Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Crafting Specs Overhaul: All Known Changes

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Crafting Specs Overhaul

Crafting Specs have been overhauled in Update 2.0 of Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, allowing them to drop from different sources compared to earlier game versions. Read on to learn about all the changes to crafting specs after Patch 2.0.

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How to Craft Weapons How to Get Crafting Specs How to Upgrade Iconic Weapons

Craft Specs Overhaul in Update 2.0

Summary of the 2.0 Crafting Changes

Weapon and Quickhack Specs Can Drop from Enemies

In Update 2.0, weapon and quickhack crafting specs can now drop from defeated enemies. The tier at which the crafting spec drops seems to be quite random, with Tier 5 specs being available as early as the first 10 character levels of the game.

Terminals Now Give Quickhack Specs

Jacking into Terminals and hacking them will now have chance to reward players with either quickhack specs, quickhacks, and quickhack crafting components.

Due to drastic pricing adjustments across the board, selling surplus quickhacks after Update 2.0 will be one of the easiest ways to make money in the game.

Hacking and Breach Protocol Guide

Iconic Weapon Specs are Still Available

Despite the changes to crafting, Iconic Weapon crafting specs are still where they used to be prior to Update 2.0. However, do note that if you obtain them during early game, you will need to craft them at a much lower tier than before (Tier 2), making upgrades costly.

All Iconic Crafting Specs and Locations

New Iconic Weapons Added to the Game in Update 2.0

Update 2.0 also adds some new Iconic Weapons into the game. Some are entirely new like the Nehan Iconic Knife which you can get during The Heist, and some are old, common items that were upgraded to Iconic in 2.0 like the Sasquatch's Hammer.

List of All Iconic Weapons

Dogtown Black Market Sells Missed Iconic Weapon Specs

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Black Market in Dogtown

Players who bought the Phantom Liberty DLC will be able to purchase missed Iconic Weapons and Iconic Weapon specs from the Black Market in Dogtown. Items you had to glitch in order to get if missed like the Satori can now be safely obtained from this new DLC merchant.

What is The Black Market in Dogtown?

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