Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

All Phantom Liberty Characters

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Phantom Liberty Characters

This is a list of major characters that you will meet in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. Read on to know more about the curious cast of characters that you'll meet in the expansion, if they can be romanced, and if they can affect the ending!

List of Phantom Liberty Characters

Solomon Reed

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Solomon Reed

Full Name Solomon Reed
Job Sleeper Agent
Affiliation NUSA
Voice Actor Idris Elba

Role in the Story

Solomon Reed is one of the FIA's most formidable spies who fell off the radar after the end of the Unification War. Reed lays dormant deep inside Night City, acting as a sleeper agent.

V is tasked with contacting Reed in Dogtown to help find the missing Songbird, and he tags along with them while working on espionage missions.

Solomon Reed Character Guide


Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Songbird

Full Name Song So Mi
Job Netrunner
Affiliation NUSA
Voice Actor Minji Chang

Role in the Story

So Mi, or Songbird as she's called, is a gifted netrunner who is working for President Rosalind Myers and the NUSA. Songbird plays a crucial role in executing covert missions that help President Myers reach her questionable ambitions.

When the presidential Space Force One was sent crashing down into Dogtown, Songbird contacts V to save President Myers and promises them that she will find a cure to the Relic problem, until she suddenly disappears.

Songbird Character Guide

Rosalind Myers

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Rosalind Myers

Full Name Rosalind Myers
Job President of the New United States of America
Affiliation NUSA
Voice Actor Kay Bess

Role in the Story

Rosalind Myers is the current president of the New United States of America. Myers used to be Militech's CEO, but her near ruthless and brazen attitude helped launch herself deep into politics, with a goal to unify all of the United States again, including Night City.

Myers' presidential aircraft Space Force One was flying over Night City when it was shot down by a rocket. One of her companions, Songbird, contacted V to come to Dogtown and save the president.

Rosalind Myers Character Guide

Kurt Hansen

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Kurt Hansen

Full Name Kurt Hansen
Job Leader of Barghest
Affiliation Barghest
Voice Actor Eliah Mountjoy

Role in the Story

A former soldier, Kurt Hansen holds the entirety of Dogtown in his hands along with his own militia, BARGHEST. Hansen tries to keep external control away from Dogtown and will do all that he can do preserve that, even if the NUSA president crash lands on his own lawn.

Hansen has also taken ahold of a mysterious military mainframe from the past, and seeks to open it and know its secrets.

Kurt Hansen Character Guide

Mr. Hands

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Mr. Hands

Full Name Wade Bleecker
Job Fixer
Affiliation -
Voice Actor Sean Power, Alex Jordan

Role in the Story

Mr. Hands is Pacifica and Dogtown's fixer. He appears early in the game and offers gig some help to contact the Voodoo Boys, but gets more involved during Phantom Liberty's story, as well as offering new gigs inside Dogtown.

Mr. Hands also lends V some help during certain missions, in exchange for building up his reputation as a fixer among mercenaries.

Mr. Hands Character Guide


Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Alex

Full Name Alena Xenakis
Job Undercover Agent
Affiliation NUSA
Voice Actor Yvonne Senat Jones

Role in the Story

Alex is an undercover agent for the FIA who was stuck in Dogtown after the Unification War. She hid her identity as a bartender at The Moth, until she reunites with Solomon Reed, a fellow spy.

Alex meets up with Reed and V, helping them in their spy work in Dogtown.

Alex Character Guide

Aurore Cassel

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Aurore Cassel Character

Full Name Aurore Cassel
Job Netrunner
Affiliation Project Cynosure
Voice Actor Leonie Schliesing

Role in the Story

Aurore Cassel is one half of the French netrunner twins who you will meet inside Dogtown. She previously worked on a secret military project but is now on her way to meet Kurt Hansen for a shady transaction regarding a long lost military artifact.

Aurore Cassel Character Guide

Can You Romance Phantom Liberty Characters?

Phantom Liberty Characters Cannot Be Romanced

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Romancing Phantom Liberty Characters

Cyberpunk 2077's DLC Phantom Liberty has a stellar cast of characters to offer, but you will not be able to romance anyone from the main cast or anyone else from Dogtown.

The expansion's story has more focus on action and espionage due to its spy-thriller inspiration. You'll be able to spend some time with Songbird, Solomon Reed, and others during Phantom Liberty's story but you will not be able to build a romantic relationship with them.

Additionally, you will not be able to romance anyone inside Dogtown, including those whom you may encounter during side quests and gigs.

Romance Guide

Do Phantom Liberty Characters Affect the Ending?

Solomon Reed and Songbird Affect the Ending

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Reed and Songbird

Among all characters in Phantom Liberty, only Solomon Reed and Songbird affect the ending of Phantom Liberty.

The expansion has a total of four endings, with two possible story paths relying on a certain decision you make during the Firestarter main quest and each path having two possible endings. All of these are tied to choices you make that involve Reed and So Mi.

Phantom Liberty Endings Guide

Unlock New Secret Ending

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - New Secret Ending

You can also get a new point of no return and secret ending for the main game if you reach certain endings in Phantom Liberty's finale. You can access this secret ending even without reaching Nocturne OP55N1, which is the original point of no return in Cyberpunk 2077.

Phantom Liberty New Secret Ending

How to Start Phantom Liberty

Complete the Transmission Quest

Before you meet Phantom Liberty's mysterious cast of characters, you first need to progress through nearly half of the main game's story to get access of Phantom Liberty.

The expansion will start after finishing Transmission and dealing with the Voodoo Boys. After that, Songbird will contact you out of nowhere and ask you to head to Dogtown's entrance.

You Can Also Skip to Phantom Liberty

If you want to start fresh save, you have the option to skip to Phantom Liberty and skip Act 1 and most of Act 2 of the main game.

How to Start the Phantom Liberty DLC

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Phantom Liberty DLC Characters

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Rosalind MyersRosalind Myers Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - SongbirdSongbird Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Solomon ReedSolomon Reed
Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - AlexAlex Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Kurt HansenKurt Hansen Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Mr. HandsMr. Hands
Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Aurore CasselAurore Cassel

All Phantom Liberty Characters

Main Characters

V IconV Jackie Welles IconJackie Welles Johnny Silverhand IconJohnny Silverhand

Romance Options

Judy Alvarez IconJudy Alvarez Kerry Eurodyne IconKerry Eurodyne Meredith Stout IconMeredith Stout
Panam Palmer IconPanam Palmer River Ward IconRiver Ward Rogue IconRogue

Story Characters

Adam SmasherAdam Smasher CunninbhamAlt Cunningham Anders HellmanIconAnders Hellman
Anthony HarrisIconAnthony Harris Claire RussellIcon Claire Russell DelamainIcon Delamain
Dexter DeShawn Dexter DeShawn Elizabeth PeralezIcon Elizabeth Peralez Evelyn ParkerIcon Evelyn Parker
Finn GerstattIconFinn Gerstatt Goro TakemuraIcon Goro Takemura Hanako ArasakaIcon Hanako Arasaka
Jefferson PeralezIcon Jefferson Peralez Joshua StephensonIcon Joshua Stephenson Lizzy WizzyIcon Lizzy Wizzy
Lucius RhyneIcon Lucius Rhyne Maiko MaedaIcon Maiko Maeda Mama WellesIcon Mama Welles
Maman BrigitteIcon Mama Brigitte MistyIcon Misty Mitch AndersonIcon Mitch Anderson
OdaIcon Oda Oswald ForrestIcon Oswald “Woodman” Forrest PlacideIcon Placide
RoyceIcon Royce Saburo ArasakaIcon Saburo Arasaka Saul BrightIcon Saul Bright
T-BugIcon T-Bug US CracksIcon Us Cracks Viktor VectorIcon Viktor Vector
Weldon HoltIcon Weldon Holt Yorinobu ArasakaIcon Yorinobu Arasaka


Dakota SmithIcon Dakota Smith Dino DinovicIcon Dino Dinovic Muamar ReyesIcon Muamar “El Capitan” Reyes
PadreIcon Padre Regina JonesIcon Regina Jones Wakako OkadaIcon Wakako Okada

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