Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Phantom Liberty Endings Guide - How to Get All DLC Endings

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty has 4 different endings for the main quest that decide the fate of Songbird and Reed. Read on to learn more about how to get each of the 4 endings to Phantom Liberty, where the DLC's point of no return is, and how to get the alternate ending for the base game!

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How to Get All Phantom Liberty Endings

Phantom Liberty Endings Breakdown
Help Songbird
(The Killing Moon)
Help Reed
(Somewhat Damaged)
Save Songbird: Unlocks King of Wands ending.
Give Songbird to Reed: Unlocks King of Swords ending.
Kill Songbird: Unlocks the King of Cups ending.
Keep Songbird Alive: Unlocks the King of Pentacles ending.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty will have 4 different endings available, 2 of which unlock the new ending called Tower for the base game. You first major decision and point of no return will occur during the main story mission called Firestarter.

The second major decision will either be in the Killing Moon or Somewhat Damaged missions, depending on who you chose to help during Firestarter.

Firestarter - Help Songbird or Help Reed?

Cyberpunk - Firestarter choice event - Songbird or Reed

Your first major decision for the ending of Phantom Liberty will be made during the Firestarter main quest. Choosing to help either Songbird or Reed will determine the final missions you get to play during the DLC.

Firestarter Choice 1 - Help Songbird Escape

If you choose this path, you will unlock the main quest called The Killing Moon, locking you to either the King of Wands or King of Swords endings.

Choosing to help Songbird during Firestarter will have the following outcomes and consequences:

  • Alex kills Kurt Hansen (no Hansen boss fight but you can still get his iconic weapons from his body).
  • Songbird helps you escape the stadium.
  • Unlocks The Killing Moon quest.
  • Locks you out of Solomon Reed's questline.

Firestarter Choice 2 - Help Reed capture Songbird

If you chose this path, you will unlock a series of quests that ultimately culminate in the Somewhat Damaged main quest. This locks you to either the King of Pentacles or the King of Cups endings.

Choosing to help Reed capture Songbird during Firestarter will have the following outcomes and consquences:

  • Songbird goes full cyberpsycho after realizing you betrayed her.
  • Kurt kills Alex during the commotion.
  • Requires you to kill Hansen in a boss fight to escape the stadium.
  • Unlocks the main quest Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos all the way to Somewhat Damaged.
  • Locks you out of Songbird's questline.

Note: If you want to experience the Alien Isolation inspired horror sequence in the Cynosure facility, make sure to choose to help Reed during Firestarter.

The Killing Moon - Help Songbird or Call Reed?

Cyberpunk 2077 -  Get on the Train

Potential Endings for the Killing Moon
King of Wands
(Help Songbird)
King of Swords
(Call Reed)

At the end of the train ride during The Killing Moon, you will be given a choice to either Pick Up Songbird or Call Reed. What you pick will decide the ending you get for the Phantom Liberty DLC.

If you pick up Songbird and kill Reed after he confronts you, you will get the King of Wands ending. If you call Reed and surrender Songbird to him, you will get the King of Swords ending.

Dialogue Option Result
Pick Up Songbird | Time to go, So Mi. Allows you to take Songbird to the rocket and confront Reed on the platform.
Pick Up Songbird | Wake the hell up. Allows you to take Songbird to the rocket and confront Reed on the platform.
Call Reed | Reed'll take care of you. Allows you to surrender Songbird to Reed and unlock the quest, Through Pain to Heaven. Leads to the King of Swords ending.

The Killing Moon Walkthrough

How to Confront Reed in The Killing Moon

Cyberpunk 2077 -  Talk to Reed

Confronting Reed on the platform before the rocket will be the point of no return for Songbird's route. Here, you will make your final decision regarding the endings you get for both Phantom Liberty and the base game.

Dialogue Option Result
Reed, dammit! Triggers the slow-mo sequence that has you kill Reed. Rewards the iconic tech pistol, Pariah, and unlocks the King of Wands ending.
Holster Weapon | All yours, but you'll help me live on. Reed takes Songbird back to the FIA (King of Swords ending). This also unlocks the new ending called The Tower for the base game.
Holster Weapon | Take her. Don't want nothin' in return. Reed takes Songbird back to the FIA (King of Swords ending). However, since you asked for no reward, you do not get the new Tower ending.
Draw Weapon | Sorry, man. Triggers the slow-mo sequence that has you kill Reed. Rewards the iconic tech pistol, Pariah, and unlocks the King of Wands ending.

Somewhat Damaged - Kill or Spare Songbird?

Potential Endings for Somewhat Damaged
King of Cups
(Kill Songbird)
King of Pentacles
(Spare Songbird)

If you chose to help Reed capture Songbird during Firestarter, you will get a series of missions that ultimately leads to Somewhat Damaged - the final DLC mission for Reed's route before the Leave In Silence epilogue.

During Somewhat Damaged, you will need to pursue Songbird through the Cynosure facility. Once you get to her at the core, you will be given two choices: killing her unlocks the King of Cups ending while sparing her unlocks the King of Pentacles ending.

Dialogue Option Result
Kill So Mi | Fine. You fulfill So Mi's request by killing her before the FIA can take her. This unlocks the King of Cups ending.
Spare So Mi | Won't do it. You spare Songbird, allowing you and Reed to surrender her to the FIA. This unlocks the King of Pentacles ending and also unlocks the new ending called The Tower for the base game.
Spare So Mi | So Mi, need the FIA's help. So I need you alive. You spare Songbird, allowing you and Reed to surrender her to the FIA. This unlocks the King of Pentacles ending and also unlocks the new ending called The Tower for the base game.

Somewhat Damaged Walkthrough

What is the New Ending for Cyberpunk 2077?

The Tower is the New Ending for the Base Game

For those who don't know, one of Phantom Liberty's biggest features is the addition of a new ending for the base game of Cyberpunk 2077 called The Tower.

Once this ending option is unlocked, players will be able to opt out of the Arasaka tower assault and instead look to the NUSA for a cure to V's relic problem.

The Tower Ending Explained

How to Get the New Ending (Tower) for Cyberpunk 2077

Give Songbird to Reed in the Killing Moon

If you chose to help Songbird during Firestarter, you will need to surrender her to Reed during the Killing Moon to unlock the new base game ending called The Tower. Naturally, this route also locks you into the King of Swords DLC ending.

To unlock the Tower ending during the Killing Moon, make sure to choose the option to Call Reed once the train ride ends, or surrender Songbird to Reed by holstering your weapon and saying All yours, but you'll help me live on.

Keep Songbird Alive During Somewhat Damaged

If you chose to help Reed during Firestarter, you will need to spare Songbird during Somewhat Damaged in order to unlock the new base game ending called The Tower. Naturally, this route also locks you into the King of Pentacles DLC ending.

During the epilogue quest, Leave In Silence, make sure to choose the dialogue option What now? What about the help I was promised in order to unlock the Tower ending.

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