Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

All Endings Guide and How to Unlock Them

Cyberpunk 2077 How to Get All Endings
All base game and DLC endings in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty must meet certain requirements before you get them. Check out our guide to learn how to get all endings for both Cyberpunk 2077 and the Phantom Liberty DLC!

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All Cyberpunk 2077 Endings All Phantom Liberty Endings How to Get the Secret Ending

What Decides the Ending?

Phantom Liberty DLC Gives an Additional Ending

With the release of the Phantom Liberty DLC, the base game has gained an additional secret ending where V is cured of the Relic. Getting the DLC and giving up Songbird to either Solomon Reed or the FIA will allow you to unlock the option of The Tower ending.

How to Get the DLC Secret Ending

Choices Made at the Rooftop and in Mikoshi Affect the Ending

Cyberpunk 2077 Rooftop Decision

In the base game, there two instances where the ending can be decided. First is when V and Johnny decide what to do at the rooftop of Misty's Esoterica after Nocturne OP55N1. Second is when V and Johnny decide who keeps the body when they reach Mikoshi during the Arasaka Tower assault.

All Endings for Cyberpunk 2077 (Main Endings)

With the release of the Phantom Liberty DLC, the base game now has 7 different endings to choose from. Here are all the possible endings for V in the game:

  1. The Tower (DLC Required): V is cured of the Relic but at the cost of no longer being able to chrome up and become a Legend of Night City.
  2. The Devil: V gets help from Takemura and Arasaka. They can choose to merge with Mikoshi or spend their last few months of life back on Earth.
  3. Temperance: V gives their body to Johnny. Johnny assaults Arasaka Tower using V's body and later leaves Night City with it.
  4. The Star: Panam helps V storm Arasaka Tower. Johnny goes with Alt, allowing V to remain in their body. V leaves Night City with the Aldecados in search of a cure.
  5. The Sun: V retains control of their body and decides to become a Night City legend. The game ends with V in the middle of the Crystal Palace heist in space.
  6. The Path of Least Resistance: V decides to kill themself at the rooftop of Misty's Esoterica.
  7. The Secret Ending: V assaults Arasaka Tower, solo. Unlocks a modified version of either the Sun or Temperance ending.

Click on any of the links above to jump to the ending's section!

How to Get The Tower Ending

  1. Get the King of Swords or the King of Pentacles Ending
  2. Call Reed on the Rooftop of Misty's Esoterica

In order to get the option for this ending, players will first need to purchase and play through the Phantom Liberty DLC. After that, you will have 2 options to get this ending depending on who you helped during Firestarter.

If you helped Songbird, make sure to surrender her to Solomon Reed during the Killing Moon in order to get the Tower ending. If you sided with Reed, make sure to spare Songbird during Somewhat Damaged in order to get the Tower ending.

How to Get the Tower Ending

How to Get The Devil Ending

  1. Choose to Trust Arasaka
  2. No Side Quests Needed

There are no side quests needed to unlock the dialogue option for this ending. Players will only need to cooperate with Hanako during Nocturne OP55N1 to get this ending.

At the end, V will have the option to sign a contract. Signing merges their consciousness with Mikoshi while refusing has them return to Earth in order to live out the rest of their remaining time there.

How to Get The Devil Ending

Save Takemura to Get the Devil Trophy

The Trophy for this ending is only attainable if you saved Takemura during the quest Search and Destroy.

silver trophy.pngSilver
G: 30
The Devil
Help Takemura avenge the death of Saburo Arasaka.
How to Get The Devil Ending

How to Get the Temperance Ending

  1. Complete Either Panam's or Rogue's Questlines
  2. Choose to Ask Panam or Rogue for Help

To get the Temperance ending, players will need to finish the side quest of either Rogue (Blistering Love) or Panam (Queen of the Highway). Then, while in Mikoshi, Johnny must take over V's body to get this ending.

In Panam's path you play as V, so the choice to make in Mikoshi during Belly Of The Beast will be to give the body to Johnny then cross the bridge.

In Rogue's quest path you play as Johnny in control of V's body, so the choice to make in Mikoshi during Knockin' On Heaven's Door is to keep V's body and enter the well.

How To Get The Temperance Ending

How to Get The Star Ending

  1. Complete Panam's Questline
  2. Choose to Ask Panam for Help

To unlock the dialogue option for this ending, players must have completed Panam's questline up until Queen Of The Highway. V must also choose to stay in their body upon entering Mikoshi to get this ending.

How to Get The Star Ending

How to Get The Sun Ending

  1. Complete Rogue's Questline

To unlock the dialogue option for this ending, the player must have completed Rogue's questline up until Blistering Love. V must also choose to stay in their body upon entering Mikoshi to get this ending.

How to Get The Sun Ending

How to Get the Path of Least Resistance Ending

In order to get the dialogue option for this ending, players will need to pick the option to reconsider during the rooftop sequence at the point of no return. When this is picked, Johnny will suggest an easy way out, allowing V to put it all to rest by killing themself.

How to Get The Secret Ending

  1. Complete the questline about Johnny Silverhand
  2. Choose the right dialogue
  3. Wait for Five Minutes During the Point of No Return
  4. Assault Arasaka Tower By Yourself

In order to get the Don't Fear The Reaper option for an ending, V will need to pick the right dialogue options during the Chippin' In quest before the point of no return.

If done correctly, Johnny should suggest a wild suicide run at the rooftop of Misty's Esoterica during the point of no return. Completing this ending option will unlock a modified version of the Sun or Temperance endings (depending on who you chose to stay in V's body inside Mikoshi).

How to Get All Secret Endings

All Endings for the Phantom Liberty DLC

The Phantom Liberty DLC has 4 confirmed endings. Each one will revolve around Songbird's fate during the closing sequences of the DLC. Naturally, this requires players to have the Phantom Liberty DLC installed.

  1. King of Swords: V surrenders Songbird to Solomon Reed during the Killing Moon in exchange for a cure. Unlocks the DLC secret ending for the base game where V is cured of the Relic.
  2. King of Pentacles: V refuses Songbird's request to kill her during Somewhat Damaged. V and Solomon then surrender her to the NUSA. Alternative way to unlock the DLC secret ending for the base game where V is cured of the Relic.
  3. King of Cups: V fulfills Songbird's request to kill her during Somewhat Damaged. V and Solomon then surrender her corpse to the NUSA. For failing to deliver, V's only reward is a sum of 5000 eddies.
  4. King of Wands: V rescues Songbird, killing Solomon Reed in the process. This allows V to send Songbird to the moon aboard a rocket.

All Phantom Liberty Endings

How to Get the King of Swords Ending

  1. Side With Songbird During Firestarter
  2. Surrender Songbird to Reed During The Killing Moon

In order to get the King of Swords ending, players will need to side with Songbird during Firestarter. Then, during the Killing Moon quest, they must surrender Songbird to Solomon Reed. This is one of the options to unlock the DLC's secret ending for the base game where V is cured of the Relic.

How to Get the King of Swords Ending

How to Get the King of Pentacles Ending

  1. Side With Reed During Firestarter
  2. Complete Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos
  3. Don't Kill Songbird During Somewhat Damaged

In order to get the King of Pentacles ending, players will need to side with Reed during Firestarter. Then, during the Somewhat Damaged quest, refuse Songbird's request to kill her.

V will receive a medal for their service to the NUSA for their role in saving the president and delivering Songbird to the FIA, alive. This is another one of the options to unlock the DLC's secret ending for the base game where V is cured of the Relic.

How to Get the King of Pentacles Ending

How to Get the King of Cups Ending

  1. Side With Reed During Firestarter
  2. Complete Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos
  3. Don't Kill Songbird During Somewhat Damaged

In order to get the King of Cups ending, players will need to side with Reed during Firestarter. Then, during the Somewhat Damaged quest, fulfill Songbird's request and kill her. V will receive 5000 eddies for failing to deliver Songbird back to the FIA, alive.

How to Get the King of Cups Ending

How to Get the King of Wands Ending

  1. Side With Songbird During Firestarter
  2. Surrender Songbird to Reed During The Killing Moon

In order to get the King of Wands ending, players will need to side with Songbird during Firestarter. Then, during the Killing Moon quest, they must kill Solomon Reed and allow Songbird to go to the Moon to get the ending.

How to Get the King of Wands Ending

Character Dialogue in Credits

Character Route
Viktor All
Judy All
Panam Devil, Sun, Temperance (Rogue route), Suicide
Saul Devil, Sun, Temperance (Rogue route), Suicide
Mitch All
Rogue Devil, Star, Temperance (Panam route), Suicide
Misty All
Takemura Sun, Star, Temperance (If saved)
Hanako Devil (if you return to Earth)
Kerry All (if met)
River All (if met)
Jefferson All (if met)

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4 Anonymousover 2 years

Eurodyne that's for sure, Best final for me!!

3 Anonymousabout 4 years

If you save Takemura he'll call you in the star, the sun and temperance.


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