ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

List of Seasons and Seasonal Materials

Animal Crossing (ACNH) Seasonal Materials.png
This is a guide to all the seasons and seasonal materials in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). To learn what seasonal recipes you can craft with these time-limited materials, please read on.

List of Seasons and Dates in New Horizons

Click on the season to jump to its explanation!

Season Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere
Spring February 25 to May 31 August 25 to November 30
Summer June 1 to August 31 December 1 to February 28
Fall September 1 to November 25 March 1 to May 25
Winter November 26 to February 24 May 26 to August 24

The Season Ends Next Day at 4:59 AM

ACNH - Isabelle fall announcement
Even though the dates change at 12 AM, a new day in Animal Crossing doesn't actually start until 5 AM, which means everything available on that day will still be available until 4:59 AM, just before the daily island-wide broadcast is made.

For example, in the Northern Hemisphere, summer ends on August 31, so Summer Shells will also be gone. However, it'll still be summer, and Summer Shells can still appear on your island until Septemeber 1 4:59 AM.

When Does a New Day Start?

Seasonal Months Depend on Your Hemisphere

Animal Crossing (ACNH) Opposite Seasons
The Northern and Southern Hemisphere have opposite seasons. For example, if you are playing in July, it will be Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, but Winter in the Southern one.

The island will also look drastically different depending on the season. Some bugs and fish will also appear depending on the season.

Which Hemisphere Should You Choose?

List of Seasonal Materials

How to Get Seasonal Materials Fast

Click the material to go to their pages if you want to learn how to quickly farm these limited-time materials.

Seasonal Material Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere
Young Spring Bamboo IconYoung Spring Bamboo February 25 to May 31 August 25 to November 30
Cherry-Blossom Petal IconCherry-Blossom Petal April 1 to April 10 October 1 to October 10
Summer Shell IconSummer Shell June 1 to August 31 December 1 to February 28
Acorn IconAcorn Pine Cone IconPine Cone September 1 to December 10 March 1 to June 10
Elegant Mushroom IconElegant Mushroom Flat Mushroom IconFlat Mushroom November 1 to November 30 May 1 to May 31
Rare Mushroom IconRare Mushroom Round Mushroom IconRound Mushroom
Skinny Mushroom IconSkinny Mushroom -
Maple Leaf IconMaple Leaf November 16 to November 25 May 16 to May 25
Snowflake IconSnowflake Large Snowflake IconLarge Snowflake December 11 to February 24 June 11 to August 24
Red Ornament IconRed Ornament Blue Ornament IconBlue Ornament December 15 to January 6 December 15 to January 6
Gold Ornament IconGold Ornament -

How Do You Use Seasonal Materials?

Used for DIY Crafting

Animal Crossing (ACNH) Mushroom Series furniture

The Mushroom furniture and item series that is only available in fall.

Seasonal materials are used to craft seasonal DIY items using recipes that are only available during that season.

List of Seasonal DIY Series

This is the list of all seasonal DIY's that include furniture and accessories crafted using the respective materials.

Seasonal DIY's in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH) Bamboo Series.pngBamboo Series Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH) Cherry-Blossom Series.pngCherry-Blossom Series
Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH) Shell Series.pngShell Series Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH) TreeTree's Bounty Series
Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH) Maple-Leaf Series.pngMaple-Leaf Series Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH) Mushroom Series.pngMushroom Series
Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH) Ice (Frozen) Series.pngIce (Frozen) Series Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH) Snowflake Series.pngSnowflake Series
Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH) Festive Series.pngFestive Series -

Seasons Explained

Spring in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

ACNH - Spring

Spring Duration
Northern Hemisphere February 25 to May 31
Southern Hemisphere August 25 to November 30

This is the perfect time to harvest fresh bamboo, or Young Spring Bamboo, as they call it. You can use these to craft Bamboo items.

You can also celebrate the Cherry Blossom Festival, as your hardwood trees turn pink for 10 days, and you can catch Cherry-Blossom Petals falling around your island to craft Cherry-Blossom items.

Summer in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

ACNH - Summer

Summer Duration
Northern Hemisphere June 1 to August 31
Southern Hemisphere December 1 to February 28

Summer is here when the grass turns vibrant green, and new sets of bugs and fish will appear. You will also experience the longest day of the year called the Summer Solstice where the sun stays longer in the sky than usual. This is also the time to collect Summer Shells, which are used to craft Summer Shell items!

Additionally, each month, Flick will also be hosting the Bug-Off, so be sure to join that!

Fall (Autumn) in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

ACNH - Fall

Fall (Autumn) Duration
Northern Hemisphere September 1 to November 25
Southern Hemisphere March 1 to May 25

The grass turns yellow, and rain is more frequent. Acorns and Pine Cones can be shaken off trees to craft Tree's Bounty items.

Different kinds of Mushrooms will also start to appear around trees on the last month of Fall, which is known as Mushrooming Season.

Additionally, for 10 days, leaves will turn red and Maple Leaves will fall around your island, which you can catch to craft Maple-Leaf items.

Winter in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

ACNH - Winter

Winter Duration
Northern Hemisphere November 26 to February 24
Southern Hemisphere May 26 to August 24

Watch as Snowflakes fall on your island, which you can catch to craft Snowflake items. As the season comes, your island will be covered in snow, so be sure to dress warmly like the villagers!

You can also find Snowballs around your island, which you can roll around to create the perfect Snowboy! Build them perfectly to get Large Snowflakes too!

Related Guides

DIY Materials 01.png
List of Materials

How to Get Materials
clay.pngClay Clump of Weed.pngClump of Weed Tree  Branch.pngTree Branch
Hardwood.pngHardwood Wood.pngWood Softwood.pngSoftwood
Stone.pngStone Iron Nugget.pngIron Nugget Gold Nugget.pngGold Nugget


7 RockChickover 3 years

December 15th is when Isabelle lights some of the cedar trees. These are the ones that will drop the ornaments needed for crafting (and thankfully NO sticks!)

6 an aussiealmost 4 years

the lights are for christmas because the southern hemisphere get them around Xmas and its summer for us.

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