Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Solomon Reed Character Guide

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Solomon Reed Character Guide
Solomon Reed is the sleeper agent introduced in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. Learn about Reed's background, his role in the story, and what his effect is in the story's ending in this guide!

Objective IconNotice This article contains major story spoilers for the Phantom Liberty DLC.
Proceed at your own risk!

Can Your Romance Reed?

No, You Can't Romance Solomon Reed

Cyberpunk 2077 - Phantom Liberty Solomon Reed
Solomon Reed, and all other characters in Phantom Liberty, cannot be romanced. CD Projekt Red, before the DLC's release, has announced that no new romance options will be added in the DLC.

Reed's serious nature and his "man of principle" attitude doesn't give him the time to romance anyone. Sorry, ladies.

Romance Guide

Does Reed Affect the Ending?

Affects Phantom Liberty Endings

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Betray Songbird and Help Reed

At the climax of Phantom Liberty's story in Firestarter, you will be confronted with a heavy choice of either helping Reed or Songbird. From here on out, the story will diverge to two different paths depending on which FIA agent you'll help.

Reed takes part in different endings, depending on the choices you make during this main gig. However, take note that choosing to help Reed in whichever way possible unlocks a secret ending for the whole game.

Phantom Liberty Endings Guide

Helping Reed in Firestarter

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty - Talk to Reed

If you choose to help Reed, Songbird/So Mi will sense your betrayal and will alert Kurt Hansen, who then kills Alex. She, on the other hand, will turn against V, going cyberpsycho in the process. Eventually, So Mi will get captured by MaxTac and it's up to V and Reed to track her down in Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos.

Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos Walkthrough

Betraying Reed in Firestarter and King of Wands Ending

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty - Confronting Reed

If you choose to betray Reed, this will unlock the main quest, The Killing Moon. During the later part of the quest, Reed will confront V, standing between them and the shuttle that will send So Mi to the moon.

If you're team Songbird all the way, the first option is killing Reed, clearing the path to the shuttle. This is the way to acquire his tech pistol, Pariah and unlocking the King of Wands ending.

The Killing Moon Walkthrough

Unlocking the Secret Ending

In these two options, you can acquire the new The Tower Ending that's not just for the DLC, but for the whole game!

If you choose to help Reed and got to the end of the Somewhat Damaged quest, sparing So Mi then handing her over to the NUSA will unlock this ending. This route will also unlock the King of Pentacles ending.

If you betrayed Reed and got to the end of the main quest, The Killing Moon, holster your weapon and give So Mi to Reed. However, take care in choosing; choose the one that says "All yours, but you'll help me live on". The other two choices will lock you out of the ending permanently (unless you load a save). Surrending Songbird to Reed also unlocks the King of Swords ending.

How to Get the Tower Ending

Solomon Reed Profile and Background

Solomon Reed Image Solomon Reed
Full Name Solomon Reed
Job Sleeper Agent
District -
Gender Male
Affiliation NUSA
Voice Actor Idris Elba

In-Game Description

Solomon Reed is a sleeper agent of the Federal Intelligence Agency (FIA) and among the best agents in the NUSA's ranks. In his heyday, Reed could compete with legends like Morgan Blackhand, but he was never interested in being a one-time star and collecting medals on his shelf. People like Reed look for something greater than themselves, and he found it by serving his country, no matter how dirty the work.
His dossier includes thwarted assassination attempts on important figures and successful negotiations with kidnappers, but also blackmail, sabotage operations and coups in South American republics. His last mission: to build a network of spies in Night City during the Unification War. In 2070, when the conflict became a lost cause for the NUSA, Reed's cell was disbanded and he dropped off the radar. Though he no longer reads the morning report with his breakfast, for seven years he has been waiting for a one particular phone call - a call that just came in.

Quest Appearances

1 Get It Together
2 The Damned
3 Lucretia My Reflection
4 You Know My Name
5 I've Seen That Face Before
6 Firestarter
7 Birds With Broken Wings
8 The Killing Moon
9 Through Pain to Heaven
10 Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos
11 Who Wants to Live Forever
12 Things Done Changed
13 Leave in Silence
14 Four Score and Seven

Helps V in Finding Songbird

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty - Helps V in Finding Songbird
Solomon Reed is the one Rosalind Myers gets V to contact to find Songbird after she disappears. Together with V, they breach the innards of Dogtown, Pacifica's most violent zone, to look for the missing netrunner.

NUSA's Sleeper Agent in Night City

Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty - Solomon Reed is NUSA
After the events in Night City 7 years ago, Reed became NUSA's sleeper agent residing in Night City. He was working as a bouncer in a club before V contacts him through Myers's request.

Worked for the FIA with So Mi and Alex

Cyberpunk 2077 - Songbird talking to Solomon Reed
During is time in the FIA, Reed also worked with Alex and So Mi. They took numerous covert operations until Reed's presumed death after being ambushed in a maglev train. They describe Reed as a man of principle, a description Rosalind Myers and Johnny Silverhand also share.

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