Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

How to Get Skill Shards - Skill Shard Locations

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - How to Get Skill Shards

Skill Shards are a special type of progression item in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty that rewards you with Skill Progression XP when used. Read on to learn more about what Skill Shards are as well as how to get them after Update 2.0.

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What Are Skill Shards?

Items That Grant Skill Progression XP

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Skill XP Bonus

Skill Shards are a type of progression item that was modified by Update 2.0. When found and used, they grant the player Progression XP for their indicated Skill. The amount of XP will vary depending on the Skill Shard's Tier, with Tier 5 shards giving the most XP.

2.0 Perks and Skill Tree Guide

Types of Skill Shards

As of Update 2.0, there are now only 5 types of Skill Shards. Instead of a fixed rarity, Skill Shards will now be classified in Tiers, with Tier 5 being the highest.

  • Skill Shard: Headhunter - Gives XP for the Headhunter skill, granting V bonuses to Weakpoint Damage and buffs to Stealth.
  • Skill Shard: Netrunner - Gives XP for the Netrunner skill, granting V bonuses to RAM, Quickhacks, and Smart Weapons.
  • Skill Shard: Shinobi - Gives XP for the Shinobi skill, granting V bonuses to Dashes, Fast Attacks, and Sandevistan usage.
  • Skill Shard: Solo - Gives XP for the Solo skill, granting V bonuses to Carrying Capacity and Berserk usage.
  • Skill Shard: Engineer - Gives XP for the Engineer skill, granting V bonuses to Armor, Cyberware Capacity, and Utility damage.

Duplicating Skill Shards Glitch Patched in 1.22

The item duplicating glitch was removed by Patch 1.22. It is no longer possible to duplicate Skill Shards and get multiple XP boosts for the related skill.

How to Get Skill Shards

Defeat and Loot Enemies

As of Update 2.0, Skill Shards are now part of the loot drop table when killing enemies. The Tier at which you loot them will depend on your current character's level. Enemy-rich areas like Dogtown in Phantom Liberty are prime locations for farming Skill Shards.

Can be Purchased from the Junk Shop in Dogtown

Owners of the Phantom Liberty DLC will be able to purchase a set of Skill Shards from the Junk Shop vendor once they reach the EBM Petrochem Stadium inside Dogtown. This set includes all 5 Skills in the game.

Do note that this is a one-time purchase since the merchant's inventory will no longer refresh after you purchase all of the Skill Shards.

Dogtown Map Guide and Locations

Looted from Fixed Locations

Some Skill Shards can be found in fixed locations throughout Night City. However, in exchange for the guaranteed drop, these shards will be much more tedious to collect seeing as they require you to either complete an open world activity (like NCPD Scanner Hustles) or explore hard-to-reach areas of the map.

Location Details

Rancho Coronado, Santo Domingo
Head to the Tama Viewpoint and near it is an Assault in Progress. The Skill Shard will be in one of the boxes in the area.

Corpo Plaza, City Center
Go to the Ring Road fast travel point and head south to a Assault in Progress marker. Defeat the enemies there and locate the exclamation point marker to find this Skill Shard.

Kabuki, Watson
Go to Charter St. fast travel point and head to the pinned location in the map. Note that this location is under the bridge but not on the drainage area below it. In the pinned location, you will see a small ramp to the side which you can ascend. Head to the end of it to find a body and this Skill Shard.

The Badlands
Head to the Big Rock fast travel point and go to the Assault in Progress south (not the Reported Crime one). Defeat the enemies there and search the area to locate this Skill Shard.

Rancho Coronado, Santo Domingo
Go to the Arasaka Industrial fast travel point and head to the Assault in Progress northeast of it. Defeat the enemies and locate the box marked with the exclamation point to find the Skill Shard.

The Badlands
Go to the Desert Film Set fast travel point or the Rocky Ridge in case you haven't unlocked it yet. Check the map and look at where the road ends to the norhteast. You will notice a small red dot to the north. Head to that point and search the area for this Skill Shard.

The Badlands
Head to the Edgewood Farm fast travel point and look at your map. At the east of it at a parallel road is an Assault in Progress. Head over there and defeat the Militech soldiers. Check the exclamation point marker to find this Skill Shard.

Arroyo, Santo Domingo
Head to the MLK & Brandon fast travel point and head southeast to a four-way intersection. If you haven't bought the Mackinaw MTL1, the intersection is near it. From there, head to the location indicated in the map. In this area, there will a scaffolding that you can access to its right. Climb the fences and jump all the way to the top to get the Skill Shard.

The Badlands
Go to the Badlands and do the Cyberpsycho Sighting: House on a Hill gig. On the body of the cyberpsycho and on one of his victims, you can find a Skill Shard.

The Badlands
Go to the Las Palapas Motel fast travel point. Not far to the southeast is an unmarked area. Enter it - just be careful as it is laced with numerous mines and a turret. Enter the building from the side, disabling cameras, mines, and the turret if needed. Look for some shutters which you can open. Just beyond those shutters is a body with this Skill Shard.

The Glen, Heywood
Go to Palms View Way fast travel point and head north. Almost immediately behind the fast travel point is a fenced area. Keep going north until you encounter some stairs on your left. Climb it to the top to see a dead body with this Skill Shard.

Japantown, Westbrook
Head to the Fourth Wall Studios fast travel point and head southwest into a bridge. Once you see the bridge, check the area beneath it and head into it. Go deeper into this area until you see the dumping area for trash. Head to the bottom carefully until you get to the body at the bottom. Check the body to find this shard.

Northside, Watson
Head to the Megabuilding H10 fast travel point. Then, go to the Assault in Progress to the north and defeat the enemies there. Climb to the top of the area to find a body with this shard.

Northside, Watson
Head to Pershing St. and go west towards the end of the street then turn left once more. Hug the wall to your left until you reach some spherical structures and some stairs. Climb the stairs and climb the right most spherical structure to find a body on top and this Skill Shard.

The Badlands
Head to the Old Turbines fast travel point and look at your map. At little to the west is an intersection of four roads. Near the road is a small house with a bunker. Check it to find three bodies. One of them has a legendary clothing and this Skill Shard.

The Badlands
Go to the Edgewood Farm fast travel point and head west along the road. At the fork, continue south a little and look at your map. You will see the indicated location in the image. Check the structure in that area to found this Skill Shard.

The Badlands
Head to the Wraith Camp fast travel point and head northwest along the road. Go to the Assault in Progress marker that you come along first. Defeat the enemies there and locate the box marked with an exclamation point. The Skill Shard will be there.

Little China, Watson
Southeast of the Afterlife fast travel point is an isolated plant. Enter it and climb to the top most section of the plant to find a box with a Skill Shard.

The Badlands
Head to the Las Palapas Motel fast travel point then go to to indicated point in the image. There, you will find an upturned car. Check the lone person beside it to find the Shard.

Charter Hill, Westbrook
Head to the San Amaro St. after finishing the Playing for Time, Ghost Town, Lightning Breaks, and I Fought The Law quests. Head to the location indicated above to find burning vehicles. Search the bodies nearby to find this Skill Shard.

The Glen, Heywood
Head to the Embers fast travel point and head east to do the gig, Going Up or Down?. In this gig, you will encounter a high level enemy. Upon defeating him, search the area to find a box with this Skill Shard. Then, complete the objective to find a second Crafting Skill Shard.

Downtown, City Center
Head to the pinned location above. If you haven't done the quest here, this is the building where the gig, Guinea Pigs, is done. In the room of the target Joanne Koch, search the area and you will find this type of Skill Shard.

The Glen, Heywood
Head to the Metro: Glen South fast travel point and head east to begin the gig, Life's Work. Inside the area where you upload the software, there will be a box with this type of Skill Shard.

The Badlands
Head to the Big Rock fast travel point and head south to find a Reported Crime. Read the shard there and then check your map. You'll notice a new Reported Crime will pop up east of the Big Rock fast travel point. Head there, defeat the enemies and inside the box marked with an exclamation point is this shard.

The Badlands
Head to the Fuel Station fast travel point and head east to a Assault in Progress. Defeat all the enemies there and check the body with an exclamation point to get a Skill Shard of this type.

The Badlands
Go to the Autowerks fast travel point and check your map. Southeast of it is a melee weapon shop. Use that as a marker to head a bit further southeast to find an opening of a mine. Nearby that area is a box amongst dead bodies. Inside is a Skill Shard of this variant.

North Oak, Westbrook
Head to the North Oak Sign fast travel point and head past the gate until you come directly behind the huge North Oak sign. Climb up the scaffolding to the left using a double jump or a charged jump. Head to the 'O' of the sign to see a small drone. Jump to it and inspect it to find this Shard.

Northside, Watson
Head to the designated area above and you will need your car to ram into a dilapidated gate that cannot be opened normally. Inside this container filled area, climb the containers to the topmost part where you will see a body with this skill shard.

The Badlands
Head to the Regional Airport fast travel point and head to the point in indicated in the map. The Skill Shard will be on a man in an abadoned van in the desert.

The Badlands
Head to the I-9 East fast travel point and head to the Assault in Progress marker in the far northeast. Defeat all the enemies there and search the area to find two Skill Shards of this variant.

The Badlands
Head to the Medeski Fuel Station and right across is an actual fuel station which happens to the be the location of an Assault in Progress. Defeat all the enemies and find a box inside the fuel station store to find this Skill Shard.

Arroyo, Santo Domingo
Go to Arroyo, Santo Domingo and do the Cyberpsycho Sighting: Under the Bridge gig. One of the bodies around the area has this Skill Shard.

The Badlands
Head to the Big Rock fast travel point in the Badlands and head to the intersection north of it. Go northwest to the position indicated in the map. Stealthily go to one of the bodies behind the Militech soldiers to get this Shard.

The Badlands
Head to the Big Rock fast travel point in the Badlands and head to the intersection north of it. Go northeast to the nearest Assault in Progress. Defeat the enemies there and locate a box beside a laptop to find this Skill Shard.

The Badlands
Go to the indicated position in the map via going to the Edgewood Farm fast travel point. From there, look to your left to find a rock formation. Head there to find drones to defeat. Carefully search the area as there are land mines. On one of the bodies near a bunker entrance, there will be this Skill Shard. Inside the bunker itself is another box with another Skill Shard.

The Badlands
Head to the Solar Power Station fast travel point and head to the white marker indicated in the image. Then, head to the indicated part of the map marked by the arrow to find a drone and a body. On the body is the Skill Shard.

The Badlands
Head to the Las Palapas Motel fast travel point and head to the indicated area in the image. Battle the drone there and examine the body behind the van to find this Skill Shard.

The Glen, Heywood
Head El Coyote Cojo fast travel point and go to the nearest Assault in Progress a little northeast. Battle the enemies there and find the exclamation point marker to find this Skill Shard.

The Badlands
Go to the Abandoned Fuel Station fast travel point and head west. Just as you reach the main road wherein you will see the very same border Nomad V and Jackie crossed in hte Prologue, face right. Check your map and you will see a small red area. Check the house there and force open the bunker door below. Check the boxes to find this Skill Shard.

Coastview, Pacifica
Head to the Grand Imperial Mall fast travel point and head to the docks just beside an unfinished roller coaster ride. Jump into the water as soon as you reach the end and dive to find a car. Check the bag at the back of it to get this Skill Shard.

The Badlands
Head to the Fuel Station fast travel point and head southwest. When possible, turn right into the protein farms and as soon as you hit your first clearing with abandoned homes, explore the area. You will find a body on a pile of rocks. Search the body to find this shard.

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11 Anonymousover 1 year

These are now outdated with the new 2.0 update. Many of the locations no longer have skill shards.

2 Anonymousover 3 years

Skill Shard: Breach Charter Hill (go down the ladder near the dead body)


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