Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Patch 1.22 (Hotfix 1.22) | Patch Notes and Release Date

Cyberpunk 2077 - Hotfix 1.22.jpg

This page details the fixes introduced in Hotfix 1.22 update in Cyberpunk 2077. Read on to know what fixes and issues were addressed in the game!

Patch 1.22 Release Date

Released on April 28th (11:08 GMT)

On April 28th, 2021 at 11:08 GMT, CD Projekt Red released officially released Hotfix 1.22 on PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Stadia.

Patch 1.22 Patch Notes

Quests and Open World

  • The Metro: Memorial Park dataterm should now properly count towards the Frequent Flyer achievement.
  • Fixed glitches in Johnny's appearance occurring after buying the Nomad car from Lana.
  • Fixed an issue in Gig: Until Death Do Us Part where it was not possible to use the elevator.
  • Fixed an issue in Epistrophy where the player could get trapped in the garage if they didn't follow the drone and ran into the control room instead.
  • Added a retrofix for the issue we fixed in 1.21, where Takemura could get stuck in Japantown Docks in Down on the Street - for players who already experienced it before update 1.21 and continued playing until 1.22, Takemura will now teleport to Wakako's parlor.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the player from opening the phone in the apartment at the beginning of New Dawn Fades.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could become unable to use weapons and consumables after interacting with a maintenance panel in Riders on the Storm.


  • Fixed various issues related to clipping in NPCs' clothes.

Stability and Performance

  • Various memory management improvements (reducing the number of crashes), and other optimizations.
  • Improved GPU performance of skinning and cloth rendering.


  • GPU and ESRAM optimizations and improvements on Xbox One.
  • Memory management improvements on PlayStation 5.


  • It's no longer possible to get soft locked in the key bindings menu if a keyboard is not available.

Fixed and Unfixed Issues

Patch 1.22 addresses the most frequently reported issues from Patch 1.21 and further improves overall game stability. Our team would be investigating further issues and fixes that needs to be resolved. If there's an issue you want fixed immediately, share it with other users on our list and board below to let your voice be heard by the community.

List of Current Bugs and Glitches (1039)

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All Patch Notes

Version No. Release Date
Patch 2.1 2023/12/5
Patch 2.01 2023/10/5
Update 2.0 2023/9/21
Patch 1.61 2022/11/8
Patch 1.6 2022/9/6
Patch 1.52 2022/3/22
Patch 1.5 2022/2/15
Patch 1.31 2021/9/14
Patch 1.3 2021/8/18
Patch 1.23 2021/6/17
Patch 1.22 2021/4/28
Patch 1.21 2021/4/14
Patch 1.2 2021/3/29
Patch 1.12 2021/2/5
Patch 1.11 2021/1/28
Patch 1.1 2021/1/22
Patch 1.06 2020/12/23
Patch 1.05 2020/12/19
Patch 1.04 2020/12/12
Patch 1.03 2020/12/10
Patch 1.02 (Day One Patch) 2020/12/10

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