ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

What Happens on a Villager's Birthday

Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) - What Happens on a Villager

Find out what happens on a villager's brithday with our walkthrough guide! Learn what to do on a villager's birthday and when your favorite villagers' birthdays in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH)!

Villager Birthday Walkthrough

Step Directions
1 Find out when a villager's birthday is coming
2 Prepare a present for the villager
3 Head to the party and give them the present
Optional Write them a letter

1. Find Out When a Villager Birthday us

ACNH - Isabelle announces villager

Before you can get into party-mode, you'll first have to find out when it's starts! You'll learn about a villager's birthday just by checking the Bulletin Board, waiting for Isabelle's island broadcast, or talking to any of the Villagers.

You can also check out our List of Villagers page for find out when your favorite villagers' birthdays are!

List of Villagers

2. Prepare a Present

ACNH - Player readying a present for villager

Make the day special with a present! Be sure to bring a present before visiting the birthday villager's house. This will also help in raising your friendship with the birthday villager.

You can also use wrapping paper to personalize your gift! Who knows, you may even get something in return. (Check your mail box the next day!)

Gift Giving and Friendship Guide

3. Head to the Party

ACNH - Villager birthday party
Head to the birthday villager's house for a party! Hand the birthday villager your present, and enjoy the party! You'll even get Nook Miles for visiting:

Birthday Celebration
Activity Summary Miles Titles
Celebrate a resident's birthday. 300 Untamed/Party Animal
Celebrate a resident's birthday 10 times. 500 Growing/Youth
Celebrate a resident's birthday 20 times. 1000 Grown/Adult

Nook Mileage Program Activities & Rewards List

Write Them a Letter (Optional)

ACNH - Player writing a villager a birthday card
For the ultimate birthday surpise, you can write them a letter for the special day! Attach another present, and you may just get one in return the next day!

How to Send Letters and Postcards

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6 Anonymousalmost 3 years

The website forgot to put the new update 2.0 villagers on the calendar.

5 Anonymousabout 3 years

Also I share a birthday with curlos

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