ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Dream Suite Guide - How to Sleep and Visit Dream Islands (Dream Towns)

Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) - Dream Suite Guide

To share and visit Dream Addresses in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH), lie down on a bed in your house and go to sleep to start dreaming. Share your Dream Address code, and visit other players' islands with our guide below!

All Dream Guides
Luna IconLuna
Dream Suite IconDream Suite ACNH - Dream Board IconDream Board ACNH - Top Dreams IconBest Dreams

Dream Suite Explained

How Does Dreaming Work?

ACNH - A player receives mail from Luna

This feature is only available in ver 1.4.0 or later.

A Safe Way to Show Off Your Island

Dreaming is used to upload a copy of your island. Other players can go see it whenever they want without affecting the actual island.

This is a great way to show off or get inspiration for island designs! Custom Designs will also be easily accessible through the Custom Designs Portal.

Check out the Best Islands out there

Be sure to check out the top Dream Addresses from all over the world, and give them a visit! Use these islands as inspiration to give you an idea how to design your island!
Top Must-See Dream Addresses

Check the Number of Visitors on NookLink

ACNH - A screencap from NookLink informing a player how many visitors a dream has had
Check the number of players who have visited your island via the Dream Suite through the NookLink app. Select Passport and choose to view your Dream Suite data.

Nintendo Switch Online app, Nintendo Account, and Nintendo Switch Online subscription is required to use this service.

NookLink Features and Release Date

Visiting Guide: How to Sleep and Access Dream Islands

Sleep on Any Bed in Your House

ACNH - A resident sleeps on top of a bed
To access the Dream Suite feature, simply go to any bed in your house and lie down. Choose to go to sleep to start dreaming.

Unlike New Leaf's Dream Suite, that's all you have to do to access Dreaming, so Luna will probably never get a physical shop on your island.

Get Luna's Bed

ACNH - Luna

After updating to Ver. 1.4, you can find a letter from Luna in your Mail Box. She has sent you a super nice bed, so make sure you claim it!

Enter the Dream Address

ACNH - Luna asks the player to input the Dream Address Code
As you doze off, Luna the Tapir will appear and help you visit other islands in your dreams through a Dream Address. Enter the Dream Address to access your desired Dream Island.

Share and Save Dreams on Our Board

If you do not have a Dream Address to input yet, take a peek at our Dream Address Share Board to find hundreds of islands you can visit. You can leave yours too, if you want to share it to the world!
Dream Address Share Board

Your Pockets Will Be Emptied

Before you head off to a Dream Town, Luna will hold onto your items, so you will wake up on the island empty-handed.

How to Go Back to Your Island

ACNH - A player wakes up on a Dream Island
To wake up, go back to the island's Plaza where you can find Luna, and lie down on the bed to wake up and return to your island.

Revisit Dreams through a Dream List

ACNH - A player goes through the Dream List
In Ver 1.5 or later, the last 50 Dream Addresses you have visited will be collected in a list. Mark some of them as favorites for quick access next time around!

To do so, when you go to bed to dream, choose to revisit a dream. A list of the last Dream Addresses you have visited will appear. Press X to mark them as your favorite.

Fall and Halloween Update

Visit Dreams Randomly

ACNH - A player asks Luna the Tapir to surprise them
In Ver 1.6., as part of the Winter Update, you can now visit dream islands randomly without using a Dream Address.

To do so, when you go to bed to dream, choose the Surprise Me option. Luna will then send you to a random dream island!

Add Your Island to Surprise Sharing

ACNH - A player chooses to adjust surprise sharing with Luna the Tapir
As part of the Winter Update, share your dream randomly through Surprise Sharing.

ACNH - Luna asks the player if it
After updating the game, Luna will ask you if you want to enable Surprise Sharing for your island. Set it any time by choosing the Adjust surprise sharing option.

How to Create and Share Your Dream Address

Talk to Luna to Share Your Dream

ANCH - The system message informs the player that the game is connecting to the internet
To share your island, go to bed to talk to Luna to be able to upload your Dream and create a Dream Address to share with other players.

To prevent players from accessing your island, simply delete your dream. When you upload a new one, it will not be accessible until the next day.

Dreams Can Be Updated Once a Day

To reflect any changes you made on your island in the dream, you will need to update your dream. You can update your dream once per day.

Receive a Dream Bell Exchange Ticket

ACNH - Luna giving the players Dream Bell Exchange Tickets

When you upload your dream, you will get a Dream Bell Exchange Ticket from Luna in your mail the next day, as a thanks for sharing your dream. You can sell Dream Tickets for 5,000 Bells at Nook's Cranny.

Change Your Dream Address Privacy

ACNH - Luna informs the player that their Dream Address is set to public and is visible on their passport
When you upload your dream island, you will get a generated Dream Address which can be seen on your Passport, and on the island map. You can choose to hide them by adjusting the Dream Address privacy.

How to Get Dream Addresses

Find Dream Codes of other players on their Passports and island maps, if they have it displayed.

If you're looking for more Dream Towns to go into, use our Dream Address Share Board.

Dream Address and House Design Board

What Can You Do on Dream Islands?

What You Can Do in Dreams
  • View player passports
  • Talk to villagers and players
  • Enter villager and player homes
  • Save Shared Custom Designs
  • View Bulletin Board posts by players
  • Use Rescue Service
  • Report Dreams
  • Register Dream Islands to Your Favorites
  • Visit Random Dream Islands

Explore Without Affecting the Island

ACNH - A player explores another player
Do whatever you want without affecting the real island. Since what you are exploring is just in a dream, feel free to roam around and don't worry about destroying the island.

Talk to Villagers and Players

ACNH - A player talks to another island
When you reach the island, you can talk to dream versions of the player and the island residents. Make sure to say hi!

Get Custom Designs from the Portal

ACNH - A player accesses the Custom Designs Portal in a dream
Access Custom Designs made by the owner of the Dream's island through the Custom Designs Portal, which can be found at the Plaza in front of Resident Services.

View Bulletin Board Posts by Players

View and read personal messages written by players on the island Bulletin Board. However, you will not be able to write one yourself.

Use Rescue Service

ACNH - A player calls Rescue Service while inside a dream
Even in your dreams, you might get lost. Feel free to call the Rescue Service app!

How to Use the Rescue Service App

Report Dream Islands

If a dream island violates Nintendo's rules, such as having hateful or harmful content, report an island to be sent to Nintendo for review. Press the - (Minus) Button during the dream to submit a report.

Please be polite, and do not report dreams that do not have malicious content!

Register Dream Islands to Your Favorites

ACNH - A screenshot of Favorite islands to dream about
In Ver 1.5 or later, you will be able to save your favorite islands for quick, inspirational visits! No need to input the Dream Code again!

To do so, when you go to bed to dream, choose to revisit a dream. A list of the last Dream Addresses you have visited will appear. Press X to mark them as your favorite.

What You Cannot Do in Dream Islands

Dream Limitations
  • You cannot craft items and learn recipes
  • You cannot catalog furniture
  • You can catch creatures... but only in the dream
  • All items you pick up will be gone

You Cannot Craft and Learn Recipes

ACNH - A resident reacts sadly to the inability to craft while inside a dream
You cannot craft items or learn recipes in dreams. You also cannot catalog furniture, as when you wake up, those items will not be found in your Nook Shopping Catalog.

You Cannot Take Home Items and Creatures

ACNH - A player accesses a mostly empty inventory showing only Large star fragments
Whatever you pick up or catch and store in your pockets, it will be gone when you wake up. Creatures that you catch will also not be recorded in your Critterpedia.

How to Unlock the Dream Suite

Requires a Nintendo Switch Online Membership

ANCH - A promotional image of Nintendo Switch Online showing iconic characters from Nintendo

A Nintendo Switch Online membership is required to use online services in the game.

View the official Nintendo website to learn more about plans and prices.
Pricing Plans - Nintendo Switch Online

Nintendo Account

You will also need a Nintendo Account linked to your profile and an internet connection before you can use this feature.

Update Your Game to Version 1.4

ACNH - A screenshot announcing a Free update on July 30th
The Dream Suite is part of the V1.4 Summer Update Part 2! To be able to enjoy this, and a lot more, make sure that your game is up to date.

Summer Update Wave 2

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4 Anonymousover 3 years

I can't see it either :(

3 Anonymousover 4 years

I use to be able to see how many visitors i've had on my dream it just wont show it at all the last 2 weeks. am i the only one having this issue? :(

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