Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

The Hunt Quest Walkthrough and Rewards | How to Get Harris' IP Address and Braindance Guide

This is a walkthrough for The Hunt, a Side Quest in Cyberpunk 2077. Read on to learn all the available choices in The Hunt, how to get the best possible result, tips and strategies for the Quest, and all available rewards.

All River Quests (River Romance Guide)
1 I Fought The Law
2 The Hunt
3 Following The River

The Hunt Basic Information

Quest Type Side
Act Act 2
Quest No. 2
Lifepath All

How to Unlock The Hunt

Quest Unlock Conditions Complete I Fought the Law and wait 24 in-game hours.

I Fought the Law Walkthrough

The Hunt Rewards

Quest Rewards 643 EXP
2175 Street Cred

The Hunt Walkthrough

The Hunt Quest Objectives

The Lab, Heywood

Objective IconRead River's message and meet up with him.
River will send you a message labeled "Come Here Please" with an address. Read it to get the marker to the meet up point, go there and wait for him.
Objective IconEnter River's car.
River will brief you on the situation here.
Objective IconFollow River and find your way into the Lab.
River will lead you to a lab containing a braindance and you must find it. Read our Tips and Tricks section to find out ways in.
Objective IconFind the file on Anthony Harris.
It will be in the room after the large room with the computer, in a room lightly colored with kid's colorings pasted to the wall. Scan the area with your Kiroshi optics to find the right filing cabinet.
Objective IconTalk to Yawen Packard, then return to River's car.
Yawen Packard will confront you, and finish the conversation with her then leave the lab through the front door this time.

Randy's House

Objective IconRide with River to Randy's House and follow him.
River will take you to Randy's house, and first will speak to Joss, Randy's mother. Next you'll have to follow him into Randy's room.
Objective IconOptional: Open the locked drawer next to Randy's bed.
The key will be on the shelf right next to Randy's desk in the main room, labeled "Randy's Antique Key" as seen below.
Objective IconScan the laptop under Randy's bed, and then turn on the record player.
It will prompt River to open it and open it and ask for a password. The password is the track title of the record you just played.
Objective IconLook through Randy's messages.
Objective IconGo to the Net tab, and look for the missing file.
You can do this by clicking the Net tab of the computer, clicking the image in the "Drugs are Bad" website, and clicking the Files tab of "Tony's Shelter", not the files tab of the computer yet.
Objective IconClick the Files Tab of the computer and play "ATT_CART_VIDEO".
Objective IconExit the Computer.
River will give you the optional task of tracing Anthony's IP address. You'll need an Intelligence of 12 to be able to do it.
Objective IconGo back into the house with Randy.
You'll talk with Joss and get the option to skip to the next day.


Objective IconEnter the first braindance of Anthony in school.
There's four visual clues to find here: the teacher, the two bulletin boards, and the trophy case. Press X when you find all them to exit into the next segment.
Objective IconEnter the second braindance of Anthony at his father's barn.
There are five visual cues here: the cow at the start, the father, the console, the injection system, and the dietary supplements.
Objective IconEnter the last braindance of Anthony at his barn with the kidnapped boys.
There are thirteen clues: twelve visual and one audio. The visual clues are: the solar box, the clock, the turret, the fuel barrels, the three unconscious victims, the infusion pump, the FDNC certificate, the number next to the barn door, the escaping victim and the lights outside of the barn door. The audio clue is the sound of a trash barge.

Edgewood Farm

Objective IconGet in River's car and go to Edgewood Farm.
River will drive you to Edgewood Farm.
Objective IconEnter the house to the right, and go upstairs.
Beware of the turrets and mines scattered around the field.
Objective IconActivate the button to the secret room.
This button is found under the desk with the personal computer, and it should open the wall to a hidden room to the right of it.
Objective IconDeactivate the farm's security systems.
You can deactivate it through the computer in the secret room.
Objective IconEnter the barn.
You can do so by climbing the ladder left of the barn then dropping down from the roof.
Objective IconDeactivate the computer and help the victims.
The computer is next to the TV playing the cartoon, then pull the apparatus out of all the victims.
Objective IconTalk to River to end the mission.
There will be a time skip after the victims are saved, finish the conversation with River to end the mission.

The Hunt Braindance Guide

First Braindance

Visual Clue: Scan the teacher.

Visual Clue : Scan the bulletin board on the left of the exit of the cafeteria.

Visual Clue: Scan the trophy in the case.
Second Braindance

Visual Clue: Look at the cow in the beginning of this braindance.

Visual Clue : Scan the console to the left of Anthony's father.

Visual Clue: Look at Anthony's father.

Visual Clue: Scan the injector on top of one of the consoles as Anthony heads to the controls.

Visual Clue: Scan the sacks of supplements on the way to the controls.
Third Braindance

Visual Clue: Scan the solar panel right outside the first room.

Visual Clue: Scan the clock right above.

Audio Clue: Listen to sound waves that are coming from the ceiling .

Visual Clue: Scan the fuel barrels on the other side of the barn.

Visual Clue : Scan the turret to the right of the fuel barrels.

Visual Clue: Scan the body to the left of Anthony in the barn.

Visual Clue: Scan the machine on the right side of the barn.

Visual Clue : Scan another victim to the right of the first one.

Visual Clue: Scan the last victim that is found near the machine you scanned earlier.

Visual Clue : Scan the computer that is found in the room behind the second victim.

Visual Clue: Scan FDNC certificate found to the right of the computer.

Visual Clue : Scan the sign to the left of the barn door.

Visual Clue: Scan the billboard right outside the farm.

All Completion Routes

Best Completion Route

Route Rating
Deactivating Security Systems ★★★★★
Hacking and Avoiding the Security Systems ★★★★

The best way to get into the farm is by deactivating the security system in the farm in the house nearby.

Farm Routes

There are two methods to get into the farm. One is to just sneak or hack through the defense systems. Another way is to deactivate the security systems in the house.

Deactivating Security Systems

You will need to first get into the house to deactivate the security. There are two turrets in the front. You can avoid them or deactivate/destroy them to make it easier. You can get in through shutters that require Technical 5 on the right side of the house or through a door on the left. The security controls are in a secret room in the bedroom on the second floor. The switch to open it is under the desk.

After deactivating you can run to the ladder on the left side of the barn.

Hack or Sneak Past Security

There are two turrets in front of the house and two turrets in front of the farm. These are the primary obstacles you will have to worry about. You can hack and deactivate or destroy them and then only worry about the mines. Have your scanner open to making it easier to see the mines and head to the ladder on the left side of the barn.

Tips and Strategies

Entering The Lab

Open A Door With Technical Skill

There's a door at the side of the building that requires 12 Technical Points to open.

Climb To The Back

The Hunt How To Enter The Lab
You can climb to the back of the building by jumping atop the dumpster and the food truck in the picture above, which are found on the side of the building. Next, climb up the ladder next to the closed shutter labeled NCPD. You should find an accessible window on the second floor.

Surviving Edgewood Barn

Deactivate at least one of the turrets with a QuickHack so that you have an opening to sneak past into the house. If possible, deactivate both turrets guarding the house.

Romance Guide - River

Always Side With River

During the conversation with Dr. Packard be sure to take River's side when she goes off on him, so choose the following dialogue options when they appear:
Hasn't let me down yet.
I wanna see for myself.
These are timed choices so be sure to pick fast. You will have one more choice later with Johnny that affects this, saying River's all right.

Hit Me With a Beer

During the car, ride choose Sign me up for that beer. when River mentions it.


When you view the braindance, scan all of the clues. Finding all of the clues will have River drive directly to the farm, but in the chance that you don't, choose Edgewood when prompted or you won't be able to move onto the final quest.

Help River

After rescuing Randy you have the option to help him out in getting to Harris. Pick I'll help you. during the conversation to trigger the next quest.
River Ward: Romance Guide

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All Side Quests

Phantom Liberty Side Quests

Phantom Liberty DLC Side Quests
Dazed and Confused Baby Let Me Take You No Easy Way Out
Shot by Both Sides Moving Heat Balls to the Wall
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Act 1 Side Quests

Act 1 Side Quests
Burning Desire Paid in Full
Psycho Killer
(Rec. Lvl 4)
The Gun
The Highwayman
Act 1 Side Quest Given by Wakako Act 1 Side Quest Given by T-Bug
The Gig The Gift
Act 1 Side Quest Given by Garry
The Prophet's Song
(Rec. Lvl 4)

Act 2 Side Quests

Act 2 Side Quests
Big in Japan Ezekiel Saw the Wheel Happy Together
Heroes Holdin' On Human Nature
Imagine Kold Mirage Love Rollercoaster
Poem of The Atoms Shoot to Thrill Space Oddity
Stadium Love Stairway to Heaven The Ballad of Buck Ravers
There Is a Light That Never Goes Out They Won't Go When I Go Tune Up
Venus in Furs War Pigs Full Disclosure
(Rec. Lvl 10)
Don't Lose Your Mind
(Rec. Lvl 15)
The Hunt
(Rec. Lvl 15)
Gun Music
(Rec. Lvl 25)
Only Pain
(Rec. Lvl 30)
Meetings Along The Edge Sweet Dreams
Stefan (Rec. Lvl 30)
A Day in The Life
Coin Operated Boy
Every Breath You Take
Blue Moon
Fool on The Hill
I'll Fly Away
Losing My Religion
Machine Gun
Raymond Chandler Evening
Sex on Wheels
Lizzy Wizzy
Fortunate Son
Bob (Rec. Lvl 10)
Killing In The Name
Nancy (Rec. Lvl 15)
Send In The Clowns
Ozob (Rec. Lvl 15)
Following The River
River (Rec. Lvl 17)
Zane (Rec. Lvl 30)
Small Man, Big Mouth
Kirk (Rec. Lvl 30)
Shape of a Pony
El Capitan
Act 2 Side Quests Given By Delamain
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Epistrophy: Northside Epistrophy: Rancho Coronado Epistrophy: The Glen
Epistrophy: Wellsprings
(Rec. Lvl 7)
Epistrophy: Coastview
(Rec. Lvl 8)
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Act 2 Side Quests Given By Coach Fred
Beat on the Brat: Kabuki
(Rec. Lvl 15)
Beat on the Brat: Arroyo
(Rec. Lvl 30)
Beat on the Brat: The Glen
(Rec. Lvl 30)
Beat on the Brat: Pacifica
(Rec. Lvl 40)
Beat on the Brat: Rancho Coronado
(Rec. Lvl 40)
Beat on the Brat
(Rec. Lvl 45)
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(Rec. Lvl 15)
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With A Little Help From My Friends
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I Can See Clearly Now Spray Paint
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Blistering Love
(Rec. Lvl 15)
Chippin' In
(Rec. Lvl 15)
Act 2 Side Quests Given By Jefferson
Dream On
(Rec. Lvl 20)
I Fought The Law
(Rec. Lvl 25)

All Quest Types

Quest Types
Main JobMain Quests Side JobSide Quests
GigGigs Suspected Organized Crime ActivityNCPD Hustles


5 Anonymousabout 4 years

Does anyone know if I can enter the farm after the mission? I've forgot about the tinker bell.

4 Anonymousabout 4 years

If you don’t disable the turrets on the farm when you first arrive with river he won’t follow you and you can’t press the button to open secret room. I had to re-load it again for it to work.


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