Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

September 21 REDstream Start Time and Date

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - September 21 REDstream Start Time and Date

CD Projekt RED hosted a REDstream for the Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 Update that launched on September 21, 2023. Read on for the livestream countdown, the date and start time, livestream highlights, and what to expect!

REDstream Start Time and Date

REDstream is Scheduled for 5PM CEST September 21

The 2.0 Update REDstream aired on September 21, 2023 at 04:00PM CEST.

The stream provided more details regarding Airdrops in Phantom Liberty, as well as Combat AI Enhancements, Netrunning updates, and Cyberware changes in the 2.0 Update.

2.0 Update REDstream Countdown

2.0 Update REDstream starts in:
The 2.0 Update REDstream has concluded.

2.0 Update REDstream Release Times

Here are the release times for the 2.0 Update REDstream in various timezones:

Region Local Time & Date
US West Coast
(Pacific, PDT)
September 21, 2023
US East Coast
(EDT, Eastern)
September 21, 2023
September 21, 2023
September 21, 2023

Where to Watch the 2.0 Update REDstream

Cyberpunk 2077's Twitter account indicated that the September 21 REDstream aired on Twitch. Head over to CDPR's channel to catch the VOD of the 2.0 Update REDstream.

CD Projekt RED Twitch

2.0 Update Changes and Information

2.0 Update is Now Live!

The new 2.0 Update is now live. Players will now be able to play an entirely new version of Cyberpunk 2077. This new update should set players up for what to expect once the Phantom Liberty DLC drops on September 26.

2.0 Update Full Patch Notes

Combat AI Overhaul

The Combat AI Overhaul for Update 2.0 includes the following features:

  1. New Police System
  2. Vehicle Combat
  3. Combat AI Enhancements
  4. Base Combat Overhaul

Most notable will be the changes to both the Combat AI behavior as well as the revamped police system.

Combat AI Overhaul: All Known Changes

Netrunning Gameplay Overhaul

Netrunner gameplay is getting major changes in Update 2.0. These include updates to the quickhack UI, better indicators for traceable hacks, and even quickhack queueing that allows you to stack multiple hacks on a single target.

On top of the buffs to quickhacking, Netrunners will also gain access to the new Overlock mode which allows you to consume health in order to use quickhacks while having insufficient RAM.

Cyberware Overhaul

Alongside the updates to the Netrunner playstyle is a complete overhaul to how Cyberware work in-game. Now, V will have a Cyberware Capacity, only allowing you to equip a certain amount of chrome before you hit max cap.

Visit a Ripperdoc to view all the new upgrades, attribute attunements, and new Cyberware available in the latest patch!

Balance and Economy Changes

The developers also talked about changes to gameplay balance and the in-game economy. Most notable are the following changes introduced in Update 2.0:

  1. Enemy NPC level scaling
  2. Weapon Upgrade changes
  3. Loot Drop Scaling
  4. Nerf to Amount of Findable Loot

Crafting Changes

Crafting is no longer tied to Technical Ability, making it more accessible to players rocking different builds. Each Tier will now only require one type of crafting component, and only iconic weapons can receive upgrades.

UI Changes

Update 2.0 also ships with brand new UI changes, ranging from an update to item tooltips, Phone interfaces, minimap upgrades, and journal quality-of-life fixes. Of course, this also includes revamped Perk and Cyberware menus to accomodate the overhauls of those systems.

Phantom Liberty DLC Information

New Open World Activity Called Airdrops

Phantom Liberty will now introduce Airdrops - a brand new open world activity where players can secure valuable loot including crafting components to fuel the new crafting system introduced in the 2.0 Update.

Airdrop Guide and Rewards

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