Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2)

PoE 2 Lightning Wave Invoker Monk Build

This is a Lightning Wave Invoker Monk build for Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Check out the Lightning Wave build for Invoker Monks, including its gear, skills, and playstyle!

Lightning Wave Invoker Build Summary

RonArray's Lightning Wave Build

Mid Game

This Lightning Wave Invoker Build is from RonArray's youtube guide. The video includes details on how to gear up to get the build online. Be sure to check more of RonArray's Path of Exile 2 and ARPG content by subscribing to his Youtube and Twitch, and visit his Twitch to ask any questions you have about the build!

Lightning Wave Invoker Build

※ Switch tabs to view build progression: Endgame (Atlas),Mid-Game (Act 3 to Cruel Mode),Early Game (Acts 1-2).

Mid Game
Build Setup
Invoker Portrait Lightning Wave Invoker
Orb of Storms Icon Ghost Dance Icon Herald of Thunder Icon Combat Frenzy Icon Wind Dancer Icon Blasphemy Icon Storm Wave Icon Charged Staff Icon Elemental Expression Icon
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Pro High Burst Damage

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Pro High Critical Chance and Damage

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - ConHigh Spirit Requirement
Build Setup
Invoker Portrait Lightning Comet Invoker
Killing Palm Icon Orb of Storms Icon Tempest Flurry Icon Tempest Bell Icon Cast on Shock Icon Blasphemy Icon Storm Wave Icon
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Pro High DPS and Burst Damage

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Pro High Defense and Resistances

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - ConHigh Spirit Requirement
Build Setup
Invoker Portrait Lightning Comet Invoker
Killing Palm Icon Falling Thunder Icon Tempest Flurry Icon Tempest Bell Icon
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - Pro High Burst and AoE Damage

Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) Build - ConLow Defenses

This Lightning Wave build revolves around using Storm Wave to clear any enemies on screen. The build works by amplifying the damage of Storm Wave through various support skills and Critical Damage bonuses.

Lightning Wave Invoker Gear Modifiers

Gear Modifiers
Helm ・Maximum Life
・Maximum Mana
・Life Regeneration per Second
・Chaos Resistance
Armor ・Lightning Resistance
・Cold Resistance
・Fire Resistance
・Added Evasion Rating
・Increased Evasion Rating and Energy Shield
・Maximum Life
Gloves ・ Armor
・Fire Resistance
・Maximum Life
・Level to All Melee Skills
・Increased Attack Speed
Belt ・Life Recovery from Flasks
・Reduced Flask Charges Used
・Maximum Life
・Maximum Mana
Boots ・Movement Speed
・Life Regeneration per Second
・Maximum Life
・Maximum Mana
・Lightning Resistance
・Fire Resistance
Ring ・Intelligence
・Maximum Life
・Cold Resistance
Amulet ・Critical Hit Chance
・Critical Hit Damage
・Maximum Life
・Maximum Mana
Ring ・Intelligence
・Maximum Life
・Fire Resistance
Quarterstaff ・Added Physical Damage
・Increased Physical Damage
・Increased Elemental Damage
・Level to Melee Skills
・Increased Attack Speed
・Critical hit Chance

You'll want to stack as much Damage, Attack Speed, and Critical Bonuses to fully take advantage of Storm Wave and Elemental Expression. You'll also want to take Intelligence to activate Ice Waves from Elemental Expression to mix some Freeze buildup in your build.

Aim to increase your Evasion Rating, Energy Shields, and Elemental Resistances for your survivability. Reaching the 75% Elemental Resistance cap is a must when pushing for higher-tier maps in Atlas.

Lightning Wave Invoker Skills

Active Skills

※ Switch tabs to view build progression: Endgame (Atlas),Mid-Game (Act 3 to Cruel Mode),Early Game (Acts 1-2).

Stormwave will be the main skill you will use to clear mobs and burst down bosses. Although Upheaval lessens the damage of each Storm Wave, its increased projectiles ultimately increase its damage when hitting a single target; add Heft as a support Gem to further mitigate the damage reduction.

Charged Staff, Elemental Expression, Orb of Storms will be your bonus damage outputs from your Storm Wave and critical hits. While Wind Dancer, Blasphemy, and Ghost Dance will be your means of survivability.

To Generate Power Charges for Charged Staff, the build uses Combat Frenzy along with the Resonance keystone in the passive tree.

Passive Skills

Ascendancy Tree
Elemental Expression
Passive Nodes
1. Mindful Awareness 2. Alternating Current
3. Tenfold Attacks 4. Resonance
5. Throatseeker 6. Falcon Technique

Passive Tree Pathing

For your passives, you'll want to focus on obtaining Critical Strike Chance and Damage bonuses to keep activating Elemental Expression. You'll also want to take Skill Speed and Attack Speed to speed up the animation of Storm Wave.

Take Evasion Rating and Mana Regeneration nodes for your survivability and mana management. Mana is important as high levels of Storm will cost a lot of mana considering that you'll be spamming it throughout your fights.

Lightning Wave Invoker Playstyle and Rotation

The playstyle of the Lightning Wave Invoker revolves around Spamming Storm Wave to do everything. The rotation is as follows:

  1. Spam Storm Wave to enemy mobs.
  2. Use Charged Staff whenever you obtain Power Charges.

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Monk Builds

Ice Strike InvokerIce Strike Invoker
Killing Palm Icon Herald of Thunder Icon Tempest Flurry Icon Tempest Bell Icon Blasphemy Icon Storm Wave Icon Lingering Illusion Icon Flicker Strike Icon

Focus: DPS, Crowd Control
Lightning Wave InvokerLightning Wave Invoker
Orb of Storms Icon Ghost Dance Icon Herald of Thunder Icon Combat Frenzy Icon Wind Dancer Icon Blasphemy Icon Storm Wave Icon Charged Staff Icon Elemental Expression Icon

Focus: DPS, Burst Damage, Bossing / Mobbing
Ice Lightning ChayulaIce Lightning Chayula
Ghost Dance Icon Herald of Ice Icon Tempest Bell Icon Combat Frenzy Icon Wind Dancer Icon Storm Wave Icon Charged Staff Icon Shattering Palm Icon Into the Breach Icon

Focus: Crowd Control, DPS, Burst Damage

Monk Class and Ascendancy Guides

Base Class
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) - MonkMonk
Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) - InvokerInvoker Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2) - Acolyte of ChayulaAcolyte of Chayula


1 Anonymous2 months

Can You add fully visiblenpassive tree please? On screenshots view point are not visible and I don't know which atribute are picked between steps.


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