Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Judy Alvarez: Romance Guide and Side Quests

Cyberpunk 2077 - Judy Alvarez: Romance Guide and Side Quests

In Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, Judy Alvarez is a character that can only be romanced by a female V. Read on to learn how to romance Judy, what quests are needed to romance her, how to have a romantic hangout, and Judy's effect on the game's ending.

Judy Romance Guide

Can Judy Be Romanced?

Judy Can Be Romanced by Female Vs Only

Cyberpunk 2077 - Judy Alvarez

Judy is available as one of the Romance options, but only for Female V. If you're hoping to romance Judy, be sure to choose a female character at the start of the game, as this aspect cannot be changed at any time.

Story and Questline

Main Quests

Side Quests

If you want to romance Judy, you will need to finish a few Main Quests before you start the actual questline. There won't be any romantic options in these main quests yet, but there are a few choices that will get referenced down the line.

Note that some of the romantic options don't have to be chosen, but it's still better to make sure in choosing the correct ones since some choices will lead to a non-romantic relationship even if you are a female V!

The Information

You'll first meet Judy in this quest. Upon meeting Evelyn at Lizzie's bar, she'll introduce you to Judy, who she calls the most talented braindance editor of Night City.

The Information Quest Walkthrough

Automatic Love

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty - Talk to Judy

In this quest, you'll encounter Judy at Lizzie's Bar while you're looking for Evelyn. She'll give you the address to where Evelyn works.

Automatic Love Quest Walkthrough

The Space in Between

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty - Enter the Clinic

Continuing from the previous quest, you'll learn that Evelyn was sent to a Ripperdoc for a Joytoy called Fingers, and Judy comes along to interrogate him.
The Space In Between Quest Walkthrough


Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty - Disasterpiece

You and Judy continue the quest to find Evelyn together. You find a rare snuff braindance, and use it to find Evelyn's location. You rescue Evelyn and Judy extracts a BD from her for your next lead.

Disasterpiece Quest Walkthrough

Double Life

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Double Life size:440x248

Directly after Disasterpiece, you can talk to Judy to go into the braindance you extracted from Evelyn.

This is the last main quest you need to do before you can do Judy's side quests where you can romance her.

Both Sides, Now

After completing the Double Life main quest, wait for a while (at least 24 hours) to get a call from Judy. Say yes right away instead of turning her down. In this quest, you'll find out that the trauma of Evelyn's experience caused her to take her own life, starting Judy's quest for revenge.


Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Ex-Factor

Around 12 hours after the previous quest, you'll get a message from Judy. Send a reply, then wait 6 hours to get a call from her. This will be a pattern in future quests. If you're not triggering the call, go farther from Judy's position before you skip time, then try waiting again.

Make sure to agree to help her in taking down the Tyger Claws that run the dollhouse, as refusing will conclude your quests and chances for romance with Judy.

Talkin' 'Bout A Revolution

Cyberpunk 2077 - Judy in Talkin

Just like the previous quest, wait 6 hours to receive a message, reply, then wait 6 more hours to get a call from Judy. In this quest, you'll be joining a plan with Judy's friends to rid Clouds of its abusive management; choose 'You can count on me' to avoid getting locked out of future quests.

When Judy offers fees for helping her, decline by choosing 'Out of the question'. When your relic malfunctions, choose 'Forget about it. It's passed' to not worry her.

She'll then offer for you to stay the night; accept her offer to progress a little bit in your romance with her.


Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Pisces

Wait for the text, then wait for the call, just like the previous quests. The day of the revolution arrives, and during the quest you'll find out that Maiko, one of Judy's friends, betrays the team aiming to take the place as the Clouds' boss.

Choosing to accept Maiko's payment is the wrong choice if you want to romance Judy, as she'll be furious with you, locking you out the final quest. To get the favorable resolution, choose the following dialogue options:

  • "Let's do this."
  • "Do my best. Jack 'em out."
  • "Hold on, think you've gone too far."
  • "Let's cut to the quick." Then kill the Tyger Claw bosses.
  • "What?"
  • "You tried to cheat us all."

Then kill Maiko to be eligible for Judy's final quest.

Pyramid Song

After Pisces, wait at least one day to get a phone call from Judy. Agree to meet her at the dam past Rancho Coronado.

Choose to agree to go diving with her so you can go on a romantic dive together. After the dive, choose 'Why not' to spend the night with her. Later on, when given a choice in the bathroom, choose 'It is ours' to kiss her and share a very intimate moment with her.

The morning after your night together, she'll chat with you; make sure to choose 'the beginning of something amazing' to lock in your relationship with her. Remember that all the romantic moments in these quests are available only if you are a female V.

Judy Alvarez Romantic Hangout

Available After the Pyramid Song Quest

Romantic hangouts will be locked until you have completed a character's romance path. In Judy's case, you will need to complete the Pyramid Song quest before you can invite her to hangout.

Pyramid Song Quest Walkthrough and Rewards

Invite Judy by Responding to Her Message

Cyberpunk - Invite with the Phone

Pull up your phone and open your messages with Judy then respond with which apartment you want to hangout with her. Head to the apartment you agreed on to begin your romantic hangout.

Hangout with Judy in your apartment

Once in the apartment with Judy, take a seat beside her and you can start catching up with her. You can talk about her new braindances, updates with the Mox, and about your mission with President Myers (if you've completed the Phantom Liberty DLC).

Apart from talking with Judy, you can also cuddle, kiss, and dance with her in your apartment.

Romantic Hangouts Guide

Does Judy Affect the Ending?

Affects the Star and Sun Endings

The Star Ending

In the Star ending, if you romanced Judy as female V and call her during Nocturne OP55N1 then she will join you leaving Night City with Panam and the Aldecaldos. She will also still appear during the credits sending a message to V if you called her or not depending on your relationship when you finish the final quest.

The Sun Ending

Cyberpunk 2077 - Waking Up Next to Judy

In the Sun ending, romancing and calling Judy will have her appear during Path Of Glory before V leaves for space. She will also send a message to V during the credits.

All Game Endings and How to Unlock

Judy Profile and Background

Judy Alvarez Image Judy Alvarez
Full Name Judy Alvarez
Job Braindance Editor
District Watson
Gender Female
Affiliation Moxes
Voice Actor Carla Tassara

In-Game Description

One of braindance's most gifted editors and a skilled techie. If she wanted to, she could get hired at any corpo entertainment studio and make bank, but Judy values her independence too much to sell out - she rejects every offer that comes her way. Her anarchist spirit drew her to the Mox in the hope that they could improve the lives of people in Night City. Her biggest flaw is that she can't keep her mouth shut in the face of injustice - something that always gets her in trouble. For some, though, it's her greatest virtue.

Quest Appearances

1 The Information
2 Automatic Love
3 The Space In Between
4 Disasterpiece
5 Double Life
6 Both Sides, Now
7 Ex-Factor
8 Talkin' 'Bout A Revolution
9 Pisces
10 Pyramid Song

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Panam Palmer IconPanam Palmer River Ward IconRiver Ward Rogue IconRogue

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10 Anonymousabout 1 year

Theres an error in the article : If you kill Maiko at the end, judy is devastated and no quest follows anymore.

1 Anonymousabout 2 years

So youre telling me during that mission i have to call her with My phone right ?


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