ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Types of Fences and How to Make and Break Them | How to Customize Fences

Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH) - Types of Fences and How to Make and Break Them
Nine new Fences and a customization feature for Fences are coming soon to Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). Learn how to craft and customize each type of Fence and how to break Fences.

List of All New Fences

Fences from the 2.0 Update

Green Bamboo FenceGreen Bamboo Fence Large Lattice FenceLarge Lattice Fence Block WallBlock Fencing
Corrugated Iron FencingCorrugated Iron Fence Frozen FenceFrozen Fence Park FencePark Fence
Log FenceLog Fence Log-Wall FencieLog-Wall Fence Bamboo-Slats FenceBamboo-Slats Fence

Nine new fences were added as part of the Ver.2.0 Update!

List of Fences and Needed Materials

DIY Item Required Materials
Bamboo Lattice Fence IconBamboo Lattice Fence
Bamboo Piece IconBamboo Piece (×6)
Bamboo-Slats Fence IconBamboo-Slats Fence
Bamboo Piece IconBamboo Piece (×3)
Barbed-Wire Fence IconBarbed-Wire Fence
Hardwood IconHardwood (×4)
Iron Nugget IconIron Nugget (×2)
Block Fence IconBlock Fence
Stone IconStone (×8)
Iron Nugget IconIron Nugget (×2)
Brick Fence IconBrick Fence
Clay IconClay (×6)
Bunny Day Fence IconBunny Day Fence
Water Egg IconWater Egg (×1)
Earth Egg IconEarth Egg (×1)
Stone Egg IconStone Egg (×1)
Sky Egg IconSky Egg (×1)
Wood Egg IconWood Egg (×1)
Leaf Egg IconLeaf Egg (×1)
Corral Fence IconCorral Fence
Wood IconWood (×6)
Corrugated Iron Fence IconCorrugated Iron Fence
Hardwood IconHardwood (×3)
Iron Nugget IconIron Nugget (×3)
Country Fence IconCountry Fence
Hardwood IconHardwood (×6)
Frozen Fence IconFrozen Fence
Snowflake IconSnowflake (×5)
Green Bamboo Fence IconGreen Bamboo Fence Currently Unavailable
Hedge IconHedge
Stone IconStone (×2)
Tree Branch IconTree Branch (×5)
Clump of Weeds IconClump of Weeds (×10)
Imperial Fence IconImperial Fence
Wood IconWood (×6)
Softwood IconSoftwood (×4)
Iron Fence IconIron Fence
Iron Nugget IconIron Nugget (×6)
Iron-and-Stone Fence IconIron-and-Stone Fence
Stone IconStone (×6)
Iron Nugget IconIron Nugget (×3)
Large Lattice Fence IconLarge Lattice Fence
Softwood IconSoftwood (×10)
Lattice Fence IconLattice Fence
Softwood IconSoftwood (×8)
Log Fence IconLog Fence
Softwood IconSoftwood (×6)
Log-Wall Fence IconLog-Wall Fence
Hardwood IconHardwood (×10)
Mermaid Fence IconMermaid Fence
Coral IconCoral (×5)
Sand Dollar IconSand Dollar (×5)
Pearl IconPearl (×1)
Park Fence IconPark Fence
Iron Nugget IconIron Nugget (×5)
Rope Fence IconRope Fence
Iron Nugget IconIron Nugget (×4)
Simple Wooden Fence IconSimple Wooden Fence
Softwood IconSoftwood (×6)
Spiky Fence IconSpiky Fence
Hardwood IconHardwood (×8)
Spooky Fence IconSpooky Fence
Iron Nugget IconIron Nugget (×5)
Stone Fence IconStone Fence
Stone IconStone (×4)
Straw Fence IconStraw Fence
Wood IconWood (×3)
Clump of Weeds IconClump of Weeds (×10)
Vertical-Board Fence IconVertical-Board Fence
Wood IconWood (×8)
Wedding Fence IconWedding Fence
Softwood IconSoftwood (×3)
Iron Nugget IconIron Nugget (×5)
Zen Fence IconZen Fence
Stone IconStone (×3)
Iron Nugget IconIron Nugget (×3)
Clay IconClay (×3)

How to Customize Fences

Redeem the Custom Fencing in A Flash!

ACNH - Custom Fencing
Before you can start customizing your fences, you might need to redeem the Custom Fencing in A Flash from the Nook Stop first. This will cost you 2,500 Nook Miles, so save up while you can before the update hits!

How to Get Nook Miles Fast

Use the DIY Workbench!

ACNH - Fences are now customizable
Based on the Nintendo Direct, it looks like we will be using the DIY Workbench to customize the fences using customization kits.

How to Customize Your Furniture, Phone, and Tools

How to Make Fences

Buy a DIY Recipe and Craft

ACNH - Fence1
You can purchase Fences in exchange for Miles at the Nook Stop in Resident Services. Different DIY Recipes for Fences will appear randomly each day, so be sure to check Nook Stop regularly to collect all the Fence Recipes.

Unlocked after Customization Workshop

After you've completed the Customization Workshop, you become able to purchase Fences from the Nook Stop in Resident Services. To unlock the Customization Workshop, first you will need to add three Villagers to your island, then talk with Tom Nook.

Island Upgrades Walkthrough

How to Place Fences

ACNH - Fence2

Can be used like a Tool

When you select the Fence item from your bag, you character will hold a hammer, and become able to place pieces of Fence with the A Button. Also, you can remove pieces of Fence you've already placed by pressing the Y Button to put them back into your bag.

Put away the Hammer with Down on the D-Pad

When you're ready to stop making Fences, press the Down button on D-Pad, or select the Fence again from your bag and select Put Away. Also, if you go into a building, it will automatically return to your bag.

How to Remove Fences

Put Fences Away with the Y Button

ACNH - Put Fences Away with the Y Button
By pressing the Y Button in front of a Fence, you can put it back into your bag. Even if you're holding a tool, you can still put away Fences with the Y Button just like any other placed item.

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13 Jacob Deaneabout 4 years

Is there a way to get a gate DIY for your Fencing DIYs at all?

12 Anonymousalmost 5 years

Ya 10 fences

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