast Speed.
Contagion ImageContagion Skill Afflicts a single enemy with a Debuff that deals Chaos Damage over time. If the enemy dies while affected by contagion, it and all other Chaos Damage over time Debuffs spread to other enemies and refresh their durations. Reanimating or detonating a corpse affected by contagion will cause the Minion or explosion to spread Contagion on hit.
Controlled Destruction ImageControlled Destruction Support Supports spells that hit enemies, boosting their damage but preventing them from dealing Critical hits.
Corpse Conservation ImageCorpse Conservation Support Supports skills that consume Corpses, giving them a chance to take effect without destroying the Corpse.
Corrosion ImageCorrosion Support Supports ay skill that hits enemies, causing Poison it applies to also break any armour. Cannot support skills that consume Fully
Corrupting Cry ImageCorrupting Cry Support Supports Warcries, causing them to inflict Corrupted Blood on enemies in their area of effect.
Coursing Current ImageCoursing Current Support Supports any skill that Hits enemies, giving it a chance to also Shock nearby enemies when you Shock an enemy.
Crescendo ImageCrescendo Support Supports Strikes that perform a Final Strike at the end of a combination of attacks, allowing you to use the Final Strike twice in succession.
Culling Strike ImageCulling Strike Support Supports Attack skills, causing them to Cull Rare and Unique enemies on hit.
Culmination ImageCulmination Support Supports melee attack skills. Supported skills gain Combo when you successfully Strike enemies with other Melee Attacks. Supported skills reset their Combo on use, dealing more Damage the higher the Combo you had on use. Cannot support skills which already gain Combo. Cannot support skills used by Minions.
Cursed Ground ImageCursed Ground Support Supports Curse skills. supported skills no longer have an activation delay, instead creating areas which Curse enemies so long as they are within them.
Danse Macabre ImageDanse Macabre Support Supports Offering Skills. Supported skills have increased Buff effect and deal more damage, but will target an additional Skeletal Minion when cast. If there is no additional Skeletal Minion to target, no damage or Buff effect will be granted.
Dark Effigy ImageDark Effigy Skill Raises a Totem that bombards enemies afflicted by Chaos damage over time Debuffs.
Dazing Cry ImageDazing Cry Support Supports Warcries, causing them to Daze enemies on use.
Deadly Poison ImageDeadly Poison Support Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to deal less damage but inflict more potent Poison.
Decaying Hex ImageDecaying Hex Support Supports Curse skills. Cursed enemies' bodies decay, taking chaos damage over time.
Deceleration ImageDeceleration Support Supports Projectile skills, making those projectiles travel more slowly.
Deep Cuts ImageDeep Cuts Support Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to deal less damage but inflict more potent Bleeding.
Deep Freeze ImageDeep Freeze Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing Freeze it inflicts to last longer.
Defiance Banner ImageDefiance Banner Spirit While active, killing enemies with attacks or standing near a Unique enemy generates valour. Using this skill consumes its Valour to place an inspiring Banner with an Aura that grants you and your nearby allies Armour, Evasion, and Movement speed while the banner lasts. The Banner cannot gain Valour while placed, and you cannot place a Banner while you already have a Banner placed.
Demolisher ImageDemolisher Support Supports any skill, causing Armour Break it inflicts to be stronger.
Despair ImageDespair Skill Curses all targets in an area after a short delay, lowering their Chaos Resistance.
Despoiler ImageDespoiler Support Supports skills that create Ground Surfaces, causing those surfaces to last longer.
Detonate Dead ImageDetonate Dead Skill Causes a Corpse to violently explode, damaging surrounding enemies.
Detonating Arrow ImageDetonating Arrow Skill Channel to build up power before firing off a burning arrow. At maximum charge, the arrow will detonate at the end of its flight, causing an explosion in an area around it.
Devastate ImageDevastate Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing them to apply Broken Armour to enemies causing a Heavy Stun to enemies.
Discombobulate ImageDiscombobulate Support Supports Attacks, causing them to build up Daze based ona aportion of Physical Damage dealt.
Double Barrel ImageDouble Barrel Support Supports Crossbow Ammunition skills, causing them to load an extra bolt at the cost of reload speed.
Drain Ailments ImageDrain Ailments Support Supported Spells that deal non-ailment damage over time, causing them to consume Ailments on enemies it applies damage over time Debuffs to in order to deal substantially more damage over time.
Dread Banner ImageDread Banner Spirit While active, killing enemies with Attacks or standing near a Unique enemy generates Valour. using this skill consumes its Valour to place an Inspiring Banner with an Aura that grants you and nearby allies Stun Threshold, Elemental Ailment Threshold, and Flask charges while the Banner lasts. The Banner cannot gain Valour while placed, and you cannot place a Banner while you already have a banner placed.
Earthquake ImageEarthquake Skill Smashes the ground, dealing damage in an area and leaving behind Jagged Ground that slow enemies. The Jagged Ground erupts in a powerful Aftershock after a duration. Cannot create Jagged Ground on top of an existing patch, or if you already have the maximum number of active patches.
Earthshatter ImageEarthshatter Skill Slam the ground, sending out a fissure that deals area damage to enemies it passess under and thrusts a spike from the ground when it ends. Warcries performed near the spike will cause it to shatter, damaging surrounding enemies.
Electrocute ImageElectrocute Support Supports any skill which can deal Damage. Lightning Damage from Supported skills can inflict Electrocute, but supported skills deal less Damage.
Electrocuting Arrow ImageElectrocuting Arrow Skill Leap forward into the air and fire downward. Hitting an enemy will attach an Electrocuting Rod to them, causing all incoming Lightning damage to build up Electrocution. This rod is removed when the enemy is next Electrocuted.
Elemental Army ImageElemental Army Support Supports skills which create Minions, bolstering the Elemental Resistance of those Minions.
Elemental Conflux ImageElemental Conflux Spirit Tap into a current of raw and unpredictable Elemental Power, causing you to deal greatly more damage of a randomly chosen Element. The Element affected changes frequently, though the same Element can be affected multiple times in succession.
Elemental Discharge ImageElemental Discharge Support Supports any Spell that hits enemies, causing it to consume Elemental Ailments on Hit to trigger Elemental Discharge. Cannot support the skills of Minions.
Elemental Focus ImageElemental Focus Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing it to deal more Elemental Damage but be unable to inflict Elemental Ailments.
Elemental Invocation ImageElemental Invocation Meta While active, this invocation gains energy when you Freeze, Shock, or Ignite an enemy. Using the invocation once sufficient energy is gathered will consume the energy to trigger socketed Spells, and can trigger them multiple times if it has enough energy.
Ember Fusillade ImageEmber Fusillade Skill Conjures a blazing Ember that hovers around you. After a short duration, the Ember launches at the enemy, dealing fire damage in an area on impact. Recasting the spess resets the duration for all active Embers. Multiple Embers fired in the same Fusillade will attempt to target different enemies.
Emergency Reload ImageEmergency Reload Skill Instantly relaods your active Crossbow Ammunition and Empowers the loaded bolts to deal more damage.
Encumbrance ImageEncumbrance Support Supports any skill, causing inflicted slows to be more powerful
Energy Barrier ImageEnergy Barrier Support Supports any skill that you can use, causing Energy Shield recharge to begin immediately if you are stunned while using it.
Energy Retention ImageEnergy Retention Support Supports Meta skills. Supported skills gain a chance to partially refund a portion of energy cost when triggering or invoking other skills.
Enfeeble ImageEnfeeble Skill Curses all targets in an area after a short delay, making them deal less damage.
Enraged Warcry ImageEnraged Warcry Support Supports Warcries, causing them to consume Rage to further boost Empowered Attacks.
Envenom ImageEnvenom Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, giving it a chance to Poison enemies.
Escape Shot ImageEscape Shot Skill Leap backwards and fire an arrow which can Chill or Freeze enemies around the location you escaped from.
Essence Drain ImageEssence Drain Skill Fires a Projectile that applies a powerful Chaos damage over time debuff to enemy hits.
Eternal Flame ImageEternal Flame Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing its ignites to be inflicted less often but last longer.
Excise ImageExcise Support Supports any damaging skill that you can use yourself, granting it significantly higher chance to Critically Hit, but causing it to gain a long cooldown. Cannot support skills which already have a cooldown.
Execrate ImageExecrate Support Supports any damaging skills that you use yourself, granting it significantly higher chance to inflict Ailments on hit, but causing it to gain a long cooldown. Cannot support skills which already have a cooldown.
Execute ImageExecute Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing it to deal more damage against enemies on low life.
Expanse ImageExpanse Support Supports any skill that you use yourself, granting it significantly higher Area of Effect but causing it to gain a long cooldown. Cannot support skills which already have a cooldown.
Exploit Weakness ImageExploit Weakness Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing them to deal more damage against enemies with Broken Armour but preventing them from Breaking Armour themselves. Cannot support skills that consume Broken Armour.
Explosive Grenade ImageExplosive Grenade Skill Fires a bouncing Grenade that unleashes a devastating fiery blast when its fuse expires.
Explosive Shot ImageExplosive Shot Skill Loads your Crossbow with flaming bolts that explode on impact. The explosion will cause any Grenades in its area of effect to also explode.
Extraction ImageExtraction Support Supports Spell skills . Using supported Spells will cause you to Sacrifice a portion of your Life on use, gaining extra Chaos Damage in exchange. Does not support persistent Persistent skills, Minion skills, or Triggered skills.
Eye of Winter ImageEye of Winter Skill Fires a single Eye Projectile which does not hit enemies. The Eye constantly releases damaging shard Projectiles in a spiral as it flies, plus an extra burst of Shards at the end of its flight. If the Eye passes over an Elemental ground surface, it will take on that surface effect, applying it to nearby enemies and causing shards to deal more damage of the corresponding type.
Falling Thunder ImageFalling Thunder Skill Infuses your Quarter staff with electrical energies, then slams the ground to deal damage in a large cone in front of you. Consumes your Power Charges to fire Lightning Projectiles forwards from the impact.
Fast Forward ImageFast Forward Support Supports any skill that has a duration, making that duration shorter.
Feeding Frenzy ImageFeeding Frenzy Support Supports skills which create Minions, making them deal and take more damage.
Ferocity ImageFerocity Support Supports skills that you use yourself. Supported skills will consume a Frenzy Charge on use if possible, and will gain significant Skill Speed if they do. Supported skills cannot generate Frenzy Charges.
Fiery Death ImageFiery Death Support Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing explosions on killing Ignited enemies.
Fire Exposure ImageFire Exposure Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing it to deal less damage but inflict Fire Exposure when it Ignites an enemy.
Fire Infusion ImageFire Infusion Support Supports Attacks, causing them to Gain Fire Damage but deal less Cold and Lightning Damage.
Fire Mastery ImageFire Mastery Support Supports Fire skills, granting them an additional level.
Fire Penetration ImageFire Penetration Support Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making those hits penetrate enemy Fire resistances.
Fireball ImageFireball Skill Launches a large ball of Fire which explodes on impact, creating a nova of smaller firebolts.
Firestorm ImageFirestorm Skill Rains flaming bolts over the targeted area. Ignites on enemies in front of you are Consumed to fuel the Firestorm, causing one bolt to be improved for each Ignite Consumed.
Fist of War ImageFist of War Support Supports Slams you use yourself, providing a powerful Ancestral Boost every few seconds.
Flame Wall ImageFlame Wall Skill Creates a wall of fire in front of the character, which ignites everything within its area. Any projectiles fired through the wall by you and allies deal added fire damage and inflict ignite on hit.
Flameblast ImageFlameblast Skill Channels to build destructive energy around you or a targeted Solar Orb. Releasing the energy causes a devastating explosion that is larger and more intense the longer you channelled for.
Flammability ImageFlammability Skill Curses all targets in an area after a short delay, lowering their Fire Resistance.
Flash Grenade ImageFlash Grenade Skill Fires a bouncing Grenade that unleashes a Blinding, Stunning explosion when its fuse expires. This explosion can Blind both Allies and Enemies.
Flicker Strike ImageFlicker Strike Skill Teleport to an enemy and Strike them. Consumes Power Charges to perform additional teleporting strikes on nearby enemies.
Focused Curse ImageFocused Curse Support Supports Curse skills, causing them to Curse enemies more quickly after being cast.
Font of Blood ImageFont of Blood Support Supports skills which create stationary objects. Objects created by supported skills generate a Font of Blood, creating an Aura which grants Life regeneration.
Font of Mana ImageFont of Mana Support Supports skills which create stationary objects. Objects created by supported skills generate a Font of Mana, creating an Aura which grants Mana regeneration.
Font of Rage ImageFont of Rage Support Supported Skills which create stationary objects. Objects created by supported Skills generate a Font of Rage, creating an Aura which grants Rage over time, as well as preventing Rage loss.
Fork ImageFork Support Supports Projectile Skills, making their Projectiles Fork.
Fortress ImageFortress Support Supports skills that create walls in a line, causing them to be created in a circle instead but deal less hit damage.
Fragmentation Rounds ImageFragmentation Rounds Skill Loads your Crossbow with Piercing bolts that fragment in flight. Bolts that hit a frozen enemy consume the Freeze and cause an explosion of Shrapnel. Bolts that hit an Ice Crystal cause it to explode.
Freezing Mark ImageFreezing Mark Skill Marks a target, making them more susceptible to being Frozen. When a Marked target dies, a Cold nova erupts from their corpse. this nova does not use your Weapon Damage, and instead uses its own Base Attack damage.
Freezing Salvo ImageFreezing Salvo Skill Passively coalesces icy missiles from the air over time. Using the skill fires a missile, firing an additional missile for each that has been accumulated.
Fresh Clip ImageFresh Clip Support Supports Crossbow skills, granting them more damage for each bolt reloaded by that skill in the last 6 seconds.
Frost Bomb ImageFrost Bomb Skill Creates a pulsing Orb of Frost. Each pulse inflicts Cold Exposure on nearby Enemies. When the Orb's duration ends, it explodes, dealing Cold damage to surrounding Enemies.
Frost Nexus ImageFrost Nexus Support Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to create patches of Chilled Ground around Frozen enemies.
Frost Wall ImageFrost Wall Skill Creates a Wall of Ice Crystals which holds back enemies. The Crystals explode if sufficiently damaged, orif pushed hard enough, damaging nearby enemies..
Frostbolt ImageFrostbolt Skill Fires a slow-moving projectile that leaves a wake of Chilled Ground, deals Cold Damage and explodes on colliding with terrain.
Frostfire ImageFrostfire Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing it to consume Freeze on Igniting a frozen enemy to boost the effect of the ignite.
Frozen Locus ImageFrozen Locus Skill Leap backward and crack the ground with your staff to call forth an Ice Crystal, which creates Chilled Ground around it and can be damaged by you and enemies. If the Crystal is destroyed it causes an icy explosion that deals Attack Damage but does not use your weapon's damage.
Galvanic Shards ImageGalvanic Shards Skill Loads your Crossbow with a clip of charged bolts that fragment in flight, releasing Chaining Lightning beams when they Hit enemies. Using this skill again reloads the clip.
Gas Arrow ImageGas Arrow Skill Fires a noxious arrow at the ground, creating a cloud of flammable poisonous gas at the end of its flight. The cloud will detonate if hit by a Detonator skill or if an Ignited enemy touches it, creating a fiery explosion.
Gas Grenade ImageGas Grenade Skill Fires a bouncing Grenade that causes a burst of Poison gas when its fuse expires, damaging enemies and leaving behind a growing Poison cloud. Burning effects or Detonator skills will cause the cloud to explode in a fiery blast.
Gathering Storm ImageGathering Storm Skill Flips backward and Channels to charge your Quarterstaff with Lightning. Releasing dashed towards the target location, damaging enemies along the way. Releasing with perfect timing performs a lightning-infused dash that releases shockwaves from enemies you dash through and leaves a trail of Shocked Ground in your wake.
Ghost Dance ImageGhost Dance Spirit Periodically Gain Ghost Shrouds. If you are Hit while you have a Ghost Shroud, it is immediately consumed to recover Energy Shield based on your Evasion.
Glacial Bolt ImageGlacial Bolt Skill Loads your Crossbow with icy bolts that create two walls of Ice Crystals at the end of their flight.
Glacial Cascade ImageGlacial Cascade Skill Sweep your Quarterstaff upwards, releasing an icy fissure which deals damage in a series of bursts culminating in a large spike. Frozen enemies hit by the final spike are dealt heavy damage but the Freeze is Consumed. Ice Crystals hit by the final spike explode.
Glaciation ImageGlaciation Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, makit it more effective at Freezing enemies.
Glacier ImageGlacier Support Supports skills which creates Ice Crystals, causing them to be created with higher Life.
Grim Feast ImageGrim Feast Spirit Feeds on corpses to bolster your Energy Shield. While active, enemies and Reviving Minions that die in your Presence have a chance to drop Grim Remnants. Picking up a Grim Remnant grants you Energy Shield which can Overflow maximum Energy Shield.
Hailstorm Rounds ImageHailstorm Rounds Skill Passively generates bolts of ice at a frequency equal to reload time, up to a cap. Activate to Load accumulated bolts into your crossbow. All loaded bolts are fired at once, causing them to rain down over the target area.
Hammer of the Gods ImageHammer of the Gods Skill Entreats the Ancestors to crush your enemies, manifesting a massive hammer that falls from the sky of your target, Slamming into the ground after a short duration and dealing immense damage based on your weapon.
Hand of Chayula ImageHand of Chayula Meta Dash to an enemy and Strike them with an Unarmed Attack, applying socketed Curses and Marks with reduced effect. This skill always Strikes with your bare fist, even if you have a Quarterstaff equipped.
Heavy Swing ImageHeavy Swing Support Supports Melee Attacks, boosting their Physical damage at the cost of Attack Speed.
Heft ImageHeft Support Supports Skills which deal damage, increasing the maximum Physical Damage of their Hits.
Heightened Curse ImageHeightened Curse Support Supports curse skills, magnifying their power.
Herald of Ash ImageHerald of Ash Spirit While active, enemies you sufficiently Overkill with attacks will cause an explosion that ignites nearby enemies based on the Overkill damage dealt.
Herald of Ice ImageHerald of Ice Spirit While active, Shattering an enemy with an Attack Hit will cause an icy explosion that deals Attack damage to surrounding enemies.
Herald of Plague ImageHerald of Plague Spirit While active, killing a Poisoned enemy spreads its Poison to other nearby enemies, and has a chance to also Hinder them.
Herald of Thunder ImageHerald of Thunder Spirit While active, killing Shocked enemies with Attack damage, will cause subsequent Attack hits to release lightning bolts which deals Attack damage to all surrounding enemies.
Herbalism ImageHerbalism Support Supports Persistent Buff skills, causing you to gain increased Life recovery from Flasks while the skill is active.
Hex Bloom ImageHex Bloom Support Supports Curses spreading their effects when a Cursed enemy dies.
Hexblast ImageHexblast Skill Detonates Curses on enemies in an area, causing explosions of Chaos damage but removing the Curse.
High Velocity Rounds ImageHigh Velocity Rounds Skill Loads your Crossbow with Piercing bolts that can consume Fully Broken Armour on enemies to deal extra damage.
Hinder ImageHinder Support Supports Spells that deal non-Ailment Chaos damage over time, causing damage over time they inflict to also Hinder enemies.
Holy Descent ImageHoly Descent Support Supports skills that leap into the air, causing them to create Consecrated ground when you land.
Hourglass ImageHourglass Support Supports any damaging skill that you use yourself, causing it to deal significantly more damage but gain a long cooldown. Cannot support skills which already have a cooldown.
Hypothermia ImageHypothermia Skill Curses all targets in an area after a short delay, lowering their Cold Resistance.
Ice Bite ImageIce Bite Support Supports attacks you use yourself. Freezing an enemy with supported skills infuses all of your attacks with Cold damage for a short time.
Ice Nova ImageIce Nova Skill A nova of ice expands from you, Knocking Back enemies based on how close they are to you. Casting Ice Nova targeting near a Frostbolt Projectile will cause it to originate from the Frostbolt insead of you, and cause more Freeze buildup.
Ice Shards ImageIce Shards Skill Loads your Crossbow with a clip of icy bolts that rapidly fire at the ground, leaving a shard of ice at the impact location unless the bolt hits an enemy. The ice shards shatter when enemies step on them, dealing damage to nearby enemies. Using this skill again reloads the clip.
Ice Shot ImageIce Shot Skill Fires an icy arrow that sprays a cone of ice shards when it hits a target.
Ice Strike ImageIce Strike Skill Perform a fast icy Strike, Using this Attack three times in quick succession causes a final strike that is slower and more powerful.
Icicle ImageIcicle Support Supports any Skill which creates Ice Crystals, causing them to be created with lower life.
Ignition ImageIgnition Support Supports any skills that Hits enemies, making it more likely to Ignite.
Immolate ImageImmolate Support Supports Attacks, granting them extra Fire damage against Ignited enemies but making them unable to Ignite enemies themselves.
Impact Shockwave ImageImpact Shockwave Support Supports Melee Strike skills, causing them to create an Aftershock that damages enemies around the target when they Heavy Stun an enemy.
Impending Doom ImageImpending Doom Support Supports Curse skills you cast yourself, causing them to trigger Doom Blast on Cursed enemies when the Curse expires.
Impetus ImageImpetus Support Support Meta skills. Supported Skills generate Energy significantly faster.
Incendiary Shot ImageIncendiary Shot Skill Loads your Crossbow with flaming bolts that fragment in flight, damaging and igniting enemies on hit and in a small cone behind their final target.
Incinerate ImageIncinerate Skill Conjures a torrent of flames from your hand, Igniting enemies in front of you. The flames grow stronger the longer you Channel for, and at maximum strength also apply stacking Fire Exposure and creating Ignited Ground.
Inevitable Critical ImageInevitable Critical Support Supports any skill you use yourself that Hits enemies, causing it to accumulate Critical hit chance over time.
Infernal Cry ImageInfernal Cry Skill Performs a warcry, Empowering subsequent Attacks. Consumes all Endurance Charges to Empower additional attacks. Enemies in the warcry's area are destabilised and will Combust on death.
Infernal Legion ImageInfernal Legion Support Supports skills which create Minions, causing them and enemies near them to Burn. Damage dealt by the burning is based off the Life of the supported Minion.
Ingenuity ImageIngenuity Support Supports skills with Cooldowns, increasing the rate at which those Cooldowns recover.
Innervate ImageInnervate Support Supports attacks you use yourself. Killing a Shocked enemy with supported skills infuses all of your attacks with Lightning damage for a short time.
Inspiration ImageInspiration Support Supports any skill, making it cost less to use. Cannot support skills which reserve Spirit.
Intense Agony ImageIntense Agony Support Supports spells that deal non-Ailment damage over time, causing them to have a shorter duration but deal substantially more damage over time with debuffs inflicted against enemies on full life.
Ironwood ImageIronwood Support Supports skills which create Totems. Totems created by supported skills have additional Elemental Resistances.
Jagged Ground ImageJagged Ground Support Supports Slam skills, granting them a chance to create patches of Jagged Ground.
Killing Palm ImageKilling Palm Skill Dash to an enemy and Strike them with an unarmed Attack, Culling enemies if their life is low enough. Each enemy killed by this strike grants a Power Charge. Enemies around you that can be Culled will be highlighted. This skill always Strikes with your bare fist, even if you have a Quarterstaff equipped.
Lacerate ImageLacerate Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, giving it a chance to inflict Bleeding.
Last Gasp ImageLast Gasp Support Supports skills which create Minions, granting them more life but making them deal less damage.
Lasting Shock ImageLasting Shock Support Supports any skill that hits enemies or inflicts Shock, causing its Shocks to be inflicted less often but last longer.
Leap Slam ImageLeap Slam Skill Jump into the air, damaging and Knocking Back enemies with your mace where you land. Enemies you would land on are pushed out of the way.
Leverage ImageLeverage Support Supports skills which hit enemies. supported skills gain increased chance to Critically Hit against immobilised enemies.
Life Bounty ImageLife Bounty Support Supports any skills that hits enemies, causing enemies it kills to grant more Life Flask Charges.
Life Drain ImageLife Drain Support Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing you to recover Life when it Culls an enemy
Life Thief ImageLife Thief Support Supports Attacks, causing their Physical damage to Leech life.
LifeTap ImageLifeTap Support Supports any skill, turning a portion of its Mana cost into a Life cost. Does not support skills which reserve spirit.
Lightning Arrow ImageLightning Arrow Skill Fires a charged arrow at the target. On hitting an enemy or wall, the arrow will fire Chaining Lightning beams at nearby enemies.
Lightning Conduit ImageLightning Conduit Skill Calls down lightning to strike all enemies in a cone in front of you. Deals significantly more damage to Shocked enemies but consumes shock from them after damaging them. Targeting close to you will cause you to jump back as you cast.
Lightning Exposure ImageLightning Exposure Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing it to deal less damage but inflict Lightning Exposure when it shocks and enemy.
Lightning Infusion ImageLightning Infusion Support Supports attacks, causing them to gain Lightning Damage but deal less Cold and Fire Damage.
Lightning Mastery ImageLightning Mastery Support Supports Lightning skills, granting them an additional level.
Lightning Penetration ImageLightning Penetration Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, making those hits penetrate enemy Lightning Resistance.
Lightning Rod ImageLightning Rod Skill Fire an arrow that drops from above, creating a Lightning burst. The arrow remains in the ground, and any Chaining Lightning beams can Chain to it. When Chained to, the arrows release another Lightning burst.
Lightning Warp ImageLightning Warp Skill Teleports you inside the target's body, causing it to violently explode. Highlights enemies that can be culled, and can only be used on these enemies or Ball Lightning projectiles. The target is destroyed, and the explosion deals Lightning Damage to surrounding enemies and creates Shocked Ground.
Lingering Illusion ImageLingering Illusion Spirit Creates a short-lived illusory copy of yourself whenever you dodge roll. The copy can be damaged by enemies, and copies that are destroyed by an enemy will grant you a Power Charge.
Lockdown ImageLockdown Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing any Pin buildup it inflicts to be stronger the closer the enemy is to you.
Long Fuse ImageLong Fuse Support Supports skills which fire Grenades, causing those Grenades to have much higher duration and damage.
Longshot ImageLongshot Support Supports Attacks, causing them to deal more damage from farther away.
Magma Barrier ImageMagma Barrier Spirit When you raise your Shield it is infused with magma for a short time. Blocking during this time will spray magma at the attacker and grant you an Endurance Charge.
Magnetic Salvo ImageMagnetic Salvo Skill Aims skyward and fires energy missiles at lingering arrows or bolts created by other Lightning Attacks in front of you. The missiles explode if they land close to a lingering bolt or arrow, dealing more damage in a larger area but destroying that bolt or arrow in the process.
Magnified Effect ImageMagnified Effect Support Supports any skill with an area of effect, making it larger.
Maim ImageMaim Support Supports Attacks causing them to Maim enemies.
Mana Bounty ImageMana Bounty Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing enemies it kills to grant more Mana Flask charges.
Mana Flare ImageMana Flare Support Supports any Spell that hits enemies, causing it to trigger a Mana Flare on Critical Hit. The Mana Flare consumes your mana to deal Fire damage. Cannot support the skills of Minions.
Mana Remnants ImageMana Remnants Spirit Conjures surging lightning to restore your Mana. While active, Shocked enemies you kill have a chance to spawn a Mana Remnant, and Critically Hitting a Shocked target spawns a Mana Remnant every few seconds. Picking up a Mana Remnant grants you Mana which can Overflow maximum Mana.
Mana Tempest ImageMana Tempest Skill Creates a storm of arcane energies that Empowers your Mana-costing Spells while you remain inside it. Maintaining the Storm constantly drains your Mana, and each spell you cast causes it to drain faster. The storm will dissipate when you exit it or run out of mana.
Mantra of Destruction ImageMantra of Destruction Skill Build Combo by successfully striking enemies with other skills. After reaching maximum Combo, use this skill to Empower your next Quarterstaff attack, causing it to deal Chaos damage. Each kill with the Empowered attack grants Purple Flame of Chayula for a duration.
Martial Tempo ImageMartial Tempo Support Supports Attacks, causing them to Attack faster.
Meat Shield ImageMeat Shield Support None
Minion Instability ImageMinion Instability Support Supports skills which create Minions, causing them to violently explode when reduced to low life.
Minion Mastery ImageMinion Mastery Support Supports Minion skills, granting them an additional level.
Minion Pact ImageMinion Pact Support Supports damaging skills you use yourself, draining the life from one of your Minions on use in order to boost the sill's damage. Only takes effect if you have a Minion with enough life to drain the full amount.
Mobility ImageMobility Support Supports skills that can be used while moving, allowing you to move faster while using them.
Molten Blast ImageMolten Blast Skill Gouges molten rock from the ground and flings it at the target. The Projectile explodes on collision, damaging enemies and scattering shrapnel in a cone behind it.
Momentum ImageMomentum Support Supports any damaging skill that you use yourself, causing it to deal more damage if you move a sufficient distance while using the skill. Teleportation does not count towards the distance travelled.
Murderous Intent ImageMurderous Intent Support Supports skills that can Empower skills other than themselves, causing skills they Empower to Cull enemies.
Neural Overload ImageNeural Overload Support Supports any skill that hits enemies. Nearby enemies are marked when they are Primed for Electrocution, and hitting a marked enemy with a supported skill will Electrocute them.
Nimble Reload ImageNimble Reload Support Supports Crossbow Ammunition skills, causing them to Reload bolts significantly faster.
Oil Grenade ImageOil Grenade Skill Fires a bouncing Grenade that bursts in a spray of Oil when the fuse expires or when it impacts an Enemy, dealing minimal damage but covering the ground and nearby enemies in Oil. Oil created this way can be Ignited by Detonator Skills or Ignited Ground.
Orb of Storms ImageOrb of Storms Skill Creates an Orb of electricity that fires Chaining Lightning bolts at nearby enemies.
Overabundance ImageOverabundance Support Supports skills which can have a Limited number of effects active at once, increasing that Limit at the cost of their duration. Only applies to restrictions that use the word “Limit”.
Overcharge ImageOvercharge Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, making its Shocks more effective but last for a shorter duration.
Overpower ImageOverpower Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing it to build up Stun more quickly.
Overwhelming Presence ImageOverwhelming Presence Spirit While active, enemies in your Presence are easier to Stun and inflict Elemental Ailments upon.
Pain Offering ImagePain Offering Skill Impales a Skeleton on bone spike to send nearby Minions into a frenzy as long as the spike remains. The bone spike itself is a minion. If it dies, effect ends immediately.
Payload ImagePayload Support Supports skills which fire Grenades, giving fired Grenades a chance to activate again, but lengthening their cooldowns.
Perfect Strike ImagePerfect Strike Skill Charge up your weapon while channelling. Releasing the moment you ECT STRIKE fully charge will release a wave of Fire.
Permafrost Bolts ImagePermafrost Bolts Skill Loads your Crossbow with icy bolts that fragment in flight, damaging enemies on hit and in a small cone behind their final target. The icy coating on the bolts make them extremely potent at Freezing enemies.
Perpetual Charge ImagePerpetual Charge Support Supports skills that consume Power, Frenzy, or Endurance Charges on use, giving them a chance not to remove each Charge while still gaining the benefits of Consuming them.
Persistence ImagePersistence Support Supports any skill that has a duration, making that duration longer.
Physical Mastery ImagePhysical Mastery Support Supports Physical skills, granting them an additional level.
Pierce ImagePierce Support Supports Projectile skills, making their Projectiles Pierce an enemy but deal less damage after doing so.
Pin ImagePin Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, allowing its Physical damage to Pin enemies but making it unable to Stun.
Plague Bearer ImagePlague Bearer Spirit Stores all Poison Damage you deal. Using the Plague Nova skill unleashes the stored Poison.
Plasma Blast ImagePlasma Blast Skill Loads your Crossbow with unstable that require a lengthy charging period to fire but deal devastating damage, Pierce through enemies, and explode upon hitting terrain.
Poisonburst Arrow ImagePoisonburst Arrow Skill Fires a virulent arrow that creates a burst of Poison on hit, affecting all enemies in an area.
Potential ImagePotential Support Supports skills that you use yourself. Supported skills will comsume a Power Charge on use if possible, and will be much more likely to Critically hit if they do. Supported Skills cannot generate Power Charges.
Practiced Combo ImagePracticed Combo Support Supports Strike skills. Supported skills have a chance to build additional Combo on hit. Cannot support skills used by minions.
Precision ImagePrecision Support Supports Persistent Buff Skills, causing you to gain increased Accuracy while the skill is active.
Premeditation ImagePremeditation Support Supports skills that can Empower skills other than themselves, causing skills they Empower to deal more damage.
Primal Armament ImagePrimal Armament Support Supports Attacks that use a weapon, causing them to deal more weapon Elemental Damage.
Profane Ritual ImageProfane Ritual Skill Marks a Corpse with a profane rune, dealing Chaos damage over time to nearby enemies. When the ritual is complete the corpse is consumed and you gain a power charge.
Profusion ImageProfusion Support Supports skills that can generate Charges, giving them a chance to generate and additional Charge when they do so.
Rage ImageRage Support Supports Melee Attacks, causing them to grant Rage on Hit.
Rageforged ImageRageforged Support Supports any damaging skill that you use or trigger yourself, causing it to consume Rage to deal more damage. If you don't have enough Rage to consume, the damage bonus will not apply.
Raging Cry ImageRaging Cry Support Supports Warcry skills, causing them to grant you Rage on use depending on counted monster Power.
Raging Spirits ImageRaging Spirits Spirit While active, your Fire Spells will also summon Raging Spirits, which are short-lived flaming skulls that rush at nearby enemies and rapidly Attack them. Enemies will not directly engage these Minions, and can pass through them.
Rain of Arrows ImageRain of Arrows Skill Fire arrows into the air, causing them to rain from above. Consumes your Frenzy Charges to fire more arrows.
Raise Zombie ImageRaise Zombie Skill Consumes a Corpse or Power Charge to create a short-lived zombie. Zombies created from Power Charges are empowered.
Rapid Shot ImageRapid Shot Skill Loads your Crossbow with a large clip of heavily modified that cause Heat build up on your crossbow, before unleashing a stream of flaming bolts that gain Fire damage based on your Heat. Heat also grants bonus damage to Grenades you fire, but dissipates rapidly when not building up. Using this skill again reloads the clip.
ReaperReaper's Invocation Meta While active, this invocation gains energy when you kill an enemy with a Melee Attack. Using the invocation once sufficient energy is gathered will consume the energy to trigger socketed Spells, and can trigger them multiple times if it has enough energy.
Resonating Shield ImageResonating Shield Skill Repeatedly strike your Shield with your weapon causing damaging shockwaves in an area around you. Enemies hit by the shockwave lose Armour for a duration. While using Resonating Shield, your shield is raised and you will Block all incoming Blockable hits.
Ricochet ImageRicochet Support Supports any skill which creates Projectiles, giving those projectiles a chance to Chain when impacting terrain.
Ripwire Ballista ImageRipwire Ballista Skill Deploys a Balista Totem that fires Pinning bolts which Maim enemies.
Rising Tempest ImageRising Tempest Support Supports Skills which deal Damage, raising Elemental Damage dealt for each Skill used Recently of a different Elemental type. Cannot support Minion Skills
Ritualistic Curse ImageRitualistic Curse Support Supports Curse skills, causing them to cover a larger area but take longer to curse enemies,
Rolling Slam ImageRolling Slam Skill Slam the ground to Stun enemies and knock them away, then continue forward and perform a devastating second Slam. holding down the skill input allows you to change direction as you move.
Rupture ImageRupture Support Supports skills that Hit Enemies. Supported skills Aggravate Bleeding on Hitting Heavily Stunned Enemies.
Ruthless ImageRuthless Support Supports Attacks, causing repeated uses to be more effective at Stunning enemies.
Sacrifice ImageSacrifice Spirit While active, your undead Reviving Minions can be used in place of Corpses by your skills, but your Minions Revive more slowly.
Scattershot ImageScattershot Support Supports Projectile skills, making them fire extra Projectiles. Also lowers Attack and Cast speed of supported skills, as well as lessening their damage.
Scavenged Plating ImageScavenged Plating Spirit Uses fragments of armour scavenged from enemies to bolster your own. Fully Breaking an enemy's Armour grants you a stack of Scavenged Plating for a duration, and you gain Armour and Thorns per stack.
Searing Flame ImageSearing Flame Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing inflicted Ignites to deal more damage but its hits to deal less damage.
Second Wind ImageSecond Wind Support Supports skills with cooldowns, giving them extra uses of that cooldown. Cannot support instant or triggered skills.
Seismic Cry ImageSeismic Cry Skill Performs a damaging Warcry, knocking Back enemies. If a Heavy Stunned enemy is hit, your next Slam is empowered to perform an additional aftershock. If not, this skills cooldown is reset. Only counts Heavily Stunned enemies for purpose of counting Power gained.
Shard Scavenger ImageShard Scavenger Spirit While Active, consuming Freeze, Shock, Ignite, or Fully Broken Armour on an enemy reloads your Crossbow. This can only occur once every few seconds.
Shattering Palm ImageShattering Palm Skill Dash to an enemy and strike them with an unarmed attack that manifests a wave of cold, coating nearby enemies in shards of Ice. Dealing enough damage to these enemies will shatter the shards, causing an icy explosion that deals Attack Damage. This skill always strikes with your bare fist, even if you have a quarterstaff equipped.
Shield Charge ImageShield Charge Skill Channel to charge in the target direction. You will crash into enemies on your path, stopping your charge and dealing damage to enemies in an area, and extra damage to the enemies you collided with. While charging, your Shield is raised and you will Block all incoming Blockable hits.
Shield Wall ImageShield Wall Skill Ram you Shield into the ground, throwing up a semi-circular wall of earth. Enemies can attack the walls and your Slams will instantly destroy them. Each wall segment explodes when destroyed, damaging enemies around it.
Shock Siphon ImageShock Siphon Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing you to recover Energy Shield when it kills a Shocked enemy.
Shockburst Rounds ImageShockburst Rounds Skill Loads your Crossbow with a clip of charged bolts which releases damaging pulses upon hitting an enemy affected by a lightning ailment. Using this skill again reloads the clip.
Shockchain Arrow ImageShockchain Arrow Skill ires a Lightning-infused arrow that homes in on Shocked enemies. Hitting a Shocked enemy will Consume the Shock to charge the arrow, causing it to release a damaging shockwave and split beams towards up to two nearby targets, prioritising ones which are Shocked. If the beam hits a Shocked target, it will release another damaging shockwave and can continue to Chain.
Shockwave Totem ImageShockwave Totem Skill Raises a Totem that Slams the ground around it, repeatedly damaging nearby enemies. Jagged Ground erupts when hit by this Slam, damaging enemies standing on it.
Siege Cascade ImageSiege Cascade Skill Loads your Crossbow with enemy-seeking payloads which are fired into the air, dropping a bolt near every enemy in the target area. These bolts lodge in the ground and explode after a short delay .
Siphoning Strike ImageSiphoning Strike Skill Dash to a target and Strike them with your quarterstaff. If the target is Shocked, consume the Shock to release a Lightning shockwave around the target and grant you a Power Charge.
Skeletal Arsonist ImageSkeletal Arsonist Skill Summons bomb-throwing, reviving Skeletal Arsonists that can detonate other minions on command.
Skeletal Brute ImageSkeletal Brute Skill Summons hard-hitting, Reviving Skeletal Brutes that can Stun Primed enemies.
Skeletal Cleric ImageSkeletal Cleric Skill Summons Reviving Skeletal Clerics that heal other minions and revive fallen Skeletons.
Skeletal Frost Mage ImageSkeletal Frost Mage Skill Summons reviving Skeletal Frost Mages that can be commanded to cast Icy Explosions
Skeletal Reaver ImageSkeletal Reaver Skill Summons aggressive, Reviving Skeletal Reavers that can enrage on Command
Skeletal Sniper ImageSkeletal Sniper Skill Summons long-ranged, Reviving Skeletal Snipers that can fire a gas arrow on Command.
Skeletal Storm Mage ImageSkeletal Storm Mage Skill Summons Reviving Skeletal Storm Mages that can call down a lightning storm on dead Skeletons on Command.
Skeletal Warrior ImageSkeletal Warrior Skill Summons reviving Skeletal Warriors.
Snipe ImageSnipe Skill Channel to charge up your bow before releasing a powerful shot. Releasing the moment you fully charge causes the arrow to explode on impact for a guaranteed Critical Hit.
SniperSniper's Mark Skill Marks a target. The next Critical Hit the target receives consumes the Mark to deal extra damage and grant you a Frenzy Charge.
Solar Orb ImageSolar Orb Skill Creates a fiery Orb that periodically releases fiery pulses. Enemies that are very close to the Orb are Ignited.
Soul Drain ImageSoul Drain Support Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing you to recover Mana when it Culls an enemy.
Soul Offering ImageSoul Offering Skill Impales a Skeleton on a bone spike, granting you a powerful Spell Damage Buff as long as the spike remains. Does not affect your minions. The bone spike itself is a Minion. If it dies, the effect ends immediately.
Soul Thief ImageSoul Thief Support Supports Attacks causing their Physical Damage to Leech Mana.
Spark ImageSpark Skill Launches a spray of sparking projectiles that travel erratically along the ground until they hit an enemy or expire.
Spell Cascade ImageSpell Cascade Support Supports Spells that affect an area around you or a target location, causing those spells to also target additional areas on either side of the target area, along a randomly chosen axis. Cannot support Channelling skills or Remote skills.
Spell Echo ImageSpell Echo Support Supports Spells that affect an area around you or a target location. Supported Spells echo, causing their effects to happen again after a short delay. Cannot support Channelling skills or Remote skills.
Spiral Volley ImageSpiral Volley Skill Loads your Bow with a volley of enchanted arrows and fires them in a circle as you spin forward, firing directly at targets if possible. Consumes Frenzy Charges to cause the arrows to deal more damage and Chain to other targets. Each target can only be Hit once.
Splinter ImageSplinter Support Supports Skills that Hit Enemies, causing those Hits to Break Armour based on a portion of Physical Damage dealt.
Staggering Palm ImageStaggering Palm Skill Dash to an enemy and Strike them with an Unarmed Strike, Heavy Stunning an enemy with this Skill grants you a Buff, that causes your Quarterstaff and Unarmed attacks to also fire Projectiles for a short duration. Enemies which are Primed for Stun will instantly be Heavily Stunned. This skill always Strikes with your bare fist, even if you have a Quarterstaff equipped.
Stampede ImageStampede Skill Charges forward, cracking the earth and leaving a patch of Jagged Ground with every footstep. At the end of your charge, a massive leaping Slam damages enemies and causes all nearby patches of Jagged Ground to explode, damaging enemies standing on them.
Stomping Ground ImageStomping Ground Support Supports Travel Skills, causing your footsteps to crack the earth and emit damaging shockwaves while using the skill.
Storm Wave ImageStorm Wave Skill Sweep your Quarterstaff, projecting a bolt of Lightning through the ground in a long wave ahead of you.
Stormblast Bolts ImageStormblast Bolts Skill Loads your crossbow with charged bolts that land around the target location and explode if hit by a Detonator skill. Using this skill again reloads the clip.
Stormcaller Arrow ImageStormcaller Arrow Skill Fires an arrow that embeds where it lands for a short duration. At the end of the duration, a Lightning bolt strikes the arrow, disintegrating it and damaging enemies with a high chance to Shock.
Stormfire ImageStormfire Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, prolonging Shocks they inflict on Ignited enemies.
Strip Away ImageStrip Away Support Supports Skills which apply Exposure to Enemies, increasing the effect of applied Exposure.
Sunder ImageSunder Skill Slams the ground, creating a roiling fissure that damages enemies in a sequence of areas in front of you. A number of enemies hit by the wave will release a shockwave, damaging other enemies.
Supercharged Slam ImageSupercharged Slam Skill Channel to charge up a heavy swing, drawing earth from the ground to enlarge your mace. Release to Slam the ground, dealing damage in an area around the impact, followed by Aftershocks dealing damage in larger area.
Supercritical ImageSupercritical Support Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to deal more damage with Critical Hits but have less Critical Hit chance.
Swift Affliction ImageSwift Affliction Support Supports any skill that deals damage, causing it to deal more damage over time but have a shorter duration.
Tempest Bell ImageTempest Bell Skill Build Combo by successfully Striking Enemies with other skills. After reaching maximum Combo, use this skill to cause the Bell on your staff to grow to massive size as you drop it on the ground. The Bell damages enemies on impact and can be Hit by your skills, creating a damaging shockwave. Elemental Ailments applied to the Bell cause its shockwaves to deal extra damage of the corresponding type, and Hits which would have caused Knockback increase the area of effect of the shockwaves.
Tempest Flurry ImageTempest Flurry Skill Perform a series of aggressive Strikes. When used in quick succession, the third use Strikes three times, and the fourth performs a Final strike that calls down a powerful Shocking bolt.
Temporal Chains ImageTemporal Chains Skill Curses all enemies in an area, Slowing them and making other effects on them expire more slowly.
Time of Need ImageTime of Need Spirit Invokes divine blessings, periodically healing you and removing Curses and Elemental Ailments from you.
Tornado Shot ImageTornado Shot Skill Fires a skyward shot that whips up a Tornado where it lands, dealing Physical damage over time and Hindering enemies standing in it. Arrows and Crossbow bolts fired at the Tornado are sucked into it, causing the Tornado to spit out a nova of copied Projectiles. Copied Projectiles cannot be copied again, even by further Tornados.
Toxic Growth ImageToxic Growth Skill Leap into the air and fire a volley of arrows which cause toxic pustules to sprout from the ground on impact. The pustules explode after a delay and can be Poisoned, causing them to explode faster and more violently.
Tremors ImageTremors Support Supports Slam Skills you use yourself. Supported skills gain multiple independent chances to cause Aftershocks, but deal less damage.
Unbreakable ImageUnbreakable Support Supports any skill that you can use, making you harder to Stun while using it.
Unearth ImageUnearth Skill Raises spikes of bone from the earth in front of you. The bones of Corpses in the area are ripped out and reassembled into short-lived Bone Construct Minions that fight for you.
Unleash ImageUnleash Support Supports Spells you cast yourself, making their effect reoccur when cast. Cannot support Channelling Skills or Skills with a Cooldown.
Upheaval ImageUpheaval Support Supports Melee Attacks which create fissures in the ground, causing them to create additional fissures at the cost of damage and attack speed.
Vaulting Impact ImageVaulting Impact Skill Leaps forward and Slams the ground, sending out a Stunning shockwave that is especially potent against Dazed enemies.
Vine Arrow ImageVine Arrow Skill Fire an arrow into the air that lands after a short delay, causing a plant to spring up at the impact location. The plants sprouts vines that latch onto nearby enemies, Slowing their movement speed and dealing Chaos Damage over time. The plant can be Poisoned, causing it to deal more damage.
Vitality ImageVitality Support Supports Persistent Buff Skills, causing you to gain Life Regeneration while the skill is active.
Volcanic Fissure ImageVolcanic Fissure Skill Slam the ground, creating a fissure that deals damage as it travels and remains for a duration. Using a different Slam on a fissure will cause an aftershock, which spreads to all connected fissures.
Voltaic Grenade ImageVoltaic Grenade Skill Fires a bouncing Grenade that discharges an Electrocuting Lightning blasts when its fuse expires
Voltaic Mark ImageVoltaic Mark Skill Marks a target, making them more susceptible to being Shocked. When the Marked target dies, a Lightning nova erupts from their corpse. This nova does not use your Weapon Damage, and instead uses its own base Attack Damage.
Vulnerability ImageVulnerability Skill Curses all targets in an area after a short delay, making Hits against them ignore a portion of their Armour.
War Banner ImageWar Banner Spirit While active, killing enemies with attacks or standing near a Unique enemy generates Valour. using this skill consumes Valour to place an inspiring Banner with an Aura that grants you and nearby allies Attack damage and accuracy while Banner lasts. The Banner cannot gain Valour while placed, and you cannot place a Banner while you already have a Banner placed.
Wave of Frost ImageWave of Frost Skill Flips backwards and sends forth a Freezing wave in front of you.
Whirling Assault ImageWhirling Assault Skill Advance while hitting enemies around you with a series of spinning strikes.
Wildfire ImageWildfire Support Supports any skill that Hits enemies, Spreading Ignites it inflicts to nearby enemies after a delay.
Wildshards ImageWildshards Support Supports spells that fire projectiles. Supported skills have a chance to fire additional Projectiles in a circle.
Wind Blast ImageWind Blast Skill Strike enemies at range by generating a gust of wind as you swing. Enemies will be Knocked Back based on how close they are to you.
Wind Dancer ImageWind Dancer Spirit Grants a buff that gives you more Evasion per stage. Being Hit by a Melee Attack while you have this buff consumes all stages to damage and Knock Back enemies around you.
Wind Wave ImageWind Wave Support Supports any skill that you can use, triggering a blast of wind that Knocks Back enemies if you are Stunned while using it.
Window of Opportunity ImageWindow of Opportunity Support Supports Channelling skills that have special effects if released with Perfect Timing, causing them to deal much more damage if released with Perfect Timing but reducing the Perfect Timing window.
Withering Presence ImageWithering Presence Spirit While active, periodically Withers enemies in your Presence.
Withering Touch ImageWithering Touch Support Supports any skill that hits enemies, giving it a chance to Wither enemies on hit.

How Do Gems Work?

Socket to Unlock New Skills

List of All Gems - How do Gems Work
Gems are items that can be socketed in the skills menu to unlock new abilities and passive effects, making you stronger and helping you progress in the game. These gems are divided into 3 categories, (Skill, Support, and Spirit) each with its own distinct effects on your character.

The gems you equip can be further enhanced by modifying or upgrading them with other gems to change their effects. Since each gem has multiple possible effects, make sure you socket the right gem for your build.

All Gem Types
Skill Support
Spirit Meta

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