ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

How to Make Brick Paths

ACNH - How to Make Brick Paths header
Learn how to create your very own brick path custom designs in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). Read on to learn how to create different styles of brick designs including rounded and glossy bricks!

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ACNH - Custom Basic Brick Design iconBasic Bricks ACNH - Custom Round Brick Design iconRound Bricks ACNH - Custom Glossy Brick Design iconGlossy Bricks ACNH - Custom Textured Brick Design iconTextured Bricks

How to Create a Brick Tile

Resulting Look

ACNH - Custom Brick Path Design
If you are not satisfied with the brick path in the game, why not create your own brick path designs? This is how it looks like when laid out on the ground.

Steps to Create a Brick Tile

We will use the default palette. Starting from the top left, draw an inverted L. This is 16 pixels wide, and 8 pixels tall.
Draw a smaller inverted L under the existing one. You can refer to the image above. This is 10 pixels wide and 8 pixels tall.
Repeat the steps until you finish the top half.
4 Do the same procedure to complete the lower half.
5 With orange selected, fill in the 2 whole bricks at the left side.
Using light green, fill in the following tiles.
Fill the remaining tiles with yellow.
8 Frame the green tiles with dark blue.
9 ACNH - Framing orange tiles with light blueFrame the orange tiles with light blue.
Frame the yellow tiles with indigo.
11 Change red's color.
Hue: 3rd from the left
Vividness: 5th from the left
Brightness: 5th from the right
Change orange's color.
Hue: 3rd from the left
Vividness: 1st from the right
Brightness: 5th from the right
Change yellow's color.
Hue: 3rd from the left
Vividness: 4th from the right
Brightness: 4th from the right
Change green's color.
Hue: 4th from the left
Vividness: 6th from the right
Brightness: 7th from the left
Change light blue's color.
Hue: 3rd from the left
Vividness: 1st from the right
Brightness: 6th from the right
16 Change dark blue's color.
Hue: 4th from the left
Vividness: 3rd from the right
Brightness: 8th from the left
Change indigo's color.
Hue: 3rd from the left
Vividness: 4th from the right
Brightness: 5th from the right
18 ACNH - Finish a custom brick design in the Custom Designer app
The brick tile is complete!

How to Change Colors on a Palette

ACNH - Changing colours on a palette in the Custom Designer app

1 In the tools section, select Change Color.
2 Select a color with the L and R button and adjust the sliders as needed.

How to Create Custom Designs & Use the Custom Design Pro Editor

How to Create Brick Tiles (Advanced)

Round Bricks

ACNH - A custom round brick path is displayed
This design has rounded corners for the brick. We recommend this for users who are going for a cute look. You can change up the colors however you like!

How to Create a Round Brick Tile

Draw the tiles using red and orange as shown in the image above.
Draw dots on the corners with red. This will round up the edges of the bricks.
Paint the shadows and highlights of the bricks using yellow and light green.
Let's change red's color to the cement color.
Hue: 2nd from the right
Vividness: 6th from the right
Brightness: 5th from the right
Change orange's color to the main color.
Hue: 2nd from the right
Vividness: 6th from the right
Brightness: 1st from the right
Change yellow's color to the highlight.
Hue: 2nd from the right
Vividness: 6th from the left
Brightness: 1st from the right
Change light green's color to the shadow.
Hue: 2nd from the right
Vividness: 8th from the left
Brightness: 1st from the right
The round brick tile is complete!

Glossy Bricks

ACNH - A custom glossy brick path is displayed
This is a more feminine style of bricks. Use this for a neat and glossy look.

Custom Design Editor Drawing

After Color Adjustment Before Color Adjustment

You can use the photo on the right as a guide before changing the colors to your desired ones. The important thing is that the highlights pop out.

Textured Bricks

ACNH - A custom textured brick path is displayed
Round-style bricks with a rough stone texture. We recommend this for users who are going for a realistic feel.

Custom Design Editor Drawing

Dots of different shades are randomly placed on the canvas to give a rough stone look.

Additionally, if you add shadows beneath the bricks, it will look more three-dimensional.

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2 C:about 4 years

Very nice article! I will definitely look back on this if i want to make my own paths.

1 Anonymousover 4 years

The second step is wrong. It's 9 pixels tall not 8.

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