Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Johnny Silverhand: Romance and Ending Options

This is a guide on Johnny Silverhand, a character in Cyberpunk 2077. Learn about Johnny Silverhand's role in the story, whether Johnny Silverhand is available as a Romance option, and Johnny Silverhand's effect on the ending of the game.

Johnny Silverhand Profile and Background

Johnny Silverhand Image Johnny Silverhand
Full Name Robert John Linder
Job Rockerboy, Terrorist, Cyberghost
District -
Gender Male
Affiliation Samurai
Voice Actor Keanu Reeves

In-Game Description

They say you can become a legendary rockerboy without all the sex and drugs, the manic depression, run-ins with the law and one toxic relationship after another. But Johnny Silverhand's old school.
Frontman for Samurai, charismatic visionary, rebel with a cause, sworn enemy of corporations (but especially Arasaka) and the mind behind the cult singles "Chippin' In" and "Never Fade Away" - currently residing in V's brain as a digitized tenant.
Silverhand met his demise during the attack on Arasaka Tower after getting shot by Adam Smasher and subsequently flatlined by Soulkiller. But some rockerboys never really die. Point in case - Silverhand's personality construct was kept in Arasaka's labs for decades before it landed on a prototype biochip called the Relic, which - following a series of unexpected events - ended up in V's brain. If you think spending eternity in a cyberspace prison is worse than sharing your headspace with a complete stranger, you'd be dead wrong. For an egomaniac and narcissist like Johnny, it's a living hell.

Quest Appearances

1 Love Like Fire
2 Playing For Time
3 Automatic Love
4 Transmission
5 Never Fade Away
6 Tapeworm
7 The Ballad of Buck Ravers
8 Gimme Danger
9 Nocturne OP55N1
10 Chippin' In
11 Blistering Love
12 Holdin' On
13 Kold Mirage
14 Killing In The Name
15 The Prophet's Song

Role in the Story

Johnny Silverhand NCW5 4.jpg
Johnny was the lead singer of the band Samurai and one of the most influential figures that rebelled against the corporations. His mission in Cyberpunk 2077 is to take down Arasaka.

In the game, Johnny Silverhand is considered as somewhat a co-protagonist. Other than quests that concern V, players will also embark on quests that are important to Johnny.

Johnny Silverhand as Digitized Ghost

After V accidentally embeds the digitized consciousness of Johnny Silverhand via the stolen chip, the events of Cyberpunk 2077 kick off. It's possible that the outcome of the game will depend on whether V sides with Johnny Silverhand or defies him.

Interacting with Johnny Silverhand

Johnny Silverhand is central to Cyberpunk 2077's story and will act as V's guide to Night City. V can interact with Johnny Silverhand and players will get to see different facets of Johnny's personality based on V's decisions or dialogue choices.

Johnny Silverhand's Backstory

Johnny Silverhand NCW5 3.jpg

Rockerboy Past

Johnny Silverhand was an influential rockstar with a military past. He's been said to have died like, a long time ago, and now he haunts V.

Military Past

Johnny entered the military at a young age but eventually deserted them shortly after learning of their corruption.

Johnny Silverhand's Personality

Johnny Silverhand NCW5 2.jpg
Johnny Silverhand seems to have an extreme and carefree personality—burning down half the city to prove his point, and burning down the other half for fun. He is described as someone with a good sense of humour, and can be snarky and sarcastic.

He has a big appetite for life and, most important of all, he is a man with principles, dead set to change the world and turn it against corpocracy.

Johnny Silverhand Romance Options

Johnny Silverhand Cannot Be Romanced

Johnny Silverhand is not available as a Romance Option to V for either gender.

If you have found evidence that a Romance Option exists for Johnny Silverhand, be sure to leave a comment and let us know!

Romance Guide

Does Johnny Silverhand Affect the Ending?

Plays a Major Role in the Ending

Ending Routes.jpg

Unlike other characters, Johnny being a main character means he has a large amount of influence on the story as a whole. The choices you make during the game can culminate in the unlocking of a secret final mission where you storm Arasaka Tower alone to get to Mikoshi and separate yourself frrom Johnny for good. In this ending as well as on the Panam or Rogue routes you can also decide to give Johnny complete control over your body, resulting in the Temperance ending. Our guide on how to get the secret ending has more info on the choices you can make that affect Johnny and V's relationship.

How to Get the Secret Ending

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1 Anonymousabout 4 years

Given that your relationship with him can affect whether an ending is even available, I would say he has a significant effect on the main story and the end of the game, contrary to this article.


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