ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Clay Farming Guide: How to Get Clay Fast

Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) - Clay

This is a guide to collecting clay, a DIY material in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch). Clay can be found in rocks and is used in crafting. To learn how to get clay and how to use clay on DIY recipes, read on!

How to Get Clay Fast

The Best Source is Rocks on Mystery Tours

ACNH - A resident farms for material while on a mystery tour

The best way to get Clay is by hitting rocks on the islands you visit on Mystery Island Tours. Remember to bring axes or shovels to hit the rocks with.

Mystery Island Tour Guide

Mystery Tour Islands have 3 Rocks

ACNH - Mystery Tour Islands have 3 Rocks

The islands you go to on Mystery Tours will always have 3 rocks where you can get materials. Mystery Tour islands will give you fresh rocks every time you go, so you can get as many materials as you want in a day!

Dig holes behind you to get the most materials

ACNH - Digging two holes to hit the rock the maximum amount of eight times

If you dig two holes behind you when you gather the various stones from rocks, you can avoid being bounced back too far, allowing you to hit the rock repeatedly to yield the maximum number of materials.

Hit Rocks on Your Own Island

ACNH - A resident finds a rock

The next best way to get Clay is by hitting the stones in your own island with an axe or shovel.

The Materials are random

ACNH - A resident sits by as they stare at the materials they gained from the rock

You can find a variety of materials from hitting rocks, such as Clay, Stone and Gold Nuggets, but all of them have a random chance of dropping.

How Do You Use Clay?

Use it for DIY crafting

Ocarina ImageOcarina Potted Ivy ImagePotted Ivy Pot ImagePot
Plain Sink ImagePlain Sink Iron Wall Lamp ImageIron Wall Lamp Hearth ImageHearth
Classic Pitcher ImageClassic Pitcher Brick Oven ImageBrick Oven Bamboo-Shoot Lamp ImageBamboo-Shoot Lamp
Wave Breaker ImageWave Breaker Water Pump ImageWater Pump Palm-Tree Lamp ImagePalm-Tree Lamp
Image Currently UnavailableBridge Construction Kit Shell Bed ImageShell Bed Shell Lamp ImageShell Lamp
Cherry-Blossom Bonsai ImageCherry-Blossom Bonsai Cherry-Blossom Branches ImageCherry-Blossom Branches Brick Well ImageBrick Well
Jungle Flooring ImageJungle Flooring Zen Fence ImageZen Fence Unglazed Dish Set ImageUnglazed Dish Set
TreeTree's Bounty Lamp TreeTree's Bounty Big Tree Tabletop Festive Tree ImageTabletop Festive Tree
Silo ImageSilo Shell Table ImageShell Table Rustic-Stone Wall ImageRustic-Stone Wall
Raccoon Figurine ImageRaccoon Figurine Pine Bonsai Tree ImagePine Bonsai Tree Mush Lamp ImageMush Lamp
Modeling Clay ImageModeling Clay Jingle Wall ImageJingle Wall Iron Wall Rack ImageIron Wall Rack
Image Currently UnavailableHyacinth Lamp Turkey Day Table Setting ImageTurkey Day Table Setting Cherry Lamp ImageCherry Lamp
Brick Fence ImageBrick Fence Turkey Day Hearth ImageTurkey Day Hearth Big Festive Tree ImageBig Festive Tree
Bamboo Candleholder ImageBamboo Candleholder Aroma Pot ImageAroma Pot Spooky Garland ImageSpooky Garland
Spooky Standing Lamp ImageSpooky Standing Lamp Spooky Arch ImageSpooky Arch Spooky Table Setting ImageSpooky Table Setting
Turkey Day Garden Stand ImageTurkey Day Garden Stand Turkey Day Decorations ImageTurkey Day Decorations Turkey Day Casserole ImageTurkey Day Casserole
Partition Wall ImagePartition Wall Stonework Kitchen ImageStonework Kitchen Simple Pillar ImageSimple Pillar
Brick Pillar ImageBrick Pillar Tall Simple Island Counter ImageTall Simple Island Counter Tall Brick Island Counter ImageTall Brick Island Counter
Low Simple Island Counter ImageLow Simple Island Counter Low Brick Island Counter ImageLow Brick Island Counter Glowing-Moss Cave Wall ImageGlowing-Moss Cave Wall

Clay is used as a DIY crafting item to create the item(s) shown above.

Related Links

DIY Materials 01.png
List of Materials

How to Get Materials
clay.pngClay Clump of Weed.pngClump of Weed Tree  Branch.pngTree Branch
Hardwood.pngHardwood Wood.pngWood Softwood.pngSoftwood
Stone.pngStone Iron Nugget.pngIron Nugget Gold Nugget.pngGold Nugget
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