ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Which Hemisphere Should You Choose?

ACNH - Which Hemisphere Should You Choose

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH), players will get to experience all four seasons but the order varies on the Hemisphere they choose. For more information on the differences between hemispheres, look no further than this guide!

Which Hemisphere Should You Choose?

Northern Hemisphere If You Live in America or Europe

ACNH - A player tries to select a hemisphere

If you are unsure of which hemisphere to live in within Animal Crossing, and you actually do live in America or Europe, we recommend choosing this one.

By choosing the Northern Hemisphere, you'll enjoy the same seasonal changes that take place in the real world.

ACNH - A cropped picture of RoverRover's Advice Since I live in the States, I'm going with the Northern Hemispere!

This means that all other users on the same Switch will be on the same hemisphere!

Examples of countries in each hemisphere

Countries in the Northern Hemisphere
・The U.S.
Countries in the Southern Hemisphere
(Opposite of the U.S.)
・New Zealand

Alternative: Select the Hemisphere with Events You Want to Enjoy Sooner!

ACNH - A resident enjoys fall.PNG

Cherry Blossom Festival
Summer Bug Off
Fall (Autumn) Mushrooming Season
Winter Snowboy-Building
Aurora Viewing

List of Events

If there is a seasonal event in Animal Crossing that you really want to check out right away, you could choose the hemisphere that would make you closer to that season.

On the game release, it will be Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and Fall in the Southern Hemisphere.

You Could Different Pick Hemispheres if You Plan on Playing With a Friend

ACNH - A villager talks to Flick

If you're playing this game with a friend, why not decide together and select different hemisphere?

This way, you can both enjoy a different season and participate in different events each time you visit each other's islands!

Difference Betwen Northern and Southern Hemisphere

Seasons (Climate) are Reversed

ACNH - Different seasons as shown in Nintendo Direct.png

The Northern and Southern Hemispheres have opposite seasons.

For example, if you are playing in July, it will be Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, but Winter in the Southern one.

In past titles, you could only play in the Northern Hemisphere, but with the release of New Horizons, you can now select the hemisphere that you live in for a more personal experience.

List of Hemispheres and Seasons

Season Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere
Spring February 25 to May 31 August 25 to November 30
Summer June 1 to August 31 December 1 to February 28
Fall September 1 to November 25 March 1 to May 25
Winter November 26 to February 24 May 26 to August 24

List of Seasons and Seasonal Materials

Bugs and Fish and Sea Creature Seasonality are Reversed

ACNH - Spotted Garden Eel in the Critterpedia

Spotted Garden Eel seasonality in the Northen Hemisphere

Depending on your hemisphere, fish, bugs and sea creatures will appear on different months compared to the opposite hemisphere.

List of Bugs List of Fish
List of Sea Creatures

Which Hemisphere Will You Choose?

Northern Hemisphere 1375
Southern Hemisphere 766

Let us know which Hemisphere you chose or are thinking of choosing with a vote!

Can You Change Hemispheres Later?

You Cannot Change Your Hemisphere After Starting

ACNH - Nintendo Direct - Fall

Once selecting your hemisphere, you cannot change it once starting the game.

Before making hasty decisions, check out the list of unchangeable features in New Horizons while you are starting the game!

Unchangeable Features

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50 Anonymousabout 4 years

GO SOUTH!!! Almost no one in the animal crossing community is in the southern hemishpere. People will flock to your island whenever you open it up for people, and they are willing to pay to come.

49 Anonymousover 4 years

in the southern hemisphere the weather isn't the same, when it's not raining it rains in the game

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