ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

How to Find Isabelle | DIY Recipes from Isabelle

Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) - How to Find Isabelle Banner

Find and unlock Isabelle in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH), for the NIntendo Switch! Learn how to get DIY recipes, check island evaluations, change island tunes, change villager catchphrases (greetings) or clothing through everyone's favorite chatterbox Isabelle!

DIY Recipes From Isabelle

List of Isabelle's DIY Recipes

Spring Summer Fall Winter
Outdoor Picnic Set ImageOutdoor Picnic Set Bamboo Noodle Slide ImageBamboo Noodle Slide TreeTree's Bounty Little Tree
Mushroom Wreath ImageMushroom Wreath
Snowflake Wreath ImageSnowflake Wreath

On certain seasonal events, Isabelle will send DIY recipes to your phone during her daily Broadcast. For example, when the cherry-blossoms are blooming she'll give you the Outdoor Picnic Set.

It looks like there are several recipes Isabelle can give you, so leave a comment below if you get something different!
See Comments (13)

Isabelle won't give the DIY recipe if there are other events happening

ACNH - Isabelle from ACNH announces the start of the Bug-Off
Sometimes if there are other ongoing events overlapping with the seasonal one, Isabelle's broadcast will end up being about those instead, and as a result you won't recieve the recipe.

You can also get the recipes from balloons, so go balloon hunting if you didn't get the recipe from Isabelle.

List of Events

How to Unlock Isabelle

Upgrade Resident Services to Get Isabelle

ACNH - Isabelle at Resident Services
Isabelle comes to your island after the Resident Services has been upgraded from a tent to a building. After that, Isabelle can always be found behind the right counter in Resident Services.

How to Upgrade Resident Services

Isabelle will take over the Daily Broadcasts

Once Isabelle has been unlocked, she'll do the Daily Broadcasts instead of Tom Nook. The Broadcasts for any given day are available from 5 AM and will play immediately at 5 AM if you were playing when the time changed, or whenever you first play the game that day.

What Does Isabelle Do

  • Event Broadcasts
  • Get DIY Recipes
  • Check Your Island Evalulation
  • Change Your Island Tune
  • Discuss Villagers' Clothes or Speech

Event Broadcasts

ACNH - Isabelle
Isabelle will inform you of any events happening in her daily Broadcasts. Important information will be put in blue, so pay attention when blue text appears!

List of Events

Get DIY Recipes

ACNH - Receive Outdoor Picnic Set Recipe

As mentioned above, Isabelle can give you seasonal DIY recipes during her Broadcasts.

Check Your Island Evalulation

ACNH - Check Island Ratingwith Isabelle

If you progress the game up to a certain point, you can get Isabelle to tell you what your island's star rating is.

If you raise your island image, you can unlock the Island Designer app and get the Golden Watering Can, so check your island image and follow Isabelle's advice to increase it.

How to Raise Your Island Star Rating

Change Your Island Tune

ACNH - IslandTune11.jpg

If you want to change your Island Tune, talk to Isabelle by the counter. We have a guide on how to make Island Tunes, which you can check with the link below!

How to Use Island Tune Creator

Change The Island Flag

ACNH - Change The Island Flag

You can talk to Isabelle if you want to change your island's flag. She'll ask you for your design once you do so be sure to have your design ready! We have a guide on how to create Custom Designs to help you, just check out the link below!

How to Create Custom Designs

Discuss Villagers's Clothes or Speech

ACNH - Discussing a Villager with Isabelle
If you want to change a villager's clothes or catchphrase (greeting), talk to Isabelle and choose to Discuss a Resident. If your villagers picked up an annoying phrase or you accidentally gave them some clothing you don't like, Isabelle's got your back!

List of Villagers

Isabelle's Twitter Account

ACNH - Isabelle announcement intro
Isabelle has her own twitter account where she also announces anything Animal Crossing related. From news and updates to events and holiday greetings!

Isabelle's Twitter Account

Who is Isabelle?

About Isabelle

JP: しずえ • FR: Marie  • SP: Canela
ACNH - Isabelle amiibo Type Special Character
December 20
First Appearance
とびだせ どうぶつの 森 もり
Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Isabelle is a yellow shih tzu with an iconic pony tail first introduced in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. She acts as the player's secretary, helping them out with hints and advice throughout the game.

However with her introduction in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, she now works as Tom Nook's assistant in helping with the island development!

Did You Know
  • Isabelle has a twin brother named Digby!
  • Isabelle's a sagittarius!
  • Isabelle has her own twitter account for updates about Animal Crossing!
  • Related Links

    Characters Partial.png

    List of Characters

    Character Lists

    List of VillagersList of Villagers New VillagersNew Villagers Sanrio VillagersSanrio Villagers
    3236255Starting Villagers New Villager IconVillager Ranking Special CharactersCharacters

    Villagers by Personality

    Big Sister Cranky Jock Lazy
    Normal Peppy Smug Snooty

    Villagers by Species

    Alligator Icon.png Alligators Anteaters Icon.png Anteaters Bears Icon.png Bears Birds Icon.png Birds
    ACNH - Bulls.png Bulls Cats Icon.png Cats Chickens Icon.png Chickens Cows Icon.png Cows
    Cubs Icon.png Cubs Deer Icon.png Deer Dogs Icon.png Dogs Ducks Icon.png Ducks
    Eagles Icon.png Eagles Elephants Icon.png Elephants Frogs Icon.png Frogs Goats Icon.png Goats
    Gorillas Icon.png Gorillas Hamsters Icon.png Hamsters Hippos Icon.png Hippos Horses Icon.png Horses
    Kangaroos Icon.png Kangaroos Koalas Icon.png Koalas Lions Icon.png Lions Monkeys Icon.png Monkeys
    Mice Icon.png Mice Octopuses Icon.png Octopuses Ostriches Icon.png Ostriches Penguins Icon.png Penguins
    Pigs Icon.png Pigs Rabbits Icon.png Rabbits Rhinos Icon.png Rhinos Sheep Icon.png Sheep
    Squirrels Icon.png Squirrels Tiger Icon.png Tigers Wolves Icon.png Wolves

    Villagers by Initial Letter

    A B C D E F G H I
    J K L M N O P Q R
    S T U V W X Y Z -


    2 I Have Isabelle!over 4 years

    Here's A Picture Of The Resident Services Building!

    1 Anonymousalmost 5 years

    Summer has to do with shells not bamboo. Bamboo is a part of spring. Winter might have the jingle recipes that use the ornaments.

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