Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Lifepaths - All Differences and What's Best For You

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - All Lifepaths and Best Lifepath to Choose

Lifepaths allow players to experience a unique prologue mission and use special dialogue choices in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. Read on to learn more about the Street Kid, Nomad, and Corpo Lifepaths, the differences between them, the best one to pick, and the unique rewards you get for each.

All Lifepaths - What's Best for You

Street Kid Lifepath: Best for Roleplaying

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Street Kid Lifepath

Unique Quests Unique Lifepath Items
The Streetkid Male Outfit Female Outfit
V's Stained Tank Top V's Tattered Crop Top
V's Streetwear Pants
V's Street Kicks V's Street Tongues
Small Man, Big Mouth SEMURAI Crystaljock Bomber

The Street Kid Lifepath is perhaps the best lifepath to choose when it comes to story continuity. Out of the 3 lifepaths, the end of the Street Kid prologue is probably the one that meshes best with the opening cinematic of V and Jackie as Night City mercs.

As a Street Kid of Night City, V knows a lot about the unsavory activities that go on in the city's underbelly. Expect to be able to weasel your way into many an establishment or situation simply because you know the right things to say at the right time.

Players who want to lean into roleplaying will enjoy the Street Kid Lifepath. Offering unique interactions that range from intimidating would-be robbers to bonding with Dum Dum over recreational Black Lace, this lifepath is one of the best when it comes to lore interactions in Cyberpunk 2077.

Street Kid Lifepath Guide

The Streetkid Quest: Streetwear Outfit

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - The Streetkid
The Streetkid is the prologue quest for the Street Kid lifepath. In this quest, you take on a mission from a fixer to steal a car as a favor to clear your friend's debt.

You'll get your unique outfit at the start of this quest, a streetwear outfit composed of three clothing items, which differs depending on your gender:

  • V's Stained Tank Top / V's Tattered Crop Top
  • V's Streetwear Pants
  • V's Street Kicks / V's Street Tongues.

The Streetkid Quest Walkthrough

Small Man, Big Mouth Quest: SEMURAI Bomber Jacket

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Small Man Big Mouth

After completing the Heroes quest, you'll get contacted by Kirk Sawyer, the fixer who hires you during The Streetkid, for another job.

Steal something for him during this quest to get a bootleg SEMURAI Bomber Jacket.

Small Man, Big Mouth Walkthrough

Nomad Lifepath: Best for Vehicle Expertise and Completion

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Nomad Lifepath

Unique Quests Unique Lifepath Items
The Nomad Male Outfit Female Outfit
V's Vest (Without Bakkers Patch)
V's Old Tank Top V's Tattered Crop Top
V's Nomad Pants
V's Nomad Boots V's Nomad Shoes
These Boots Are Made For Walkin' Thorton Galena GA40xt 'Rattler'
- Jackie's Tuned ARCH

The Nomad Lifepath allows you to experience one of the better prologue missions in Cyberpunk 2077. Offering an intro to both driving and combat, this lifepath does not skimp out when it comes to setting the stage for your future life as a Night City merc.

As a Nomad without a clan, V knows a lot about both vehicles and what goes on in the Badlands outside of Night City. Expect to be a bit more savvy when it comes to technical or vehicle-related interactions, while being naive about the city dweller lifestyle.

Players looking to collect all the Vehicles should choose the Nomad Lifepath, since the Thorton Galena "Rattler" will be locked behind this lifepath's exclusive quest.

Nomad Lifepath Guide

The Nomad Quest: Nomad Outfit

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - The Nomad
The Nomad is the prologue quest for the Nomad lifepath. In this quest, you are on a job to smuggle contraband into Night City with Jackie.

You'll get your unique outfit at the start of this quest, a nomad outfit composed of four clothing items, which differs depending on your gender:

  • V's Vest (Without Bakkers Patch)
  • V's Old Tank Top / V's Tattered Crop Top
  • V's Nomad Pants
  • V's Nomad Boots / V's Nomad Shoes

The 'With Bakkers Patch' version of the vest is only available during the first scene of the game, before you remove the patch.

The Nomad Quest Walkthrough

These Boots Are Made For Walkin' Quest: Rattler

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - These Boots Are Made For Walkin

Nomads will get their exclusive quest after they finish up Ghost Town. During this quest, you will re-discover the old Thorton you used during The Nomad starting mission. If you play your cards right, you will be able to add your old Thorton Galena "Rattler" to your garage.

These Boots Are Made For Walkin' Guide

Modified Motorcycle: Jackie's Tuned ARCH

While all lifepaths will eventually get Jackie's motorcycle, the Nomad can get a modified one, Jackie's Tuned ARCH.

During The Pickup, there's a Nomad-specific dialogue where you suggest to Jackie to modify his motorcycle. Note that you need at least 6 points in Technical Ability for this dialogue as well.

The Pickup Quest Walkthrough

Corpo Lifepath: Best for Veteran Players

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Corpo Lifepath

Unique Quests Unique Lifepath Items
The Corpo-Rat Male Outfit Female Outfit
V's Office Blazer
V's Office Slacks
V's Office Shoes V's Office Pumps
War Pigs Apparition

The Corpo Lifepath is one that is all aggression and confidence, backed-up by your know-how as an Arasaka Counterintelligence agent. Of the 3 lifepaths, this one offers the most benefits when it comes to quest interactions in the game.

As a former Corpo agent, V knows how the big players operate in Night City. Expect to be able to intimidate your way through interactions, allowing you to gather better intel, negotiate for better quest rewards, or threaten fellow corpos for a discounted objective.

Veteran players returning for their second playthrough will do well by choosing the Corpo Lifepath since you will be against Arasaka for most of the main story. With your background, you will be able to coax out a bit more lore and dialogue from the main story characters by drawing on your knowledge as a former corpo-rat.

Corpo Lifepath Guide

The Corpo-Rat Quest: Corporate Outfit

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Corpo-Rat
The Corpo-Rat is the prologue quest for the Corpo lifepath. In this quest, youll find yourself in the middle of a conspiracy to assassinate your employer's corporate rival.

You'll get your unique outfit at the start of this quest, a formal corporate outfit composed of three clothing items, which differs depending on your gender:

  • V's Office Blazer
  • V's Office Slacks
  • V's Office Shoes / V's Office Pumps

The Corpo-Rat Quest Walkthrough

War Pigs Quest: Apparition

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Apparition

Corpo V will get a surprise call from his previous corporate employer after they complete the main quest, Tapeworm.

If you meet up and kill him during the War Pigs quest, you can loot the Apparition Iconic Tech Pistol from his body.

War Pigs Walkthrough

Which Lifepath Will You Choose?

Street Kid 359
Nomad 372
Corpo 469

Convinced that one lifepath is the best choice out of all three? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
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Differences Between Lifepaths

Lifepath Differences

Lifepaths Do Not Have Major Story Effects

As of Update 2.0 and the Phantom Liberty DLC, all 3 lifepaths still do not have any significant impact when it comes to the Main Story of both the base game and the DLC.

Only Prologue Missions are Different

Lifepaths will only affect the main story during the prologue mission before your embark on the Act 1 quest, The Rescue.

Street Kid, Nomad, and Corpo lifepaths will each have their own unique missions that later affect the lifepath-exclusive quest you get during the later Acts of the game.

Adds Unique Dialogue Choices for Quests

While your Lifepath won't affect the outcome of the main story, the same cannot be said for main mission objectives, Side Jobs, and Gigs. Here are a few examples of your lifepath affecting quest objectives throughout the game:

  • Gimme Danger (Main Quest): A Corpo V can intimidate one of the guards and claim that they are conducting an unscheduled inspection of the area. This allows you to waltz into the Arasaka compound without being accosted by any of the guards.
  • The Pickup (Main Quest): A Nomad V will be able to make sense of Anthony Gilchrist's messages on one of the computers inside the Maelstrom hideout. This allows you to tell Meredith Stout who the mole is at the end of the mission.
  • The Space In Between (Main Quest): A Street Kid V will be able to gain safe passage into Fingers' Ripperdoc clinic by telling the guards that you were sent by the Tyger Claws to get a message to Fingers.

These are just some of the different examples where your lifepath can make certain quest objectives easier while playing.

Grants a Lifepath-Exclusive Quest, Outfit, and Reward

Aside from unique dialogue choices, Lifepaths also each have their own unique Quest, Outfit, and Reward. The easiest to get is the outfit since it will become available as soon as you return to your apartment after the Act 1 main quest, The Rescue.

The exclusive quest and its reward will be available much later in the story, only triggering late into Act 2 or early in Act 3. All of them will be tied to the events of your chosen lifepath's prologue mission.

What are Lifepaths in Cyberpunk 2077?

Best Lifepath to choose.png

In Cyberpunk 2077, the player has a choice between three Lifepaths – the Street Kid, Nomad, and Corpo.

These lifepaths will determine where your character came from and their background. Your Lifepath will impact the first mission of the game, and affects aspects of gameplay like the dialogue options available to your character. It will also have some influence on the later parts of the game like the people you know, and your knowledge on certain things.

Lifepaths Promotional Trailer (08/11/2020)

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