ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

How to Make Waterfalls

Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) - How to Make Waterfalls

Waterfalls are great way to add spectacle to your island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH)!

Create jaw-dropping waterfalls with the Landscaping and Waterscaping permit from the Island Designer app! Read on for waterfall ideas and tips on how to create them.

How to Make a Waterfall

Steps to Make a Waterfall
1 Unlock the necessary permits for the Island Designer app.
2 Dig an edge of a cliff above to reveal a waterfall.
Optional Make a river or a pond below for a natural look.

1. Unlock the Necessary Permits

ACNH - Waterscaping Permit

Once unlocking the Island Designer app, you can purchase the Waterscaping Permit, and the Cliff Construction Permit at the Nook Stop for 6,000 Nook Miles each.

You need these to create waterfalls!
What Should You Spend Nook Miles on First?

2. Dig an Edge of a Cliff Above to Reveal a Waterfall

ACNH - DIgging edge of cliff to reveal waterfall

Go up one level using a ladder on an incline, and dig a hole on the edge of the cliff to reveal a waterfall.

Note that you cannot create a waterfall from the base of the cliff, or the lower ground.

Make a River or a Pond Below for a Natural Look (Optional)

ACNH - Waterfall with a river below it
The waterfall will flow below the ground. If you want to make it look more natural, you can dig up a path to connect it to a river, or you could make a pond at the bottom!

Waterfall Ideas and How to Make Them

Two-Level Waterfall

ACNH - Two-Level Waterfall
These are perfect attractions that go with a natural-themed island. A two-tiered waterfall makes for the perfect backdrop for your island!

Start with a two-level cliff! Use the Cliff Construction Pemit to create the lower cliff, or the second level.

You will need at least 4x5 spaces for the lower cliff so take note of that.
Climb up the lower cliff, and dig up the upper cliff, or the third level.

You will need at least 2x3 spaces for the upper cliff to create a single-tile waterfall, so be sure you have enough space.
Climb up to the upper cliff, or the third level to dig up the waterfall.

If you want to create a wider waterfall, add more space for both cliffs.
Go down to the lower cliff, and dig up the edge to connect the waterfall.

If you want a natural look, you can create a pond or a river at the bottom!

Waterfall Path

ACNH - Waterfall Path.png

Create a double waterfall for a unique waterfall path. Place this at the entrance of you island to impress your visitors!

1 ACNH - Create a River Path.png
Create the base for the river of at least 3 spaces wide with a land tile in the middle.
2 ACNH - Build Cliffs on Opposing Sides.png
Create cliffs on both sides of the river. You need at least 2 spaces wide for a single-level cliff.

You can even make two-level cliffs to make it grand! The lower cliff would then need to be at least 4 spaces wide.
3 ACNH - Climb the cliffs to Reveal the Waterfalls!.png
Climb up the cliffs, and using the Waterscaping Permit, dig up the edges of the cliff to reveal the waterfalls.

Add 2 spaces to the lower cliff's top and bottom edges

ACNH - Add 2 spaces to the lower cliffs top and bottom edges.png
If you want the river path and waterfalls to have the same length, add 2 extra spaces to the cliff's top and bottom edges.

Tips and Tricks for Creating Waterfalls

You Need At Least 2x3 Space for the Cliff

ACNH - 2x3 cliff for a waterfall
To create at least one tile of waterfall, you need a 2x3 cliff. If it is less than that, you will not be able to dig up the land to create a waterfall since there is no space.

You Cannot Make a Waterfall on a Corner of a Cliff

ACNH - You Cannot Make a Waterfall on a Corner of a Cliff.png
You need to be at least 1 space away from a cliff corner to make a waterfall.

You Cannot Make a Three-Level Waterfall

ACNH - Two-tiered waterfall
Although you can build up to 3 cliffs, you cannot climb up the fourth level to create a waterfall.

Fish Can Appear While Terraforming

ACNH - 3x3 pond with fish in it
If you want fish to appear in your waterfall, you'll need at least 3x3 spaces of water for fish to appear.
List of Fish That Appear on Cliffs

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