ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

System Requirements and Useful Peripherals

Nintendo Switch - Animal Crossing- New Horizons Edition
Maximize your experience in Animal Crossing: New Horizons with the correct system and equipment. Continue reading to see the system requirements and our recommended peripheral devices for playing solo or with the family!

System Requirements

Nintendo Switch and a Copy of Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Nintendo Switch - Animal Crossing- New Horizons - System Requirements

All you need to play Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a Nintendo Switch and a copy of the game.

Keep in mind that all profiles on the same Nintendo Switch system will share the same island. To create a new island, you need to boot the game on another Switch.

How to Transfer Islands to Another Switch

Recommended Peripherals

Here's a list of accessories that we recommend to enjoy the game even more!

Nintendo Switch:
Animal Crossing: New Horizons edition
Extra Controllers
MicroSD Card
Lan Adapter
Carrying Case

Nintendo Switch - Animal Crossing: New Horizons Edition

Nintendo Switch Animal Crossing New Horizons Edition- System Requirements

You may want to consider buying the Animal Crossing: New Horizons edition of the Nintendo Switch. The limited edition item include the V2 Ver of the Nintendo Switch with a special ACNH design!

The V2 Switch boasts a longer battery life, a better Joy-Con design (to prevent connectivity issues), and a brighter screen compared to the older verion of the Switch!

Best Pre Order Bonuses

Separate Controllers

ACNH - Useful Peripherals - Pro Controller

For Three or More Players

Animal Crossing New Horizons allows up to 4 players simultaneously on the island.

You should consider getting more controllers if there are 3 or more of you playing the game, as the Nintendo Switch only comes with 2 Joy-Con controllers which can be used by 2 people.

Supported Controllers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
  • Joy-Con controllers
  • Joy-Con (L) & Joy-Con (R) - Sideways*
  • Joy-Con Charging Grips
  • Nintendo Switch Pro Controller

Remember that you can only use the Joy-Con sideways when doing Party Play.

See the list of peripherals for the Nintendo Switch on the official Nintendo website.

Accessories - Nintendo Switch - Peripherals List

MicroSD Card

ACNH - Useful Peripherals - MicroSD card

Extra Storage May Be Needed for the Downloadable Version

If you purchased the game for download, you may want to have extra storage space on your Switch.

The Nintendo Switch has 32GB of storage space in the system, and the downloadable version of Animal Crossing: New Horizons has a capacity of 6.2GB.

Take note that in the future, there will be free updates in the game, and the game's size will increase, so better be prepared!

Not a Problem If You Don't Play Other Games

If you don't have a lot of games on your device, then storage space shouldn't be a problem. This is especially true if you have a physical copy of the game.

amiibo Cards and Figures

ACNH ACNH - Useful Peripherals - amiibo Cards and Figures
Invite your favorite characters to your island by scanning their amiibo.

You can then have them in creative photoshoots, or invite them to stay on your island!

List of amiibos and Compatibility

LAN Adapters

ACNH - Useful Peripherals -  LAN Adapter for Switch

Recommended for Seamless Online Play

If you want a more consistent online connection, you can use a LAN adapter for your Switch! This will prevent delays when playing online over WiFi.

Carrying Case

For the Adventurers

Animal Crossing New Horizons Aloha Edition Carrying Case

If you like bringing your Nintendo Switch outside, we recommend getting a carrying case to protect your device, especially the screen!

The Nintendo Switch Animal Crossing: New Horizons Edition also comes with a cute Aloha case to keep your Switch safe from harm.

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23 Anonymousabout 5 years

Awww, i have to buy more controllers just so i can play with my friends at my place

22 Anonymousabout 5 years

Are there other animal crossing version?

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