ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

January Update | Version 1.7 Update

Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH) - Version 1.7

The January 28 Update has been announced for Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). This update brings Pavé, the Festivale event, new features, new items, and more!

Ver. 1.7 - January Update Links
ACNH - Festival Event Icon.pngFestivale Event ACNH - Seasonal Items (1).pngSeasonal Items ACNH - Festivale Reactions.pngNew Reactions
ACNH - How to Find Pave Icon.pngHow to Find Pavé ACNH - Mermaid Fence Icon.pngNew Mermaid Fence

All January Update Information

Official January Update Video

This is the promotional video released on January 26, by Nintendo's official account on YouTube.

Update Available on January 28 at 8 AM

ACNH - A resident gets a letter from Nintendo

The January Update for Animal Crossing: New Horizons was released on January 28, 2021 (Thursday) at 8:00 PM EDT.

However, the new events won't be playable ahead of time, so there is not a lot to do until February 15 when Festivale is on!

Receive Maracas from the Mail

ACNH - A resident plays with some maracas

As thanks for downloading the update, you will receive a letter from Nintendo and a gift - a pair of Maracas!

New Events

As new events are time locked, you can't time travel to access the events before the specified event date. Once officially released, you can time travel to them at any time, even after the event has ended.


ACNH - Pavé at Festivale

Event Date: February 15

The Festivale event will be held every 15th of February. Pavé will appear on your island to celebrate the event!

Festivale Event Guide

New Visitors


ACNH - Pavé amiibo card
Appearance Date Mardi Gras (Festivale)
Appearance Location TBD
Appearance Time TBD

Pavé was first teased at the end of the Winter Update, and will visit your island to celebrate Festivale!

How to Find Pavé

New Features

New Reactions

ACNH - A resident celebrates Festivale
There will be a set of Festivale-inspired reactions for sale in the cabinet at Nook's Cranny, from February 1 and onwards. It includes 4 new reactions, such as the Confetti and Feelin' It reactions!
List of All Reactions

New Items

New Seasonal Items

Setsubun Festival Items

ACNH - Setsubun Bean Set

Item Availability February 1 to February 3

Celebrate the beginning of spring with a Bean-Throwing Set to drive away the oni! The Able Sisters Tailor Shop will also sell the Ogre clothes on the same date.

Item Basic Info and Color Variations
Horned-Ogre Mask ImageHorned-Ogre Mask Buy Price: 1120
Sell Price: 280
Able Sisters
The Red version of Horned-Ogre Mask The Green version of Horned-Ogre Mask The Blue version of Horned-Ogre Mask
Ogre Costume ImageOgre Costume Buy Price: 1,600
Sell Price: 400
Able Sisters
The Red version of Ogre Costume The Green version of Ogre Costume The Blue version of Ogre Costume
Okame Mask ImageOkame Mask Buy Price: 1120
Sell Price: 280
Able Sisters
This item has no other color variations.

Valentine's Day Items

Heart Chocolate Heart Bouquet
Item Availability February 1 to February 14

New Valentine's Day seasonal items will be released! These include a Heart Chocolate and a Heart Bouquet. These will be available in different colors, so check your shopping app daily!

Mr. Resetti Figure

ACNH - Groundhog Day Mr. Resetti Figure

Item Availability January 25 to February 2

Nook Shopping will release a figure based on Mr. Resetti to celebrate Groundhog Day.

Football Rug and Megaphone

ACNH - Football Rug and Megaphone

Item Availability January 15 to February 15

A Football Rug and Megaphone will also be available for purchase starting from January 15 to February 15. The Megaphone is available in several colors as well!

Seollal New Year Pouch

ACNH - Korean New Year Money Pouch

Item Availability February 10 to February 17

Celebrate Korean New Year with the Seollal New Year Pocket Money available for purchase on February 10 to February 17 at Nook Shopping.

Chinese New Year Items

ACNH - Chinese New Year Items

Item Availability February 10 to February 17

Also available is the traditional Chinese red envelope, along with a Chinese New Year wall decoration.

List of Nook Shopping Seasonal Items

Free Maracas from Updating

ACNH - Players play some instruments
As always, we get a free item for updating our beloved ACNH, and this time it's a pair of Maracas!

List of New Horizons DLC

New Clothes

Festivale Clothes

ACNH - Residents celebrates Festivale

There are a few costumes and accessories available at Able Sisters that you can buy in preparation for the Festivale Event. You can find the full list over here!
List of Festivale Clothes

Setsubun / Ogre Clothes

Item Basic Info and Color Variations
Horned-Ogre Mask ImageHorned-Ogre Mask Buy Price: 1120
Sell Price: 280
Able Sisters
The Red version of Horned-Ogre Mask The Green version of Horned-Ogre Mask The Blue version of Horned-Ogre Mask
Ogre Costume ImageOgre Costume Buy Price: 1,600
Sell Price: 400
Able Sisters
The Red version of Ogre Costume The Green version of Ogre Costume The Blue version of Ogre Costume
Okame Mask ImageOkame Mask Buy Price: 1120
Sell Price: 280
Able Sisters
This item has no other color variations.

The new Ogre costumes and masks look like they would be perfect for Halloween, and can be bought in the same period as the Bean-Throwing Set, February 1 to February 3.

Sanrio amiibo cards being Re-released

ACNH - Sanrio Animal Crossing New Leaf amiibo cards
It was confirmed that the Sanrio Characters Collaboration set of amiibo cards will be reprinted for the first time in the US!

The cards will be available for purchase starting March 26, 2021!

List of amiibos and Compatibility

Next Update Announced

ACNH - March Free Update

The next update, which seems to include the Super Mushroom and the Super Star from Super Mario Bros., will be available on March..

How to Update Animal Crossing

Update Method

ACNH - Nintendo Switch Software Update

Press the + Button on the Home Screen

With the Animal Crossing: New Horizons game selected on the Home screen, press the + button on your Switch to view the game data.

Select Software Update

Select Software Update from the left tab.

You can update your game Via the Internet or you can Match Version with Local Users.

Issues with Updating

If you have trouble updating your game, you can refer to the following solutions.

Check the Game's Official Twitter

You may not be able to update your game due to server failure. You can check the game's official Twitter account for information.

Check Nintendo's Server Maintenance Status

Depending on Nintendo's server maintenance status, you may not be able to update your game. You can check their official website for more information.

Check Your Internet Connection

ACNH - Nintendo Switch Internet Connection Status

Check if your Switch is connected to the internet.

You can check your internet status by going to the System Settings from the Home screen, and selecting Internet on the left tab.

If the problem persists, you can try restarting your Switch or your router.

How to Check if Update is Complete

Press the + Button on the Home Screen

With the Animal Crossing: New Horizons game selected on the Home screen, press the + button on your Switch to view the game data.

Select Software Information

Select Software Information from the left tab. You can go to the Nintendo eShop to see if your game is up-to-date.

Related Guides

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