Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Roach Race Arcade Game: Location and Rewards

CP 2077 - Roach Race

Roach Race is a new arcade game added in Cyberpunk 2077's 1.6 update. Read on for more information about Roach Race, how to play it, and the rewards you can get!

What is Roach Race?

Playable Arcade Game

CP 2077 - Roach Race

Roach Race is a playable arcade game added in Cyberpunk 2077's 1.6 update. The game can be played from in-game arcade cabinets found around Night City

Along with the update in Cyberpunk 2077, Roach Race was also released as a mobile game for Android and iOS systems.

Patch 1.6: Edgerunners Update

Features Multiple Levels

Roach Race has multiple levels that you can play on as you score higher points. You will transition to a new stage once you reach a certain distance.

Roach Race Levels
Plains Town
Swamp Mountainside

Play as Roach from The Witcher Series

CP 2077 - Roach in Roach Race

Roach Race takes place in the Witcher universe and features Geralt of Rivia's iconic horse Roach.

The Witcher series is another game adaptation made by CD PROJEKT RED which is set in a fantasy world.

Aim for High Scores for Rewards

CP 2077 - Roach Race High Scores

Players who are able to obtain a high score and rank top 5 or better in the in-game leaderboard will be able to receive a special reward consisting of eddies and other unique items.

How to Play Roach Race

Roach Race Controls

Key/Button Action
X button.png / XboxOne_A.png / W
Double Jump
Triangle button.png / XboxOne_Y.png / Esc
O button.png / XboxOne_B.png / Backspace
Back to Menu

Jump Over Obstacles and Avoid Enemies

Roach Race has a simple mechanic, which is to dodge the fences and holes laid on the ground and avoid enemies flying around the screen.

Roach can double jump to extend its airtime, and can be useful if you want to avoid landing on a fence below.

Collect Food To Get Points

The main goal of this arcade game is to obtain points and get a high score.

You will slowly get points while Roach is running, but this can be sped up by collecting apples which are worth 20 points, and by collecting carrots which makes Roach run on two legs and gallop faster.

Use Glitches Effectively

When you press the jump button thrice, you will be able to make Roach glitch itself and drop back down to the ground immediately. This will let you dodge any flying enemies that you might end up colliding with which will end your run.

Glitching also gives Roach invulnerability if used when the bar is full, although it will take a few seconds before it can be activated again.

Roach Race Arcade Locations

V's Apartments

CP 2077 - Roach Race in V

If you purchase the Japantown, Northside, or the Glen apartments, you will be able to access Roach Race arcade machines inside V's room.

Roach Race Rewards

Roach Race High Score Rewards
Top 1 Roach Whisperer Outfit
・Threat Analysis Cyberware Mod
・Weapon Glitch Quickhack
Top 2-5 1800 Eddies
Top 6-10 None

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