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List of Tree's Bounty Series Furniture & Item Recipes

Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH) Tree
This page lists the complete Tree's Bounty furniture set and items you can get during the season of Fall in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). Read on to see the recipes and the required materials to craft the Tree's Bounty series, as well as how to find Tree's Bounty Recipes.

All Fall (Autumn) DIY Recipes
Trees Bounty thumb.pngTree's Bounty Series Mushroom Series thumb.pngMushroom Series Maple Leaf series.pngMaple-Leaf Series

List of Tree's Bounty Item DIY Recipes

DIY Item Required Materials
Acorn Pochette IconAcorn Pochette
Acorn IconAcorn (×6)
Leaf Campfire IconLeaf Campfire
Tree Branch IconTree Branch (×3)
Pine Cone IconPine Cone (×3)
Pile of Leaves IconPile of Leaves
Pine Cone IconPine Cone (×3)
Pine Bonsai Tree IconPine Bonsai Tree
Clay IconClay (×5)
Pine Cone IconPine Cone (×8)
Traditional Balancing Toy IconTraditional Balancing Toy
Hardwood IconHardwood (×2)
Acorn IconAcorn (×4)
Tree-Branch Wand IconTree-Branch Wand
Tree Branch IconTree Branch (×5)
Star Fragment IconStar Fragment (×3)
TreeTree's Bounty Arch
Tree Branch IconTree Branch (×15)
Acorn IconAcorn (×5)
Pine Cone IconPine Cone (×4)
Maple Leaf IconMaple Leaf (×5)
TreeTree's Bounty Big Tree
Clay IconClay (×4)
Tree Branch IconTree Branch (×8)
Acorn IconAcorn (×4)
Pine Cone IconPine Cone (×5)
Maple Leaf IconMaple Leaf (×4)
TreeTree's Bounty Lamp
Clay IconClay (×4)
Acorn IconAcorn (×6)
TreeTree's Bounty Little Tree
Hardwood IconHardwood (×1)
Acorn IconAcorn (×4)
Pine Cone IconPine Cone (×6)
TreeTree's Bounty Mobile
Tree Branch IconTree Branch (×3)
Acorn IconAcorn (×3)
Pine Cone IconPine Cone (×2)
Yellow-Leaf Pile IconYellow-Leaf Pile
Acorn IconAcorn (×3)

Some Recipes Require Maple Leaves

TreeTree's Bounty Arch TreeTree's Bounty Big Tree

As you can see in the list, the Tree's Bounty Arch, and the Tree's Bounty Big Tree requires Maple Leaves, a material that is available on the last month of fall.

There is a whole set of items using Maple Leaves called the Maple-Leaf series!

List of Maple-Leaf Series Furniture & Item Recipes

How to Get Tree's Bounty DIY Recipes

Get from Balloon Presents

Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) Balloon Present.jpg
You can get DIY recipes for Tree's Bounty items from balloon presents during the season of Fall and the few days of Winter.

Northern Hemisphere September 1 to December 10
Southern Hemisphere March 1 to June 10

To learn more about getting presents from balloons, see our guide!
How to Get Presents from Balloons

Use our Recipe and Fruit Trading Board

Finding balloons is not an easy task. We recommend using our Trading Board to get the recipes you want!
Recipe and Fruit Trading Board (314244)

Receive the Tree's Bounty Little Tree Recipe During the Daily Broadcast

Receive Tree

Recipe Tree's Bounty Little Tree
Available Period September 1 to December 10 (Northern Hemisphere)
March 1 to June 10 (Southern Hemisphere)

Fall officially starts when Isabelle or Tom Nook mentions the appearance of acorns and pinecones from shaking trees during the daily island-wide broadcast. You will then receive the Tree's Bounty Little Tree recipe from them.

You can also get the recipe from balloons!

It is also possible to get the recipe from balloons though if you miss the chance, so don't worry if you don't get the recipe in the first couple of days of fall.

What is the Tree's Bounty Series?

DIY Items Crafted Using Tree's Bounty Materials

Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) Acorns and pine cones announcement.jpg
These are special DIY furniture and items that you can craft using acorns and pinecones that you can get by shaking hardwood trees and pine trees, respectively.

There are also 2 DIY items that require maple leaves, which are available for a shorter period later in the season.

Seasonal Material Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere
Acorn IconAcorn September 1 to December 10 March 1 to June 10
Pine Cone IconPine Cone
Maple Leaf IconMaple Leaf November 16 to November 25 May 16 to May 25

Fall (or Autumn) Season

Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) Fall announcement.jpg

Fall (Autumn) Duration
Northern Hemisphere September 1 to November 25
Southern Hemisphere March 1 to May 25

The first sign of fall or autumn season is the appearance of Acorns and Pine Cones, which will be available for the entirety of the season! The leaves around your island will also change color as the season passes.

You can also get Mushrooms during Mushrooming Season, as well as Maple Leaves on the last month of fall.

List of Seasons and Seasonal DIY Items

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5 Anonymousabout 4 years

Your cracked at fortnite my guy

4 Anonymousover 4 years

its there.

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