Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Aurore Cassel Character Guide

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Aurore Cassel Character Guide

This is a guide on Aurore Cassel, a character in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. Learn about Aurore Cassel's role in the story, whether Aurore Cassel is available as a Romance option, and Aurore Cassel's effect on the ending of the game.

Objective IconNotice This article contains major story spoilers for the Phantom Liberty DLC.
Proceed at your own risk!

Can You Romance Aurore Cassel?

No, You Cannot Romance Aurore

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Romancing Aurore

Unfortunately, the lovable French netrunner cannot be romanced in Phantom Liberty regardless of your V's gender. Aurore only appears in a couple of main quests, and you won't be able to meet her in any way when roaming in the open world.

Aurore also meets a tragic end during the story. During I've Seen That Face Before, you will be tasked to kidnap the Cassel twins who are on their way to meet Kurt Hansen in Dogtown's stadium. After hijacking their car and leading them into an abandoned area, Solomon Reed and Alex shoots both twins, explaining that it's a thing spies do and that even though they had nothing to do with their own demise, the twins were still hardened criminals who cannot be trusted.

Romance Guide

Aurore Cassel Profile and Background

Aurore Cassel Image Aurore Cassel
Full Name Aurore Cassel
Job Netrunner
District -
Gender Female
Affiliation Project Cynosure
Voice Actor Leonie Schliesing

In-Game Description

The more fiery half of the netrunner duo that goes by the name of Skylight in cyberspace. Relatively wealthy by birth, formally educated, but perpetually insatiable, she craves adventure, excitement, and unusual experiences, which first pushed her to work—then lock horns—with the French criminal organization known as the Collective. Along the way, there was some time done in the VIP wing of "La Santé" prison, work for Militech on the Cynosure project, and, of course, the numerous hacking assignments she undertook with her twin brother on the side. Today, however, she's entertaining Kurt Hansen himself. And tomorrow? Maybe one of the fashion shows she so loves to attend? A visit to Tokyo, London, Paris? Or maybe another dangerous assignment for dangerous peeps? Who knows what tomorrow will bring...

Quest Appearances

1 You Know My Name
2 I've Seen That Face Before
3 Firestarter

French Netrunner

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - French Netrunner

Aurore Cassel is one half of the talented Cassel netrunner twins. Aurore and her brother Aymeric once worked with Militech in their secretive attempt to capture and use rouge AIs in what is known as Project Cynosure.

In Phantom Liberty, she and her brother are in Night City and Dogtown to conduct business with BARGHEST leader Kurt Hansen, who aims to use the twins' knowledge of the project to extract a neural matrix he found from a mainframe underneath Dogtown.

Aurore's Past

Cyberpunk 2077 - Aurore

During Firestarter, if you are playing as female V, you will be disguising as Aurore herself and meet with Kurt Hansen. V's voice and appearance will change, but you need to take note of Aurore's history on your dossier to avoid blowing your cover during the meeting, as Hansen will ask a couple of questions.

If you veer off from the points listed in the dossier, Hansen will grow suspicious and if you get a few things completely wrong, he will call out his guards to eliminate you and Alex.

Aurore Cassel's Past
・Fashion aficionado, fan of Kerry Eurodyne's style
・Spent 5 years in La Santé prison, VIP wing
・Born with GJB2 hearing loss, underwent gene therapy
・Ties to criminal underworld in France, where she has a bounty on her head
・Blacklisted at the Crystal Palace since 2075

Get Aurore's Clothes

If you are playing as female V, you can keep Aurore's clothes after the end of Firestarter. You can then keep wearing this outfit even outside of Phantom Liberty quests.

Does Aurore Cassel Affect the Ending?

No Effect on the Ending or Credits Sequence

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Aurore Cassel Ending

Aurore Cassel does not play a big role in the entirety of Phantom Liberty's story, does not have a significant effect upon the ending of the expansion.

Aurore is also not one of the possible characters who can appear during the credits sequence.

Phantom Liberty Endings Guide

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