Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Heywood Map Guide: All Subdistricts and Fast Travel Dataterms

Heywood Image

This is a guide to Heywood, one of the districts found in Cyberpunk 2077. Read on to find out the important locations in this map, including subdistricts and fast point dataterms, as well as notable people you can meet and missions you can do.

Heywood Map and Description

In-Game Description

Database Entry for Heywood
Heywood is a district of contradictions. The northern part that borders the City Center is modern and well-kept, proud of its stunning megabuildings, parks, and places that are open to the public. But all you have to is go a few blocks southeast and the scenery starts to change dramatically. This part of Heywood is much poorer and dangerous. The buildings are smaller and the streets are controlled by the Valentinos and the 6th Street Gang. If you know your place and keep your head down, Heywood isn't really so bad. After all, it's where most of Night City sleeps. If you're not a corpo and you score on apartment in the richer part of the district, then you've just won the lottery. Otherwise, just be happy you live in Heywood. In Night City, things could always be worse.


Heywood Subdistricts

Wellsprings (New).jpg
The Glen (New).jpg
The Glen
Vista Del Rey (New).jpg
Vista Del Rey

Places of Interest in Heywood


Cyberpunk 2077 - Bulwark.jpg
Bulwark is a shopping center located on the Wellsprings waterfront. You can find good quality implants in this area.

La Catrina

Cyberpunk 2077 - La Catrina.jpg
La Catrina is a Valentino-run funeral home in Heywood. Even though it is a completely legal enterprise, the gang uses the deceased bodies to transport drugs and guns.

Padre's Base

Cyberpunk 2077 - Padre
You can find Padre at a basketball court in The Glen. By day, local kids shoot hoops, while by night, older residents get into organized fistfights here.

Gangs and Factions in Heywood

Territory of the Valentinos and 6th Street

Cyberpunk 2077 Valentinos 03.png
Heywood and Santo Domingo share one distinct characteristic - they are witnesses to the clash of two rival gangs, 6th Street and the Valentinos
List of Gangs

Fast Travel Dataterms in Heywood

Location Subdistrict
Megabuilding H3 The Glen
El Coyote Cojo The Glen
Hanford Overpass The Glen
Metro: Glen South The Glen
Valentino Alley The Glen
Ventura & Skyline The Glen
Palms View Way The Glen
Metro: Ebunike The Glen
Metro: Glen North The Glen
Senate & Market The Glen
Embers The Glen
Congress & Madison The Glen
Shooting Range Vista Del Rey
College St Vista Del Rey
Skyline East Vista Del Rey
Metro: Congress MLK Vista Del Rey
Republic & Vine Vista Del Rey
Delamain HQ Vista Del Rey
Megabuilding H2 Wellsprings
Parque Del Mar Wellsprings
Pumping Station Wellsprings
Palms View Plaza Wellsprings
Metro: Market St Wellsprings
Cannery Plaza Wellsprings
Berkeley & Bay Wellsprings

Available Gigs in Heywood

Gig: Hot Merchandise
Gig: The Lord Giveth and Taketh Away
Gig: Going Up or Down?
Gig: Jeopardy
Gig: Old Friends
Gig: Life's Work
Gig: Psychofan
Gig: Fifth Column
Gig: On a Tight Leash
Gig: Eye for an Eye
Gig: Sr. Ladrillo's Private Collection

List of Gigs and All Gig Guides

Heywood Cyberpsycho Locations Map

Heywood Cyberpsycho Sightings

All Cyberpsycho Locations

Heywood NCPD Scanner Hustle Locations

Cyberpunk 2077 - Bounty Hunting.png

There are several NCPD Scanner Hustle jobs available in Heywood. Check the links below to see every police job in each subdistrict, along with their location and rewards.

NCPD Scanner Hustle Locations
Vista Del Rey The Glen Wellsprings

NCPD Scanner Hustles

Heywood Vendors and Shops

Weapon Vendors

Gun Vendor (The Glen)

Item Rarity
Add-VantageAdd-Vantage Uncommon
AshuraAshura Uncommon
AshuraAshura Rare
AshuraAshura Legendary
Bounce Back MK.1Bounce Back MK.1 Common
Combat AmplifierCombat Amplifier Rare
Common Item ComponentsCommon Item Components Common
CountermassCountermass Epic
CQO MK.72 Kanone MiniCQO MK.72 Kanone Mini Uncommon
Crafting Spec: AshuraCrafting Spec: Ashura Legendary
Crafting Spec: DB-2 TesteraCrafting Spec: DB-2 Testera Epic
Crafting Spec: G-58 DianCrafting Spec: G-58 Dian Legendary
Crafting Spec: HJSH-18 MasamuneCrafting Spec: HJSH-18 Masamune Epic
Crafting Spec: M221 SaratogaCrafting Spec: M221 Saratoga Legendary
Crafting Spec: OvertureCrafting Spec: Overture Epic
Crafting Spec: RT-46 BuryaCrafting Spec: RT-46 Burya Epic
Crafting Spec: SPT32 GradCrafting Spec: SPT32 Grad Epic
CrusherCrusher Uncommon
CrusherCrusher Rare
CS-1 TaipanCS-1 Taipan Common
DB-2 TesteraDB-2 Testera Rare
DB-2 TesteraDB-2 Testera Legendary
DR12 QuasarDR12 Quasar Uncommon
DR12 QuasarDR12 Quasar Rare
E255 PercipientE255 Percipient Uncommon
E305 ProspectaE305 Prospecta Uncommon
Electric Baton BetaElectric Baton Beta Uncommon
Electric Baton BetaElectric Baton Beta Rare
F-GX Frag GrenadeF-GX Frag Grenade Common
G-58 DianG-58 Dian Uncommon
G-58 DianG-58 Dian Rare
HammerHammer Uncommon
HammerHammer Rare
HJSH-18 MasamuneHJSH-18 Masamune Rare
HPO Mk.77 Kanone MaxHPO Mk.77 Kanone Max Uncommon
HyakumeHyakume Uncommon
HyakumeHyakume Rare
KatanaKatana Uncommon
KatanaKatana Rare
KnifeKnife Uncommon
KnifeKnife Rare
M221 SaratogaM221 Saratoga Uncommon
M221 SaratogaM221 Saratoga Rare
MK. 8 ClearvueMK. 8 Clearvue Uncommon
MK. 8 ClearvueMK. 8 Clearvue Rare
MK.2X GrandstandMK.2X Grandstand Uncommon
OS-1 GimleteyeOS-1 Gimleteye Rare
PacifierPacifier Uncommon
PacifierPacifier Rare
PulverizePulverize Uncommon
Rare Item ComponentsRare Item Components Rare
Rare Upgrade ComponentsRare Upgrade Components Rare
RT-46 BuryaRT-46 Burya Uncommon
SO-21 SaikaSO-21 Saika Uncommon
SOR-22SOR-22 Uncommon
SOR-22SOR-22 Rare
Type 2067Type 2067 Uncommon
Type 2067Type 2067 Rare
Uncommon Item ComponentsUncommon Item Components Uncommon
XC-10 AlectoXC-10 Alecto Rare
XC-10 CetusXC-10 Cetus Uncommon
XC-10 StrixXC-10 Strix Uncommon
Gun Vendor (Wellsprings)
Item Rarity
Add-VantageAdd-Vantage Uncommon
Bounce Back MK.1Bounce Back MK.1 Common
ChefChef's Knife Uncommon
ChefChef's Knife Rare
Combat AmplifierCombat Amplifier Rare
Common Item ComponentsCommon Item Components Common
CountermassCountermass Epic
CQO MK.72 Kanone MiniCQO MK.72 Kanone Mini Uncommon
Crafting Spec: AshuraCrafting Spec: Ashura Legendary
Crafting Spec: CarnageCrafting Spec: Carnage Epic
Crafting Spec: DB-2 TesteraCrafting Spec: DB-2 Testera Epic
Crafting Spec: G-58 DianCrafting Spec: G-58 Dian Legendary
Crafting Spec: HJSH-18 MasamuneCrafting Spec: HJSH-18 Masamune Epic
Crafting Spec: JKE-X2 KenshinCrafting Spec: JKE-X2 Kenshin Epic
Crafting Spec: M221 SaratogaCrafting Spec: M221 Saratoga Legendary
Crafting Spec: RT-46 BuryaCrafting Spec: RT-46 Burya Epic
CS-1 TaipanCS-1 Taipan Common
DB-2 TesteraDB-2 Testera Uncommon
E255 PercipientE255 Percipient Uncommon
E255 PercipientE255 Percipient Rare
E305 ProspectaE305 Prospecta Uncommon
E305 ProspectaE305 Prospecta Rare
Electric Baton BetaElectric Baton Beta Uncommon
EMP GrenadeEMP Grenade Epic
F-GX Frag GrenadeF-GX Frag Grenade Common
G-58 DianG-58 Dian Uncommon
G-58 DianG-58 Dian Rare
HJSH-18 MasamuneHJSH-18 Masamune Uncommon
HJSH-18 MasamuneHJSH-18 Masamune Rare
HJSH-18 MasamuneHJSH-18 Masamune Legendary
HPO Mk.77 Kanone MaxHPO Mk.77 Kanone Max Uncommon
HyakumeHyakume Uncommon
HyakumeHyakume Rare
JKE-X2 KenshinJKE-X2 Kenshin Legendary
KnifeKnife Uncommon
KnifeKnife Rare
M221 SaratogaM221 Saratoga Uncommon
M221 SaratogaM221 Saratoga Rare
MacheteMachete Uncommon
MacheteMachete Rare
MK. 8 ClearvueMK. 8 Clearvue Uncommon
MK. 8 ClearvueMK. 8 Clearvue Rare
MK.2X GrandstandMK.2X Grandstand Uncommon
MK.2X GrandstandMK.2X Grandstand Rare
OS-1 GimleteyeOS-1 Gimleteye Uncommon
PacifierPacifier Uncommon
PacifierPacifier Rare
PulverizePulverize Uncommon
Rare Item ComponentsRare Item Components Rare
Rare Upgrade ComponentsRare Upgrade Components Rare
RT-46 BuryaRT-46 Burya Uncommon
SO-21 SaikaSO-21 Saika Uncommon
SO-21 SaikaSO-21 Saika Rare
SOR-22SOR-22 Uncommon
SOR-22SOR-22 Rare
SOR-22SOR-22 Legendary
SPT32 GradSPT32 Grad Legendary
Type 2067Type 2067 Uncommon
Type 2067Type 2067 Rare
Uncommon Item ComponentsUncommon Item Components Uncommon
XC-10 AlectoXC-10 Alecto Rare
XC-10 CetusXC-10 Cetus Uncommon
XC-10 StrixXC-10 Strix Uncommon
Gun Vendor (Vista Del Rey)
Item Rarity
Add-VantageAdd-Vantage Uncommon
AshuraAshura Uncommon
AshuraAshura Rare
Bounce Back MK.1Bounce Back MK.1 Common
Combat AmplifierCombat Amplifier Rare
Common Item ComponentsCommon Item Components Common
CQO MK.72 Kanone MiniCQO MK.72 Kanone Mini Uncommon
CQO MK.72 Kanone MiniCQO MK.72 Kanone Mini Rare
Crafting Spec: A-22B ChaoCrafting Spec: A-22B Chao Epic
Crafting Spec: AshuraCrafting Spec: Ashura Legendary
Crafting Spec: Combat AmplifierCrafting Spec: Combat Amplifier Common
Crafting Spec: CrunchCrafting Spec: Crunch Common
Crafting Spec: DB-2 TesteraCrafting Spec: DB-2 Testera Epic
Crafting Spec: G-58 DianCrafting Spec: G-58 Dian Legendary
Crafting Spec: HJSH-18 MasamuneCrafting Spec: HJSH-18 Masamune Epic
Crafting Spec: M221 SaratogaCrafting Spec: M221 Saratoga Legendary
Crafting Spec: RT-46 BuryaCrafting Spec: RT-46 Burya Epic
CrunchCrunch Uncommon
CrunchCrunch Rare
CS-1 TaipanCS-1 Taipan Common
DB-2 TesteraDB-2 Testera Uncommon
DB-2 TesteraDB-2 Testera Rare
DB-2 TesteraDB-2 Testera Legendary
E255 PercipientE255 Percipient Uncommon
E255 PercipientE255 Percipient Rare
E305 ProspectaE305 Prospecta Uncommon
Electric Baton GammaElectric Baton Gamma Uncommon
F-GX Frag GrenadeF-GX Frag Grenade Common
G-58 DianG-58 Dian Uncommon
G-58 DianG-58 Dian Rare
HJSH-18 MasamuneHJSH-18 Masamune Uncommon
HJSH-18 MasamuneHJSH-18 Masamune Rare
HJSH-18 MasamuneHJSH-18 Masamune Legendary
HPO Mk.77 Kanone MaxHPO Mk.77 Kanone Max Uncommon
HPO Mk.77 Kanone MaxHPO Mk.77 Kanone Max Rare
HyakumeHyakume Uncommon
KatanaKatana Common
KatanaKatana Uncommon
KnifeKnife Uncommon
KnifeKnife Rare
M221 SaratogaM221 Saratoga Uncommon
MK. 8 ClearvueMK. 8 Clearvue Uncommon
MK.2X GrandstandMK.2X Grandstand Rare
Molodets Biohaz GrenadeMolodets Biohaz Grenade Rare
OS-1 GimleteyeOS-1 Gimleteye Uncommon
PaxPax Uncommon
Pistol AmmoPistol Ammo Common
PulverizePulverize Uncommon
Rare Item ComponentsRare Item Components Rare
Rare Upgrade ComponentsRare Upgrade Components Rare
RT-46 BuryaRT-46 Burya Uncommon
RT-46 BuryaRT-46 Burya Rare
SOR-22SOR-22 Uncommon
SOR-22SOR-22 Rare
TomahawkTomahawk Uncommon
Type 2067Type 2067 Uncommon
Type 2067Type 2067 Rare
Uncommon Item ComponentsUncommon Item Components Uncommon
WeakenWeaken Rare
XC-10 AlectoXC-10 Alecto Rare
XC-10 CetusXC-10 Cetus Uncommon
XC-10 StrixXC-10 Strix Uncommon

Ripperdocs (Cyberware Vendors)

Ripperdoc (Wellsprings)

Item Rarity
Adrenaline BoosterAdrenaline Booster Epic
BioconductorBioconductor Epic
BioDyne Berserk MK.3BioDyne Berserk MK.3 Epic
BiomonitorBiomonitor Epic
Bionic JointsBionic Joints Rare
Blood PumpBlood Pump Epic
Bounce Back MK.1Bounce Back MK.1 Common
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Monowire Battery, Medium Capacity Epic
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Sensory Amplifier (Armor) Rare
Dynalar Sandevistan MK.3Dynalar Sandevistan MK.3 Epic
Electrical RoundElectrical Round Rare
Feedback CircuitFeedback Circuit Epic
Gorilla ArmsGorilla Arms Legendary
KerenzikovKerenzikov Rare
KerenzikovKerenzikov Epic
Kiroshi Optics MK.2Kiroshi Optics MK.2 Rare
Kiroshi Optics MK.2Kiroshi Optics MK.2 Epic
Mantis BladesMantis Blades Legendary
MicrogeneratorMicrogenerator Rare
MicrogeneratorMicrogenerator Epic
MicrorotorsMicrorotors Rare
Militech "Falcon" Sandevistan MK.5Militech "Falcon" Sandevistan MK.5 Legendary
MonowireMonowire Legendary
Moore Tech Berserk MK.2Moore Tech Berserk MK.2 Rare
NetWatch Netdriver MK.5NetWatch Netdriver MK.5 Legendary
Projectile Launch SystemProjectile Launch System Epic
Ram UpgradeRam Upgrade Rare
Raven Microcyber MK.3Raven Microcyber MK.3 Epic
Second HeartSecond Heart Legendary
Sensory Amplifier (Crit Damage)Sensory Amplifier (Crit Damage) Rare
Smart LinkSmart Link Legendary
Subdermal ArmorSubdermal Armor Epic
Syn-LungsSyn-Lungs Legendary
Syn-LungsSyn-Lungs Rare
Syn-LungsSyn-Lungs Epic
Currently UnavailableTabula E-Rasa Legendary
Titanium BonesTitanium Bones Rare
Tranquilizer RoundsTranquilizer Rounds Rare

Clothing Vendors

Clothing Vendor (Wellsprings)

Item Rarity
6th Street Tactical Harness6th Street Tactical Harness Uncommon
8L-00DY Tungsten-Steel Military Helmet8L-00DY Tungsten-Steel Military Helmet Uncommon
Abendstern Polycarbonate Dress ShoesAbendstern Polycarbonate Dress Shoes Uncommon
Abendstern Polycarbonate Dress ShoesAbendstern Polycarbonate Dress Shoes Rare
Adamant Road Composite-Reinforced Western Fringe VestAdamant Road Composite-Reinforced Western Fringe Vest Uncommon
Advanced Remon Boostknit Field JacketAdvanced Remon Boostknit Field Jacket Uncommon
Alba Estiva Crop SweaterAlba Estiva Crop Sweater Uncommon
Alba Estiva Crop SweaterAlba Estiva Crop Sweater Epic
Amethyst Punk Eazy-Breathe Knotted TankAmethyst Punk Eazy-Breathe Knotted Tank Uncommon
Amethyst Punk Eazy-Breathe Knotted TankAmethyst Punk Eazy-Breathe Knotted Tank Epic
Anhelo Blanco Puncture-Resistant Western Fringe VestAnhelo Blanco Puncture-Resistant Western Fringe Vest Uncommon
Anti-Tear Graffiti BandanaAnti-Tear Graffiti Bandana Uncommon
Aramid-Enhanced High-Collar Military VestAramid-Enhanced High-Collar Military Vest Rare
Arasaka Formal Jacket with Light ArmorplatingArasaka Formal Jacket with Light Armorplating Uncommon
Arasaka Formal Jacket with Light ArmorplatingArasaka Formal Jacket with Light Armorplating Rare
Arcticombat Semi-Formal Button-UpArcticombat Semi-Formal Button-Up Uncommon
ArmadilloArmadillo Uncommon
ArmadilloArmadillo Rare
Astronaute Reinforced-Stitch Composite JacketAstronaute Reinforced-Stitch Composite Jacket Uncommon
Athletic Hybrid-Weave HotpantsAthletic Hybrid-Weave Hotpants Uncommon
Athletic Hybrid-Weave HotpantsAthletic Hybrid-Weave Hotpants Rare
Athletic Hybrid-Weave HotpantsAthletic Hybrid-Weave Hotpants Epic
Atomic Blast Composite Armor-Weave Combat ShirtAtomic Blast Composite Armor-Weave Combat Shirt Uncommon
Bara Kaika Syn-Leather BustierBara Kaika Syn-Leather Bustier Uncommon
Bara Kaika Syn-Leather BustierBara Kaika Syn-Leather Bustier Epic
Basic Detachable Reactive-Fiber CollarBasic Detachable Reactive-Fiber Collar Uncommon
Basic Loose Polycarbonate HighneckBasic Loose Polycarbonate Highneck Uncommon
Basic Loose Polycarbonate HighneckBasic Loose Polycarbonate Highneck Rare
Basic Polycarbonate FoldtopBasic Polycarbonate Foldtop Rare
Bipolar Rainbow Hybrid-Weave Crop SweaterBipolar Rainbow Hybrid-Weave Crop Sweater Uncommon
Bipolar Rainbow Hybrid-Weave Crop SweaterBipolar Rainbow Hybrid-Weave Crop Sweater Rare
Bipolar Rainbow Hybrid-Weave Crop SweaterBipolar Rainbow Hybrid-Weave Crop Sweater Epic
BITCH V.13 Cap with Titanium Microplate MeshBITCH V.13 Cap with Titanium Microplate Mesh Uncommon
Blue Brick Reinforced HotpantsBlue Brick Reinforced Hotpants Uncommon
Boom-BreakerBoom-Breaker Uncommon
Boulet Turquoise Combat Shirt With Protective LiningBoulet Turquoise Combat Shirt With Protective Lining Uncommon
Burgundy Formal Skirt with Reinforced SynfiberBurgundy Formal Skirt with Reinforced Synfiber Uncommon
Burgundy Formal Skirt with Reinforced SynfiberBurgundy Formal Skirt with Reinforced Synfiber Rare
Burgundy Formal Skirt with Reinforced SynfiberBurgundy Formal Skirt with Reinforced Synfiber Epic
Camo FoldtopCamo Foldtop Rare
Camo Loose HighneckCamo Loose Highneck Uncommon
Camo Loose HighneckCamo Loose Highneck Rare
Camo Western Fringe VestCamo Western Fringe Vest Uncommon
Chengse Ultralight Carbon Fiber HelmetChengse Ultralight Carbon Fiber Helmet Uncommon
Chengse Ultralight Carbon-Fiber HelmetChengse Ultralight Carbon-Fiber Helmet Uncommon
Chikurin Reinforced Nanoweave Loose-FitsChikurin Reinforced Nanoweave Loose-Fits Uncommon
Classic Chem-Hardened Button-UpClassic Chem-Hardened Button-Up Uncommon
Classic Chem-Hardened Button-UpClassic Chem-Hardened Button-Up Rare
Classic Immuno-Cotton Corporate PantsClassic Immuno-Cotton Corporate Pants Uncommon
Classic Immuno-Cotton Corporate PantsClassic Immuno-Cotton Corporate Pants Rare
Classy Aramid-Weave SkirtClassy Aramid-Weave Skirt Uncommon
Classy Aramid-Weave SkirtClassy Aramid-Weave Skirt Rare
Classy Bordeaux Pants with Fortified SeamsClassy Bordeaux Pants with Fortified Seams Uncommon
Classy Bordeaux Pants with Fortified SeamsClassy Bordeaux Pants with Fortified Seams Rare
Comfy Hardened-Leather Western ShortiesComfy Hardened-Leather Western Shorties Uncommon
Composite Camo BandanaComposite Camo Bandana Uncommon
Composite Ko Jaga Silk-Threaded HotpantsComposite Ko Jaga Silk-Threaded Hotpants Composite Ko Jagā Silk-Threaded HotpantsComposite Ko Jagā Silk-Threaded Hotpants Uncommon
Composite Ko Jaga Silk-Threaded HotpantsComposite Ko Jaga Silk-Threaded Hotpants Composite Ko Jagā Silk-Threaded HotpantsComposite Ko Jagā Silk-Threaded Hotpants Rare
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Daemon Hunter Resistance-Coated Tank Top Legendary
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Gold Fury Neotac Bulletproof Pants Legendary
Crafting Spec: Mirame Reinforced-Composite Cowboy HatCrafting Spec: Mirame Reinforced-Composite Cowboy Hat Legendary
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: SilveRock Bulletproof-Laminate Biker Vest Legendary
Crafting Spec: Sun Spark Thermoset Chemglass InfovisorCrafting Spec: Sun Spark Thermoset Chemglass Infovisor Legendary
Craneo Brillante Polyamide Extra-Membrane StraightcutsCraneo Brillante Polyamide Extra-Membrane Straightcuts Uncommon
Creamy Rhubarb Dress Shoes with Sole SupportCreamy Rhubarb Dress Shoes with Sole Support Uncommon
Creamy Rhubarb Dress Shoes with Sole SupportCreamy Rhubarb Dress Shoes with Sole Support Rare
D43-M0N Assault Helmet with Polycarbonate VisorD43-M0N Assault Helmet with Polycarbonate Visor Uncommon
Daemon Hunter Tactical BandanaDaemon Hunter Tactical Bandana Uncommon
Danse Macabre Crop SweaterDanse Macabre Crop Sweater Uncommon
Danse Macabre Crop SweaterDanse Macabre Crop Sweater Rare
Danse Macabre Crop SweaterDanse Macabre Crop Sweater Epic
Decadencia Verde Bulletproof Tactical HarnessDecadencia Verde Bulletproof Tactical Harness Decadencia Verde Bulletproof Tactical HarnessDecadencia Verde Bulletproof Tactical Harness Uncommon
Desert Cross Strong-Weave Button-UpDesert Cross Strong-Weave Button-Up Uncommon
Desert Cross Strong-Weave Button-UpDesert Cross Strong-Weave Button-Up Epic
Duoweave Composite Loose-FitsDuoweave Composite Loose-Fits Uncommon
Duoweave Composite Loose-FitsDuoweave Composite Loose-Fits Rare
Duoweave Composite Loose-FitsDuoweave Composite Loose-Fits Epic
Durable Felt-Blend TrilbyDurable Felt-Blend Trilby Uncommon
Durable High-Collar VestDurable High-Collar Vest Epic
Durable Nanofiber Plaid HeadbandDurable Nanofiber Plaid Headband Uncommon
Durable Plaid SkirtDurable Plaid Skirt Uncommon
Durable Plaid SkirtDurable Plaid Skirt Rare
Durable Smiley Hard Loose-FitsDurable Smiley Hard Loose-Fits Uncommon
Durable Smiley Hard Loose-FitsDurable Smiley Hard Loose-Fits Rare
Durable Urban Soul Cap With Rubber InsetsDurable Urban Soul Cap With Rubber Insets Uncommon
Electric Marble Ultralight Athletic ShoesElectric Marble Ultralight Athletic Shoes Uncommon
Electric Marble Ultralight Athletic ShoesElectric Marble Ultralight Athletic Shoes Epic
Emperador Tigre Dual-Weave JumpsuitEmperador Tigre Dual-Weave Jumpsuit Uncommon
Enhanced High Collar VestEnhanced High Collar Vest Uncommon
Enhanced High Collar VestEnhanced High Collar Vest Rare
Enhanced High Collar VestEnhanced High Collar Vest Epic
Extra-Reinforced Knotted TankExtra-Reinforced Knotted Tank Uncommon
Extra-Reinforced Knotted TankExtra-Reinforced Knotted Tank Rare
Faded Uniware Knotted TankFaded Uniware Knotted Tank Uncommon
Faded Uniwear Belted TankFaded Uniwear Belted Tank Uncommon
Faded Uniwear Belted TankFaded Uniwear Belted Tank Rare
Flash Formal Pants with Additional LiningFlash Formal Pants with Additional Lining Uncommon
Flash Formal Pants with Additional LiningFlash Formal Pants with Additional Lining Rare
Foam-Padded RacersFoam-Padded Racers Uncommon
Foam-Padded RacersFoam-Padded Racers Rare
Formal Jacket with Composite InsetsFormal Jacket with Composite Insets Uncommon
Ghost Town Cowboy Boots with Heat-Resistant HeelsGhost Town Cowboy Boots with Heat-Resistant Heels Rare
Ghost Town Cowboy Boots with Heat-Resistant HeelsGhost Town Cowboy Boots with Heat-Resistant Heels Epic
Graffiti Detachable CollarGraffiti Detachable Collar Rare
Green Graffiti Armor-Coated Athletic ShoesGreen Graffiti Armor-Coated Athletic Shoes Rare
Gunslinger Western Shorties With Titanium InsertsGunslinger Western Shorties With Titanium Inserts Uncommon
OsmosisHackslinger Common
OsmosisHackslinger Uncommon
OsmosisHackslinger Rare
Hardened Leather FoldtopHardened Leather Foldtop Epic
Hardened Leather Loose HighneckHardened Leather Loose Highneck Uncommon
Hardened Leather Loose HighneckHardened Leather Loose Highneck Rare
Hardened Leather Loose HighneckHardened Leather Loose Highneck Epic
Heat-Resistant Killer Candy Trilayer RacersHeat-Resistant Killer Candy Trilayer Racers Uncommon
Heat-Resistant Killer Candy Trilayer RacersHeat-Resistant Killer Candy Trilayer Racers Rare
Heavy-Duty Oro Floreciente Armor-Weave Cargo PantsHeavy-Duty Oro Floreciente Armor-Weave Cargo Pants Uncommon
Holy Rose Boostknit Loose-Fits with Thermoactive CoatingHoly Rose Boostknit Loose-Fits with Thermoactive Coating Uncommon
Holy Rose Boostknit Loose-Fits with Thermoactive CoatingHoly Rose Boostknit Loose-Fits with Thermoactive Coating Rare
Holy Rose Multilayer EdgerunnerHoly Rose Multilayer Edgerunner Uncommon
Icon America Duolayer Western Fringe VestIcon America Duolayer Western Fringe Vest Uncommon
Icon America Duolayer Western Fringe VestIcon America Duolayer Western Fringe Vest Rare
Kinryu Beanie With Titanium SequinsKinryu Beanie With Titanium Sequins Uncommon
Knotted Armor Weave TankKnotted Armor Weave Tank Uncommon
Knotted Armor-Weave TankKnotted Armor-Weave Tank Rare
Knotted Armor-Weave TankKnotted Armor-Weave Tank Epic
Koumori Synleather Trench CoatKoumori Synleather Trench Coat Uncommon
Koumori Synleather Trench CoatKoumori Synleather Trench Coat Rare
Koumori Synleather Trench CoatKoumori Synleather Trench Coat Epic
Laminated Security Hardhat With HeadsetLaminated Security Hardhat With Headset Uncommon
Lightweight Heat-Resistant HotpantsLightweight Heat-Resistant Hotpants Uncommon
Lightweight Heat-Resistant HotpantsLightweight Heat-Resistant Hotpants Epic
Linen Button-Up with Reactive LayeringLinen Button-Up with Reactive Layering Uncommon
Linen Button-Up with Reactive LayeringLinen Button-Up with Reactive Layering Rare
Linen Button-Up with Reactive LayeringLinen Button-Up with Reactive Layering Epic
Liquid Shine Dura-Polyamide Button-UpLiquid Shine Dura-Polyamide Button-Up Uncommon
Loose CoolQuilt HighneckLoose CoolQuilt Highneck Uncommon
Loose CoolQuilt HighneckLoose CoolQuilt Highneck Rare
Loose-fits with Micromesh UnderlayerLoose-fits with Micromesh Underlayer Uncommon
Loose-fits with Micromesh UnderlayerLoose-fits with Micromesh Underlayer Rare
Magenta Puncture-Resistant Multilayer High-Collar VestMagenta Puncture-Resistant Multilayer High-Collar Vest Uncommon
Magenta Spark Reinforced Silkweave BandanaMagenta Spark Reinforced Silkweave Bandana Epic
Military Camo RacersMilitary Camo Racers Uncommon
Military Camo RacersMilitary Camo Racers Epic
Mini Coolquit FoldtopMini Coolquit Foldtop Rare
Mosiac Gleam Led-Hybrid Trilayer JacketMosiac Gleam Led-Hybrid Trilayer Jacket Uncommon
Neokitsch Blooming Amber Resistance-Coated TankNeokitsch Blooming Amber Resistance-Coated Tank Uncommon
Neokitsch Blooming Amber Resistance-Coated TankNeokitsch Blooming Amber Resistance-Coated Tank Rare
Neokitsch Pasión Púrpura Polyamide HighneckNeokitsch Pasión Púrpura Polyamide Highneck Uncommon
Neokitsch Pasión Púrpura Polyamide HighneckNeokitsch Pasión Púrpura Polyamide Highneck Rare
Night City Lightweight Carbon-Fiber Sleeveless Field JacketNight City Lightweight Carbon-Fiber Sleeveless Field Jacket Epic
Nu-Tek Foxy Carbon-Lined Field JacketNu-Tek Foxy Carbon-Lined Field Jacket Uncommon
Old Construction HardhatOld Construction Hardhat Uncommon
Paisley Universe Armor-Coated Button-UpPaisley Universe Armor-Coated Button-Up Uncommon
Paisley Universe Armor-Coated Button-UpPaisley Universe Armor-Coated Button-Up Rare
Pastel Power Hybrid-Fabric Armored Athletic ShoesPastel Power Hybrid-Fabric Armored Athletic Shoes Uncommon
Peach Syn-Thread Crop SweaterPeach Syn-Thread Crop Sweater Uncommon
PlumePlume Common
Polka Dot Trench Coat Puncture-Resistant LiningPolka Dot Trench Coat Puncture-Resistant Lining Uncommon
Polka Dot Trench Coat with Puncture Resistant LiningPolka Dot Trench Coat with Puncture Resistant Lining Uncommon
Polka Dot Trench Coat with Puncture Resistant LiningPolka Dot Trench Coat with Puncture Resistant Lining Rare
Polka Dot Trench Coat with Puncture Resistant LiningPolka Dot Trench Coat with Puncture Resistant Lining Epic
Polycarbonate Western Fringe VestPolycarbonate Western Fringe Vest Uncommon
Polycarbonate Western Fringe VestPolycarbonate Western Fringe Vest Rare
Polycarbonate Western Fringe VestPolycarbonate Western Fringe Vest Epic
Powder Pink Skirt With Dura-Hybrid WeavePowder Pink Skirt With Dura-Hybrid Weave Uncommon
Psycho RacersPsycho Racers Uncommon
Psycho RacersPsycho Racers Rare
Punk Composite-Metal RacersPunk Composite-Metal Racers Uncommon
Punk Composite-Metal RacersPunk Composite-Metal Racers Rare
Punk Composite-Metal RacersPunk Composite-Metal Racers Epic
Punk High-Collar VestPunk High-Collar Vest Uncommon
Punk High-Collar VestPunk High-Collar Vest Rare
Purple Dragon Duolayer Hybrid Loose-FitsPurple Dragon Duolayer Hybrid Loose-Fits Uncommon
Purple Dragon Duolayer Hybrid Loose-FitsPurple Dragon Duolayer Hybrid Loose-Fits Epic
Purple Panther ShirtPurple Panther Shirt Uncommon
Purple Panther ShirtPurple Panther Shirt Rare
Rainbow Racer Heat-Resistant Shoes With Breathable LiningRainbow Racer Heat-Resistant Shoes With Breathable Lining Uncommon
Red Leopard Button-Up with Composite InsertRed Leopard Button-Up with Composite Insert Uncommon
Reine de Abeilles Bustier with Bulletproof LiningReine de Abeilles Bustier with Bulletproof Lining Uncommon
Reinforced Office ShoesReinforced Office Shoes Uncommon
Reinforced Office ShoesReinforced Office Shoes Rare
Reinforced Snake-Skin Cowboy BootsReinforced Snake-Skin Cowboy Boots Uncommon
Reinforced Snake-Skin Cowboy BootsReinforced Snake-Skin Cowboy Boots Rare
Reinforced Snake-Skin Cowboy BootsReinforced Snake-Skin Cowboy Boots Epic
Resist!Resist! Uncommon
Resist!Resist! Rare
Rubber-Reinforced Cowboy BootsRubber-Reinforced Cowboy Boots Uncommon
SaekoSaeko's Limited Elegant Duoweave Skirt Uncommon
Santa Muerte Heat-Resitant Tank TopSanta Muerte Heat-Resitant Tank Top Uncommon
Secondhand Knotted TankSecondhand Knotted Tank Uncommon
Secondhand Knotted TankSecondhand Knotted Tank Rare
Semi-Formal Synfiber Button-UpSemi-Formal Synfiber Button-Up Uncommon
Semi-Formal Synfiber Button-UpSemi-Formal Synfiber Button-Up Epic
Shirokuro High-Collar Composite-Lined VestShirokuro High-Collar Composite-Lined Vest Rare
Silver Star Duolayer Aramid-Weave Cargo PantsSilver Star Duolayer Aramid-Weave Cargo Pants Uncommon
Simple Bandana Headband with Enhanced DurabilitySimple Bandana Headband with Enhanced Durability Rare
Simple Duolayer BustierSimple Duolayer Bustier Uncommon
Simple Duolayer BustierSimple Duolayer Bustier Rare
Simple Duolayer BustierSimple Duolayer Bustier Epic
Spotted Flexi-Membrane BustierSpotted Flexi-Membrane Bustier Uncommon
Spotted Flexi-Membrane BustierSpotted Flexi-Membrane Bustier Rare
Spotted Tank TopSpotted Tank Top Uncommon
STR33T Dandy Composite-Coated CapSTR33T Dandy Composite-Coated Cap Uncommon
Street Glow ThermoSet-Leather Loose-FitsStreet Glow ThermoSet-Leather Loose-Fits Rare
Street Glow ThermoSet-Leather Loose-FitsStreet Glow ThermoSet-Leather Loose-Fits Epic
BackpackerStreet Smart Epic
Stylish Atomic Blast Composite BustierStylish Atomic Blast Composite Bustier Rare
Stylish Atomic Blast Composite BustierStylish Atomic Blast Composite Bustier Epic
Sueno Soleado Helmet With Duolayer ReactivitySueno Soleado Helmet With Duolayer Reactivity Uncommon
Synthetic Corporate JacketSynthetic Corporate Jacket Uncommon
Synthetic Corporate JacketSynthetic Corporate Jacket Rare
Synthetic Corporate JacketSynthetic Corporate Jacket Epic
Tear-Resistant Office SkirtTear-Resistant Office Skirt Uncommon
Tear-Resistant Office SkirtTear-Resistant Office Skirt Rare
Tear-Resistant Office SkirtTear-Resistant Office Skirt Epic
Ten70 Bada55 Polycarbonate BandanaTen70 Bada55 Polycarbonate Bandana Uncommon
Trendy Lonely Luke Cowboy Booth with Protective MeshTrendy Lonely Luke Cowboy Booth with Protective Mesh Rare
Trendy Lonely Luke Cowboy Boots With Protective MeshTrendy Lonely Luke Cowboy Boots With Protective Mesh Uncommon
Trilayer Hotpants with MicromeshTrilayer Hotpants with Micromesh Uncommon
Trilayer Hotpants with MicromeshTrilayer Hotpants with Micromesh Epic
Trilby With Canvas LiningTrilby With Canvas Lining Uncommon
Trilby with Canvass LiningTrilby with Canvass Lining Epic
Ultra-Elastic Bitch V.13 SkirtUltra-Elastic Bitch V.13 Skirt Uncommon
Ultra-Elastic Bitch V.13 SkirtUltra-Elastic Bitch V.13 Skirt Rare
Ultralight Jasmin Doucet Syn-Cotton BustierUltralight Jasmin Doucet Syn-Cotton Bustier Uncommon
Ultralight Jasmin Doucet Syn-Cotton BustierUltralight Jasmin Doucet Syn-Cotton Bustier Rare
Ultralight Shine Spectrum Trench CoatUltralight Shine Spectrum Trench Coat Uncommon
Ultralight Tested On Animals Polyamide Tank TopUltralight Tested On Animals Polyamide Tank Top Uncommon
VanguardVanguard Uncommon
VanguardVanguard Rare
Varnished Rocker Shorties with Extra ProtectionVarnished Rocker Shorties with Extra Protection Uncommon
Varnished Rocker Shorties with Extra ProtectionVarnished Rocker Shorties with Extra Protection Rare
Western Star Cowbow Boots with Thick Synthetic HeelsWestern Star Cowbow Boots with Thick Synthetic Heels Uncommon
Western Star Cowboy Boots with Thick Synthetic HeelsWestern Star Cowboy Boots with Thick Synthetic Heels Uncommon
Wooden Breeze Dress ShoesWooden Breeze Dress Shoes Uncommon
Wooden Breeze Dress ShoesWooden Breeze Dress Shoes Epic
Workplace Loose-FitsWorkplace Loose-Fits Uncommon
Workplace Loose-FitsWorkplace Loose-Fits Rare
Worn BeanieWorn Beanie Uncommon
Worn Biker Shorties with Composite InsertsWorn Biker Shorties with Composite Inserts Worn Biker Shorties With Composite InsertsWorn Biker Shorties With Composite Inserts Uncommon
Worn Traditional Cowboy BootsWorn Traditional Cowboy Boots Rare
Wrinkled Dress Button-UpWrinkled Dress Button-Up Rare
Yoru no Samurai Armored Knee-Pad RacersYoru no Samurai Armored Knee-Pad Racers Uncommon
Yoru no Samurai Armored Knee-Pad RacersYoru no Samurai Armored Knee-Pad Racers Rare
Yoru no Samurai Armored Knee-Pad RacersYoru no Samurai Armored Knee-Pad Racers Epic
Yoru no Samurai Padded Loose-FitsYoru no Samurai Padded Loose-Fits Uncommon
Yoru no Samurai Padded Loose-FitsYoru no Samurai Padded Loose-Fits Rare
Yukihyo Polycarbonate Athletic ShoesYukihyo Polycarbonate Athletic Shoes Uncommon
Yukihyo Polycarbonate Athletic ShoesYukihyo Polycarbonate Athletic Shoes Rare
Zero DragZero Drag Rare


Meds Vendor (Wellsprings)

Item Rarity
Bounce Back MK.1Bounce Back MK.1 Common
Bounce Back MK.2Bounce Back MK.2 Uncommon
Currently UnavailableBounce Back MK.3 Rare
Currently UnavailableCapacity Booster Uncommon
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Bounce Back MK.2 Uncommon
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Bounce Back MK.3 Rare
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Maxdoc MK.2 Rare
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Maxdoc MK.3 Epic
Maxdoc MK.1Maxdoc MK.1 Uncommon
Maxdoc MK.2Maxdoc MK.2 Rare
Maxdoc MK.3Maxdoc MK.3 Epic
Currently UnavailableStamina Booster Uncommon
Netrunner (Vista Del Rey)
Item Rarity
ContagionContagion Uncommon
ContagionContagion Rare
Cripple MovementCripple Movement Uncommon
Cripple MovementCripple Movement Rare
Cyberware MalfunctionCyberware Malfunction Uncommon
Cyberware MalfunctionCyberware Malfunction Rare
Epic Quickhack ComponentsEpic Quickhack Components Epic
Legendary Quickhack ComponentsLegendary Quickhack Components Legendary
Memory WipeMemory Wipe Rare
OverheatOverheat Uncommon
OverheatOverheat Rare
PingPing Uncommon
PingPing Rare
Rare Quickhack ComponentsRare Quickhack Components Rare
Reboot OpticsReboot Optics Uncommon
Request BackupRequest Backup Uncommon
Short CircuitShort Circuit Uncommon
Short CircuitShort Circuit Rare
Sonic ShockSonic Shock Uncommon
Sonic ShockSonic Shock Rare
Synapse BurnoutSynapse Burnout Rare
Uncommon Quickhack ComponentsUncommon Quickhack Components Uncommon
Weapon GlitchWeapon Glitch Uncommon
Weapon GlitchWeapon Glitch Rare
WhistleWhistle Uncommon
WhistleWhistle Rare

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