Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

The Trail of Corruption Quest Walkthrough

Path of Exile 2 (PoE2) - Trail of Corruption Banner

This is a guide for The Trail of Corruption, a Main quest for Act 1 and Act 2 in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Learn more about how to complete The Horn of Vastiri, unlocking The Trail of Corruption, complete its objectives, and its quest rewards here!

◄ Previous Quest Next Quest ▶
The Mysterious Shade (Act 1) The Mad Wolf of Ogham (Act 1)
Earning Passage(Act 2) The City of Seven Waters (Act 2)

How to Unlock The Trail of Corruption

Act 1 and Act 2 Unlock Conditions

Act 1 Enter The Hunting Grounds
You can unlock the the first part of The Trail of Corruption by entering the Hunting Grounds from the Cemetery of the Eternals.
Act 2 Enter The Hunting Grounds
Unlock the second part of The Trail of Corruption by completing the Earning Passage quest, then speaking to Zarka, and entering the Ardura Caravan.

Act 1 The Trail of Corruption Objectives

Act 1 The Trail of Corruption Objectives

1. Enter Ogham Village from the Ogham Farmlands

Path of Exile 2 (PoE2) - Ogham Farmlands

After defeating Lachlann of Endless Lament, enter the Hunting Grounds just behind the Count's Grave. The entrance to Ogham Village is found in the Ogham Farmlands sub-area of the Hunting Grounds.

Lachlann of Endless Lament Boss Guide

2. Defeat The Executioner and Free Leitis

Path of Exile 2 (PoE2) - Defeat Executioner and Save Leilis

In Ogham Village, travel to The Courtyard of Death to face The Executioner. Defeat The Executioner by dodging its kicks, axe swings, and dealing with mobs.

Afterwards, go up the execution platform and pull the lever to free Leitis and talk to her.

The Executioner Boss Guide

3. Return to Clearfell Encampment

Path of Exile 2 (PoE2) - Talk to Leilis

Complete the quest by traveling back to Clearfell Encampment and talking to Leitis once again. The The Mad Wolf of Olgham will unlock soon after.

Act 2 The Trail of Corruption Objectives

Act 2 The Trail of Corruption Objectives

1. Talk to The Hooded One and Sekhema Asala

Path of Exile 2 (PoE2) - Begin Act 2 Trail of Corruption

In the Ardura Caravan, talk to The Hooded One first and then with Sekhema Asala. Use the Desert Map on her table to travel and explore Mawdun Quarry. From there, make your way through enemies towards Mawdun Mine.

2. Defeat Rudja, Dread Engineer

Path of Exile 2 (PoE2) - Rudja

Rudja can be found in Munitions Bunker section of Mawdun Mine. Defeat Rudja by dodging her melee strikes, flame attacks, and bombs. Talk to Risu, Faridun Defector after releasing her from the cage.

Rudja, Dread Engineer Boss Guide

3. Talk to Risu and Use the Desert Map

Path of Exile 2 (PoE2) - Halani Gates

Return to the Ardura Caravan and use the Desert Map to travel to Halani Gates. From here, the caravan will stop. Talk to Sekhema Asala near the entrance way and then go back inside the caravan to talk to Risu once again.

4. Ascend Traitor's Passage

Path of Exile 2 (PoE2) - Traitor

Use the Desert Map again to travel to Traitor's Passage. Ascend the passage to find and exit towards Halani Gates.

Optional Boss Fights: Balbala, The Traitor

Entering an area called Ancient Seal will lead to a boss fight against Balbala, the Traitor. Start the fight by burning the three seals. Defeating Balbala will unlock the optional quest: Ascent to Power.

Balbala, the Traitor Boss Guide

5. Explore Halani Gates with Asala

Path of Exile 2 (PoE2) - Halani Gates Asala

Upon reaching Halani Gates, defeat a wave of enemies and summon Asala. She will accompany you in this section.

6. Defeat Jamanra, the Risen King

Path of Exile 2 (PoE2) - Jamanra

Defeat Jamanra, the Risen King by dodging melee strikes, elemental attacks, and dealing with summoned mobs. The fight will stop once he reaches 30% HP as he flees.

Jamanra, the Risen King Boss Guide

7. Return to the Caravan and Complete the Horn of Vastiri

After Jamanra's initial defeat, enter the stairs and travel near the edge of the sandstorm. She will instruct you to return to the Caravan and speak with Zarka.

Afterwards, speak with Asala again and from this point, it is a must to finish the following quests to complete The Horn of Vastiri and proceed:

Once everything is done, take The Horn of Vastiri from Zarka and return to the sandstorm area.

8. Ascend Deshar to the Path of Mourning

Path of Exile 2 (PoE2) - Sound The Horn

Use The Horn of Vastiri to clear the sandstorm then use the Desert Map to travel to Deshar. Fight through enemies as you reach the entrance to the Path of Mourning.

Optional Boss Fights: Watchful Twins

Path of Exile 2 (PoE2) - Watchful Twins Boss Fight

The Watchful Twins can be a tough encounter due to their two random monster modifiers each. However, the fight becomes more manageable if you lure them out individually.

Watchful Twins Boss Guide

9. Defeat Tor Gul, The Defiler

Path of Exile 2 (PoE2) - Defeat Tor Gul

Explore the Path of Mourning and enter the Spires of Deshar. Go to The Defiled Spire to face Jamanra once again. He will then summon Tor Gul, The Defiler to fight you.

Tor Gul, the Defiler Boss Guide

10. Fight Through the Dreadnought

Path of Exile 2 (PoE2) - Dreadnought

After defeating Tor Gul, return to the Caravan and talk to Asala. Use the Desert Map to travel to the Dreadnought and fight your way to Jamanra while Asala accompanies you.

11. Defeat Jamanra, The Abomination

Path of Exile 2 (PoE2) - Defeat Jamanra the Abomination

Go to The Faridun Throne section of the Dreadnought to defeat Jamanra, The Abomination. Speak with Asala after Jamanra's defeat and then return to the Caravan. Complete the quest by going talking to The Hooded One and returning to Asala.

Jamanra, the Abomination Boss Guide

The Trail of Corruption Rewards

Quest Rewards

Act 1 Act 2
・Uncut Skill Gem ・Unlocks Next Quest

Completing the The Trail of Corruption quest grants these rewards. You can obtain them after completing a certain objective or by completing the entire quest.

The Trail of Corruption Previous and Next Quest

◄ Previous Quest Next Quest ▶
The Mysterious Shade (Act 1) The Mad Wolf of Ogham (Act 1)
Earning Passage(Act 2) The City of Seven Waters (Act 2)

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POE 2 Quest Partial Banner
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1 Anonymous28 days

Missing the end of the quest, Use a ramp to the northwest of the caravan's midpoint to find the Hooded One. Seems pretty important since it it's the next step in the questline.


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