Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

All Romance Options and Romance Guide

Cyberpunk 2077 - All Romance Options and Romance Guide

V can pursue romance with a variety of characters in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. Learn which characters have romance options, the steps the player must take to romance each of them, and how they can affect the ending.

Romance Updates in Patch 2.1

Romantic Hangouts Added

Cyberpunk - Romantic Hangouts

Romance options can now be invited to one of V's unlocked apartments for a Romantic Hangout! Take a break from merc work and catch up with your partner!

These repeatable events become available after completing a character's romance path by finishing their questline and choosing the correct dialogue options during their story.

Romantic Hangouts Guide and How to Unlock

Can You Romance Phantom Liberty Characters?

Phantom Liberty Characters Cannot Be Romanced

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Reed and Songbird

Cyberpunk 2077's DLC Phantom Liberty has a stellar cast of characters to offer, but you will not be able to romance anyone from the main cast or anyone else from Dogtown.

The expansion's story has more focus on action and espionage due to its spy-thriller inspiration. You'll be able to spend some time with Songbird, Solomon Reed, and others during Phantom Liberty's story but you will not be able to build a romantic relationship with them.

Additionally, you will not be able to romance anyone inside Dogtown, including those whom you may encounter during side quests and gigs.

How to Start the Phantom Liberty DLC

No Romance Updates in Patch 2.0

Cyberpunk 2077 - 2.0 Patch Notes, Changes,  and Release Times

Before Phantom Liberty came out, Patch 2.0 was released which brought an almost complete overhaul of the game. Unfortunately, romance is one feature that was not touched and did not receive any updates when the patch was made live.

Romancing characters are still done the same way after 2.0, and no new romanceable characters in Night City were added.

2.0 Patch Notes and Changes

Romance Changes in Patch 1.5

More Text Messages From Your Partner

One of the ways the Patch 1.5 update has expanded romance options in the game is by having your partner send you more text messages you can reply to throughout your relationship. Some of these texts include pictures of the romantic variety too.

Sleeping/Waking Up Next To Your Partner in Bed

Cyberpunk 2077 - Sleeping with Panam

Feeling lonely without your partner? Patch 1.5 also added a series of interactions you can do in the houses of your love interests, including sleeping and waking up next to them in bed.

Patch 1.5: Patch Notes and Release Date

All Romance Options

Cyberpunk 2077 - Panam PalmerPanam Palmer Cyberpunk 2077 - Judy AlvarezJudy Alvarez Cyberpunk 2077 - River WardRiver Ward
Cyberpunk 2077 - Kerry EurodyneKerry Eurodyne Cyberpunk 2077 - RogueRogue Cyberpunk 2077 - Meredith StoutMeredith Stout

How to Romance Panam Palmer

Gender Female
Required Gender for V Male
Required Voice Tone Any

Panam, an ex-nomad, plays a significant role in the story, and is also available to V as a romance option.

Panam Palmer Character Guide

Panam Palmer Questline Choices

Lightning Breaks
Offer to Share One Room When she talks about sleeping in the motel, offer to share one room with her. She'll not reciprocate your advances however.
Life During Wartime
Defend Her From Saul When Saul starts berating her at the end of the mission, defend her.
Choose the Long Reply to Her Text After The Mission After the mission, she'll message you about her feelings. Choose the long reply instead of "OK." to show her you care, otherwise she'll snap at you through a message.
Riders On The Storm
Side With Her During Her Argument With Saul When she and Saul talk about selling out, make sure to side with her, she'll thank you for this the next day.
Touch Her Thigh When Prompted
As you two relax and get cozy, you have the option to make a move on her by touching her thigh. She'll reject you for now, but this is to be able to romance her later on.
With A Little Help From My Friends
Tell Her "I Missed You"
When you talk with her by the window after slotting the punch card in, you can start the conversation off by telling her you missed her.
Touch Her Hand and Tell Her To Try Following Her Impulses
After telling her you missed her, she'll talk about how she's impulsive, except when with you. You can encourage her to follow that impulse. She references this down the line, so this may be pivotal.
Scooch Up To Her By The Fire
Once you finish the conversation in the tower, you'll head down to find a fire started by the nomads. After telling Panam you'll get some shut-eye, you can choose to scooch closer and put your arm around her as you watch the stars.
Queen Of The Highway
Say The Basilisk is Cozy
Once you enter the Basilisk, you can say one of three things. Make sure the mention that it's cozy.
Let Panam Touch Your Thigh
When you finish taking shooting the wrecks with the Basilisk, Panam will hook in, referencing what you should've said about impulses in With A Little Help From My Friends. There will then be the dialogue option to let her touch your thigh. This will initiate the romance scene between you and her.
Kiss Her Goodbye Before leaving, you can kiss Panam goodbye and tell her thanks for everything. This is the last romantic action you can take with Panam.

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How to Romance Judy Alvarez

Gender Female
Required Gender for V Female
Required Voice Tone Feminine

Judy works with the Moxes, and is a romace option for female V only.

Judy Alvarez Character Guide

Judy Alvarez Questline Choices

Both Sides, Now
Accept Her Request Immediately When Judy calls, you always want to say yes right away rather than turn her down.
Accept Right Away Like with the previous quest, you want to tell Judy you'll come as soon as you can. This will go for every other phone call you receive from Judy going forward.
Talkin' 'Bout A Revolution
Join in on the Plan Near the end of the quest after you fight Tom, choose "You can count on me." to advance to the next quest.
Don't Accept Her Money Judy will offer to pay you for the job, so decline and choose "Out of the question."
No Relic Talk The relic will malfunction, causing Judy to worry. We don't need to worry her anymore so choose "Forget about it. It's passed."
Spend the Night
Finally, during the same dialogue, accept her offer to let you stay the night when she asks.
Don't Go With Maiko
In the penthouse choose the following dialogue options:
"Let's do this."
"Do my best. Jack 'em out."
"Hold on, think you've gone too far."
"Let's cut to the quick." Then kill the Tyger Claw bosses.
"You tried to cheat us all."
Then kill Maiko to be eligible for Judy's final quest.
Pyramid Song
Spend the Night When given the option to stay at the lakehouse with Judy, respond with "Why not."
Kiss Her
You will later get the option to kiss her, so do so.
Enter a Relationship
Finally, in the morning during your last conversation, choose "The beginning of something amazing." to lock it in. This will unlock her apartment as an additional safehouse.

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How to Romance River Ward

Gender Male
Required Gender for V Female
Required Voice Tone Any

River is a character who doesn't appear in the main story, but who V can encounter in Side Quests. If the player is female V, River will be one of the romance options. River first appears in the I Fought the Law side quest.

River Ward Character Guide

River Ward Questline Choices

I Fought The Law
Meet River This will come naturally as part of the quest, so simply go through this quest as normal to get started on River's romance.
The Hunt
Always Side With River
During the conversation with Dr. Packard be sure to take River's side when she goes off on him, so choose the following dialogue options when they appear:
"Hasn't let me down yet."
"I wanna see for myself."
These are timed choices so be sure to pick fast. You will have one more choice later with Johnny that affects this, saying "River's all right."
Hit Me With A Beer During the car ride choose "Sign me up for that beer." when River mentions it.
Edgewood When you view the braindance, scan all of the clues. Finding all of the clues will have River drive directly to the farm, but in the chance that you don't, choose Edgewood when prompted or you won't be able to move on to the final quest.
Help River
After rescuing Randy you have the option to help him out in getting to Harris. Pick "I'll help you." during the conversation to trigger the next quest.
Following The River
Respond to River's Text When River eventually texts you, respond with "How about a new record?" then continue the conversation. Regardless of your responses, flirty or not, he will call you after some more time passes with the quest.
Accept His Invite This goes without saying, but when River calls accept the invite to start the quest and choose the dialogue options that make you seem more interested.
Kiss the Boy
You'll have some opportunities during this quest to give River a smooch. If you're looking to romance him then do it. Keep choosing the choices that show you're interested and after the second kiss, you'll be in a relationship with River.

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How to Romance Kerry Eurodyne

Gender Male
Required Gender for V Male
Required Voice Tone Masculine

Kerry appears in the main story with Johnny Silverhand, but later on can be a romance option for male V as well.

Kerry Eurodyne Character Guide

Kerry Eurodyne Questline Choices

Off The Leash
Choose the following conversation choices in the rooftop: "You can tell me."
"But you did make it."
"Maybe it's time you stopped being afraid."
[Kiss Kerry] "Yes."
[Kiss Kerry] "Shadows'll fade before you."
Boat Drinks
Choose to Help Kerry
Help Kerry destroy the yacht when he asks you to join him in the yacht interior.
Kiss Him After Destroying The Wall Outcropping
After he asks you to help him destroy the metal rod sticking out of the wall, kiss him to initiate the romance scene.
Tell Him To Pencil You In For A Round 2 You can tell Kerry that this wasn't a one-time thing by telling him you want a round 2. This is the last thing you can do to romance Kerry.

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How to Romance Rogue

Gender Female
Required Gender for V N/A (Johnny)

Rogue is a character who can be romanced during the Johnny Silverhand missions. Since you won't be romancing her as V, your gender won't be relevant.

Rogue Character Guide

Rogue Questline Choices

Chippin' In
Befriend Johnny Choose all of the dialogue options in this quest that are friendly to Johnny, resulting in the two of you coming to terms with each other. This will trigger the next quest where the romance will occur regardless of your choices.

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How to Romance Meredith Stout

Cyberpunk 2077 - Meredith Stout
Gender Female
Required Gender for V Any

Meredith is a Militech agent who can be encountered in an optional objective during The Pickup.

Meredith Stout Character Guide

Meredith Stout Questline Choices

The Pickup
Meet with Stout Cyberpunk 2077 - Meredith Stout Romance (The Pickup Quest) 1
Meet with Meredith Stout, the Militech agent, at the beginning of the job and accept her credchip.
Shoot Royce or Pay with the Infected Credchip During the deal sequence, immediately shoot Royce or pay with the infected credchip from Meredith. You will get a better reward in Venus in Furs with the latter choice.
Accept Meredith's Offer Cyberpunk 2077 - Meredith Stout Romance (The Pickup Quest) 2
After you get out of All Foods with Jackie, talk to Meredith outside and she will offer you more work with Militech. Choose "Yeah, maybe." to lock it in.
Venus in Furs
Reply to Meredith's Message Reply to Meredith when she messages you during Act 2 to start the Side Job.
Go to the No-Tell Motel Follow the job's objective marker and find Meredith in Room 6.

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Can Romances Affect the Ending?

Yes, Romance Options Can Impact the Ending

Cyberpunk 2077 - Final Decisions

Yes, having a romantic relationship with some of the characters mentioned above can impact the game's ending.

During Nocturne OP55N1, you will have the opportunity to call a loved one before moving forward with the quest. Your chosen ending will then determine the outcome of your relationship with that person.

The table below breaks down the different outcomes of each romantic partner.

Chosen Partner Chosen Ending Outcomes
Cyberpunk 2077 - Panam Palmer IconPanam The Star V and Panam remain in a relationship and leave Night City together.
The Sun V leaves Night City alone, ending their relationship with Panam. However, Panam is later open to rekindling their relationship.
The Devil
Cyberpunk 2077 - Judy Alvarez IconJudy The Star V and Judy remain in a relationship and leave Night City together.
The Sun V leaves Night City alone, ending their relationship with Judy.
The Devil
Cyberpunk 2077 - River Ward IconRiver The Star River shows up at the watchtower, but refuses to leave Night City with V, ending their relationship.
The Sun River doesn't show up at the watchtower, but his relationship with V remains.
The Devil
Cyberpunk 2077 - Kerry Eurodyne IconKerry The Star Kerry shows up at the watchtower, but refuses to leave Night City with V, ending their relationship.
The Sun Kerry doesn't show up at the watchtower, but his relationship with V remains.
The Devil
None Temperance Any romanced character will leave upset voicemails during the credits.

All Endings Guide and Best Ending

Other Romantic Encounters

Alt Cunningham

Cyberpunk 2077 - Talk to Alt

Alt Cunningham is a corporate netrunner and Johnny Silverhand's girlfriend. You can experience romancing her through Johnny's memories during Never Fade Away.

Never Fade Away
Quest Walkthrough and Rewards

Skye and Angel

Cyberpunk 2077 - Angel or Skye

During Automatic Love, the receptionist at Clouds will ask you to choose between two dolls: Angel or Skye. There is no difference between the two, as you will have the same conversation with either of them.

Automatic Love Quest
Walkthrough and Rewards

Ruby Barrett

While controlling V's body in Chippin' In, Johnny romances Ruby Barrett, a nightclub dancer.

Chippin' In Quest
Walkthrough and Rewards


Cyberpunk 2077 - Joytoys

Joytoys are sex workers in the game that you can romance with. However, they require a fee before you can avail of their services.

There are only four of them and all are located in Japantown. Joytoys have no sexual preferences and will entertain you no matter what your V's gender is.

Joytoy Required Gender
Street Female Joytoy None
Street Male Joytoy None
High-Class Female Joytoy None
High-Class Male Joytoy None

Joytoy Locations

How To Romance

Cyberpunk 2077 - Judy Alvarez

To romance a character, you'll need to complete their full Side Quest chain. While doing so, make sure to choose whichever option is flirty, touchy, or supportive of them.

Romances will culminate in a romance scene with that character.

All Side Quest Guides

Restricted by Gender (Body Type)

Cyberpunk 2077 - Choose Gender

Players are only able to romance certain characters when they have selected a specific gender.

As there is no way to change gender without starting a new game, be sure to select the gender at the start of the game which matches the Romance Options you want to go for.

The following characters can be romanced when V is the required gender:

Character V's Gender Required Voice Tone
Panam Palmer Male Any
Judy Alvarez Female Feminine (will be referred to as She/Her)
River Ward Female Any
Kerry Eurodyne Male Masculine (will be referred to as He/Him)
Rogue N/A Any
Meredith Stout N/A Any

Character Creation Guide

Can You Romance Multiple Characters?

Yes, You Can!

There is no in-game restriction that prevents players from completing all the romance storylines with multiple characters.

Of course, you're still limited by the gender of the character you create, so you don't have a lot of options to begin with.

Who Is Your Favorite Romance Partner?

Judy Alvarez 1222
Panam Palmer 2265
Kerry Eurodyne 135
River Ward 218
Rogue 36
Other (write in the comments!) 53

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12 Ancient42almost 2 years

I romanced misty as a nomad chick. Hell if I know how. I didnt even know this was thing until I started looking for character builds. Anyways this was months ago. If anyone knows how I can look at logs to tell you how. Let me know. I have that character still saved

5 Anonymousabout 4 years

River romanced me when I was male and I had the option to kiss him.


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