Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

How to Get the Neokitsch Blooming Amber Resistance-Coated Tank: Clothing Stats and Mods

This page is about the clothing item Neokitsch Blooming Amber Resistance-Coated Tank from Cyberpunk 2077. Read on to learn this clothing's weight, armor, and mod slot information, as well as where to find the Neokitsch Blooming Amber Resistance-Coated Tank.

How to Get the Neokitsch Blooming Amber Resistance-Coated Tank

Purchased From Shops

Each shop has a fixed pool of items which can show up, with some legendary items also purchasable at specific shops. If the Neokitsch Blooming Amber Resistance-Coated Tank is not present when visiting a shop, simply exit, use Skip Time to go 24 hours ahead, and repeat until Neokitsch Blooming Amber Resistance-Coated Tank is available.

Vendor Rarity
Clothing Vendor (Wellsprings) Uncommon
Clothing Vendor (Wellsprings) Rare

We are currently searching for more locations where Neokitsch Blooming Amber Resistance-Coated Tank can be found. If you have found Neokitsch Blooming Amber Resistance-Coated Tank in any locations not listed here, please help us improve our guide by letting us know in the comments!

Neokitsch Blooming Amber Resistance-Coated Tank Stats and Mod Slots

Neokitsch Blooming Amber Resistance-Coated Tank Stats

Armor 159.4

Note that the stats shown here are the highest values that we have been able to confirm so far available to this clothing item. These numbers may be updated in the future

Available Mod Slots

Mod Slots
This Clothing Item does not have any mod slots

The slots shown here are the ones we have been able to confirm exist for higher tier versions of the clothing item. More slots may be added in later on as they are confirmed.

Neokitsch Blooming Amber Resistance-Coated Tank Overview

General Info

Neokitsch Blooming Amber Resistance-Coated Tank
Neokitsch Blooming Amber Resistance-Coated Tank
Tier(s) Uncommon
Clothing Slot Group Inner Torso
Weight 1.7
Blossom into your best self.

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List of Clothing

All Inner Torso Clothing

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Wrinkled Dress Button-UpWrinkled Dress Button-Up X Nanotube-Weave Muscle TankX Nanotube-Weave Muscle Tank X Reinforced Polyamide Tank TopX Reinforced Polyamide Tank Top
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Group Upper Slot Lower Slot
Head Head Face
Upper Body Outer Torso Inner Torso
Lower Body Legs Feet

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