Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Second Conflict Quest Walkthrough and Rewards

This is a walkthrough for Second Conflict, a Side Quest in Cyberpunk 2077. Read on to learn all the available choices in Second Conflict, how to get the best possible result, tips and strategies for the Quest, and all available rewards.

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Holdin' On Second Conflict A Like Supreme

Second Conflict Basic Information

Quest Type Side
Act Act 3
Quest No. 2
Lifepath All

How to Unlock Second Conflict

Finish Holdin' On.

Second Conflict Rewards

Quest Rewards EXP
Street Cred
Gold-Plated Baseball Bat

Second Conflict Walkthrough

Night City

Objective Icon.pngGo to the Totentaz.
Once you enter the marked building, go up the stairs and find the elevator. Use it to head to the Totentaz club.
Objective Icon.pngTalk to the Maelstromers by the door.
This path branches depending on how you resolved The Pickup in Act 1.


There are three following paths depending on how The Pickup ended: you fight Maelstrom and save Brick, you fight Maelstrom and don't save Brick, or you give Maelstrom an unbugged chip,.

This is the fastest route as it is the most peaceful one.

Objective Icon.pngFollow Patricia and talk to Nancy and Brick.
After sitting in on their conversation, Brick will let you leave the Totentaz peacefully.
Objective Icon.pngRide with Nancy to her studio.
She'll agree to the setup the gig afterwards.

This is the hardest route as combat is inevitable. In this scenario, Patricia leads the Maelstrom.

Objective Icon.pngFollow Patricia to the backroom then fight your way out of Totentaz.
Combat is the only way to get out of here.
Objective Icon.pngRide with Nancy to her studio.
She'll agree to the setup the gig afterwards.

Objective Icon.pngFollow Dumdum to and talk to Nancy and Royce.
If you leave peacefully, that's all you need to do.
Objective Icon.pngOptional:Get Nancy's data and escape Totentaz.
This will result in Nancy winning an award, which she'll text to you later on.
Objective Icon.pngRide with Nancy to her studio.
She'll agree to the setup the gig afterwards.

Denny's House

Objective Icon.pngHead to Denny's house.
It's a mansion near where Kerry's place is, then follow the tracks at the side of the house to the back.
Objective Icon.pngChoose between Denny or Henry to play with.
This has no actual effect, just decide on who you think you would like more.

All Completion Routes

Best Completion Route

Route Rating
Escaping Totentaz
Through the Front Door ★★★★★
Out the Bathroom Window ★★★★

Stealth Route Guides

If Royce and Dum Dum are still alive and you choose to sneak out with Nancy's data, you will have two ways of sneaking to the elevators with it.

Front Door

This is a bit quicker than taking the alternate route, but will require you to have at least 12 Body or high enough Technical to open the door. Once open, you will be in the corrider leading to the elevator. Take the rooms to the sides to avoid patrolling Malestromers.

Bathroom Window

Climbing out the bathroom window and onto a balcony outside will lead you to another window to another room. Wait for the Malestrom gangers to look away before knocking them out or sneaking past them. The next room will lead you to the elevator with some more Malestrom in the way.

Guns Blazing Route Guide

The entire place is filled with Malestrom gangers. Fighting will be unavoidable if you will be dealing with Patricia. There are ton of them so get ready for quite a fight.

Obtainable Items

This list contains only rare Items and those which have a high chance of appearing.

Item How to Get
Doom DoomDoom Doom Can be found as a drop of Dum Dum if he appears in this job..
Gold-Plated Baseball BatGold-Plated Baseball Bat Can be obtained in the pool of Denny's villa after his Denny and Henry argues.

Second Conflict Choices and Best Choice

No meaningful choices this mission.

Tips and Strategies

Iconic Weapons

Doom Doom

Grab this iconic revolver drops from Dum Dum if you're in the scenario where he lives.

Gold-Plated Baseball Bat

You can get the Gold-Plated baseball bat from Denny's villa by looking for it in the pool after her and Henry argue.

Cyberpunk 2077 Story Walkthrough

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All Side Quests

Phantom Liberty Side Quests

Phantom Liberty DLC Side Quests
Dazed and Confused Baby Let Me Take You No Easy Way Out
Shot by Both Sides Moving Heat Balls to the Wall
Go Your Own Way Hi Ho Silver Lining Money for Nothing
New Person, Same Old Mistakes Dirty Second Hands

Act 1 Side Quests

Act 1 Side Quests
Burning Desire Paid in Full
Psycho Killer
(Rec. Lvl 4)
The Gun
The Highwayman
Act 1 Side Quest Given by Wakako Act 1 Side Quest Given by T-Bug
The Gig The Gift
Act 1 Side Quest Given by Garry
The Prophet's Song
(Rec. Lvl 4)

Act 2 Side Quests

Act 2 Side Quests
Big in Japan Ezekiel Saw the Wheel Happy Together
Heroes Holdin' On Human Nature
Imagine Kold Mirage Love Rollercoaster
Poem of The Atoms Shoot to Thrill Space Oddity
Stadium Love Stairway to Heaven The Ballad of Buck Ravers
There Is a Light That Never Goes Out They Won't Go When I Go Tune Up
Venus in Furs War Pigs Full Disclosure
(Rec. Lvl 10)
Don't Lose Your Mind
(Rec. Lvl 15)
The Hunt
(Rec. Lvl 15)
Gun Music
(Rec. Lvl 25)
Only Pain
(Rec. Lvl 30)
Meetings Along The Edge Sweet Dreams
Stefan (Rec. Lvl 30)
A Day in The Life
Coin Operated Boy
Every Breath You Take
Blue Moon
Fool on The Hill
I'll Fly Away
Losing My Religion
Machine Gun
Raymond Chandler Evening
Sex on Wheels
Lizzy Wizzy
Fortunate Son
Bob (Rec. Lvl 10)
Killing In The Name
Nancy (Rec. Lvl 15)
Send In The Clowns
Ozob (Rec. Lvl 15)
Following The River
River (Rec. Lvl 17)
Zane (Rec. Lvl 30)
Small Man, Big Mouth
Kirk (Rec. Lvl 30)
Shape of a Pony
El Capitan
Act 2 Side Quests Given By Delamain
Epistrophy Epistrophy: Badlands Epistrophy: North Oak
Epistrophy: Northside Epistrophy: Rancho Coronado Epistrophy: The Glen
Epistrophy: Wellsprings
(Rec. Lvl 7)
Epistrophy: Coastview
(Rec. Lvl 8)
Act 2 Side Quests Given By Claire
The Beast in Me The Beast in Me: Badlands The Beast in Me: City Center
The Beast in Me: Santo Domingo The Beast in Me: The Big Race These Boots Are Made For Walkin'
Act 2 Side Quests Given By Coach Fred
Beat on the Brat: Kabuki
(Rec. Lvl 15)
Beat on the Brat: Arroyo
(Rec. Lvl 30)
Beat on the Brat: The Glen
(Rec. Lvl 30)
Beat on the Brat: Pacifica
(Rec. Lvl 40)
Beat on the Brat: Rancho Coronado
(Rec. Lvl 40)
Beat on the Brat
(Rec. Lvl 45)
Act 2 Side Quests Given By Kerry
A Like Supreme Boat Drinks I Don't Wanna Hear It
Off The Leash Rebel! Rebel!
Act 2 Side Quests Given By Judy
Both Sides, Now Pyramid Song Talkin' 'Bout A Revolution
(Rec. Lvl 10)
(Rec. Lvl 15)
Act 2 Side Quests Given By Panam
Queen Of The Highway Riders On The Storm
(Rec. Lvl 16)
With A Little Help From My Friends
(Rec. Lvl 18)
Act 2 Side Quests Given By Brendan
I Can See Clearly Now Spray Paint
Act 2 Side Quests Given By Rogue
Blistering Love
(Rec. Lvl 15)
Chippin' In
(Rec. Lvl 15)
Act 2 Side Quests Given By Jefferson
Dream On
(Rec. Lvl 20)
I Fought The Law
(Rec. Lvl 25)

All Quest Types

Quest Types
Main JobMain Quests Side JobSide Quests
GigGigs Suspected Organized Crime ActivityNCPD Hustles


3 Anonymousabout 4 years

So if you save Brick can you still get Doom Doom since dum dum is still alive.

2 Anonymousover 4 years

Not true can obtain with either choice


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