ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Toy Day: Christmas Event Guide

ACNH - Christmas Event (Toy Day)

This is a guide to Toy Day, a Christmas event in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn when Christmas starts, as well as what you can do during the event, where to find Jingle, and the new items and prizes you can get!

Toy Day Event
ACNH - Christmas Event Icon.pngToy Day ACNH - Jingle Icon.pngHow to Find Jingle ACNH - Festive Series Icon.pngFestive Series
ACNH - Christmas Custom Design Icon.pngChristmas Custom Designs ACNH - Toy Day Furniture Icon.pngToy Day Furniture ACNH - Snowboy Icon.pngSnowboys

Toy Day Date and Time

ACNH - Toy Day Streets

Date December 24, 2023
Time 5 AM–5 AM (next day)

Toy Day happens on December 24th every year and starts at 5 AM You'll be able to play the event until 5 AM the next day.

Toy Day Event Guide

Find Jingle

ACNH - Jingle at the Plaza

Jingle will appear in the Resident Services area at 6 AM on the day of the event. You can easily distinguish him from the rest of your villagers as he's a reindeer wearing a Santa Outfit.

He will tell you he is helping Santa deliver presents on your island and will ask for your help!

How to Find Jingle

Get the DIY Recipe for Festive Wrapping Paper

ACNH - Jingle Wrapping Paper DIY

After you agree to help Jingle deliver presents, he'll give you the DIY recipe for the Festive Wrapping Paper. You need to craft three of these to start delivering presents to your villagers.

To craft the DIY recipe, you need one Gold Ornament, one Blue Ornament, and one Red Ornament. You can get these materials by shaking festive trees on your island.

Get Ornaments from Isabelle

ACNH - Get Ornaments from Isabelle

You can also get ornaments from Isabelle iin the Resident Services. Talk to her to receive 3 of each ornaments for free!

Time to Play Santa!

ACNH - Magic Bag

Once you have crafted 3 Festive Wrapping Paper, Jingle will give you the Toy Day Stockings furniture and the Magic Bag tool; the latter allows you to carry the presents you'll need to give to your villagers.

Give the Presents to the Villagers

ACNH - Giving Toy Day Gifts

With the Magic Bag equipped, you can now go around and fill Santa's role in gifting villagers. Talk to any villager and give them their gift from inside the Magic Bag.

You'll automatically give the right gifts to your villagers, so you don't need to worry about picking something specific.

Check inside the Magic Bag

ACNH - Look Inside the Magic Bag

You can check inside the bag to find out how many gifts are left. If there are less than three villagers that need presents, the bag will tell you who the villagers are! This is very helpful if you lose track of who has a gift or not!

Santa Outfit is Optional

ACNH - Toy Day No Santa Outfit

You don't need to wear the full Santa outfit in order to give out gifts. It is completely optional, though we recommend wearing it to enhance the holiday theme! Your villagers may even make a comment about it!

Toy Day Rewards

ACNH - Toy Day Jingle Rewards

Once you've delivered all of the gifts, return to Jingle so you can get his rewards.

Gift Pile DIY Recipe

ACNH - Gift Pile

If you delivered gifts to more than half of the residents of your island, you'll get the Gift Pile DIY recipe.

Toy Day Sleigh

ACNH - Toy Day Sleigh

If you delivered gifts to every villager on your island, you will receive the Toy Day Sleigh furniture.

Jingle's Photo

ACNH - Jingle Photo

You'll also get an additional reward if you hang your Toy Day Stockings in your home. Interact with it the next day to get Jingle's Photo!

What to Do When You Can't Find Villagers?

ACNH - Toy Day Gift Inside House

Not all villagers are roaming around the island on Toy Day. Some are staying indoors! If you can't find a specific villager, check inside their house!

Jingle will stay on the island until 5 AM of the next day, so you will have plenty of time to find missing villagers.

Exchange Gifts with Villagers

ACNH - Exchange Gift

After finishing your rounds as Santa, you can exchange gifts with your residents! Simply have an item wrapped up with any wrapping paper, and talk to the villager to exchange gifts with them.

The gifts that you will receive are from the Toy Day Series of furniture that are sold in Nook's Cranny. They are also in a different variant from what's sold at Nook's! Exchanging gifts with your villagers is a great way to get different variations of the Toy Day series in one go!

Receive Wrapping Paper

ACNH - Wrapping Paper from Raymond

If you don't have a gift to give to resident, they'll give you some Wrapping Paper to get started! Make sure to prepare a nice gift for your villagers!

Toy Day Activities

Purchase Toy Day Gifts

ACNH - Kids Tent

Nook's Cranny will start selling Toy Day gifts from December 1 to December 25. You can give these to your villagers on Toy Day or you can purchase one for your own house!

You can only have one variaton of each gift! If you want another variation, you'll have to visit a friend's island and buy from their Nook's Cranny.

Get the Festive Series

Festival Series Furniture
Illuminated Reindeer iconIlluminated Reindeer Illuminated PresentIlluminated Present

DIY recipes for the Festive Series will start appearing from December 15 to January 6 in Gift Balloons . If you want your island to have that festive feel, make sure to grab them all!

List of Festive Series Furniture and Items

Make Snowboys

4 Put 2 snowballs together.jpg

Snowboy reappears in New Horizons to reward you with some neat recipes - provided you build him perfectly! Look for snowballs around your island and learn how to create a perfect Snowboy every time!

How to Make Snowboys

Dress Up as Santa!

ACNH - Dress Up Santa.JPG

From December 1 to December 23, Able Sisters will start selling the Santa Hat, Santa Beard, Santa Coat, and Santa Pants. If you happen to miss out the sale, the entire outfit is available on December 24 all at once.

List of Toy Day Clothes

ACNH - Reindeer Costume ImageReindeer Costume ACNH - Santa Pants ImageSanta Pants ACNH - Santa Coat ImageSanta Coat ACNH - Santa Hat ImageSanta Hat
ACNH - Santa Beard ImageSanta Beard ACNH - Reindeer Hat ImageReindeer Hat

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6 Anonymousover 4 years
5 Anonymousover 4 years

Anyone else not have the seasonal items in their nooks cranny? I keep seeing online that it should but mine it’s the selling any toys 🤷‍♀️

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