Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

Complete Act 3 Walkthrough

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This is a walkthrough for Act 3 in Path of Exile 3. Read on for a guide to finishing Act 3, how to beat the Act 3 bosses, and their rewards here!

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PoE 2 IconAttention! Note that maps in the game are randomly generated, and the sample layouts on this page are meant to serve as a general guide.

Act 3 Walkthrough

Act 3 Main Quests
1 Legacy of the Vaal
Boss Battle: Xyclucian, the Chimera
Boss Battle: Zicoatl, Warden of the Core
Boss Battle: Queen of Filth
Boss Battle: Ketzuli, High Priest of the Sun
Boss Battle: Viper Napuatzi
Boss Battle: Doryani

Legacy of the Vaal

1 Sekhema Asala Talk to Sekhema Asala
After defeating Jamanra, the Abomination, talk to Sekhema Asala back in The Ardura Caravan and choose the dialogue option "Pursuing the Beast". This marks the end of Act 2 and will start a cutscene that marks the beginning of Act 3. You will automatically teleported to Sandswept Marsh after the cutscene.
2 Sandswept Marsh Talk to The Hooded One
You will automatically be teleported to Sandswept Marsh after the cutscene and will also unlock the quest Legacy of the Vaal. Talk to The Hooded One.
3 Travel to Ziggurat Encampment
Within Sandswept Marsh, look for the entrance to the Ziggurat Encampment on the opposite side of the area.
4 Alva and OswaldTalk to the Treasure Hunters
Once inside Ziggurat Encampment, talk to Alva, Oswald, and The Hooded One.
5 Infested Barrens EntranceTravel to the Jungle Ruins
From the Ziggurat Encampment, proceed to the Jungle Ruins entrance on the northwest side of the encampment.
6 Look for the Infested Barrens
Explore the Jungle Ruins and look for the entrance to the Infested Barrens on the other end of the map from where you entered.
7 Summon Alva
Within Infested Barrens, look for a Canal Mechanism near the area's waypoint. The waypoint and Canal Mechanism can be found near the entrance to The Matlan Waterways.
8 Canal MechanismSummon Alva
Summon Alva and talk to her. Return to Ziggurat Encampment and talk to Servi.
9 Go to Chimeral Wetlands
From Infested Barrens, look for the entrance to the Chimeral Wetlands. Chimeral Wetlands can be found in one of the corners of the area.
10 Defeat Xyclucian, the Chimera
Once inside the Chimeral Wetlands, defeat Xyclucian, the Chimera at the Deadly Nest section of the area, near Jiquani's Machinarium. This boss perches on top of pillars during the fight, so try to destroy these while the boss is on them. Destroying these pillars on time gives you a bigger window to attack!
11 Jiquani Enter Jiquani's Machinarium
Once you defeat Xyclucian, the Chimera, the entrance to Jiquani's Machinarium will be unlocked.
12 Alva Stone AltarSummon Alva in Jiquani's Machinarium
Upon entering Jiquani's Machinarium, summon Alva in front of the Stone Altar.
13 Search for the Small Soul Core
Look for a Small Soul Core and place it back on the Stone Altar to unlock the entrance to Jiquani's Sanctum. Defeat Stone Sentinels after interacting witht the Altar.
14 Summon Alva in Jiquani's Sanctum
Enter Jiquani's Sanctum and summon Alva at the Grand Soul Core Nexus.
15 Search for Medium Soul Cores
Look for two Medium Soul Cores found around Jiquani's Sanctum. They appear as green exclamation marks on the minimap, so watch out for them!
16 Search for Two Generators
Within Jiquani's Sanctum, place the two Medium Soul Cores into the two generators found within the area.
17 Large Soul Core (1).png Return to Alva
Return to Alva and interact with the Large Soul Core, where you will fight Zicoatl, Warden of the Core.
18 Zicoatl, Warden of the CoreDefeat Zicoatl, Warden of the Core
Upon interacting with the Soul Core, Zicoatl, Warden of the Core will come to life and start attacking you. This boss uses mostly AoE Lightning attacks and a few Physical attacks. Though the attacks have large hitboxes, they also have long animations that give you ample time to dodge or position yourself safely. Collect the Large Soul Core upon defeating it.
19 Return to the Stone Altar in the Infested Barrens
Place the Large Soul Core on the Stone Altar in the Infested Barrens. The Stone Altar is found near Infested Barren's waypoint.
20 Enter The Matlan Waterways
From Infested Barrens, look for the entrance to The Matlan Waterways, found near the Stone Altar and the area's waypoint.
21 Activate Control Levers
Upon entering The Matlan Waterways, look for Control Levers and activate them to drain water in certain sections. This will allow you to progress through the area.
22 Progress Through The Matlan Waterways
In The Matlan Waterways, Control Levers must be activated to reach the opposite end of the map. The Final Control Lever can be found at the end. Activating this will trigger a short animation and drain the water around Ziggurat Encampment.
23 Return to Ziggurat Encampment
Teleport or create a portal to Ziggurat Encampment after draining the Waterway. The area behind the encampment's well will have been drained of water, revealing a long flight of stairs.
24 The Drowned City EntranceEnter The Drowned City
Talk to Alva and enter The Drowned City, located at the bottom of Ziggurat Encampment.
25 Travel to Apex of Filth
Make your way through The Drowned City. The area is divided into two main sections. One corner of the second main section leads to The Molten Vault and the other leads to the Apex of Filth.
26 Defeat the Queen of Filth
Once in the Apex of Filth, look for the Queen of Filth somewhere in the center of the area and defeat her. Collect the Temple Door Idol she drops upon defeat and return to Alva.
27 Return to Ziggurat Encampment
Return to Ziggurat Encampment and go back to Alva. Use the Temple Door Idol on the door opposite to the entrance to The Drowned City. This will unlock the entrance to the Temple of Kopec.
28 Go Through the Temple of Kopec and Defeat Ketzuli
Enter the Temple of Kopec and defeat Ketzuli, High Priest of the Sun at the Altar of the Sun section of the area. The area is set up like a triangle, with stairs leading to another floor. Ketzuli and the Altar of the Sun is found at the third and final floor.
29 GatewayEnter the Gateway to Utzaal
After defeating Ketzuli, summon Alva and ride the elevator to Ziggurat Encampment. A Gateway will open in the middle of the encampment. Enter the Gateway to travel to the past.
30 Utzaal Entrance Enter Utzaal
Once you travel to the past version of Ziggurat Encampment, go down the long flight of stairs on the southeast part of the area to enter Utzaal.
31 Explore Utzaal and Defeat Viper Napuatzi
Explore Utzaal and look for the Legion Blockade. Defeat Viper Napuatzi and several Viper Legionnaires after defeating her. Utzaal is divided into two main sections, connected by the Legion Blockade. Proceed to Aggorat after.
32 Enter Aggorat and Find the Black Chambers
Within Aggorat, look for the entrance to The Black Chambers on the other side of the area.
33 The Black Chambers Map Layout.png Look for Doryani
Go through The Black Chambers to reach Doryani on the other side of the area.
34 DoryaniDefeat Doryani
In The Black Chambers, go to The Testing Pit and defeat Doryani and Doryani's Triumph. This boss attacks mainly with its two claws, either with big melee swings or AoE projectile attacks.
35 Gateway Cruel DifficultyEnter the Gateway in Ziggurat Encampment
After being teleported back to Ziggurat Encampment, enter the Gateway to complete the quest Legacy of the Vaal and start Act 1 on Cruel Difficulty.

Legacy of the Vaal Quest Walkthrough

Optional Boss: Rootdredge

Rootdredge is an optional boss found at Sandswept Marsh. The area splits into two, with one path leading to this boss.

Rootdredge Boss Guide

Optional Loot: Hanging Tree

Within Sandswept Marsh, the Hanging Tree can be found in one of the two paths that the area splits into. It is found opposite of Rootdredge.

Optional Loot: Orok Campfire

Within Sandswept Marsh, you may encounter an Orok Campfire along the way to Ziggurat Encampment. Several enemies guard a chest containing additional loot.

Optional Boss: Mighty Silverfist

Mighty Silverfist is an optional boss found at Jungle Ruins. The area itself is vast, so keep an eye out for checkpoints and Temple Ruins.

Mighty Silverfist Boss Guide

Optional Quest: The Slithering Dead

1 Go to The Venom Crypts
Within Jungle Ruins, the entrance to The Venom Crypts can be found near the area's waypoint.
2 Look for the Den of the Serpent Priestess
Once inside The Venom Crypts, explore the area and look for the Den of the Serpent Priestess near a checkpoint.
3 Corpse Interact with the Corpse
Once inside the Den of the Serpent Priestess, interact with the Corpse, shown with green text.
4 Corpse-Snake Venom Take the Corpse-Snake Venom
Upon interacting with the Corpse, a Corpse-Snake Venom will drop. It is an item with green text you can pick up.
5 Servi The Slithering Dead Talk to Servi and Choose a Venom Draught
Once you have the Corpse-Snake Venom, complete the quest by returning to Ziggurat Encampment and talking to Servi. She will then ask you to choose between one out of three Venom Draughts as a reward.

The Slithering Dead Quest Walkthrough

Optional Quest: Tribal Vengeance

1 Go to The Azak Bog
Within Infested Barrens, look for the entrance to The Azak Bog. It can be found in a relatively isolated corner of the area, with a long, narrow path leading to it.
2 Servi Tribal Vengeance Summon Servi
Upon entering The Azak Bog, you must summon Servi nearby the area's waypoint and talk to her.
3 Find the Flameskin Ritual
Within The Azak Bog, look for the Flameskin Ritual and interact with all the torches there. This ritual buffs Ignagduk, the Bog Witch, so taking it out before facing the boss will make the fight easier.
4 Find and Defeat Ignagduk, the Bog Witch
Ignagduk, the Bog Witch can be found in an open area on the opposite side of the map. This boss attacks you with various AOE spells of different elements.
5 Ignagduk Pick Up Ignagduk's Ghastly Spear
After defeating Ignagduk, the Bog Witch, you can pick up Ignagduk's Ghastly Spear. It is an item with green text that you can pick up.
6 Servi The Slithering Dead Return to Town and Talk to Servi
Once you obtain Ignagduk's Ghastly Spear, return to Ziggurat Encampment and talk to Servi. The quest is completed after talking to Servi.

Tribal Vengeance Quest Walkthrough

Optional Loot: Troubled Camps

Within Jungle Ruins, you may encounter a Troubled Camp in one of the corners of the area. You will see a checkpoint nearby, with chests full of additional loot inside the camp.

Optional Loot: Toxic Bloom

Within Chimeral Wetlands, you may encounter the Toxic Bloom. In the center of the area is a boss you may defeat for additional loot.

Optional Boss: Blackjaw, the Remnant

Blackjaw, the Remnant is an optional boss found at Jiquani's Machinarium. The boss can be found along to the way to Jiquani's Sanctum. Defeating Blackjaw also grants you permanent +10% Fire Resistance.

Blackjaw, the Remnant Boss Guide

Optional Boss: Narag of the Vile Word

Narag of the Vile Word is an optional boss found at The Matlan Waterways. Narag's Hut can be found near a checkpoint somewhere to the side of the map.

Optional Quest: Treasures of Utzaal

1 Look for The Molten Vault
Within The Drowned City, look for the entrance to The Molten Vault. It can be found in one of the corners of the opposite side of the map.
2 Summon Oswald Summon and Talk to Oswald
Summon Oswald in front of The Molten Vault entrance and talk to him.
3 Enter and Clear Out The Molten Vault
Once inside The Molten Vault, you must look for The Aureaduct within the area. You will cross what looks like a dam of molten lava, with Mektul, the Forgemaster nearby.
4 The Aureaduct Find and Defeat Ignagduk, the Bog Witch
Activate the Sluice Gate Lever and go to the Arena entrance, both nearby a checkpoint. This will lead you to Mektul, the Forgemaster.
5 The Hammer of Kamasa Pick Up The Hammer of Kamasa
Once you defeat Mektul, the Forgemaster, he will drop The Hammer of Kamasa. It is an item with green text that you can pick up.
6 Oswald The Hammer of Kamasa Return to Ziggurat Encampment
Once you have The Hammer of Kamasa, return to Ziggurat Encampment and talk to Oswald. You complete the quest after talking to Oswald.

Treasures of Utzaal Quest Walkthrough

Optional Quest: Mushrooms Quest

1 Look for The Molten Vault
From The Drowned City, look for the entrance to Apex of Filth.
2 Path of Exile 2 - Blue Mushroom Drop Obtain a Red, Blue, and Green Mushroom
The Mushrooms Quest in Act 3 starts when you pick up a Blue Mushroom, Red Mushroom, or Green Mushroom. It is a hidden quest that does not show up in the quest log. These mushrooms are randomly dropped by enemies found in the Apex of Filth.
3 Look for the Cauldron Keeper
Once inside the Apex of Filth, look for the Cauldron Keeper somewhere on the opposite side of the area's entance.
4 Offer the Mushrooms
Click on the Cauldron to offer all three mushrooms. You will receive an Ultimate Life Flask and an Ultimate Mana Flask as a reward.

Act 3 Mushrooms Quest Guide

Optional Loot: Peculiar Fortunes

Within Utzaal, you may encounter a Peculiar Fortunes in several corners of the area. Several checkpoints in the area that are nearby entrances that lead to rooms full of additional loot.

Optional Loot: Sacrificial Heart

Step Objective
Pick up the Sacrificial Heart that drops randomly within Utzaal.
Proceed to the Sacrificial Dais in Aggorat.
Pick up the Sacrificial Dagger.
Place the Sacrificial Heart.
Stab the Sacrificial Heart. You will receive two Weapon Set Passive Skill Points upon completing this quest.

Sacrificial Heart Location and How to Use

List of All Locations in Act 3

All Locations in Act 3

Act 3 Locations Sandswept Marsh
Ziggurat Encampment
Jungle Ruins
The Venom Crypts
Infested Barrens
The Azak Bog
Chimeral Wetlands
The Temple of Chaos
Jiquani's Machinarium
Jiquani's Sanctum
The Drowned City
The Molten Vault
Apex of Filth
Temple of Kopec
The Black Chambers

Act 3 Boss Guide

Mighty Silverfist

Mighty Silverfist
Boss Type Optional
Damage Types Physical
Resistances Physical
Weaknesses None
Rewards Book of Specialization - Grants two Weapon Set Passive Skill Points;Cruel: Book of Specialization - Grants two Weapon Set Passive Skill Points

Mighty Silverfist's attacks deal a lot of Physical damage that some builds may not have the damage reduction required to survive. Fortunately, it has a fairly simple moveset of swings and slams which you can react to and dodge accordingly. Check out the next section of the guide for a list of its moves.

Mighty Silverfist Boss Guide

Blackjaw, the Remnant

Blackjaw, the Remnant
Boss Type Main
Damage Types Physical, Fire
Resistances Physical, Fire
Weaknesses Cold
Rewards The Flame Core - Grants +10% to Fire Resistance

Black Jaw's hits are heavy but mostly lands infront of it so dodge rolling behind it will allow you to offset the majority of its damage.

Blackjaw, the Remnant Boss Guide

Zicoatl, Warden of the Core

Zicoatl, Warden of the Core
Boss Type Main
Damage Types Physical, Lightning
Resistances Physical, Cold, Fire
Weaknesses Lightning
Rewards Large Soul Core (Legacy of the Vaal quest item)

Zicoatl has a lot of telegraphed laser attacks that you can Dodge Roll or reposition to dodge. The red triangle wave, however, is a bit deceptively hard to assess where to reposition to avoid damage. Always remember to stay in front of the triangle's vertices or points to stay out of trouble!

Zicoatl, Warden of the Core Boss Guide


Boss Type Optional
Damage Types Physical, Fire
Resistances Physical, Cold
Weaknesses Fire
Rewards Uncut Skill Gem Level 9

The fight is straightforward and involves dealing with zombie minions and a few spells. Watch out for its homing green projectiles and corpse explosion skill, however, as they can hit multiple times in quick succession and kill you in an instant. Always stay alert for the green glowing effects to avoid taking heavy damage.

Rootdredge Boss Guide

Xyclucian, the Chimera

Xyclucian, the Chimera
Boss Type Main
Damage Types Physical, Fire, Cold, Lightning, Chaos
Resistances Fire, Cold, Lightning
Weaknesses None
Rewards Chimeral Inscribed Ultimatum (Unlocks Trial of Chaos);Legacy of the Vaal main quest progression

At the early stages of the fight, Xyclucian will stand on top of towers around the arena and will fire different projectiles at you. You can attack the towers they're on to destroy them and stun Xyclycian for a while to deal some good damage.

Xyclucian, the Chimera Boss Guide

Ignagduk, the Bog Witch

Ignagduk, the Bog Witch
Boss Type Optional
Damage Types Physical, Fire
Resistances Fire
Weaknesses Cold
Rewards Gemrot Skull - Grants +30 Maximum Spirit; Ignagduk's Ghastly Spear (Tribal Vengeance quest item)

Lighting all the effigies in the Flameskin Ritual within Azak Bog activates the Ignagduk's Harvest buff, offering +25% Fire Resistance and increased Item Rarity while in the area. This buff is crucial for withstanding Ignagduk's high-damage Fire DoT spells.

Ignagduk, the Bog Witch Boss Guide

Mektul, the Forgemaster

Mektul, the Forgemaster
Boss Type Optional
Damage Types Physical, Fire
Resistances Physical, Fire
Weaknesses Cold
Rewards The Hammer of Kamasa (Treasures of Utzaal quest item)

While Mektul has a few dangerous attacks, the real challenge in this fight is the time limit. If you take too long, molten gold will flood the arena, dealing heavy Fire Damage every second. Adjust and optimize your build to ensure you defeat Mektul before the arena is overwhelmed!

Mektul, the Forgemaster Boss Guide

Queen of Filth

Queen of Filth
Boss Type Main
Damage Types Physical, Chaos
Resistances Physical,
Weaknesses None
Rewards Temple Door Icon (Legacy of the Vaal quest item)

The Queen of Filth fight features many on ground effects that both damage and debilitates your character. Always watch out for the orange spores that explode when you walk on top of them and the Caustic Ground that deals Chaos damage. There are also Curses that Slows you, decreases your Armor, and one that decreases the damage you deal.

Queen of Filth Boss Guide

Ketzuli, High Priest of the Sun

Ketzuli, High Priest of the Sun
Boss Type Main
Damage Types Physical, Fire
Resistances Fire
Weaknesses Cold
Rewards Legacy of the Vaal main quest progression

Among Ketzuli's attacks, the laser beam applying the Gamma Ray debuff is the hardest to counter. Without sufficient Fire Resistance, it can rapidly deplete your Life. To evade it effectively, stay close to Ketzuli so you can circle around him faster than the beam can track you.

Ketzuli, High Priest of the Sun Boss Guide

Viper Napuatzi

Viper Napuatzi
Boss Type Main
Damage Types Physical, Chaos, Fire
Resistances Physical, Fire, Cold, Lightning
Weaknesses None
Rewards Legacy of the Vaal main quest progression

Beside's the amount of Poison damage Viper can deal, the phase where her legion thrust their spears can be a challenge. The most consistent way to dodge all these attacks is to Dodge Roll on rhythm regardless of when you're about to get hit or not. This way, you don't have to worry whether to Dodge Roll or not.

Viper Napuatzi Boss Guide


Boss Type Main
Damage Types Physical, Fire, Cold, Lightning
Resistances Fire, Lightning
Weaknesses None
Rewards Legacy of the Vaal main quest progression

The second, more challenging phase pits you against Doryani's Triumph, which uses powerful slam and laser attacks. Staying close and to its side gives you better options to Dodge Roll when it begins its attacks. Dodge toward its back to avoid frontal beams and slams, move to its front during the laser spin, and roll away during large AoE slams to stay safe.

Doryani Boss Guide

Sisters of Garukhan

Sisters of Garukhan
Boss Type Optional
Damage Types Physical
Resistances Physical, Fire, Cold
Weaknesses Lightning
Rewards Grants +10% to Lightning Resistance

Interacting with the shrine animates a group of Kinarha to ambush you. Ready your AoE attacks and position yourself well to avoid being surrounded.

Sisters of Garukhan Boss Guide

Bahlak, the Sky Seer

Bahlak, the Sky Seer
Boss Type Optional
Damage Types Physical, Lightning
Resistances Lightning
Weaknesses Fire
Rewards Trial of Chaos progression

Perhaps the harder moves to dodge and certainly ones that can hit pretty hard are Bahlak's two unblockable attacks. Learn to dodge these moves with our simple guide below:

Bahlak, the Sky Seer Boss Guide

Chetza, the Feathered Plague

Chetza, the Feathered Plague
Boss Type Optional
Damage Types Physical
Resistances Cold
Weaknesses Fire
Rewards Trial of Chaos progression

Chetza's deadliest attack occurs when it screeches and summons bird corpses to rain down on your location for approximately 5 seconds. Without sufficient movement speed, or if you've been slowed by the Maim debuff caused by its spiral spike attack, this move can deal massive and potentially lethal damage.

Chetza, the Feathered Plague Boss Guide

Uxmal, the Beastlord

Uxmal, the Beastlord
Boss Type Optional
Damage Types Physical, Fire, Cold, Lightning, Chaos
Resistances Fire, Cold, Lightning
Weaknesses None
Rewards Trial of Chaos progression

Uxmal has three special moves, each tied to one of the three levels of the arena. These moves leave distinct ground effects, so adapt your strategy and gameplay based on the section of the arena you’re in.

Uxmal, the Beastlord Boss Guide

Act 3 Rewards

Quest Rewards

Legacy of the Vaal Unlocks Cruel Difficulty

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