ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Co-Op Party Play - How to Play Local Multiplayer Guide

Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) - Party Play | How to Play Local Multiplayer on One Switch

This is a guide on how to play local multiplayer with Party Play in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) for the Nintendo Switch. Access your NookPhone and select the Call Resident app then follow the step on-screen and you'll be playing Co-Op in no time!

Multiplayer on One Switch

Play Local Multiplayer with Party Play

ACNH - Co-Op Party Play
For the first time in any Animal Crossing game, you can now play local multiplayer in New Horizons!

Use Party Play to boot up the game with upto 4 players on the same island without internet!

Playing Online Multiplayer Instead?

ACNH - Orville Multiplayer

Party Play is only available to islands with multiple residents (or multiple users on one Nintendo Switch).

However, you don't need other residents on your island to player multiplayer. Learn how to play online multiplayer with our guide below!

How to Play Online

How to Start Local Play (Call a Resident)

1 Select Call Resident on your NookPhone
2 Choose resident/s to call
3 Follow the directions on-screen: press the L & R buttons
4 Call complete!

1. Select Call Resident on your NookPhone

ACNH - Selecting Call Resident app on the NookPhone
On you NookPhone, select Call Resident app: its icon will have a yellow flag and a blue background. Take note that this app is only be available to islands with multiple players!

2. Choose Resident/s to Call

ACNH - Choose Residents
Select the resident(s) you want to play with. You can select upto 4 players to play with!

3. Follow Direction On-Screen

ACNH - Press the L & R Buttons Simultaneously
Follow the directions that show up on-screen! Have each player press the L & R buttons simultaneously when pompted.

You can check our guide for our recommended useful peripherals to see what you'll need to have non-stop fun with your friends on the island!
System Requirements and Useful Peripherals

4. Call Complete!

ACNH - Best Friends Using Tools

The other player can now move independently. Invite up to 3 people to enjoy Party Play!

Repeat the steps above to invite another player.

Leader-Follower Features

Leader and Followers

ACNH - Leader and Followers

The one initiating the Party Play will automatically become the leader, while the other players will be the followers.

Game view is centered on the leader

ACNH - Party Play Leader POV

The camera will always follow the leader. If you are too far from each other or you get lost, the game will warp you back to the leader.

Swap Leaders

ACNH - Swap Leader

You can switch things up and change the leader, so everyone has the chance to their own activities!

Leader flag is displayed overhead

ACNH - Party Play Leader Flag
A yellow flag can be displayed over the leader's head. This can help keep track of who is on the move!

Only the leader can shop

ACNH - Only Leader Can Shop
Only the leader will be able to talk to other villagers or buy from vendors and shops.

Make sure to switch leaders often, so everyone gets a chance do their chores!

How to Switch Leaders

Summary of Steps

1 Press the [-] or [+] button to open the Party Play menu and select Change Leader.
Shake the controller.
2 Press A or the leftmost button on the other player's controller to swap leader.
3 Swap complete!

Open the Party Play Menu

ACNH - Open Party Play Menu
Player 1 should open the Party Play menu by pressing - or + on their controller.

Select the first option, “Change Leader”, and press A or the leftmost button to confirm.

Shake Controller

Alternatively, you can also shake the controller to quickly “Change Leader”.

Press A on the Next Leader's Controller to Swap

ACNH - Swap Leader from Menu
On the controller of the player who wants to be leader, press A or the leftmost button to swap with them.

Swap Complete!

ACNH - Swap Complete
There is now a new leader, who is now in control of the Party Play session.

List of Things You Can Do in Local Multiplayer

Gather Materials Together

ACNH - Gather Materials
With shared tools and items, gathering materials is more efficient with other players.

Fish, Catch, and Swim Together

ACNH - Fish Catch and Swim Together
Catch fish, bug, and sea creature together with your crew while in Party Play! Take note that players must always stay close to the Leader!

This means if a Follower is doing something and the Leader moves away, the Follower will cancel out of their action.

Items collected by followers go to the Recycling Box

ACNH - Store Items in Recycle Box
Items, like Fish and Bugs, collected by the followers automatically go to the Recycling Box found in Resident Services, after Party Play is over.

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24 Anonymousalmost 5 years

now you just need to get friends HAHHA BAZINGA

23 Anonymousalmost 5 years

hello i heard bad things about the local coop and im planning to get this for my girlfriend to play with me, is it really not good in local?

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