ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

How to Get Iron Nuggets Fast Guide

Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) - How to Get Iron Nuggets Fast Guide

This is a guide on how to quickly farm Iron Nuggets, a DIY material in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). Iron nuggets can be found on rocks. Learn how to quickly get iron nuggets, where else to farm iron nuggets, how they can be used, and more!

ACNH - Gold NuggetsGold Nuggets ACNH - Iron NuggetsIron Nuggets

How to Get Iron Nuggets

The Best Source is Rocks on Mystery Tours

ACNH - A resident farms for Iron Nuggets while on a mystery tour

The best way to get Iron Nuggets is by hitting rocks on the islands you visit on Mystery Tours, the tours you can go on by using the Nook Miles tickets. Make sure you have 2,000 Nook Miles to buy a Nook Miles ticket!

Remember to bring axes or shovels to hit the rocks with!

Mystery Island Tours and Nook Miles Ticket Guide

Get Iron Nuggets from Rocks on Mystery Tours

ACNH - Mystery Islands
You can only get Materials from the Rocks on your island a limited times per day, but you always have unlimited chances of finding them so long as you keep going on Mystery Island Tours.

Dig holes behind you to get all 8 materials

ACNH - Digging two holes to hit the rock the maximum amount of eight times

If you dig two holes behind you when farming the various materials from rocks, you can avoid being bounced back too far, allowing you to hit the rock 8 times repeatedly to get the maximum number of materials.

How to Hit the Rock 8 Times

The Materials are Random

Rock Materials
Clay IconClay Stone IconStone Iron Nugget IconIron Nugget Gold Nugget IconGold Nugget

You can find a variety of materials from hitting rocks, such as Clay, Stone, and Iron Nuggets, but all of them have a random chance of dropping.

Iron Nuggets are somewhat uncommon, but you should be able to get at least one or two from Rocks most of the time.

Don't hit a rock after eating Fruit

ACNH - A resident destroys a rock after eating fruit

If you eat Fruit, you'll gain a point of Stamina, which will cause you to break a rock when you hit it with a Shovel.

Stamina won't decrease until a day has passed, so try picking up a tree with the Shovel or sitting in a piece of furniture to decrease your Stamina.

Hit the Rocks Every Day

ACNH - Player shouting at Rock
Iron Nuggets have a lower drop rate than normal stones, but you should still get one or two of them for each rock you hit with a shovel/axe.

This means that if you want to get a lot of these, the only option is to do this daily.

Things to Do Every Day

Build a Rock Garden

ACNH - Wait for Rocks to Spawn

You can make a rock garden to put all your rocks into one location, making it easier for you to farm iron nuggets every day!

How to Make a Rock Garden

How to Get Iron Nuggets Without Rocks

Get From Balloon Presents

ACNH - A gift tied to a blue balloon Blue Balloons have a higher chance of dropping crafting materials.

You can sometimes get Iron Nuggets from the Presents dropped by shooting down balloons. You need a Slingshot to shoot down the balloons, and they can be pretty rare, so shoot them down whenever you see or hear them!

What can you get from Balloons

Get Iron Nuggets from a Friend's Island

If your friend has untapped rocks, you may ask them if they can let you get resources from their island. You can also have them offer you Iron Nuggets as payment if you help around their island!

You can also check out online if someone has any rocks to spare!
Message Boards

Get From Residents on Rare Occasions

Once in while, you can get Iron Nuggets by talking to a resident. The chance of receiving them is pretty low, so it's not recommended as an effective way to gather them.

What are Iron Nuggets Used For

Necessary to Unlock Nook's Cranny

Materials Needed Amount
Wood IconWood 30
Hardwood IconHardwood 30
Softwood IconSoftwood 30
Iron Nugget IconIron Nugget 30

Iron Nuggets are also necessary to open Nook's Cranny. You will need 30 pieces of all three kinds of wood and 30 pieces of Iron Nuggets in total.

Use as DIY Material

You can make the items below with Iron Nuggets.

Simple DIY Workbench ImageSimple DIY Workbench Frying Pan ImageFrying Pan Axe ImageAxe
Shovel ImageShovel Fishing Rod ImageFishing Rod Net ImageNet
Watering Can ImageWatering Can Wooden-Block Stereo ImageWooden-Block Stereo Wooden Toolbox ImageWooden Toolbox
Wooden Full-Length Mirror ImageWooden Full-Length Mirror Wooden Bucket ImageWooden Bucket Robot Hero ImageRobot Hero
Plain Sink ImagePlain Sink Natural Garden Table ImageNatural Garden Table Natural Garden Chair ImageNatural Garden Chair
Mini DIY Workbench ImageMini DIY Workbench Ironwood Kitchenette ImageIronwood Kitchenette Iron Wall Lamp ImageIron Wall Lamp
Hearth ImageHearth Fountain ImageFountain Drinking Fountain ImageDrinking Fountain
Crest Doorplate ImageCrest Doorplate Brick Oven ImageBrick Oven Barrel ImageBarrel
Windflower Fan ImageWindflower Fan Water Pump ImageWater Pump Terrarium ImageTerrarium
Manhole Cover ImageManhole Cover Juicy-Apple TV ImageJuicy-Apple TV Ironwood Dresser ImageIronwood Dresser
Barbed-Wire Fence ImageBarbed-Wire Fence Iron Garden Table ImageIron Garden Table Iron Garden Chair ImageIron Garden Chair
Wooden Table Mirror ImageWooden Table Mirror Astronaut Suit ImageAstronaut Suit Satellite ImageSatellite
Crewed Spaceship ImageCrewed Spaceship Flying Saucer ImageFlying Saucer Star Clock ImageStar Clock
Lunar Lander ImageLunar Lander Lunar Rover ImageLunar Rover Rocket ImageRocket
Iron Wand ImageIron Wand Space Shuttle ImageSpace Shuttle Standard Umbrella Stand ImageStandard Umbrella Stand
Shell Speaker ImageShell Speaker Ironwood Cart ImageIronwood Cart Iron Closet ImageIron Closet
Cutting Board ImageCutting Board Cosmos Shower ImageCosmos Shower Cherry-Blossom Clock ImageCherry-Blossom Clock
KnightKnight's Helmet Butter Churn ImageButter Churn DIY Workbench ImageDIY Workbench
Garden Bench ImageGarden Bench Garden Wagon ImageGarden Wagon Gong ImageGong
Iron Doorplate ImageIron Doorplate Iron Frame ImageIron Frame Iron Garden Bench ImageIron Garden Bench
Ironwood Chair ImageIronwood Chair Ironwood Clock ImageIronwood Clock Ironwood DIY Workbench ImageIronwood DIY Workbench
Kettlebell ImageKettlebell Kettle Bathtub ImageKettle Bathtub Log Wall-Mounted Clock ImageLog Wall-Mounted Clock
Zen Fence ImageZen Fence Wooden-Block Wall Clock ImageWooden-Block Wall Clock Trophy Case ImageTrophy Case
Steel-Frame Wall ImageSteel-Frame Wall Steel Flooring ImageSteel Flooring Silo ImageSilo
Sauna Heater ImageSauna Heater Rope Fence ImageRope Fence Recycled-Can Thumb Piano ImageRecycled-Can Thumb Piano
Natural Square Table ImageNatural Square Table Lily Record Player ImageLily Record Player Key Holder ImageKey Holder
Jail Bars ImageJail Bars Iron Worktable ImageIron Worktable Ironwood Table ImageIronwood Table
Ironwood Low Table ImageIronwood Low Table Ironwood Cupboard ImageIronwood Cupboard Ironwood Bed ImageIronwood Bed
Iron-and-Stone Fence ImageIron-and-Stone Fence Iron Wall Rack ImageIron Wall Rack Iron Shelf ImageIron Shelf
Iron Hanger Stand ImageIron Hanger Stand Iron Fence ImageIron Fence Iron Armor ImageIron Armor
Illuminated Tree ImageIlluminated Tree Illuminated Snowflakes ImageIlluminated Snowflakes Illuminated Reindeer ImageIlluminated Reindeer
Illuminated Present ImageIlluminated Present Turkey Day Table Setting ImageTurkey Day Table Setting Hanging Terrarium ImageHanging Terrarium
Golden Gears ImageGolden Gears Cherry Speakers ImageCherry Speakers Barbell ImageBarbell
Bamboo Speaker ImageBamboo Speaker Armor Shoes ImageArmor Shoes Acoustic Guitar ImageAcoustic Guitar
Wedding Fence ImageWedding Fence Mermaid Vanity ImageMermaid Vanity Mermaid Wall Clock ImageMermaid Wall Clock
Mermaid Lamp ImageMermaid Lamp Spooky Fence ImageSpooky Fence Spooky Carriage ImageSpooky Carriage
Spooky Garland ImageSpooky Garland Spooky Table Setting ImageSpooky Table Setting Turkey Day Casserole ImageTurkey Day Casserole
Spooky Trick Lamp ImageSpooky Trick Lamp Corrugated Iron Fence ImageCorrugated Iron Fence Block Fence ImageBlock Fence
Park Fence ImagePark Fence Stonework Kitchen ImageStonework Kitchen Wooden Storage Shed ImageWooden Storage Shed
Concrete Pillar ImageConcrete Pillar Low Concrete Island Counter ImageLow Concrete Island Counter Tall Concrete Island Counter ImageTall Concrete Island Counter
Low Steel Island Counter ImageLow Steel Island Counter Tall Steel Island Counter ImageTall Steel Island Counter Steel Pillar ImageSteel Pillar
Wooden Music Box ImageWooden Music Box Vine Lamp ImageVine Lamp Suspicious Cauldron ImageSuspicious Cauldron
Shell Music Box ImageShell Music Box Plate Armor ImagePlate Armor Ornament Tree ImageOrnament Tree
Ornament Table Lamp ImageOrnament Table Lamp Ornament Garland ImageOrnament Garland Iron Ladder Set-Up Kit ImageIron Ladder Set-Up Kit
Imperial Pot ImageImperial Pot Glowing-Moss-Jar Shelves ImageGlowing-Moss-Jar Shelves Glowing-Moss Balloon ImageGlowing-Moss Balloon

Related Links

DIY Materials 01.png
List of Materials

How to Get Materials
clay.pngClay Clump of Weed.pngClump of Weed Tree  Branch.pngTree Branch
Hardwood.pngHardwood Wood.pngWood Softwood.pngSoftwood
Stone.pngStone Iron Nugget.pngIron Nugget Gold Nugget.pngGold Nugget


14 Iron Nuggetalmost 2 years
6 Wenover 4 years


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