Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Riders On The Storm Quest Walkthrough and Rewards

This is a walkthrough for Riders On The Storm, a Side Quest in Cyberpunk 2077. Read on to learn all the available choices in Riders On The Storm, how to get the best possible result, tips and strategies for the Quest, and all available rewards.

All Panam Quests (Panam Romance Guide)
1 Ghost Town
2 Lightning Breaks
3 Life During Wartime
4 Nocturne OP55N1
5 Riders On The Storm
6 With A Little Help From My Friends
7 Queen Of The Highway
8 We Gotta Live Together
9 Forward To Death
10 Belly Of The Beast

Riders On The Storm Basic Information

Quest Type Side
Act Act 2
Quest No. 1
Lifepath All

How to Unlock Riders On The Storm

Quest Unlock Conditions Complete Life During Wartime, then wait 12 in-game hours.

Life During Wartime Walkthrough

Riders On The Storm Rewards

Quest Rewards 573 EXP
1290 Street Cred
Problem Solver
Crafting Spec: SOR-22

Riders On The Storm Walkthrough

Riders On The Storm Quest Objectives

Raffen Shiv Camp, Badlands

Objective IconMeet with Panam.
Go to the Aldecaldos' camp and talk to Panam. Follow her over to the car and go over the plan to handle the Raffens. Take the shard from Mitch and survey the camp.
Objective IconObserve the camp perimeter.→Head to the Raffen Shiv Camp.
Scan the tire tracks then the truck when prompted then disconnect after you see everything. Get in the car with Panam and drive to the camp. Going with her will push you towards her romance option if you're playing as male V.
Objective IconGet inside the camp.
Head over to the camp and take out the enemies in any way you'd like. Saul is in the cellar so head into the main building when you can and go downstairs. Take down whoever else gets in your way and free Saul.
Objective Icon.pngLeave the building.
With Saul good to go, you need to get out back to Panam. If you have 9 points in Technical Ability you can open the gate to the quick exit, otherwise you need to go back the way you came. If you took out everyone before coming to get Saul then either choice is safe. Go to the van and get inside.
Objective IconFollow Saul.
When you arrive at your destination, go inside the building with Panam and Saul to escape the storm. Go into the back room and repair the breaker to get the power back on. Head around the back of the house and interact with the fusebox to fix the heat, then go back inside. Side with Panam in the conversation if you're trying to romance her.
Objective IconTalk with Panam.
Go outside and talk to Panam when you wake up. She'll give a sniper rifle and the quest will end. Wait a few in-game days for Panam to call you with details on the next quest.

All Completion Routes

Best Completion Route

Route Rating
Ground Floor
Use Technical on the ventilation system ★★★★★
Electrical substation ★★★★
Silo to the roof ★★★
Green container ★★
Guns Blazing

The best route to take in this Side Job is through the ventilation system, given that you have enough Tech attribute. Taking this route will let you rescue Saul without running into a single enemy.

Stealth Route Guides - Ground Floor

There are three stealthy approaches to this mission.

Use Technical on the Ventilation System From the main entrance of the camp, go right until you find a ventilation system on the side. If you have sufficient Tech ability, open it to find a tunnel that will lead you to the room where Saul is. After rescuing Saul, retrace your steps and wait for Panam to complete the objective.
Electrical Substation You can also find an electrical substation on the right side of the camp, just before you reach the ventilation system. Once inside, enter the building on your left and climb the stairs. You will run into a guard on the footbridge so wait for the right moment to take him down.
Inside the main building, go right and around it to find the stairs to the cellar where you should defeat three more guards before rescuing Saul.
Silo to roof There is a way to get to the roof of the building where Saul is being kept. You will need to go to the right of the electrical substation and climb up the cliffs to get to the silos. Climb up the dirt piles and onto the structure that leads you to the roof. You can drop from one of the holes on the roof to get inside..

Green Container

Taking this route is risky as the snipers atop of the buildings, as well as the roaming guards, can spot you if you moved at the wrong moment. From the main entrance, head left and enter the camp through a green container. Avoid the patrols and the snipers while making your way to the side of the main building where there are stairs in.

Once at the top of the building, go around the walkway until you reach the cellar where Saul is.

Guns Blazing Route Guide

Taking this route means taking on the entire camp by yourself. Make sure to take out the snipers atop of the buildings before barging in. Storm the front gates and loot the Problem Solver Iconic Weapon from one of the guards at the entrance then mow your way down to the cellar to rescue Saul.

Tips and Strategies

Hack Hack Hack

There are a lot of enemies in the camp, so unless you want to go in guns blazing, take advantage of cameras that will allow you to remotely quickhack and down enemies out of view. This will make getting to Saul much smoother.

Romance Guide - Panam

If you're trying to romance Panam as a male V, you must do two things in this quest to be able to get her down the line.

Side With Her During Her Argument With Saul

When she and Saul talk about selling out, make sure to side with her, she'll thank you for this the next day.

Touch Her Thigh When Prompted

Riders On The Storm Touch Panam
As you two relax and get cozy, you have the option to make a move on her by touching her thigh. She'll reject you for now, but this is to be able to romance her later on.
Panam Palmer: Romance Guide

The Problem Solver

This SMG can be found by a large enemy guarding the front entrance of the compound.

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All Side Quests

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Phantom Liberty DLC Side Quests
Dazed and Confused Baby Let Me Take You No Easy Way Out
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Act 1 Side Quests

Act 1 Side Quests
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Psycho Killer
(Rec. Lvl 4)
The Gun
The Highwayman
Act 1 Side Quest Given by Wakako Act 1 Side Quest Given by T-Bug
The Gig The Gift
Act 1 Side Quest Given by Garry
The Prophet's Song
(Rec. Lvl 4)

Act 2 Side Quests

Act 2 Side Quests
Big in Japan Ezekiel Saw the Wheel Happy Together
Heroes Holdin' On Human Nature
Imagine Kold Mirage Love Rollercoaster
Poem of The Atoms Shoot to Thrill Space Oddity
Stadium Love Stairway to Heaven The Ballad of Buck Ravers
There Is a Light That Never Goes Out They Won't Go When I Go Tune Up
Venus in Furs War Pigs Full Disclosure
(Rec. Lvl 10)
Don't Lose Your Mind
(Rec. Lvl 15)
The Hunt
(Rec. Lvl 15)
Gun Music
(Rec. Lvl 25)
Only Pain
(Rec. Lvl 30)
Meetings Along The Edge Sweet Dreams
Stefan (Rec. Lvl 30)
A Day in The Life
Coin Operated Boy
Every Breath You Take
Blue Moon
Fool on The Hill
I'll Fly Away
Losing My Religion
Machine Gun
Raymond Chandler Evening
Sex on Wheels
Lizzy Wizzy
Fortunate Son
Bob (Rec. Lvl 10)
Killing In The Name
Nancy (Rec. Lvl 15)
Send In The Clowns
Ozob (Rec. Lvl 15)
Following The River
River (Rec. Lvl 17)
Zane (Rec. Lvl 30)
Small Man, Big Mouth
Kirk (Rec. Lvl 30)
Shape of a Pony
El Capitan
Act 2 Side Quests Given By Delamain
Epistrophy Epistrophy: Badlands Epistrophy: North Oak
Epistrophy: Northside Epistrophy: Rancho Coronado Epistrophy: The Glen
Epistrophy: Wellsprings
(Rec. Lvl 7)
Epistrophy: Coastview
(Rec. Lvl 8)
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The Beast in Me The Beast in Me: Badlands The Beast in Me: City Center
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Act 2 Side Quests Given By Coach Fred
Beat on the Brat: Kabuki
(Rec. Lvl 15)
Beat on the Brat: Arroyo
(Rec. Lvl 30)
Beat on the Brat: The Glen
(Rec. Lvl 30)
Beat on the Brat: Pacifica
(Rec. Lvl 40)
Beat on the Brat: Rancho Coronado
(Rec. Lvl 40)
Beat on the Brat
(Rec. Lvl 45)
Act 2 Side Quests Given By Kerry
A Like Supreme Boat Drinks I Don't Wanna Hear It
Off The Leash Rebel! Rebel!
Act 2 Side Quests Given By Judy
Both Sides, Now Pyramid Song Talkin' 'Bout A Revolution
(Rec. Lvl 10)
(Rec. Lvl 15)
Act 2 Side Quests Given By Panam
Queen Of The Highway Riders On The Storm
(Rec. Lvl 16)
With A Little Help From My Friends
(Rec. Lvl 18)
Act 2 Side Quests Given By Brendan
I Can See Clearly Now Spray Paint
Act 2 Side Quests Given By Rogue
Blistering Love
(Rec. Lvl 15)
Chippin' In
(Rec. Lvl 15)
Act 2 Side Quests Given By Jefferson
Dream On
(Rec. Lvl 20)
I Fought The Law
(Rec. Lvl 25)

All Quest Types

Quest Types
Main JobMain Quests Side JobSide Quests
GigGigs Suspected Organized Crime ActivityNCPD Hustles


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