ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

List of Starting Villagers

This page shows starting villagers in the beginning of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Read on to find out who the starting villagers are and who are confirmed to appear from the beginning!

List of VillagersList of Villagers New VillagersNew Villagers Sanrio VillagersSanrio Villagers
3236255Starting Villagers New Villager IconVillager Ranking Special CharactersCharacters
Recommended Beginner Guides
Choosing the Best IslandHow to Choose the Best Island Layout Which Hemisphere Should You Choose.pngWhich Hemisphere Should You Choose? What Should You Choose to Bring to the Island - Partial.pngWhat Should You Choose to Bring to the Island?

How to Reset Starting Villagers

  1. Start the game and watch the scene where you see the first two starting villagers standing by the Airport.
  2. If you are not satisfied, you can reset by pressing the Home button.
  3. While selecting the game, press the X button to close the game and confirm.
  4. Restart the game and repeat the above steps until you are satisfied.

Click Here for Detailed Steps!

Starting Villagers' Characteristics

Starting villagers.jpg

  • There will always be one male and one female.
  • The male will have a Jock personality.
  • The female will have an Big Sister (Uchi) personality.
  • The interior design of their houses are fixed.

How to Get Specific Villagers You Want

List of Starting Villagers

Confirmed New Villagers



Dom (Chachamaru in Japanese) has been confirmed as a starting villager.



A female character, known as Reneigh (Rihanna in Japanese), has also been confirmed as a starting villager.

List of New Characters (Villagers)

List of Male Villagers (Jock Personality)

Past Title Characters

At present, not all past villagers have been confirmed.

Antonio IconAntonio Axel IconAxel Bam IconBam Biff IconBiff
Bill IconBill Billy IconBilly Boone IconBoone Boots IconBoots
Buck IconBuck Bud IconBud Coach IconCoach Cobb IconCobb
Cousteau IconCousteau Curly IconCurly Dom IconDom Drift IconDrift
Flip IconFlip Frobert IconFrobert Genji IconGenji Goose IconGoose
Hamlet IconHamlet Iggly IconIggly Jay IconJay Jitters IconJitters
Kevin IconKevin Kid Cat IconKid Cat Kody IconKody Leonardo IconLeonardo
Louie IconLouie Lyman IconLyman Mac IconMac Moose IconMoose
Mott IconMott Peck IconPeck Pierce IconPierce Poncho IconPoncho
Ribbot IconRibbot Roald IconRoald Rod IconRod Rory IconRory
Rowan IconRowan Rudy IconRudy Samson IconSamson Scoot IconScoot
Sheldon IconSheldon Sly IconSly Snake IconSnake Sparro IconSparro
Sprocket IconSprocket Sterling IconSterling Stinky IconStinky Tad IconTad
Tank IconTank Teddy IconTeddy Tiansheng IconTiansheng Tybalt IconTybalt

All Villagers with a Jock Personality

List of Female Villagers (Big Sister Personality)

Past Title Characters

At present, not all past villagers have been confirmed.

Agnes IconAgnes Canberra IconCanberra Charlise IconCharlise Cherry IconCherry
Deirdre IconDeirdre Diva IconDiva Flo IconFlo Frita IconFrita
Fuchsia IconFuchsia Hazel IconHazel Katt IconKatt Mira IconMira
Muffy IconMuffy Pashmina IconPashmina Paula IconPaula Phoebe IconPhoebe
Plucky IconPlucky Quinn IconQuinn Renée IconRenée Reneigh IconReneigh
Rocket IconRocket Shari IconShari Sylvia IconSylvia Tammy IconTammy
Ursala IconUrsala

All Villagers with a Big Sister Personality

Related Guides

Characters Partial.png

List of Characters

Character Lists

List of VillagersList of Villagers New VillagersNew Villagers Sanrio VillagersSanrio Villagers
3236255Starting Villagers New Villager IconVillager Ranking Special CharactersCharacters

Villagers by Personality

Big Sister Cranky Jock Lazy
Normal Peppy Smug Snooty

Villagers by Species

Alligator Icon.png Alligators Anteaters Icon.png Anteaters Bears Icon.png Bears Birds Icon.png Birds
ACNH - Bulls.png Bulls Cats Icon.png Cats Chickens Icon.png Chickens Cows Icon.png Cows
Cubs Icon.png Cubs Deer Icon.png Deer Dogs Icon.png Dogs Ducks Icon.png Ducks
Eagles Icon.png Eagles Elephants Icon.png Elephants Frogs Icon.png Frogs Goats Icon.png Goats
Gorillas Icon.png Gorillas Hamsters Icon.png Hamsters Hippos Icon.png Hippos Horses Icon.png Horses
Kangaroos Icon.png Kangaroos Koalas Icon.png Koalas Lions Icon.png Lions Monkeys Icon.png Monkeys
Mice Icon.png Mice Octopuses Icon.png Octopuses Ostriches Icon.png Ostriches Penguins Icon.png Penguins
Pigs Icon.png Pigs Rabbits Icon.png Rabbits Rhinos Icon.png Rhinos Sheep Icon.png Sheep
Squirrels Icon.png Squirrels Tiger Icon.png Tigers Wolves Icon.png Wolves

Villagers by Initial Letter

S T U V W X Y Z -


74 Anonymous27 days

I got Jay and hazel . I wanted other but my island was peaches

73 Anonymous9 months

I got Muffy and curly and I don’t like them

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