ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

How to Store Items and Get More Storage Space

Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) - How to Increase Storage Space: Store Furniture and Other Items

Store furniture and other items in your house in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) by upgrading your tent into a brick-and-mortar building! Talk to Tom Nook to expand your home's storage and use the Storage Shed to access your storage from anywhere on the island.

How to Get More Storage Space

Upgrade Your House to Increase Max Storage Amount

ACNH - A player stands in front of the house exterior

Not only does upgrading your house increase the size of your home but also increases storage space.

Upgrading your house may burn a hole through your wallet, but it is definitely worth it!

Tips to Paying Off Your Loan

House Upgrades and Storage Amount

Upgrade No. Storage Amount
0 (Tent) 0
1 80
2 120
3 240
4 320
5 400
6 800
7 1,600
Expanded Home Storage 2,400
Expanded Home Storage 2 3,200
Expanded Home Storage 3 4,000
Expanded Home Storage 4 5,000

Storage Upgrade Added in Ver 1.6

ACNH - Expanded home storage after the Winter Update
The Winter Update lets you increase the maximum storage capacity of your home from 1,600 to 2,400.

The Expanded Home Storage is only available to residents who have expanded their house to its maximum size and have paid all loans.

Three Storage Upgrades Added in Ver 2.0

ACNH - Max Storage Capacity expanded to 5000

Three additional Home Storage options were added in the Free Version 2.0 Update coming November 5th, for a total maximum storage capacity of 5,000.

These new storage upgrades are available to residents who have expanded their house to its maximum size, have paid all loans, and have bought the previous storage upgrade.

How to Increase Maximum Storage Capacity

Step Instruction
1 Go to Resident Services after having upgraded your house to its maximum size.
2 Talk to Tom Nook "About My Home" and then choose "Expand my storage".
3 Pay Tom Nook 500,000 Bells.
4 Wait the next day for your storage expansion to finish!

Step 1: Go to Resident Services

ACNH - Tom Nook informs the resident that there is now expanded home storage
After updating your game to Version 1.6, go to Resident Services then approach and talk to Tom Nook.

If you already upgraded your house to its maximum size and paid off all your loans, Tom Nook will tell you that he's now offering an Expanded Home Storage upgrade.

Step 2: Select "About My Home"

ACNH - A player talks about construction concerns with Tom Nook
Talk to Tom Nook and select "About My Home". A new option called "Expand my storage" will be available to discuss.

Step 3: Pay 500,000 Bells

ACNH - Tom Nook informs the player the price for expanded storage
Pay 500,000 Bells to expand the storage. Unlike other home upgrades, Tom Nook can't offer a loan for the expansion. You need to pay for the storage upgrade upfront!

Step 4: Storage Capacity Will Increase the Next Day!

ACNH - Tom Nook informs the player that construction for expanded storage will finish the next day
As with all house upgrades, Tom Nook requires the whole day to work on the expansion. The next day, your house's maximum storage capacity will increase to 2,400!

How to Unlock Storage

Upgrade Your Tent to a House

ACNH - A player reacts with celebratory glee in front of a tent
The only requirement to use the Storage feature is to upgrade your tent to a house. You'll need to pay the initial loan of 5,000 Miles to upgrade to a House, so be sure to get started on paying off your loan right away.
How to Get Nook Miles Fast

How to Use the Storage

Select the Item Inside Your Home and Choose to “Put in Storage”

ACNH - A player thinks about putting Mom

Select an item from your pockets and choose Put in Storage.

You can put almost any item in storage, excluding whole trees and flower plants.

Open the Storage by Pressing the Right Arrow Button

ACNH - A player selects an item in the Housewares category of the Storage menu

Press the Right Arrow button on the D-Pad to open up the storage. The items are sorted by categories which you can cycle through using the L and R buttons.

Selecting the item allows you to put it back in your pockets, or placing the item inside your home when using Decorating Mode.

You can also view the number of items you have, and the max storage size on the lower left part of the strorage screen.

Use the Storage Shed to Access Storage Anywhere

ACNH - A player putting something away in the Storage Shed.png

The Storage Shed is a piece of furniture which can be redeemed for Nook Miles, and serves the purpose of allowing players to access their storage from outside of their home.

The Storage Shed can be placed almost anywhere on the player's island, and connects directly to the player's storage. This allows players to both put objects in storage and take out objects from storage anywhere on the island where a Storage Shed is placed.

As dropping items on the ground decreases your island rating, a Storage Shed is a great investment to easily store and retrieve items without damaging your island.

Create a Second Character

ACNH - Online Multiplayer

Create a second character to use their house as secondary storage. Usie Party Play to switch between players to access each players' storage!

Party Play - How to Play Local Multiplayer on One Switch

Free Up Space Quickly by Using Trash Cans

ACNH - A resident tosses items into the trash can
If there are items that you cannot put in your storage like trees and flower plants, you can use trash cans to throw out items.

List of Trash Cans and Waste Bins

Items that Cannot be Put in Storage

ACNH - A player finds that they can

Several items can't be put in storage, and you'll need to use other ways to get them out of your pockets like dropping them on the ground or throwing them out in a trash can.

Items that Cannot be Stored
  • Trees (Can only be planted)
  • Flower Plants (You can store flower petals)
  • Equipped Tools (Put them away first)

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5 Anonymousover 3 years

How many objects are concidered as storage room ? I am looking for more than 2choices (pretty much like clothes, even a fridge contains clothes) to increase design possibility and less wood used to craft it

4 Anonymousover 4 years

Wish they have add on to increase the inventory space at home to unlimited. I'd like to pay even 😑

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