Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Dogtown Map Guide and Locations

Dogtown is the new map region in the Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty DLC. See how to unlock Dogtown, location guides, and notable map features here!

Dogtown Map and Locations

Dogtown Map and Locations Guide
Full Dogtown Map
Data Terminal Locations Tarot Card Locations

Full Dogtown Map

We're currently working on an interactive map of Dogtown. Thank you for your patience as we complete this guide!

Data Terminal Locations

Data Terminal Location Guides
1. Petrochem Stadium 2. Terra Cognita
3. Kress Street 4. Brainporium
5. Luxor High Wellness 6. Voodoo Boys Barricade
7. Golden Pacific 8. Barghest Stronghold
9. Heavy Hearts Overpass -

Data Terminals are restricted Militech terminals that give you Relic Points that you can use to acquire and upgrade Relic Skills. Unlike other points of interest, data terminals aren't marked in the in-game map until you get close to them, so you'll have to explore around the town or use our map to find them.
All Data Terminal Locations for Relic Upgrades

Tarot Card Locations

Tarot Card Location Guides
King of Cups King of Pentacles
King of Wands King of Swords

Tarot Cards are murals throughout Night City that you can scan to get some dialogue with Misty. There are four Tarot Cards that can be found in Dogtown.

Once you scan a Dogtown Mural for the first time, you'll unlock the Tomorrow Never Ends quest to scan all four Dogtown Tarot cards. After doing so, go to Misty's Esoterica in the Watson district to finish the quest.

All Dogtown Tarot Card Locations

King of Cups Tarot Card

You can spot the King of Cups tarot card as early as the beginning of the Phantom Liberty story with the Dog Eat Dog quest. The grafitti will be on a wall between two fences, just across the Dogtown entrance near the Stadium Parking.

Dog Eat Dog Quest Walkthrough

King of Pentacles Tarot Card

The King of Pentacles tarot card can be found during the Lucretia My Reflection quest. It will be on the same floor as Myers' hideout (08: Apartments) in the Kress Street building.

Lucretia My Reflection Quest Walkthrough

King of Wands Tarot Card

Also during the Lucretia My Reflection quest, you can find the King of Wands card in the same area where you talk to Solomon Reed for the first time. The grafitti is on the staircase in the basketball Court southwest of Luxor High Wellness Spa.

King of Swords Tarot Card

The King of Wands tarot card can be found next to the back entrance of The Moth which is at the east side of the building. The bar is located in Longshore Stacks and you will also pass through it during the Get it Together quest.

Get It Together Quest Walkthrough

Dogtown Areas of Interest

Dogtown Subdistricts
Golden Pacific Luxor Heights
Terra Cognita Longshore Stacks

We'll update the details on each subdistrict as we explore more of the Dogtown map!

Golden Pacific

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty — The Black Market

You'll first enter Dogtown through the Golden Pacific subdistrict. Notable locations include the EBM Petrochem Stadium, the Barghest headquarters at the Black Sapphire, and the Heavy Hearts Club. You can also buy weapons from the Black Market in this area.

Dogtown Vendors and Shops

Dogtown Shop Guides
Black Market (Stadium) Longshore Stacks

Black Market (Stadium) Vendors and Shops

Inside the stadium located east of Dogtown, you'll find the Black Market, where you'll find a good number of vendors and shops. The nearest fast travel point is the EBM Petrochem Stadium.

Vendor/Shop Description
Black Market Vendor Unique vendor who sells iconic weapons, which you won't be able to do from any other vendor in Night City.
Weapon Shop Regular weapon shop that offers guns, melee weapons, mods, and ammo.
Junk Shop Sells Progression Shards that give perk points or skill XP.
Clothing Vendor Offers Phantom Liberty-exclusive clothing that you won't be able to find outside Dogtown.
Wardrobe Randomizer Gacha machine that pops out a random Phantom Liberty-exclusive clothing in exchange for some eddies.
Medpoint Regular meds vendor with a lot of long-lasting consumables in stock.
Netrunner Offers quickhacks and daemons, as well as clothing that give netrunning-related bonus stats.
Ripperdoc Allows you to buy, install, and change cyberware.
Autofixer Terminal Operate this machine to browse and purchase vehicles.

Longshore Stacks Vendors and Shops

Outside the stadium, there is one other area full of vendors in Dogtown: the Longshore Stacks area, located west of Dogtown. Unlike the stadium, this is not a safe area, and you might get in trouble with the Barghest soldiers roaming around.

Vendor Description
Weapon Shop Regular weapon shop that offers guns, mods, and ammo.
Junk Shop With a single exception, only sells useless junk.
Clothing Vendor Offers Phantom Liberty-exclusive clothing that you won't be able to find outside Dogtown.
Medpoint Regular meds vendor with a lot of long-lasting consumables in stock.
Ripperdoc Allows you to buy, install, and change cyberware.

Dogtown Quests

Phantom Liberty Main Questline

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty - Talking to Songbird in Dogtown

Phantom Liberty Main Quests
1 Dog Eat Dog
Songbird contacts you and explains that she can save your life. She instructs you to visit Dogtown.
2 Hole in the Sky Quest
The ship carrying Songbird and Myers was blasted down to Dogtown. Get there quick!
3 Spider and the Fly
Find Myers and escort her safely across an enemy-ridden Dogtown.
4 Lucretia My Reflection
You're tasked to escort Myers out of the subway tunnels. You'll then have to contact Solomon Reed, an experienced FIA Agent.
5 The Damned
Meet with another secret agent and hope they can help find Songbird.
6 Get It Together
Complete several Gigs for Mr. Hands.
7 You Know My Name
You are tasked to infiltrate the Black Sapphire together with Solomon Reed.
8 Birds With Broken Wings
Complete the preparations for your meet with Hansen and for the difficult decision that you're about to make.
9 I've Seen That Face Before
You are tasked to scan the Netrunner twins' car and then take control of it.
10 Firestarter
Time to move against Hansen and get Songbird from his grasp.

The Phantom Liberty DLC introduced a questline involving new characters, all set in Dogtown.

Note that this list is still incomplete; our walkthrough team is currently pushing through the main quests. Check back later for updates!
Phantom Liberty Main Quest Walkthrough

Dogtown Gigs

Dogtown Gigs
1 Dogtown Saints
Progress through the Lucretia My Reflection main quest to receive this quest after a call from Mr. Hands.
2 Prototype in the Scraper
3 Treating Symptoms
4 Waiting For Dodger
5 The Man Who Killed Jason Foreman
6 Two Wrongs Makes Us Right
7 Spy In The Jungle
8 Talent Academy
9 Talent Academy
10 Roads To Redemption

Gigs in Dogtown can be unlocked by progressing through the Phantom Liberty DLC. Check regularly for markers in the in-game map to see if you're able to unlock a new gig.

List of Gigs and All Gig Guides

Dogtown Apartment

A New Apartment for V

The Dogtown area also comes with a new apartment that V can use to rest up and recuperate! The Dogtown Apartment can be found on the 8th floor of the Kress Street building.

New Apartment Locations and How to Unlock

Dogtown Airdrops

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Smoke Flare from Airdrops

Airdrops are a dynamic open world event included in the Phantom Liberty DLC. They regularly drop down from the sky and carry valuable loot that can only be obtained after defeating a group of enemies.

There's no set location or time for these, and they won't appear on the map. You'll have to look for them yourself by looking for red smoke in the surrounding area after you heard the airdrop sound.

Airdrop Guide and Rewards

How to Unlock Dogtown

Dogtown Entrance Location

The entrance to Dogtown is located south of the Pacifica area. It's heavily guarded by Kurt Hansen's men at first, so be careful when exploring the area!

Exclusive to the Phantom Liberty DLC

You can only unlock Dogtown in the Phantom Liberty DLC. The area is inaccessible if you only have the base game.

Once you have the DLC, you can either progress the game until "Transmission" to unlock the Dogtown questline naturally or choose to start a new game and skip ahead to Dogtown.

How to Start the Phantom Liberty DLC

Meet Songbird to Unlock the Dogtown Area

Advance the Dog Eat Dog quest to find Songbird and unlock the Dogtown area. As you progress the questline, you'll be able to roam the map freely!

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Related Guides

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All Maps and Locations

All Maps and Location Guides

Night City
Cyberpunk 2077 Heywood MapHeywood Cyberpunk 2077 Santo Domingo MapSanto Domingo Cyberpunk 2077 Pacifica MapPacifica
Cyberpunk 2077 Westbrook MapWestbrook Cyberpunk 2077 Watson MapWatson City Center MapCity Center
Cyberpunk 2077 Badlands TopThe Badlands Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty - DogtownDogtown
Northside Little China Kabuki
Arasaka Waterfront Wellsprings The Glen
Vista Del Rey Charter Hill Japantown
North Oak Corpo Plaza Downtown
West Wind Estate Coastview Arroyo
Rancho Coronado

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