ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Nature Day Event Info and Rewards

Nature Day header.png

This is a guide to Nature Day, an event in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) for the Nintendo Switch. Learn about the activities you can do on Nature Day, limited items available, as well as when it goes live!

When is Nature Day?

Nature Day Dates

Late April Update (1).png

Availability April 23 @ 9AM to May 4, 2020

In an update released 21st of April, 2020, it was confirmed that the Nature Day event will last from April 23 to May 4!

Starts on April 23rd at 9 AM

The Nature Day Event begins on April 23rd, but it cannot be played until after 9:00 AM., after the V1.2 update is released. If you have your Switch's time changed to a date other than the present, you will need to set it between April 23rd and May 4th to participate.

Ends on May 4th

The last day to do special Nature Day Nook Miles+ activites is on May 4. However, Leif will still come to your island to as a visitor even after the event.

What Do You Do on Nature Day?

Limited-Time Special Nook Miles+ Challenges will be Available

ACNH - Nature Day Nook Miles Activities (1).png

Focused on nature-inspired goals, special Nature Day Nook Miles+ activities will be available such as planting shrub starts and watering flowers! You can even get special items as rewards by doing them! Good for nature and good for Nook Miles!

Earn Nook Miles Fast!

Get the Hedge Recipe after Completing the 1st Nature Day Nook Miles+ Activity

Receive hedge recipe.jpg
Once talking to Tom Nook and finishing the first Nature Day activity, you can talk to him again to receive the Hedge recipe which allows you to build hedges.

Nook Miles+ is required to get the activities and rewards.

DIY Item Required Materials
Hedge IconHedge
Stone IconStone (×2)
Tree Branch IconTree Branch (×5)
Clump of Weeds IconClump of Weeds (×10)

Nook Miles+ Challenges and Rewards

Visit Leif's Garden Shop

ACNH - Leifs Garden Shop (1).png
Leif makes a comeback in New Horizons, and this time, he is in charge of Nature Day!

Leif runs a garden shop where you can buy a variety of flower seeds and shrub starts! He will visit your island on the Plaza from time to time.

Also, since the V1.2 update, Leif will start coming to your island as a visitor.

How to Unlock Leif's Garden Shop

Buy Flower Seeds

ACNH - Garden Shop Inventory (1).png

Item Price
Flower Seeds 240 Bells (Single)
1,200 Bells (5 pieces)

You can buy flower seeds not available at Nook's Cranny, which he sells at the same price! He will be changing the sets for each of his visit so always talk to him!

Buy Shrub Starts

Purchase shrub starts.jpg

Item Price
Shrub Start 280 Bells (Single)
1,400 Bells (5 pieces)

You can also buy shrub starts that you can plant around your island. Plant them around your island! The sets of shrub starts you can buy also changes each visit.

Sell Weeds

Selling weeds to Leif.jpg
You can also sell weeds to Leif which he buys for 20 Bells, 2x more the selling price than at Nook's Cranny. Clean up your island, and get some Bells!

You Can Now Plant Bushes!

Hydrangea and Azalea shrubs.jpg
Starting on the V1.2 update, you can now plant bushes, which you can buy from Leif's Garden Shop!

Bushes, or shrubs, are planted like trees. You buy them as starts, and they turn into nursery shrubs once planting them, and take a few days to grow. They also do not need to be watered.

List of All Bushes and Shrubs

Bushes Bloom Flowers in Season

Pink and Bue Hydrangea Bushes at the Museum.jpg

Pink and blue hydrengeas at the butterfly section in the Museum

Bushes, depending on the type, bloom flowers on certain seasons. Also, unlike flowers, they cannot be walked over. They are more like trees, or fences.

Unlock a New Nook Miles Activity

Shrubbery Hubbubbery Nook Miles Activity.jpg

Once planting your first shrub, you will unlock the new Nook Miles activity: Shrubbery Hubbubbery!

Shrubbery Hubbubbery
Activity Summary Miles Titles
Plant 1 shrub. 300 Verdant/Wonder
Plant 5 shrubs. 500 Unrestrained/Sentinel
Plant 20 shrubs. 1000 Surprising/Snake

More DIY Recipes?

DIY Recipes.jpg
Since Nature Day is all about protecting the environment, it may be possible that we have to clean up the island, which means pulling up weeds and fishing up trash. Similar to exchanging eggs with Zipper on Bunny Day, we might exchange weeds and trash with Leif for DIY recipes.

Weeding Day May be Available

In New Leaf, the previous Animal Crossing game, there was another event called Weeding Day which was also held by Leif. In this event, you pull up weeds and plant flowers to beautify your town. You will get exclusive floral items as reward.

It is possible that this might return during the Nature Day event, and we might get exclusive items as well!

How to Get the Hedge Recipe

ACNH - Hedge Fences (1).png
You can get the Hedge recipe once accomplishing the first Nature Day Nook Miles+ activity.

This page will be updated as we progress.

List of Nature Day Recipes

This section is under construction. Please check back soon!

What to Do if the Event Won't Start

Make sure your Switch has the correct date and time

Switch Time and Date
You have to download the next update which contains the data for the Nature Day event.

Your Switch system needs to match the time and date in real life to participate. If you have time-travelled, you need to connect to the internet and sync with real time.

How to Update and Update Patch Notes

Connect to the Internet

If your Nintendo Switch has not connected to the Internet since before April 23 at 9 AM, the Nature Day Event will not start, even if your in-game clock is on the correct date.

Although a notification for an Update will not occur, your Switch will still need to connect to the Internet to gain access to the event.

What is Nature Day?

A Day to Celebrate Nature

Leif - Nature Day.jpg
Nature Day is mirrored with Earth Day in real life. We celebrate this to raise awareness for our environment, as well as to participate in activities that help our environment.

We recommend following the official Twitter account of Animal Crossing for the latest updates.

Related Links

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2 Anonymousalmost 5 years

Pink and blue hydrangeas confirmed! Bought today

1 Anonymousalmost 5 years

Holly is confirmed. Bought some today.

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